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Talon & Claree: Rebel Guardians Next Generation

Page 3

by Liberty Parker

  “Mmhm,” she murmurs, her eyes never leaving where we’re about to be joined. My eyes travel that way as well and the anticipation is killing me. I can’t wait to see what we look like when we’re joined one.

  I slowly enter her and realize that unless I slow my roll, this is gonna be over before I make my way fully inside. I take a few deep breaths, close my eyes and slowly, lovingly enter her. I stop when I feel a barrier in my way, knowing that I’m at the part that will hurt her, I open my eyes and look into hers.

  “I trust you, Talon. We know the first time will be painful.”

  “Don’t wanna hurt you, baby,” I mutter.

  “Just do it, already.” She clenches her eyes, and I do as asked.

  I take another deep breath and thrust forward, capturing her lips in mine as she cries out. Now fully embedded, I wait, giving her a chance to get used to me.

  I hope she wants me to move soon. The feelings I’ve got being wrapped up in her have me wanting to thrust and pound until we’re both screaming one another’s names. I know I need to be patient, at least this first time, but it’s really hard when my body is screaming at me to do its bidding.

  Her hips start to move, the actions kind of jerky and uncoordinated, and I take my cue. Slowly moving back, I pull out until just the head is in her before thrusting back in. As natural, bodily instincts take over, I drop kisses wherever I can reach, knowing, and feeling, that it feels just as good to her as it does to me, especially if I’m going by her moans.

  “Need more, Talon. Need something,” she pants out.

  Reaching between us, I find her clit and begin circling it as I continue thrusting in and out of her. Something else my mom’s books have helped out with.

  “Oh my God, Talon, not sure what you’re hitting inside, but it feels fucking phenomenal!”

  “You feel fucking phenomenal, baby,” I reply. “I love being buried inside of you.”

  “Love you being inside of me,” she breathlessly responds. I pick up the pace when I feel my nuts begin to draw up. She moans and has her hips lifting to meet my downward thrusts. It doesn't take long before we’re both screaming out each other’s names when we reach our mutual climaxes.

  This is the best night of my life.

  “Baby, c’mon, we need to get up and get dressed and get you home.” We’ve spent the past few hours making love and I know that the parents will figure out what we’ve been doing. There’s no way to repair her hair at this point and I hope like hell she has a ponytail in the bag.

  “Talon?” she asks.

  “Yeah, baby?” I respond.

  “Thank you for tonight. Best night of my life,” she says to me.

  “Mine too. You’re mine, now and forever,” I inform her.



  “Do you think they’re having fun?” I ask Trinity. We ordered takeout and are hanging out at their house until the kids come home. The guys are drinking, and we’ve started playing cards...the game of choice was Texas Hold ‘em.

  “Not too much fun, I hope,” Chief grumbles. I give him an ugly look, because the kids have been enraptured with one another since they were young preteens. Now, Talon is at the cusp of manhood at nineteen, and Claree is currently seventeen and is really close to being eighteen. I’ve sat back and watched this shit unfold, and dammit, I want them to have their happily ever after!

  “Oh, I’d like to believe they are,” Trinity replies. She’s got a little grin on her face, and I know that somehow, she’s pulled something off for the two of them. I mentally fist pump her and grin back.

  “What did you do, woman?” Chief asks. I notice that Hatch has a look on his face that I can’t decipher, and then it dawns on me. He’s been supportive of them, but now that reality is slapping him in the face, that his pseudo-niece is becoming a woman, he’s backtracking into Chief’s mindset.

  Fucking Neanderthals!

  “Nothing for you to worry yourself about, Turk Dennison!” Good, she’s giving him shit.

  “They’ve got three hours before curfew,” Chief states, looking at his watch. “A lot can happen in three hours.”

  Fuck, he needs more beer or something. Getting up, I go to their kitchen and grab the whiskey and some fresh beers.

  “Here, Chief. Get happy, will ya? Let the overbearing, controlling part of you go and have some fun. Remember what it was like when we were their ages.”

