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Ted Hughes

Page 82

by Jonathan Bate

  Scout Rock, Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire, 23–7

  Season Songs (TH; poems for children), 326–7, 349, 365, 413, 414, 506, 513

  Secker and Warburg (publishers), 367

  ‘Secret of Man’s Wife, The’ (TH; story), 495

  ‘Secretary’ (TH; poem), 88–9, 183

  Selected Poems (TH; 1974), 322, 413; (1982 edition), 414, 496

  Seneca: Oedipus, 256–8, 282, 306

  ‘Setebos’ (TH; poem), 458, 519

  Seven Samurai (film), 182

  Sexton, Anne, 252

  Seymour, Brian, 38

  ‘Shakespeare, drafting his will in 1605, plots an autobiographical play for 1606’ (TH; poem), 544

  Shakespeare, Edmund (William’s nephew), 545

  Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being (TH), 20, 67, 165, 261, 459, 461, 465–71, 477, 483, 487, 489–90

  Shakespeare, William: TH reveres, 13, 54–5, 457; qualities, 20; Fisher teaches, 53; TH writes on, 325; TH edits choice of verse, 459, 485; and mythology, 460, 463, 469, 473–4; TH’s interpretation of, 461–74; and ‘new criticism’, 471; obscures own self, 532; TH’s poem on drafting will, 544; All’s Well that Ends Well, 468–71; As You Like It, 465; Comedy of Errors, 487, 497; Hamlet, 442; Henry IV plays, 462; Henry VIII (with Fletcher), 458; King Lear, 260–2, 307, 442, 469, 544–5; Macbeth, 285; Measure for Measure, 462, 465; Midsummer Night’s Dream, 307; The Rape of Lucrece, 462; Sonnets, 469; The Tempest, 307, 460, 465; Timon of Athens, 523; Troilus and Cressida, 469, 471; Twelfth Night, 497; The Two Noble Kinsmen (with Fletcher), 54, 458, 471; Venus and Adonis, 56, 462, 465; The Winter’s Tale, 532–3

  Shakespeare’s Ovid (TH; translations), 495

  ‘Shall I die? Shall I fly?’ (supposed Shakespeare lyric), 475–6

  ‘Sheep in Fog’ (SP; poem), 220, 237, 394, 473–4; TH’s essay on, 491

  Shelley, Mary, 354

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Defence of Poetry, 85

  Shirley (Cambridge girlfriend), 89–92, 97–101, 105, 113, 115, 514, 522

  Shura see Wevill, Alexandra Tatiana Elise

  Shuttle, Penelope, 268, 299, 402, 465

  Sigmund, Elizabeth see Compton, Elizabeth

  Sillitoe, Alan, 174, 184, 229, 247, 295, 299, 372, 490

  Silvine Notebook (TH), 511–14

  ‘Single Vision and Newton’s Sleep in John Carey’ (TH; essay), 470

  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (14th century poem), 88; TH translates, 538

  ‘Six Young Men’ (TH; poem), 102, 137, 273

  Sjöman, Vilgot, 333

  ‘Skylarks’ (TH; lyrics), 289

  Smith College, Northampton, Mass.: SP teaches at, 127, 129, 133

  Smith, Shirley, 563

  ‘Snake in the Oak, The’ (TH; essay), 491

  ‘Snow’ (TH; poem), 450–1

  Soho House, London, 490

  ‘Soho Square’ (TH; poem), 206–7, 215, 526

  ‘Some Pike for Nicholas’ (TH; poem), 539

  Somerset Maugham Award, 162, 175

  ‘Song’ (TH; poem), 63, 331, 337, 460, 480, 506

  ‘Song of a Rat’ (TH; poem), 251

  ‘Song of the Sorry Lovers’ (TH; poem), 79

  Sonnenberg, Ben, 55, 94–5, 288, 433, 440, 476

  ‘Sorrows of the Deer’ (TH; notebook), 325, 511–14, 517–24

  Sotheby’s (auction house): sells SP’s manuscripts, 385, 413

  Soundings (Donya Feuer’s one-woman show), 465

  Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of, 468

  Spain: TH and SP visit, 119–22; Assia visits with TH, 193, 203

  Spectator (magazine), 167, 239, 297, 396

  Spender, Natasha, 168, 556

  Spender, Stephen, 125, 168–9, 243, 252–3, 292, 481, 556

  Spitteler, Carl: Prometheus and Epimetheus, 64

  Spoleto: Festival dei Due Mondo, 242–3

  Spring Summer Autumn Winter (TH; songs for children), 326

  Steeleye Span (folk band), 334

  Steiner, George, 76, 239, 345, 347–8

  Stevenson, Anne: Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath, 19, 440

