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Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight

Page 11

by Mairsile Leabhair

  The three friends developed a system, where they worked as a team. When one had a strength in a skill, that person would teach the other two their secret. That built up their confidence, especially Vicky’s, who, no matter how hard she tried at some things, she would never be as good as Aidan or Jerry were. But that didn’t discourage her. She wasn’t trying to compete. She only needed to know enough to protect her friends in Syria.

  As the week progressed, the Drill Sergeant made sure he got in the face of each trainee, at least once. Vicky got to experience his tirades several times over. But none-the-less, by the end of the week, her self-confidence had grown, as well as her determination. She was starting to believe that she could be a real asset to Aidan, on the mission.

  Until week two began. The start of week two found the trainees carrying a ten pound backpack. They still had to run each morning, but before chow in the evening, they had to walk a mile carrying the backpack. For the team, the weight of the backpacks progressed until, by week six, they would be carrying the weight of their heaviest team member. And though that was bad enough, the problem was that all three of them were gaining muscle weight. Jerry was the heaviest at two hundred and twelve pounds. By week six, if he continued to be the heaviest of the three, Aidan and Vicky, would have to carry, or drag him on their backs, for one hundred yards, without dropping him. Jerry would have to carry the heaviest girl, and a weight belt that balanced the difference, without dragging or dropping her. Vicky all but panic when she heard that. As petite as she was, she knew she could never carry Jerry five feet, let alone one hundred yards.

  Also with week two, came a new exercise where they were not only shooting at a target, they were taking aim on cutouts of people, as well. Each of them had to walk through a cardboard street, where at any minute, a cardboard cutout would pop up out of nowhere, and they had mere seconds to decide if they were friend or foe. Aidan whispered to Vicky, that it looked like a poor man’s Hogan’s Alley.

  Aidan had a keen eye for being able to pull in every detail, and determining if the cutout carried a hidden weapon or not. She even impressed the unimpressive Drill Sergeant, with her one hundred percent achievement. When he asked her how she came to be so good at this game, she explained that it was in fact, a game that made her good at it. There was a particular arcade game that had the first person shooter, testing themselves against the computer. Over the years, while she was in the Army, Aidan learned to defeat the computer as much out of frustration, as skill.

  But Vicky was not that impressible. Two days into hitting nothing but air, the Drill Sergeant pulled her to the side. This time, instead of bellowing at her, he softened his approach. “I think maybe your problem is the weapon. Try using your pistol. You’ll have more control with a quicker reaction. Now, this is the last walk through for today, so take your time and keep your eyes on the prize.”

  “Thank you, Drill Sergeant.”

  She went back into position, and holding her pistol as she was taught, walked the street, hitting the cutout much closer to the target than before. But when she fired on a cutout of a mother holding her baby, she stopped, and looked at it. There was a bullet hole in the center of the cardboard baby’s forehead. Vicky lost it right there on the street, in front of everyone. Aidan was about to go to her, but the Drill Sergeant barked at her.

  “You can’t hold her hand every time, Cassidy. Step back in line.” She glared at him, but did as she was told.

  He walked over to Vicky and yelled, “Montgomery, what seems to be the problem?”

  Vicky rubbed the tears from her eyes, and tried to control her trembling bottom lip, as she blubbered, “Nothing, Drill Sergeant.”

  “Then get your ass back on the line.”

  “Yes, Drill Sergeant.” She walked back to the end of the line, not daring to look up at Aidan, or anyone else. Upset that she had killed a make-believe baby, she was also frustrated that she got so flustered in front of everyone else. Especially the Drill Sergeant, whom she got the impression didn’t want her there. After her crying jag today, she really couldn’t blame him. But what hurt her the most, was failing Aidan, first by shooting the cutout of the baby, and then by crying about it. Aidan must surely be ashamed of me now. How can she trust me to have her back, if she sees me crying over a silly cardboard cutout?

  But Aidan wasn’t ashamed, she was upset as well. She didn’t know how to help Vicky. She couldn’t protect her from this kind of thing, and that irritated her. She knew that Vicky wanted to learn, to prove herself, and she knew she had to let her try, no matter how much it bother her. But to see Vicky’s big heart break like that, tore at Aidan’s soul.