  “That is the only thing I’m thinking about here, woman!”

  “I don’t even want to know what kind of manwhore you were, Turk. Let it go before it brings out the jealous side of me,” Trinity states. I laugh because she actually growled that last part out...good for her, I didn’t know she had it in her.

  “Listen,” I begin, “either we can support them and know that they’re being safe or worry about them going behind our backs and not having the safeguards in place.”

  “I’d like to choose not to think about it,” he responds.

  “Me neither,” Hatch adds. Fuck my life. These men and their overprotective, overbearing ways. I mean, it’s a little concerning that neither of them has looked at another person, but then again, when you find that one person you’re meant to be with, what else can you do? We either support them or lose them and that’s not anything I’m willing to take a chance with. Talon is my son, whether I gave birth to him or not, he’s mine.


  I’m nervous about going home, will my dad be able to tell what Talon and I did? I put on the clothes that were packed for me and found a hair tie in my clutch, so I pulled my hair back in a pony tail since I took it down earlier. That right there is probably a dead giveaway, but whatever.

  “It’s gonna be okay, baby. As soon as I’m patched in, I’m making you my old lady and putting a ring on your finger,” Talon says, pulling me close.

  “I don’t need to get married, Talon. Being your old lady is enough.” I know what that means, growing up in the Rebel Guardians, and I’m perfectly fine with that.

  “It isn’t enough for me though. I want the whole picture with you,” he tells me.

  “We can talk about it later, okay? Do you think they’ll know?” I know she has issues with marriage because of her parents, and especially her step-dad, but I’m not him and eventually I’ll get her on the same train of thinking that I am.

  “Probably. I mean, we’ve changed clothes and your hair is definitely different from the pictures,” I state. I think she looks gorgeous. “C’mon, we have time to swing through for a milkshake.”

  “What are we waiting for?” she questions, shooting me a grin. “That’ll definitely put tonight in the never-ever forgettable pile.”

  “I would hope you wouldn’t forget the night we made love for the first time,” he whispers.

  “Never, Talon. It couldn’t have been more perfect.” I lost count of the times we made love, because once just wasn't enough, and yeah, I’m sore as hell, but I wouldn’t trade that feeling for the world. He belongs to me and I belong to him. We go through the drive thru and order each of us a shake and head back to my house. I groan out when I see all the parents are still here and waiting up for us. Deciding I need to give my mom a heads up I send her a quick text message.

  Me: We’re here Mom and I’m not in my dress, can you please make dad leave the room until Talon leaves with his parents?

  Mom: Now you know that isn’t going to happen, don’t worry, DJ and I both are here, and we have your back.

  Damnit! I really don’t want my dad to ruin this night for us.

  “Ready to face the firing squad?” I ask him as he shuts the car off.

  “Baby, it’s gonna be fine.”

  “Yeah, nothing like your parents knowing you had sex to kill the good vibe,” I mutter. He laughs at me and I contemplate throwing my shake and realize that I need this chocolate goodness to make it through the next few uncomfortable minutes.

  “Nothing can ruin this night for us, not even your dad,” he responds. He
’s right, if I don’t let him, it can’t happen. I’m in control of my moods and feelings and right now I’m riding a high that I’d prefer to keep.

  “What’s all this?” Dad says as soon as I enter the room. His finger is going from the top of my head to the souls of my feet.

  “Clothes,” I reply, shrugging my shoulders.

  “I see it’s clothes,” he growls out, “but that is not what you left the house wearing!” he shouts.

  “I changed after prom before we hung out,” I tell him.

  “Where did you get the clothes?” he asks me, but I know it’s more of a demand than an actual question.

  “Oh, shush it, Turk,” Mom says coming to my rescue. “I gave the clothes to Talon so that she could change and be more comfortable. You have no idea how constricting those dresses and shoes can be. A woman can only tolerate them for so long, get over it and stop worrying about what she’s wearing and ask your daughter if she had a good night!” Mom’s voice comes out frustrated.

  “Woman, don’t get lippy with me.” Oh great, now the parents are gonna fight.