  Stewart, Hamish, 98, 100, 103–4

  Stoppard, Tom, 308

  ‘Stopped Dead’ (SP; poem), 237

  Storey, David, 229

  Story of Vasco, The (TH; opera libretto), 322

  Stothard, Peter, 503

  Streatfeild, Noel, 509

  Struga Poetry Festival, Macedonia, 496

  ‘Suffering Angel’ (SP; essay), 202

  ‘Suitor, The’ (TH; story), 249, 250

  Sumpter, John, 426

  ‘Sunday’ (TH; story), 251

  Sunday Times, 469–70, 476

  ‘Sunstroke’ (TH; poem), 163

  ‘Sunstruck Foxglove’ (TH; poem), 366, 430

  ‘Superstitions’ (TH; poem), 510

  Supple, Tim, 497–9, 538

  Sutcliffe, John, 34

  Sweeney, Jack, 136

  Swift, Jonathan, 71, 491

  Switzerland: TH visits, 83

  Sykes Davies, Hugh, 74

  Sylvia (film), 548

  Symons, Julian, 334

  ‘Table, The’ (TH; poem), 178

  Tales from Ovid (TH; verse translations), 491, 528–31, 538

  Tarn, Nathaniel, 190, 193–4, 196, 203, 220, 275, 316

  Taylor, Elizabeth, 257

  Taylor, Gary, 475

  Tennant, Emma, 368–72, 381, 542, 553; Burnt Diaries, 369–70, 373, 548

  ‘Thalidomide’ (SP; poem), 236

  ‘That Morning’ (TH; poem), 5, 18, 411, 414, 420

  ‘That Sunday Night’ (or ‘February 10th’; TH; poem), 214–15, 524

  Thatcher, Denis, 426

  Thatcher, Margaret, 418, 425–6, 482

  Thomas, Dylan, 74, 85, 88, 125–6, 127, 146, 180; Under Milk Wood (play), 134; ‘Do not go gentle into that good night’ (poem), 541

  Thomas, Edward, 40, 145, 164

  Thomas the Rhymer, 543

  Thomas, Richard, 383–4, 400

  Thomas, Trevor: Sylvia Plath: Last Encounters, 442

  ‘Thought-Fox, The’ (TH; poem), 75, 94, 137–8, 145, 199, 271, 273, 362, 409

  Three Books (TH; poems), 395–6, 411, 429, 489

  Thribb, E.J. (fictional poet), 14

  ‘Thrushes’ (TH; poem), 145, 163–4

  Thwaite, Anthony, 251

  Tibbles, Maurice, 402

  Time magazine, 240

  Times, The, 503–4

  Times Literary Supplement, 166, 308

  Timmy the Tug (TH and Jim Downer; children’s book), 111

  Todmorden: Hughes family moves to, 65, 73

  Tolstoy, Leo, 477

  Tomalin, Claire (née Delavenay), 78

  Tomalin, Nicholas, 78

  Top Withens, Yorkshire (‘Wuthering Heights’), 45, 123, 392–3, 397, 400, 536

  Tormey, Pat, 276

  Toronto, 368

  Torridge Action Group, 410

  Townshend, Pete, 490, 497

  ‘Tragic Equation in The Two Noble Kinsmen, The’ (TH; study), 471–2

  Trask, Spencer and Katrina, 154

  Trentham, Barbara, 364

  Trevor, William, 188

  ‘Trial’ (TH; unpublished poem), 11, 442–7

  tricksters: in folk tradition, 289

  Tsvetaeva, Marina, 369

  Turgenev, Ivan: First Love, 228

  Turner, David, 256

  Two of a Kind: Poets in Partnership (interview), 172

  ‘Two photographs of Top Withens’ (TH; poem), 397

  ‘Two Views of Withens’ (SP; poem), 123

  ‘Two Wise Generals’ (TH; poem), 102

  Tynan, Kenneth, 257

  ‘Under High Wood’ (TH; poem), 428

  Under the North Star (TH; children’s poems), 413–14

  Ungaretti, Giuseppe, 252

  ‘Unicorn, The’ (TH; poem), 487

  United States of America: TH’s first impressions of, 129–30; TH and SP travel in, 149–54; TH’s campus readings in, 302

