Can't get enough
Page 23
“What?” he said
“Lean over something is in your hair.” she said
He leaned over and she pulled his dreads. He smiled and pulled her chair to him. She kissed him as his hand traveled to his place and she melted.
“I am so glad to be a rabbit with you.” she laughed
He laughed as he put her foot down and took her to the bedroom. They made love until they both were tired. He smiled as she played in his dreads.
“I need to stop pulling your hair. I do not want you to be bald.” she said
“What will you pull then.” he said touching her nose
“Maybe, I could pull your nipples or.” she said as her hands went to his manhood.
“I do not think so, just keep pulling the dreads but not to hard.” he said
“Anything for my husband.” she said hugging him
They held each other as they drifted off to sleep.
Natalie looked at Leon as they stood by the door of the hospital room. He smiled at her as he held her hand. She opened the door. She saw what used to be Marcus lying in a bed with tubes in him. Natalie felt really bad for him. He motioned them to come to him. He looked at them. He looked like he was not in pain.
“I am glad you came.” he said softly, “I bet you are wondering why?”
Natalie looked at him, “Yes, why.”
He smiled, “I wanted to ask for your forgiveness again.” he said looking at them, “I did both of you wrong and I want to say I am sorry. I can not go without knowing you have forgiving me.” he said
Natalie began to cry as he held out his hand. She took his hand.
“Nat, I did you so wrong. I almost killed you and that has haunted me everyday.” he said as tears ran from his eyes, “Nat a part of me will always love you.”
“You will always have a place in my heart.” she said
Marcus looked at Leon, “I am sorry for the pain I cause you. I should have never slept with Mercedes. I should have never hurt Natalie. I am sorry.” he said holding his hand out.
Leon shook his hand. “I forgive you.” he said
“You have made her happier than I every could.” he said looking at her, “You deserve it, Nat.” he said pushing a button, “I can die knowing that I am forgiving. Nat I will always love you.” he said as he touched her hand then went limp.
Natalie hugged Leon as the nurse took the button out of his hand and placed a cover over his face. Natalie cried. Leon hugged her as they left the room. They drove home in silence. Natalie thought about all the time she had with him. She felt better that she had forgiving him. Leon held her hand. They got home and Leon’s phone began to ring.
Leon looked pissed. He got back in the truck as he continued to listen. Natalie jumped in the car as he took off to the store.
“I will be there in ten minutes.” he said hanging up the phone
“Leon, what is wrong?” asked Natalie
“I guess you will get your chance.” he said looking at her angrily
Leon got to the store to see Mercedes standing in the store with a bat, destroying his store. Leon walked in and was red with anger. He saw her as he charged towards her. She hit him with the bat on his arm. He did not feel it but he grabbed the bat and threw it on the ground. He pushed her into his office. Natalie walked in and saw what was happening. She went to his office as he was about to choke her. Natalie stopped him. She told him to go and make sure everyone was okay. He looked at her then at Mercedes then he left kicking the door. Natalie turned around to her. Mercedes looked at her with hatred.
“Mercedes, my husband gave you a warning and I am going to make you a promise, “she said getting in her face, “Leave him, his store, his family and me alone. He does not want you or need you. Find someone else to stalk and leave him alone.” said Natalie looking in her face, “Last time telling you.”
“Bitch you do not scare me.” she said as she spit in Natalie’s face
Natalie wiped the spit off her face and punched her in the mouth. She backhanded her against a file cabinet. Mercedes fell down against the floor. Natalie began to walk away when Mercedes tripped her. She fell into the sofa. She jumped on Natalie’s back and began hitting her in the head. Natalie stabbed her in the foot with a letter opener and punched her again. This time she fell against the table. Natalie sat on her punching her in the face until Leon came and pulled her off her. The police came in and saw Mercedes on the floor. They hand cuffed her and took her away.
Leon looked at Natalie and touched her head as a big knot was growing. He grabbed a towel and found some ice and put it on her head. A police officer came in to take statements.
“Can she lay here?” said Leon, “She is pregnant and has a goose egg in the back of her head.”
“We can get the paramedics to look at it.” he said as he sat down and talked to Leon.
The paramedics came and checked her out. They gave her a bigger ice pack. Natalie called her doctor.
“Natalie, I should give you my home, pager, cell and my wife cell numbers.” he said, “When they finish, I need to see you in my office.”
“Yes, Dr. Jones.” she said as she hung up
Natalie sat there and looked at the floor, “Is the room spinning?” she said
Leon and the officer looked at her as she passed out on the sofa. The officer called the paramedics back. They woke her up and she looked around. She looked at them and grabbed the trash can. She sat back and felt better. Leon sat beside her and picked her up. He walked out to the truck and talked to the officer.
“Steven will give you the tape of her destroying my store and threatening me with a bat.” he said to him, “I have to take her to the doctor.”
Leon got in the truck and drove to the doctors. They got there just as she passed out again. Dr. Jones woke her up as he looked at the goose egg.
“Natalie what am I going to do about you?” he said, “You should not get pregnant if you are going to continue fighting.” he said feeling drained
“I am sorry but she started it by spitting in my face.” she said holding the ice pack.