  Leonard had always been content to stay in his small town, only venturing out when the occasion warranted, such as Vicky’s college graduation, a weekend fishing at Bull Shoals with a friend, or Aidan’s medal ceremony. Though he only lived forty-five miles away, he had never been to the state capital, Heifer International, or MacArthur Park before. He had yet to visit President Trenton’s Library, in down town Little Rock, or the River Market, which is home to the Farmer’s Market, on the banks of the Arkansas River, which was another thing he had never visited.

  Of all the famous attractions, Leonard was only interested in going to the Farmers Market, when Yvonne asked what he would like to do or see. He thought it would be the typical, roadside market they have at home, where you can buy watermelons, or strawberries in season. But when Yvonne escorted him into the large, open pavilion, with rows upon rows of fresh, home grown fruits and vegetables, he knew he was in heaven. Yvonne and Alice left him at the apple stand, haggling over a single apple, while they went to the Market Hall to do some shopping. Now it was Alice’s turn to think she was in heaven.

  By the time they left, Alice had new gadgets for the kitchen, and Leonard had his apple. He also had a bag full of seeds to plant in his new garden back home. That is, if they moved back home, after Vicky and Aidan returned. He was beginning to wonder what would be so bad, about staying in Little Rock.

  Yvonne made a mental note to let her boss know, that her father had found a new place to play.


  Madelyn looked up from her desk, to find Ruth standing in front of her. Madelyn wasn’t what would be consider thin, but she wasn’t obese either. She preferred to describe herself as pleasingly plump, though she wasn’t any more curvy than Ruth was. Graying around the temples, that coloring monthly could not cover up any longer, her long brunette hair gave her a youthful look in spite of it. She would be considered a refined southern lady, with subdued red lipstick, and fingernail polish that perfectly accented her business suit.

  “Hi, they tell me I’ll be sharing an office with you.” Ruth nodded toward the empty second desk in the corner of the oversized office.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Madelyn Bennett, and I’m the Admitting & Telecommunications Director.” Madelyn’s hazel eyes enlarged slightly, at the smile that Ruth presented her with. “No one told me you were coming, so you’ll have to forgive my ignorance. Are you the new Concierge Manager?”

  “Yes ma’am, so they tell me. It should be fun. My name is Ruth Mason.”

  Madelyn looked at her, baffled by her offhanded remark. “Oh, um, you can call me Maddie.”

  “Okay, Maddie. Call me Ruth.”

  Maddie thought to herself, Huh? She’s either really nervous or trying to be funny. I think it’s the latter. “So, uh, Ruth, have you always been in the concierge field?”

  “No, this is my first time. I use to have a business on line, but got tired of it after a while.”

  “I get online after I get home, and check on my nephews and nieces, but I couldn’t live on it all day. ”

  “Isn’t the internet amazing. It’s great for having a social life where you don’t have to get out and actually be social.”

  That one did make Maddie laugh, “You crack me up. But I must admit, you’re totally right.”

  I crack her up? Ru
th took another look at Maddie. Wow, she’s really cute. How did I miss that? “Oh, do you like my bracelet?”

  Maddie blushed, not realizing she had been staring at Ruth’s bracelet. Made of leather, it had different colored love beads on three thin straps, fastened together by more bangles. Maddie thought it would better suit a teenager, but had to admit, it made Ruth look younger, and added an edge that made her look a little bit stronger too.

  “I just came out, and bought it as a treat for myself. It makes me feel young, and after all, that’s what it’s all about, right?” Since being emerged in the pool of lesbian orgasms, thanks to Kitty Kat Kate, Ruth couldn’t control her desire to have people know the real Ruth Mason. She’d kept it hidden for so long, she wasn’t even sure who she was, as a lesbian. She knew she liked a certain style, but wouldn’t allow herself to wear things like that bracelet, until now, because in her mind’s eye, it shouted lesbian. So now she’s eager to try everything, to see what she looks good in. She had always been 20 years younger, mentally, and wanted to dress the way she felt, young. So far though, the bracelet was the only thing she had the courage to buy.