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 138–42

  Valéry, Paul, 320

  Vallon, Annette, 520

  Vanderbilt, Gloria, 227

  Varèse, Edgar, 155

  Vasco (TH; play/opera), 256

  Viaduct Theatre, Halifax, 533

  Victoria, Lake (Africa), 405

  Vienna University, 246

  ‘View of a Pig’ (TH; poem), 271, 273

  Viking Press (New York), 326, 387

  Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), 13–14

  ‘Visit’ (TH; poem), 519

  ‘Voyage, The’ (TH; poem), 145

  Wagner, Richard, 481; Tristan und Isolde, 402

  Wagner-Martin, Linda W.: A Biography of Sylvia Plath, 440

  Wain, John, 191

  ‘Walt’ (TH; poem), 428

  Wanamaker, Sam, 544

  Waterlog (magazine), 539

  Watkinson (headmaster), 55

  Watling, Vicky (née Bottomley; TH’s cousin), 184, 213

  Waugh, Evelyn, 70, 488, 509

  ‘Waving Goodbye’ (TH; poem), 341

  Wedekind, Frank: Spring Awakening, 495, 497–9

  Weiss, Peter: Marat/Sade, 255

  Weissbort, Danny, 85–6, 99, 147, 233, 252, 283, 299, 430, 476

  Wells, H.G.: The War of the Worlds, 262

  Welsford, Enid, 98

  Wesker, Arnold, 229; Roots, 168

  Westminster Abbey: Poets’ Corner, 5

  Wevill, Alexandra Tatiana Elise (Shura; TH’s daughter): birth and babyhood, 240, 242, 245–6; and TH’s relations with Assia, 265–6; in Germany with TH and Assia, 270; death, 274–5, 277, 408, 455–6, 459; Crow dedicated to memory, 286, 331, 343; in TH poems, 450, 456; in TH’s Capriccio, 450

  Wevill, Assia (née Gutmann): TH’s relations with, 4, 188, 190–1, 196–7, 200, 203, 209–10, 214, 220–4, 225–6, 231, 242, 248, 265, 272, 296; depressive episodes, 27, 271; beauty, 185, 253; visits TH and SP in Devon, 185–6; TH calls on, 190; Spanish holiday with TH, 193, 203; marriage relations, 203, 205, 220–1; reads SP’s journal and unfinished novel, 220, 247; abortion, 221; Aunt Hilda’s aversion to, 223; economical with expenditure, 223; hostility to Olwyn, 223; miscarriage, 225; writing, 228; child by TH (Shura), 240, 242; accompanies TH to Spoleto Festival, 242–3; illustrations, 242; in Ireland with TH, 245; leaves David and lives with TH, 245, 247; TH’s parents dislike, 246–7, 253; makes will, 247, 266; provides for Shura’s future, 247; returns to London, 255–6; reconciled with Olwyn, 256; assists at rehearsals of Oedipus, 257; dislikes production of Seneca’s Oedipus, 260; Amichai translations published, 269; visits Germany with TH, 269–70; visits Dublin with TH, 271; and TH’s television recording in Manchester, 272–3; househunting in North with TH, 273–4, 286; divorce from David finalised, 274; suicide and cremation, 274–6, 278–9, 339–40, 342, 408, 459, 514; Crow dedicated to memory, 286, 331, 343; Alvarez and, 315–16; in TH’s Orts, 342; Robin Morgan cites, 347–8; initial branded on Nick’s jaguar sculpture, 449–50; in TH’s Capriccio, 450–2, 522; and TH’s ‘Sacrifice’, 450; Jewishness, 452; and TH’s ‘A’ poems, 452–6; TH’s poetry sequence on, 453–4; TH’s confessional poems on, 496, 507

  Wevill, David, 185–6, 188, 190, 194, 203, 205, 220–1, 231, 242, 274, 316

  What is the Truth? (TH; children’s book), 414, 558

  ‘Where the Mothers’ (TH; poem), 391

  Whitbread Prize: awarded to TH, 506, 529

  Whitby, 169

  White, Eric, 206

  White, Tony, 302

  Whitman, Walt, 334

  Wholey, Alice (née Wilson), 54–5, 58

  Wholey, Edna, 58–9, 62, 72

  Wholey, John, 57–8

  Wicker Man, The (film), 333

  Wild Steelhead and Salmon (fishing magazine), 409

  Wilde, Oscar, 457, 462, 468, 472

  ‘Wilfred Owen’s Photographs’ (TH; poem), 164

  William, Prince, 419, 484

  Williams, Tennessee, 361

  Williams, William Carlos, 101, 147

  Williamson, Henry: TH delivers memorial address, 50; Fascist sympathies, 52; Boddy admires, 85; The Patriot’s Progress, 51; Tarka the Otter, 49–51, 486