“Natalie, go home and rest. She needs to be waken up every hour and half.” he said looking at Leon then at Natalie, “It is supposed to be every three but I want you to understand not to do it again.” he said looking at her, “While you are here let me check on the baby. Hope he is not fighting anyone in there.” he said
Leon smiled as Natalie gave him an evil eye. The nurse brought the sonogram machine and he checked the baby. They heard the heart beat and saw the little fetus. Leon smiled and kissed her cheek. The doctor looked at her.
“Stay in bed and no more fighting not even with your husband or kids.” he said sternly, “Got it.”
“I got it.” she said pouting
“I will see you next week.” he said looking at her
“Yes you will.” she said stepping down
Leon walked with her to the front desk and made her appointment for next week. He walked her to the car and drove back to the store. He pulled out a cot and told her to lay there while he did work. She laid there thinking of Marcus. She drifted off to sleep. Steven came in an hour and a half later and woke her up. She looked at him and pulled the cover over her head. She went back to sleep. Leon came in and woke her up to go a pick up the kids. He did something and his arm snapped. He screamed in pain. Natalie looked at him and helped him to the truck. She picked up the kids and drove to the hospital. They wheeled him to the back.
Aunt Rose walked through the doors with Quincy. The kids hugged their Aunt and cousin. She looked at Natalie and touched her face.
“How is he?”
“Do not know?” said Natalie holding her ice pack on her head
“What happened to you?” asked Quincy
“I fought with his ex who trashed his store with a baseball bat. She hit him on the arm then we were lifting the cot up I heard something snapped and he screamed in pain.” she said looking at Quinc
“Natalie, fighting?” he asked, “You are pregnant and trying to be wonder woman.”
Aunt Rose looked at her and Natalie smiled.
“What are you trying to do build your own nation?” she said shaking her head
Quincy laughed. Leon came out with his arm in a cast. He hugged his aunt and Quincy.
“We need to go home.” said Leon as they began to walk out the door
“Quincy, I will ride with them. Just bring my bag over sometime tonight.” she said as she kissed him, “These two need me more than you do.”
“Okay mom.”
Natalie got in and Leon sat in the passenger seat.
“No child, I will drive. That is all I need is for you to pass out.” said Aunt Rose as she moved Natalie to the back
Leon sat in the kitchen listening to Aunt Rose scold him for being hard headed.
“Julian, you have three babies who are barely out of diapers and now you have another on the way.”
“Her tubes were tied and all I can say it is God wanting us to have another.” he said
“What are you going to do about daycare and room?”
“Right now Natalie has turned running the business to someone else. She wants to be home with the kids and truthfully, I would have it no other way.” he said drinking coffee
“I see.”
“As for the room, we would have to look at something bigger but not expensive. They are in a daycare that teaches them a lot and I hope to put the other in it as well.”
“Julian, I just hope you are not way over your head.”
“I hope so too.” he said looking at his watch, “Time to wake up sleeping beauty.”
He went into the bedroom and kissed her face. Natalie looked at him and smile.
“I am up.” she said
She rolled over and put the pillow over her head. She felt him move the pillow. She looked at him and sat up. He smiled at her.
“Do not go to sleep. You need to eat something.” he said walking to the door
She stretched, “I will be there in a minute.” she said smiling at him
He left her sitting on the bed. She started to get up but decided to lie back down. She pulled the cover over her head and went back to sleep. She was feeling warm and good when the covers came off the bed and she heard Aunt Rose’s voice.
“Natalie Renee De Leon get out of bed and get some food in you, now.” she yelled.
Natalie jumped up and looked at Aunt Rose then she saw Leon in the door smiling. She rolled her eyes as she went into the kitchen. She sat at the table and began to eat her food. Leon came in smiling at her.
“What is so damn funny?” she asked drink her tea
“I had to bring the big guns for you.” he said, “Remember no fights.” he said smiling
Natalie gave him an evil eye and was about to say something when Aunt Rose came in.
“Natalie, how do you feel?”
“Aunt Rose, I am fine. Just tired.” she said stretching, “When are you going back to St. Thomas?” she asked
“I think I will stay here a little longer. It seems my nephew loves to keep his wife pregnant.” she said looking at him as he smiled, “And my niece does not know how to say no to my nephew.” she said looking at Natalie as she smile
“Aunt Rose, she is like a drug that I have to have.” he said drinking his coffee
“He is my true weakness.” she said smiling at him
“Stop it right now.” she said looking at the both of them, “You are going to wear your bodies out. You need to let your bodies’ rest.” she said sitting down,
“We do.” he said looking at her
“When?” said Aunt Rose
“Auntie this is a little awkward talking about our sex life with you.” said Leon getting up for more coffee
“I was married once and we made love with our mind, body and soul.” she said shaking her body
Natalie laughed as Leon rolled his eyes.