  “Oh, yes, absolutely…, um, right.” Maddie was trying to decide if Ruth had just told her she came out of the closet, or if she meant she had been out shopping. She took another discerning look at Ruth, and decided she was worth a third, and fourth look, too.


  That night, after Vicky had fallen asleep, Aidan crept out of bed, and got dressed. She walked outside, hoping the cool night air would clear her head. Her baby was hurting, and she didn’t know how to fix it. Vicky was so fragile now, after shooting a make believe baby, that Aidan feared she would shatter at any moment, and it was all her fault. Aidan walked behind the barracks, when Jerry came around the corner, and almost bumped into her.

  “Hey, there’s a game over by the gut truck, want in?”

  “Sounds good.” Right then, Aidan didn’t give a rat’s ass about getting caught, which would cost her demerits. She needed something, anything, to distract her from the pain she had brought on Vicky.

  A few minutes later, she was hunkered down behind the food truck, smoking a stogy, someone had snuck in illegally. A warm beer sat by her knee, freeing her drinking hand to roll the dice.

  Vicky rolled over to warm herself against her lover, and the absence of that warmth, woke her up. “Aidan?” She quickly dressed and went outside, shivering at the sudden brisk wind in her face. She looked around until she found Aidan, wedged between the mess hall and the food truck.

  Aidan clinched the cigar between her teeth, and declared, “This one’s for my baby.”

  Vicky walked toward her, but stopped suddenly, having made a surprising discovery that required silent observation. She was witnessing a whole new side to Aidan, that she had never known before, and it was titillating to her. A side that had a cocky arrogance, exuding danger, and strength. Her features were dark and edgy, and wound tight. Her face, illuminated by a smoldering cigar, clamped in place to the side of her mouth, was both hard and soft. Her language was rough, and demanding. Her physique, muscular, and confident. Vicky watched with fascination, her own body beginning to smolder, like the tip of Aidan’s cigar. For she too felt solid and strong, but had been too exhausted to notice it, until just now. It was bringing out a hardness she didn’t know she possessed, and a lust she couldn’t control.

  Aidan blew on the dice, letting them loose to tumble across the ground, bouncing off the rubber of the truck tire, and turning over twice more, to end up with a pair of box cars. “Fan fucking tastic!” Aidan collected her winnings, while Jerry placed his bet, and retrieved the dice.

  “Cassidy, think if I banged that little number you came here with, I’d have the same luck?”

  Aidan reared back, and grabbed the cigar from her mouth, using it to point at him, “You fucking say another word about her again, and I’ll fucking bash your thick skull in. You got that, swabbie?”

  The ex-Navy man raised his hands in surrender, “I got it, I got it. Damn, I was just funning with you.”

  Noticing the ring on his finger, Aidan added, “So it would be all in good fun if I said I’d like to bang your wife for luck?”

  He looked at the seriousness on her face, and realized he had better back off. “Roger that. Won’t happen again, doughboy.”

  “See that it doesn’t.” Aidan said sternly, and with a grin, placed the cigar back in her mouth. They had come to a mutual respect, and she was relieved. That is until Jerry spoke up for her.

  “Shit, she ain’t no doughboy. She’s a medal of—”

  “Jerry, shut the hell up!”

  “With all due respect, Sarge, you ain’t my damn momma.”

  Aidan laughed at Jerry, she was far too young to be his mother, though she was pretty proud of him for standing up for himself.

  Jerry ignore her snicker, and continued, “Listen assholes, you are in the presence of a medal of honor recipient, so show some damn respect. And if you fuckers got a problem with that, let’s step to the side, and I’ll explain it to you.”

  Everyone grew quiet, and the sailor looked at Aidan for confirmation, “Is it true?”

  Aidan nodded, and instantly the two who were ex-military stood up, and snapped to attention, saluting her. Jerry joined them, with a big grin on his face. Though Aidan was gratified, she feared it might make things tougher for her, if one of them wanted her to prove her worthiness. The problem was, she didn’t feel worthy of the medal, and never would.

