The Dreamweaver

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The Dreamweaver Page 23

by Nancy Joseph Peterson

  Blaise’s eyes widened in shock, “How could that be…and why?”

  “Cath. When I took her from her duties here, I also, unfortunately embarrassed her by capturing her so easily, and fair or not, she would have been in some difficulty with the Queen as a result. So, if by chance Cath found the children, she may have taken them as a peace offering to Aine.” Emrys calmly sipped his tea, seemingly nonplussed by the amazing news he’d just shared.

  Blaise sat for a moment, and shook his head, “A ‘peace offering?’ I don’t understand.”

  “The Queen has been known to…keep human children, sort of as pets, and Cath would’ve known that, so they’d have made perfect gifts to sooth her Queen’s ire.”

  Noting the horrified look on his face Emrys added, “Don’t look so shocked, they would’ve been treated extremely well and actually given many of the same privileges afforded to the royal families children. If they’re here, they may not want to return.”

  Blaise looked unconvinced, “You seemed to think the fact that Cath left her bow and quiver behind had some significance.”

  Emrys nodded, “If Cath did bring them back with her, I think she may have used her weapons pouch to transport them.”

  “If that is so, what can we do?” Blaise asked, “Would the Queen be likely to give them back?”

  “I don’t know. I hoped that with the royal palace building a consulate in the human realm, the Queen might be inclined to be magnanimous.”

  “Magnanimous?” Queen Aine’s quiet entrance startled them as she glided towards a heavily cushioned bench near the windows overlooking her courtyard.

  Emrys bowed, and nudging with an elbow Blaise, he quickly did the same.

  “Yes, your highness, I have come to entreat your good nature for a small favour in a matter that is important to the villagers of Caerfyrddin.” Emrys said as he took the hand she offered, kissing her ring ceremoniously.

  As her servants carefully arranged the train of her diaphanous morning gown and plumped the pillows behind her back, Emrys poured her a cup of tea.

  Ignoring her busy servants, Queen Aine smiled pleasantly at her unexpected guests, “I am both surprised and delighted to see you both so soon after our last visit. What, pray tell, did you mean by ‘magnanimous’?” She asked as she accepted the tiny china tea cup from Emrys.

  Sitting on a bench that was intentionally lower than the one the Queen sat upon, Emrys took a sip of his own tea before answering, “The village has suffered greatly due to the activities of the dark druids, including much loss of life and most sadly… two small children have gone missing.”

  The Queen turned sharply towards him, “Children you say?” Her brow raised knowingly.

  “Yes, it is very sad. A young brother and sister; Adda and Alys, their father is beside himself with grief. I have come to entreat your aid in finding them. As I am sure you realise, such a generous act of magnanimity would ensure the villager’s loyalty to you and your court.”

  The queen sat quietly for a moment as she considered his words, “I have no need to garner the goodwill of the human villagers, whether or not they are loyal to me means little.” Her aloof tone softened slightly as she continued, “However, as I may wish to, on rare occasion, trade with the village merchants, it would not do to have them either afraid of my couriers or be aggressive to any members of my court should they venture outside the boundaries of the palace grounds. So…yes, I shall assist them, and as it happens, I believe one of my people may have already… rescued some village children from the dread clutches of the dark druids, and they could well be the ones you seek.”

  Emrys managed to affect a surprised look, as did Blaise when Emrys again nudged him, “Well! That is wonderful news!” Emrys looked at Blaise, “Don’t you agree, Blaise?”

  “Oh yes indeed, Merlin Emrys, their father will be forever in your debt, Queen Aine. Is it possible we may see the children in question to determine if, in fact, they are the two who have been lost?”

  Queen Aine nodded as she imperiously lifted a small silver bell adjacent to her chair. A servant quickly came to her side, “Bring my two…young guests to me, and have Cath Bodva accompany them as well as I wish to speak with her.”

