Flowers For A Wounded Soldier: A BBW Erotica

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Flowers For A Wounded Soldier: A BBW Erotica Page 3

by Jessica Appleby

  Brent pushed his hands against the table and stood up. He leaned and shifted quickly, and Anna took a few steps, putting her arm across his back. “Are you alright?” Brent began to get his bearings. “I guess I just can’t drink like I used to. I should probably get out of here anyways, it’s getting late.” Anna led him out of the kitchen into the living room. “Absolutely not. If you can barely stand I’m sure as hell not letting you drive.” Brent waved his hand in protest. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” Anna slapped her hand playfully against his back as she moved him towards the couch. “Hush, you stubborn, stubborn man.”

  She plopped down the on the couch with Brent, her arm still around him. She could have moved away, but she hesitated. He looked at her and a slight smile spread across his lips. Anna was done waiting for the right moment. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his, and he reciprocated. She pulled back for a moment and stared into his green eyes before moving her hand to the back of his head. Anna ran her fingers along his spiky, soft hair as she pulled him towards her, this time kissing him with more ferocity. Brent’s hand rested on her knee as their lips pressed together. Anna could feel her stomach do flips.

  Anna moved her hand to Brent’s waist, and pressed her hand against his chiseled abs. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He reached for her hand, and wrapped his fingers around hers. She kissed him a few more times and pulled back, her hand still touching the back of his head. “Come with me.” She stood up quickly and kept his fingers wrapped around her hand as she helped him off of the couch.

  As they walked down the hallway, Brent wrapped his arm around Anna’s waist and leaned in, kissing the nape of her neck. Anna smiled as she brought him into her bedroom. She brought Brent over the bed and sat him down. He flopped backwards on her blankets, his feet still planted on the floor. Anna bent down and untied his shoes, placing them carefully beneath the bed. Next came the socks, which she tossed aside. As she rose, her hands ran playfully along the outside of his legs. Brent’s pushed his head up and looked at her, his arms reaching behind his back to prop himself up.

  “You’re beautiful Anna.” Anna smiled as her hands undid Brent’s belt. Without hesitation, she ripped off his pants with force and tossed them aside. Her hands ran along his muscular thighs, and she bent down, kissing a spot just above his knee. Anna’s fingertips slid around his waistband and she yanked down his underwear, revealing his hard cock. Anna’s lips pressed softly against his leg as she coyly worked her way up his thigh. Brent’s eyes were staring intently at her, and the corners of his mouth turned to reveal a slight grin.

  Anna reached up and wrapped her fingers around his hard unit. It felt so big in her hand, and she could hear Brent moan as she began to slowly stroke his shaft up and down. She began to kiss the bottom of his cock, her eyes still staring into his. His face was beat red, and he ran his hand through her long hair. Anna carefully and slowly worked her way up his hard unit, her lips sucking slightly on his skin. Eventually, she made her way to his tip, and popped his head inside of her mouth.

  Her tongued worked its way around the bottom of his head while her hand gently caressed his undercarriage. Brent moaned as he pushed his head back slightly. Anna took his hard unit deeper into her mouth, and worked her tongue playfully around each inch of his cock. Brent moaned louder, and Anna could see his fingers begin to pull on the blanket beneath him. Anna abruptly stood and stared up and down Brent’s sexy body.

  She pulled one strap, and then two down around her shoulders. Brent undid the buttons on his shirt as she did, and threw the his last remaining article of clothing on the floor. Anna pulled her sexy dress down, and it flopped on the ground as she stood there in her underwear. Quickly unhinging her bra, she tossed it at Brent who reached up and caught it. He laughed as he set it aside, his eyes working carefully over every inch of her voluptuous body.

  Anna moved closer, her thighs between Brent’s legs. He sat up straight and wrapped his hands around her waistband, pulling down her lacey panties. As he did, his lips softly kissed her stomach, and his hands reached around and squeezed her sizeable ass. Anna laughed as he did, and ran her hands along the back of Brent’s head to his strong shoulders. As Brent kissed her stomach, one of his hands reached up and gently cupped her large breast. Her nipple slipped between his fingers as he casually massaged her, and Anna moaned in delight.