  She returned the salute, and then brushed it off. “Listen, we’d better call it a night, muster comes early in the morning. Wouldn’t want any of you ladies to be late for roll call.”

  “Roger that.”

  Oh! Vicky hurried back to their quarters, with a giggle in her throat.


  The Drill Sergeant walked over to the Commander, and saluted.

  The Commander, standing on the front entryway of his officer’s quarters, squashed out his cigarette butt on the step, and returned the salute. “You saw the dice game, Drill Sergeant?”

  “That’s affirmative, sir.”

  “And you didn’t break it up because…?”

  “Sir, I was observing several factions to see where it would lead.”


  “Sir, Recruit Member Cassidy not only won the money pot, but the respect of the men as well. I felt that was more important than giving her a demerit.”

  “And what else did you observe, Drill Sergeant?”

  “Sir, I saw her roommate, watching her.”

  “And what do you suppose her reaction was?”

  “Sir?” The Drill Sergeant was a private man, who didn’t like knowing other people’s personal business. But he couldn’t deny what he saw, nor would he refuse to answer a direct question put to him by a commanding officer.

  “Answer the question please.”

  “Sex, sir. Her reaction was pride, and sex.”

  “Pride is a good thing, but sex can befuddle the mind, rendering a soldier stupid. I know Cassidy is a good soldier, and we just witness her ability to lead, but if we are to shape her into a team leader, that can think on her feet, not just in her bed, then we need to separate the two, and find out what their true potential is.”

  In the military, this would never have been a conversation that needed to be said. Not just because of their sexual orientation, but because spouses would never be allowed to serve in the same unit, or share quarters during boot camp. The Commander understood where he made his mistake, he was blinded by the medals Aidan had received.

  “We’re doing her an injustice, Drill Sergeant. We may have to separate those two, if we don’t see any improvement. I want you to push them hard, this next week. Let’s get them in shape, and ready for something much worse than our little boot camp.”

  “Roger that, sir.”


  Aidan walked back to her darkened room, and tip-toed in, assuming Vicky was still asleep.
But she assumed wrong.

  Vicky grabbed Aidan with both hands, and pulled her inside. She shoved her hard against the door, and began kissing her firmly on the lips, down the throat, and to the button that impugned her progress. “Damn it!”

  “Vick? You okay?”

  “God, you are so damn hot. I need you to fuck me now. Right now!”

  “Damn!” Aidan was not one that had to be told twice, but this was not like the Vicky she knew. “All right. Who are you, and what have you done with my—”

  Vicky yanked down Aidan’s trousers, and shoved her toward the bed. “Please, Aidan. Don’t make me beg. I need you inside of me.”

  Aidan decided she would play first, ask questions later. She tenderly kissed Vicky on the lips, but Vicky pulled back.

  “No, I want the tough Aidan, like I saw out there with the guys.”

  Aidan laughed, so that’s what this is all about. “Okay baby, I’ve got what you need, right here.” Aidan bent over and picked up her trousers. Fishing in her pocket, she pulled out the stump of what was left of her cigar. She clinched it between her teeth, and unbuttoned her shirt, wadding it up, then throwing it to the side. “I’m gonna fuck you like you ain’t never been fucked before, baby.” Shit, that sounded so stupid. But Vicky giggled, which encouraged Aidan to keep going. She took the cigar out of her mouth, and with her other hand, grabbed a handful of Vicky’s hair, and leaned in for a tongue piercing kiss, that had Vicky standing on her tip-toes, begging for more. But Aidan stepped back, and pulled her tank top over her head, then wadded it up, throwing it to the side. The dog tags hanging between Aidan’s aroused peaks, glinted in Vicky’s eyes, causing an audible gasp to escape her lips.

  Aidan walked over to her, and shoved her onto the bed, eliciting another giggle from Vicky. Aidan tossed the cigar aside, cocked her lip, and jumped on top of Vicky.

  The Drill Sergeant walked past their building, but stopped suddenly, when he heard a scream, followed by a loud giggle. He kept walking. Enjoy it while you can, ladies.


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