“Auntie, please.” he said
“When your uncle would leave for work, I would give him a long passionate kiss without touching him. He would leave and all day that was what he thought about. In his lunch, I would send him love notes.” she said, “When he came home, I would give him a hug that made him think of my body.” she said winking at Natalie, “That night when he went to sleep, I would massage his temples. We would do that until the third day then I would switch it up. By the week end, he would be ready and we spend the whole night touching, kissing and whispering to each other.” she smiled , “When we had intercourse, it was powerful and earth shattering.” she said fanning herself
Leon and Natalie laughed.
“Nephew, I bet there is not a minute that goes by that you do not think of your wife in a sexual way.” she said
Leon smiled as he looked at Natalie. Aunt Rose hit his arm.
“What?” he said smiling at her
“Natalie, I bet there is not a minute that goes by that you would rather be with him sexually.” she said as Natalie blushed
“I can see that from the way you look at each other. There is no denying that you are in love but sometimes you would have to give your body and mind a chance to miss the other one.” she said as she got up and put the plate in the sink, “My goodness soon you will have your own country with a lot of Leon’s and Natalie’s running around here.” she said walking to the table and kissing them on the head, “I need to lay down.”
Natalie smiled as she left the room. Leon looked out at the stars and thought about what she said. Natalie moved in the chair next to him.
“What are you thinking about?” she said touching his hand
He looked at her, “How we have been having sex like crazy?” he said smiling, “I meant what I said, you are like a drug. I look at you and I want to touch you, smell you, taste you and make you scream my name.” he said touching her hair, “Maybe we would have to slow down and just enjoy each other without the nakedness, sweating and screaming.” he smiled
“What do you want to do go cold turkey?” she said
“Are you mad?” he said rolling his eyes, “We could just ease off slowly. Not have sex everyday but every other day. You will have to stop pulling my hair and wearing sexy clothes around me.”
“You will have to stop talking.” she said looking at him, “As you know, your voice hits me deep.” she said moving closer to him
“Natalie, I have a broken arm.” he said feeling her body close to his
“I know.” she said putting his free hand on her thigh, “I am just making sure we can control ourselves. This is going no further.” she said touching his hair
“Natalie,” he said softly and deep
She moved almost on his lap, “Julian.” she said grabbing a dread and looking at it
Austin began to cry as Natalie looked at him and felt her heart racing as she eased off of him. Leon felt the heat that was rising in him slowly subsided. He went to his son. Austin was crying when he came in the room. He sat on the bed and held him.
“Daddy, monsters are trying to get me.”
Leon laid him down and sat beside him, “I will protect you from the monsters.” he said caressing his forehead.
Leon watched his son as he drift off to sleep again. He sat in the dark wondering if he could control himself with Natalie.
Natalie worked hard around the house. She vacuum and dust the house from top to bottom. She focused her housework as the kids were in school. Her pregnancy was coming along smoothly. She rested and read books and made sure she was good and tired when she lay down at night.
Leon focused on his store making it better than before. He wanted to design clothes for kids as well as women. Even as his arm rested in a sling, he worked late at night to get the designs just right. He would come home and play with his kids until it was time for bed. While Natalie gets them ready for bed, he would shower and put on his nightclothes and sit in the dinning room and design.
Natalie felt the
empty bed at night. It has been a week since they decided to take it slow and right now it is making her crazy. When they do get together it has been hot and magical. She needed him. She wanted him to make love to her. She took a shower. She looked for a towel and she forgot they were in the dryer. She put on her robe and walked through the dinning room. She looked at him as he was paying attention to his drawing. She sighed and went to the laundry room for the towels.
Leon froze as he saw her walking through the dinning room. He looked at her sideways and saw how the robe stuck to her body. He looked at the drawing and he made the line all wrong. He erased and heard her sigh as she went to the kitchen. He put his drawing down and put his head in his hands. He missed her. They had sex the other day and now he is about to explode. He picked up his drawing and continued to focus, when she stood by him looking at the design. She smelled so good. She had leaned over and was looking at the design. He looked up and saw her breast. He licked his lips and closed his eyes.
“This is pretty good. Is it for kids?” she asked looking at him
“Yes.” he said slowly
Natalie felt the words hit her hard. She almost grabbed his hair but she put her hand down. She left him and went back to the room. She got in the bed naked and closed her eyes. She started breathing slowly. She covered up and touched her stomach. She drifted off to sleep feeling her baby kicks.
Leon grabbed a bottle water and went to the bedroom. Natalie was asleep. He took off his gym shorts and lifted the covers. His heart stopped as she was naked. He looked at her and tried to breath. She turned over and he saw his favorite place and her breast and he started to shake. He put the cover down and turned to look out the window trying to be strong and push his desire down until next week.
Natalie felt a chill and looked around. He was standing by the window in thought. Natalie got out of bed and stood in front of him. He looked at her. She touched his face. She touched his hair as she pushed it back over his shoulders. She walked behind him and tied his dreads up then she pulled gently on it as she hugged him from behind. She touched his chest and kissed his back. He held onto the wall. She touched his manhood, feeling it strong power. She pulled down his shorts and started kissing the back of his legs going up to his thighs. Leon body was failing him and his mind was telling it to stand strong. Natalie took his shirt off and stood before him again. She caressed his chest and started to kiss his nipples. Leon held onto the wall trying not to give in. She did the other nipple and he held his head back.