  She pushed him playfully down to the bed, and go on top of his thighs, his cock hovering close to her exposed slit. Brent’s arms were spread wide across the bed, and he looked up expectantly at the woman before him. Their eyes were locked as Anna ran her fingertips over his nipples, and she could see Brent’s cock twitch beneath her. She leaned over and kissed him passionately on the lips, and her nipples barely graced his broad chest. Anna stayed there for a brief moment, staring into his eyes. “You’re so sexy Brent. I was a fool to let you slip through my fingers.”

  Brent laughed. “You might regret saying that – I think you’re going to have a hard time getting rid of me now.” Anna pressed her hands against his pecs and smiled. “I think I’m alright with that.” Anna scooted up higher on his waist, positioning his cock beneath her wet slit. She could feel it throb as she slowly shifted her hips. She leaned in again, this time kissing Brent’s neck. She could hear his heavy breath in her ear as she did, and her hand could feel his heart beating as she ran her fingers over his nipple.

  Anna could feel Brent’s cock get harder and harder as she shifted her hips backwards and forwards. She lifted herself slightly and reached down, pressing the tip of his cock against her hard clitoris. Anna playfully rubbed his unit against her, and Brent loudly moaned. She slipped his hard member inside of her with ease, and immediately slid down Brent’s hard shaft with her wet slit. She sat there for a moment, feeling his cock twitch inside of her.

  She moved her hips up and down his hard member, and reveled in the sensation. They moaned in unison as she pounded into his hips, and Brent’s hands reached up, grabbing her thick thighs. She placed her hands on the bed to support herself. Brent’s hands reached up and grabbed her breasts, playfully squeezing her nipples between his fingers. She bent down, still thrusting up and down his unit, and kissed his sexy lips. Their tongues gracefully touched, and Anna could feel Brent getting harder inside of her.

  She straightened her back and began to ride him with more force. Anna could feel Brent’s fingers begin to dig into her hips as she pleasured every inch of his member. “Oh God, Anna. Oh God.” Anna was almost surprised by how strong Brent’s grip was she as rode him even harder, but the pain was eclipsed by the ecstasy of the moment. Anna could not stop. She never wanted to stop. As she forcefully worked her hips on Brent’s member, she could feel her body begin to tingle.

  Anna was lost. She was plummeting closer and closer to climax as she rode Brent’s thick, hard unit. Her hair flipped playfully in the air, and she no longer had any control over her body. Brent was moaning loudly as he continued to grip her wide hips. She could feel that she was close to having an orgasm. She pushed herself, slamming herself into Brent’s hips. She needed the release. As she began to climax, she wrapped her hands around Brent’s wrists and squeezed as hard as she could, her head flipping back as her moans became shouts.

  “Yes, yes, I’m coming Brent!” Her breasts moved up and down as she slid his big member in and out of her hole. It felt so incredible inside of her. She arched her back and felt her pussy close around Brent’s unit as she began to orgasm. The sensation crept its way through her body, filling every inch of her being with the sensation of pleasure. Her eyes rolled back as her body began to convulse. She had no idea what she was doing for the briefest moment, lost in the sensation of Brent’s cock inside of her.

  It wasn’t long before she landed back on Earth, only to find that Brent’s face was scrunched in a pleasurable grimace. His hands still had their death-grip on her hips, and she could feel that he was about to climax. Her fingers unfurled from his wrists and went to his sweaty c
hest. Anna leaned over and kissed his lips, but Brent was too lost in the moment to kiss back. She stared at his face as she worked her hips rhythmically on top of him. Anna watched intently as she heard him grunt and moan, his cock becoming rock hard inside of her wet slit.

  With one last squeeze of his hands, Brent released himself inside of her. His hands immediately fell to his sides, his eyes remaining closed. Anna rubbed her fingertips over his hard nipples. She looked at his beat read face, his square jaw-line, his powerful chest. Part of her still didn’t process what had just happened. This was Brent, the boy she turned for prom in high school, and he had just emptied himself inside of her. She smiled as she slid off of him, his chest heaving up and down with labored breaths.