  “Stop!” I call out, “this is about me, not you!” I stomp my foot, I know it’s childish, but he is honestly getting on my nerves. Mom is right, this was my night, not his! “Dad, you have to let me grow up at some point, I’ll be eighteen in a few weeks. You can’t protect me from everything, plus, I don’t wanna be protected from Talon.”

  I watch his eyebrows raise almost to his scalp line and mentally gulp. He’s never been too hard on me, but right now, I think I’m about to get the hammer thrown at my head. Metaphorically speaking, that is! “Claree Dennison, watch your tone,” he warns. He’s never used that ‘dad’ voice on me before and it isn’t really something I like being on the opposing side of.

  “Sorry, Dad, but good grief, you act like we went out and robbed a bank or something! We went to prom. Lots of kids change afterwards before they go hang out. I did nothing wrong.” Well...not in my mind, anyhow.

  “Didn’t say you did anything of the sort, but I know all about proms.” My mom slaps him upside the head and he glares at her.

  “Watch it, Turk!” she hisses between her teeth.

  “So, did you take any pictures?” DJ asks. I pull out my phone and start showing her and Mom all the pictures that we took and then Talon pulls out the photo booth pictures. I start laughing at the funny faces that we made.

  “I call dibs!” DJ tells Mom.

  “The hell you do, let’s get copies made so we can each have some, plus, the kids would like to have some for memories sake, we can’t take them all away from them.” Go Mom!

  “How soon before the official prom ones arrive?” Mom asks.

  “They said about two weeks,” Talon replies. “They’ll bring them to the school and announce it.”

  “Did y’all have enough money?” Hatch asks Talon, as he pulls out his wallet.

  “Dad, put your money away, I’ve got this,” Talon replies. Hatch smiles at his son. I can see the pride shining brightly in his eyes.

  He works forty plus hours a week at the trucking company right now, but with him being a prospect, he’ll eventually move around to all the businesses, so he can step in if needed. Except the salon. I don’t think Cassarah or Hannah would want him touching their clients. Lulu either, for that matter! I giggle and they all look at me. “Sorry, was just thinking about Cassarah allowing Talon to work at the salon since he’s rotating between all the businesses.”

  “Yeah, that’s not happening,” he says. “Think the construction company is next.”

  Now I wanna swoon. He’ll be getting a serious tan and adding to the muscles he already has. Be still my beating heart, I may never want to leave his arms! I lose my train of thought while mentally picturing our night and the fact that I can’t wait for another one like tonight when I hear a throat clear.

  “Huh?” I turn my attention towards my mother who has a knowing smile spread across her face.

  “Know that look, it’s the one I wear every time I think about your dad,” she dreamily states.

  “Eww...Mom, that’s gross!” I exclaim. What teenager wants to think about their parents doing it? I glance at Dad and see him wiggling his eyebrows up and down at Mom. I need brain bleach now. Maybe a visit to the psych ward so they can medicate those visions out of my head.

  “Do I wanna know?” Dad asks. Even now he’s looking at Mom with smoldering eyes, making me want to close mine so I don’t have to see this display of affection...I mean, it’s still gross, right?

  “NO!” DJ, Mom and I shout out at the same time.

  Dad walks by Talon and shoulder checks him and I catch him muttering something. Talon’s shoulders straighten, and I know whatever Dad has said has ticked him off. “That would never happen, sir,” Talon says in response.

  “See that it doesn’t. Or that patch you want will be a pipe dream.” God, my father is being an ass right now!

  I watch as Hatchet’s shoulders tense. “Are you threatening my son and his future with the club? That’s fucking bullshit, Chief, and you know it, don’t start this shit, or I’ll be the one to end it.” Oh hell, shit just got real!

  “Do I need to call Braxton?” DJ asks, pulling out her phone. “Cause let me tell ya, that statement just pissed me off, and I think Braxton would agree that you, Chief, have no place to say who does and who doesn’t get a patch in the club...if my understanding is correct, it’s a club vote!” Dammit, DJ is pissed now. I need to go make sure the pliers are hidden from her view. Her weapon of choice when she’s pissed and ready to dole out some punishments.

