Flowers For A Wounded Soldier: A BBW Erotica

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Flowers For A Wounded Soldier: A BBW Erotica Page 4

by Jessica Appleby

  “That sounds great. Thanks again Anna. You... You mean a lot to me.” Anna closed her eyes. “You mean a lot to me too Brent. Take some deep breaths. Spend some time with your family. I’ll see you tonight.” They exchanged goodbyes, and Anna stood in the darkened shop for a moment, staring at her phone as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Anna picked out some of the best flowers in the shop and stuffed them in the van. The funeral home parking lot was empty, and she handed off her delivery to a nice old man who graciously offered to set everything up. Anna dropped off the van and sped home to get ready for the wake. She couldn’t believe this was all happening.

  As she pulled into the parking lot of the funeral home again, she could see Brent’s family members holding each other as they walked inside. Anna checked herself in the rearview mirror and stepped out of the car, holding a bushel of calla lilies in her hand. As she stepped inside, she immediately saw Brent talking to one his brothers. Even from across the room, she could tell that his eyes were red from crying.

  Brent turned his head and saw Anna. He excused himself from the conversation and walked over to where she was now sitting. He sat down next to her and put his elbows on his knees. Anna reached over and wrapped her hand around his. He turned his head and did his best to smile. “Thanks for coming Anna, and thanks for providing the flowers, they look amazing.” Anna smiled back. “It’s the least I can do.” She squeezed his hand a little tighter and reached over, grabbing the lilies from the empty seat next to her.

  “These are for you.” Brent wrapped his hand around the stem and looked at the bushel of beautiful flowers. “Calla lilies. These are your favorite.” Anna raised one eyebrow. “How did you know that? I don’t remember telling you what my favorite flowers were.” Brent gave a shy smile. “I remember you telling me that in high school. I couldn’t forget the love of my life’s favorite flowers, could I?” Anna blushed a little. “I guess not.” They sat in silence for a few moments and simply held each other’s hands as they watched family members and friends confide in one another.

  The service was quaint, yet beautiful. Brent gave a stirring speech about his mother, and even managed to make some of the audience smile, if even for a brief moment. As the night waned and many of the guests left, Anna remained in her seat. Soon, the room was empty except for Brent and Anna, and she watched as he shook an elderly man’s hand before he left.

  “You didn’t have to stay here the entire time you know.” Brent walked over to Anna and sat down next to her. “I know. I said I we were going to get through this together, didn’t I?” Brent nodded. “You did.” Anna took his hand again, and wrapped her fingers around his. “Would you like to get some food with me? I’m absolutely starving.” Brent looked up at her and smiled. “I would love that. Give me a few minutes to wrap up some loose ends, and I’ll meet you at your car?” Anna nodded and patted his hand. “Take as long as you need.”

  Anna looked up at the night sky as she leaned against her car door. It had gotten pretty late, and she could feel her stomach begin to make noises. It was only a few minutes until Brent came out of the door of the funeral home. She watched him walk to her car intently. Even in as much pain as he was in now, he still had a smile spread across his face. She admired his strength, his perseverance. As she watched him get closer, she realized that she would do anything for this man. She would hold him as long as he wanted, she would kiss his cheek and tell him everything was going to be alright. Anna’s stomach did flips inside of her, but this time it was not from hunger.

  They drove to a 24-hour diner and sat down in a long booth. The restaurant was largely empty, and they both ordered coffee and pancakes. “So how are you holding up Brent?” Brent looked at her and gave a small smile. “A bit better now that I’m with you.” Anna smiled as she reached across the table and put her hand on his. “You had better get used to it. You’re not going to get rid of me any time soon.” Brent smiled as the pancakes landed in front of them.

  They both eagerly ate in silence for a few moments. Brent shared some stories about his mother with Anna that he had never told anyone, and they even shared a few modest laughs throughout the meal. “Anna... is it alright if I stay with you tonight? I don’t really want to be alone tonight.” Anna smiled. “It’s like you read my mind.”

  They walked into Anna’s apartment and quickly stripped down to their underwear as they slipped into bed. Brent’s back was facing Anna, and she wrapped her arm around his waist. She thought that she heard him crying. “Are you alright Brent?” Brent turned to face her, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. “Yes, I’m alright. Honestly, I’m just happy that I have you in my life. I love you.” Anna blushed, but did not hesitate. “I love you too Brent.”

  The two slept peacefully that night. There were no screams, no surprises. There was only the gentle breath of two people who loved each other. Brent’s hand was wrapped around Anna’s fingers the whole night. When they woke the next morning, he leaned in and kissed her, waking her up. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Anna smiled at him. “Yes, you have. Repeatedly actually.” Brent smiled as he kissed her again.


  Brent and Anna spent that night, and many nights after that together. It would take many weeks for Brent to overcome the events that led to his injury. Anna learned how to comfort him when his dreams turned to nightmares, and Brent never ran out of her apartment again. Instead, she would wrap her arms around him until his breathing calmed. He would turn to her, tell her he loved her, and fall back asleep.

  Business picked up in the flower shop, and Brent helped to install new glass panes in the greenhouse. For their first few months together, Brent would stop by with lunch and they would eat together in the shop, laughing and telling stories. Eventually, Brent simply started spending all day at the shop. He helped water the flowers, helped fix any problems that arose, and even manned the cash register a few days. He didn’t have the same experience that Anna did with the plants, but he had that beautiful smile that seemed to endear any customer to him.

  After six months of working and essentially living with Anna, Brent popped the question to her on a weekend trip to the country. They were sitting on the hood of her car, looking up at the vast expanse of stars. He turned to her and pulled the beautiful engagement ring out of his pocket. Anna almost cried she was so happy. She said yes, and they held each other that night, falling asleep in the open air.

  Their wedding was a small affair, but it was beautiful nonetheless. Calla lilies adorned every table, and all of the guests enjoyed their fill of the open bar and the dance floor. The ceremony was outside in the spring, and the cool air brushed the two’s face as they kissed during the ceremony. Anna’s mother and father both cried that day. Anna did too. It was by far the happiest day of Anna’s life. When she recalled everything that had happened to get to that point, Anna almost pinched herself. Who knew that the man that she turned down in high school would join the military, get injured, come back home, and still have a place in his heart for her?

  A few years later, Brent took over many of the responsibilities of the flower shop. Anna would still come in every day, but she was also occupied with their two children. One girl, and one boy. Anna would bring them in to the shop and let them play in the aisles. Brent and Anna would smile at each other as they did. So they lived their days out, happily tending to the flowers in the flower shop and raising their two beautiful children.




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