  After a few minutes of catching their breath, Brent turned on his side and put his head in the palm of his hand. “That was incredible, Anna. I still can’t believe that just happened.” Anna smiled as she leaned against the headboard of her bed. “Me neither. You were amazing.” The stared intently into each other’s eyes for a brief moment. “Would you like to get into the shower with me, Brent?” Brent smiled. “I would love to.”

  Anna took Brent’s hand and led him into her bathroom. She looked at the counter, spying some candles. With a quick motion she grabbed the box of matches from the drawer and lit them, their eerie glow flickering across the walls of her bathroom. “How about instead of a shower, we take a bath?” Brent raised one eyebrow. “That sounds excellent. Here, let me get the water running.” Brent leaned over, turned on the bathtub faucet, and ran his fingers under the water.

  As Brent leaned over the tub, Anna walked up behind him and bent over, kissing his sweaty back. She leaned her chin on his shoulder, and watched the tub fill up. Her arms were wrapped across his chest, and she pressed her breasts against his back. She turned her head slightly and kissed Brent on the cheek. He smiled and turned off the water. “Ladies first.” He motioned to the tub with one hand, and Anna stepped into the warm water.

  The candle light flickered around them as they sat opposite one another in the large bathtub. They sat in comfortable silence, their legs wrapped around each other. Anna opened one eye and stared at Brent’s now-soft cock. She admired it for a moment – it was nicely shaped, long, and when hard, thick. Anna leaned her head back and closed her eyes for another minute, thinking about the amazing sex they had just had. She could get used to that.

  She looked up at Brent and saw that his eyes were closed. “Hey, wake up soldier!” Brent opened one eye at looked at her. “I wasn’t asleep. Although you did really wear me out.” Anna laughed. “Then let’s go to bed.” Anna stood and grabbed a towel of the rack, handing it to Brent. They stood in the warm water for a few more moments, drying each other off, kissing each other lightly as they stared into one another’s eyes.

  Anna slipped into a night gown and Brent put back on his boxer shorts. Anna looked down at Brent’s crotch. “I’ll miss you.” Brent looked at her inquisitively. “I’m not going anywhere.” Anna laughed. “I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to your cock.” Brent smiled. “I’m sure you’ll see him again soon enough.” As they laid their heads down on the pillows, Anna wrapped her arms around Brent. She listened to his breathing calm as he went to sleep. Anna was not too far behind.

  Screams. Screams? Anna shot up in bed. Her mind still lost in the confusion of sleep, she looked at Brent. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. She could see the terror in his face. “Brent, Brent, wake up! Is everything alright?” She shook him, trying to wake him from his nightmare. Brent shot straight up, and Anna watched beads of sweat trail down his face. His eyes began to water, and the next thing she knew, his tears mixed sweat.

  “What happened, are you okay?” Brent stared forward at her wall, his eyes welling with tears. “I need to go. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Brent hopped out of bed and grabbed his things. Anna didn’t even have a chance to say anything before he bolted out the door of her bedroom. She sat in stunned silence as she heard Brent’s tires screech on her driveway. As she laid her head down on her pillow, she tried to figure out what had just happened. Her heart raced as she pulled the covers over her. It would take a few hours before she fell asleep again.

  Chapter 4

  Anna slammed her palm into the buzzing alarm clock next to her head. As she looked at the clock, the numbers began to set in. She was an hour late for work. In a sudden burst of realization, she jumped out of bed and slipped on her work clothes, quickly checking to make sure she had everything. Speeding out of her driveway, sleep still in her eyes, she began to think about what had happened the night before.

  As Anna pulled up to the shop, she noticed someone standing outside the door, checking their watch. Briskly walking to the door, she yelled down the sidewalk. “I’m so, so sorry I’m late.” As she got closer to the entrance, however, she realized that it was just Susan. “Oh, Susan, what are you doing here?”