  Wilson, Harold, 230, 464

  ‘Wind’ (TH; poem), 137, 160, 273

  Winter Pollen: Occasional Prose (TH; critical writings), 491

  Winter Trees (SP; poems), 346

  ‘Wintering’ (SP; poem), 237

  Winters, Yvor, 8

  ‘Wisdom Book’ (TH; unfinished), 17

  With Fairest Flowers while Summer Lasts (TH; US publication of A Choice of Shakespeare’s Verse), 461, 464

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 69

  ‘Wodwo’ (TH; poem), 273

  Wodwo (TH; poetry/story collection): writing, 201; published, 248, 288; explained, 249–51, 272, 376; reviewed, 251; US publication, 256; TH’s self in, 332

  Wolfwatching (TH; collection), 189, 396, 428–9

  ‘Woman with Such High Heels She Looked Dangerous, The’ (TH; poem), 79

  ‘Woman Unconscious, A’ (TH; poem), 165

  Woolf, Virginia, 131, 457, 462, 468, 472

  ‘Words’ (SP; poem), 220

  ‘Words heard, by accident, over the phone’ (SP; poem), 188

  Wordsworth, Dorothy, 273, 404, 492, 522

  Wordsworth, William: on poetry, 12; TH likened to, 13; memorable lines, 15; and memory, 24–5, 520–1; and individual experience, 43–5; Fisher admires, 54; TH sees grave, 305; TH praises, 404; close relations with Dorothy, 492; and Annette Vallon, 520; poetic voice, 522; ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge’ (sonnet), 520–1, 525; ‘Lucy’, 198, 395; The Prelude, 109, 404, 417, 507, 515, 517–18, 521, 564; ‘A slumber did my spirit seal’, 393; ‘Tintern Abbey’, 563

  ‘Working Definition of Mythic, A’ (TH; draft), 473

  World Poets Festival, Second (Dhaka, 1989), 375–6

  World War I, TH’s poems on, 428–9, 516

  World War II, 48–9, 516

  Worth, Irene, 257, 277

  Wound, The (TH; radio play), 248, 332

  ‘Wound, The’ (TH; story), 40, 233

  Wright, Carolyne, 377–8

  Wright, Claudia, 362

  Wright, Michael, 407

  Writers on Themselves (BBC radio series), 24

  Wuthering Heights (fictional location) see Top Withens

  ‘Wuthering Heights’ (SP; poem), 123, 393

  Wyatt-Brown, Bert, 98–9

  Yaddo (artists’ community), New York state, 148, 154–7, 159, 216, 354, 508

  Yeats, William Butler, 20, 54, 67, 91–2, 123–4, 192, 202; ‘Among School Children’, 475

  Yellowstone National Park (USA), 150–1

  Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 243, 369

  York, Susanna, 477

  ‘You Claw the Door’ (earlier ‘Hathershelf’; TH; poem), 392–5

  ‘You Hated Spain’ (TH; poem), 189, 414, 515

  Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association of New York (YMYWHA), 125

  Your Environment (magazine), 298

  ‘You’re’ (SP; poem), 387

  Zabel, Morton, 148

  By the Same Author

  Shakespeare and the English Romantic Imagination

  Shakespearean Constitutions: Politics, Theatre, Criticism 1730–1830

  Romantic Ecology: Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition

  Shakespeare and Ovid

  Shakespeare: An Illustrated Stage History (co-editor)

  The Genius of Shakespeare

  The Cure for Love

  The Song of the Earth

  John Clare: A Biography

  Soul of the Age: The Life, Mind and World of William Shakespeare

  English Literature: A Very Short Introduction

  The Public Value of the Humanities (editor)

  Shakespeare Staging the World (with Dora Thornton)

  About the Author

  Jonathan Bate is a biographer, critic and broadcaster. His many books include The Genius of Shakespeare, described by Sir Peter Hall as ‘the best modern book on
Shakespeare’; a biography of the poet John Clare, which won Britain’s two oldest literary awards, the Hawthornden Prize and the James Tait Black Prize; Soul of the Age, an intellectual life of Shakespeare which was runner-up for the Biography Prize of PEN America; and The Song of the Earth, a pioneering book on poetry and the environment. He is also author of a novel, The Cure for Love, and the hit one-man play for Simon Callow, Being Shakespeare. A Fellow of both the British Academy and the Royal Society of Literature, he is Provost of Worcester College and Professor of English Literature at Oxford University. Married to the author Paula Byrne, he has a CBE for services to higher education and he was knighted in 2015 for his services to literary scholarship.

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