  “NO!” Hatch and Dad holler.

  Oh, for fuck’s sake, these grown-ass men acting like babies. My head slumps and I feel Talon move alongside me and pull me into his arms. “She’s gonna be my old lady whenever it happens. And someday, my wife,” Talon states, looking at all four adults. “I get that you’re having a hard time about the fact that your little girl is growing up and isn’t so little any longer, but you need to get over it. This,” he waves his hand between us, “is happening so get used to it, get over it, and deal with it.”

  Damn, he’s got a bit of alpha in him too. This sends a shiver through my body that I know he felt because his arms tighten around me. “I’ve loved Claree for a long-assed time. I waited until she was older and allowed to date per your request, but how I feel about her hasn’t changed in all that time. So, give it a rest, will you? I feel like I’m constantly beating my head against a brick wall and honestly, y’all have been friends for so damn long, you should be thrilled that your kids want to be a couple. You already know you like one another, for fuck’s sake. C’mon, Claree, we’re leaving tonight, and however long it takes until the adults in our life start acting like adults!” He grabs my hand and all but pulls me out of the front door. I’m actually surprised to notice that not one of them has followed us out.

  “Have you lost your mind?” I squeal out at him, once we’re settled in the car and are on the road. He smiles over at me and stops, pulls out his phone and makes a call. I’m shocked when I hear his side and he’s talking to Braxton and tells him about the situation.

  “Appreciate it, see you soon,” Talon says, hanging up the phone.

  “What’s going on?” I question him.

  “Axe is giving us an apartment and says he’ll deal with the parents, he’s pissed, but not at us,” he says when he sees the shock, and fear on my face, when he says the president is ‘pissed’, because I don’t want his anger directed at either one of us. Braxton is scary when he gets all growly and uses his president voice.

  “Talon, we don’t have anything to sleep on,” I reply. I’m kind of shocked. I mean, our moms are in our corner, and Hatch is too, but I never expected my dad to act like he is right now.

  “That’s why we’re stopping at the twenty-four-hour store right now. Gonna get us an air mattress and a few things, since all we have is formal wear.” At his words, I start to giggle. The enormity
of the situation soon has me laughing hysterically.

  I stop him from pulling out when I receive an incoming text. I moan, scared of who it’s from and what they’ll say.

  Mom: Tell me where you end up and I’ll bring you your things. I don’t agree with you moving out, you’re still too young, and I’d like to talk about it with you before you make any final decisions. I know you’re barely shy of being eighteen, but you aren’t ready yet, trust me on this, sweetie. But whatever happens, I have your back and I love you. So does your dad, but he has a problem with letting go. Everything will work out, I promise.

  Me: Braxton is giving us an apartment. Be prepared, he’s pissed, and plans on visiting Dad and Hatch.

  I watch Talon pull out his phone as well. I share my text with him and he shares his from DJ, which basically states the same as my mom. I know we’ll be getting a speech from them, and have to speak with them tomorrow, but Talon is right, they don’t have a right, especially Dad, to control our relationship.

  Once at the store, we quickly grab some things along with the air mattress, then head over to the townhouse complex, where Braxton and Cara are waiting. “Not much in the way of furniture,” Braxton says as we get out of the car. “But we’ve got plenty up in the attic and we’ll help get you hooked up.”

  I look up at this man who has been such a presence in my life and realize that he’s in our corner. “Thank you,” I whisper as I throw my arms around him.

  He leans down and kisses my head before saying, “Y’all may be young, but all of us could see this coming a long time ago. I don’t necessarily want you two thinking I agree with you moving out, without discussing things and making plans with your parents, but I understand why this has happened. If it was Lily, I’d throw a fit a mile long. But this situation is different, you two have shown and shared your intentions for coming on five years now. And your dad,” he says pointing at me, “is in the wrong, and wrong is wrong, and I won’t stand by while he causes dissension in the club. Your dad will get over it. Eventually.”


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