  “Well Ms. Anna, I was hoping to buy some flowers. Long night last night, huh?” Susan smiled as she jabbed Anna in the ribs with her elbow. Anna turned the key in the door. “You might say that. I’ll tell you all about it once we get inside.” Susan raised her eyebrow and patted Anna on the back as they stepped inside.

  Anna gave Susan a quick rundown of the events of the previous night, leaving out the more personal details. “Wow, so you have this incredible date, you get it on, and then he wakes up screaming in the middle of the night and runs out the door? What did you do to him?” Anna did not smile. “I don’t know. I don’t know what happened. What did I do?” Susan sighed as she leaned her elbows against the countertop. “Honey, you didn’t do anything. You said that he had been injured in combat right?”

  “Yes, his unit was hit by a roadside bomb and he sustained some head injuries. It was strange, he forgot a lot of things that had happened to us in high school.” Susan pursed her lips. “You know my sister is married to a Marine, right?” Anna smiled a little. “I didn’t know you had a sister.” Susan waved her hand in the air dismissively. “Yes, yes, she’s the gem of the family, blah blah blah. Anyways, her husband got back from deployment not long ago, and I guess he saw some really awful things over there.”

  “So you think that what happened had something to do with what happened over there?” Susan put her chin in one hand. “That would be my best guess. Night terrors are not uncommon with people who have been through war time, you know. He didn’t get back long ago, he’s still healing from his injuries, some of his memory is gone, and his mother is in the hospital. I think it’s pretty plausible that all of that contributed to what happened.” Anna nodded her head. Susan really was a godsend, and Anna appreciated her ability to sort things out.

  “Maybe you’re right, Susan. Should I call him? I’m really worried about him.” Susan stood up straight and displayed her empty palms. “Maybe you should give him a few days. I don’t know Anna, use your best judgment.” Anna gave a small smile. “You know I’m not very good at using my best judgment.” Susan laughed a little. “You’re better than you think dear. Trust yourself a little more. I bet he feels awful about what happened. Give him a few days, and then call him.” Anna nodded. “Maybe you’re right. I should give him a little space I guess.” Susan nodded as she began to walk through the aisles. “Now, about those flowers you were going to help me pick out.” Anna walked out from behind the counter and followed Susan into the aisles.

  Two days later, Anna still hadn’t heard anything from Brent. She checked her phone almost obsessively. Every time her phone buzzed her heart leapt as she looked at the screen, but his name never appeared. As Anna was closing up shop, her phone buzzed again in her pocket. It was probably just her mother calling about dinner. As she reached into her apron, she looked at the screen and saw the word “Brent” splayed across the screen.

  “Hello, Brent?” There was a brief pause on the other end. “Hi Anna.” Anna leaned against the counter. “Are you alright? I’ve been worried sick about you.” Anna could
hear some shuffling in the background. “I’m so sorry. I meant to call you earlier, but... something came up.” Anna frowned. “What’s wrong, what happened?” She could hear Brent take a deep breath, and his voice came out choppy, as if he was about to cry. “My mother passed away last night. I’m so sorry about all of this. I shouldn’t have called.” Anna put her free hand to her mouth.

  “No Brent, you definitely should have called. Are you alright, is there anything I can do for you?” Anna could feel a sharp pain in her chest. “Will you come to the wake tonight, Anna? My mother always really liked you, and... I could use your support right now.” Anna nodded, knowing that Brent could not see her. “Of course Brent. I’ll do anything I can to help.” Brent sighed on the other end of the phone. “Thank you. I just wanted to say, our date was amazing the other day. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just... I’m just in a dark place in my life right now.”

  “I understand Brent, I really do. I’ll provide all of the flowers for the wake, free of charge of course.” She could hear Brent breath heavily. She could tell that he was crying now. “You don’t have to do that.” Anna sighed. “I don’t have to do it, no. But I want to do it. We’re going to get through this together, I promise.” She could hear a small smile come through in Brent’s voice. “Thanks Anna. I can’t even express how much that means to me. I still haven’t really processed everything. I’m just so sorry.” Anna leaned on the countertop. “There’s no need to apologize Brent. I’ll run some flowers over to the funeral home right now, get ready, and then I’ll meet you there?”


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