  The servant bowed as she hurried away to do her mistress’ bidding.

  “Return to your crannog, Merlin and I shall bring the children myself.” She turned away, having dismissed him for the moment, “As for you, Blaisbheum, I have a passing fancy that you should remain in my court. Cath Bodva told me very interesting things about your skills. You were Merlin’s tutor, is that not correct?” She asked imperiously.

  Blaise confirmed, “Yes, from his birth to about ten years of age, I was Merlin’s teacher and guardian. From that point onward his education was continued near Caerfyrddin by the gentle dyn hysbys druids. I periodically came back to oversee his development, and from age twelve my visits to Merlin became more social in nature.”

  “Just as I have been advised, Blaisbheum.” The Queen tilted her chin up as she announced regally, “I decree Blaisbheum shall, by Royal appointment, become the principle tutor of the children of the royal family.” Her scribes quickly noted her proclamation and scurried off to record her official decree. Noting Blaise’s stunned expression, she softened, “It will be good for the young Royals and I am doubtless you shall enjoy the life such a position will afford you as well.” Her pronouncement made, Aine again turned to another of her servants, “See that Blaisbheum is given a suitable apartment in the palace and a stipend allowance as the Royal Tutor.”

  Blaise looked disconcerted at her…offer? He looked at Emrys for help, who shrugged, grinning. “You are the best teacher in any dimension, who can blame her, Blaisbheum? I suggest you pack your bags and whatever dusty textbooks you can find. It would appear you’ve been conscripted into duty.”

  Smiling, Blaise began to warm to the idea. Teaching again…and fairy children — not a bad way to spend one’s retirement he thought as he gazed out the window at the breathtaking view below.

  Emrys materialised in his workroom and was startled to find Anna waiting for him.

  “I hoped you’d come here first.” Anna smiled, rising and wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him tenderly, “I wanted just a moment with you alone before we go downstairs. Alun is here, Carwyn and Anyon are with him. Any news about the children?” She asked hopefully.

  “Yes, in a few minutes Queen Aine will bring them here. I didn’t get a chance to see them for myself, but based on her response, I am doubtless she has Alun’s children and they are safe.”

  “Oh thank goodness, Emrys! Alun will be so relieved.” Anna’s face shone with happiness.

  Emrys drew Anna closer, “Once everything is stabilised here, we’ll return to your time. I know you have a lot to contend with as well.” Emrys kissed the tip of her nose, “And I need to get to know your family a bit better and under less uncomfortable circumstances.”

  Anna frowned, remembering she still needed to figure out if she even had a job, “Yes, you’re right, I was going to talk to Mr. Alexander, my boss the day I was abducted. He wasn’t too nice to me when I took off work to be with my family during my Dad’s surgery and I might have been fired.”

  Emrys eyes narrowed, “Hmm, maybe I should help with his attitude, you don’t deserve to be treated like that, Anna.”

  “I love that you’d do that for me, Emrys, but I can handle it. If it turns out I don’t have a job any more, well…then that just means I can start the adventures you talked about a little sooner.”

  “If it does turn out that you don’t have a job, I’ll be delighted, but only if it is what you want, not because your boss mistreated you.” Emrys cool grey eyes looked at her levelly, “In which case, if he chooses to fire you, I’d like to have a word with him.” Emrys didn’t say that the ‘word’ he’d have would not be in person, but in the man’s dreams; a sort of A Christmas Carole vision of his present, past and future as an employer.

“Umm, okay…but let’s wait and see what happens first.” Anna kissed him on his cheek, “I’m going to wait downstairs, I hope Queen Aine brings them soon, Anyon is suffering terribly.”

  Downstairs, Anyon was pacing, upon seeing Anna’s return from Emrys workroom, he rushed to her, “Has he returned? Is there any news?” His face was lined with worry and his eyes dark from many sleepless nights.

  “Umm, yes, Emrys is home, and he… is working on it and will be down as soon as he has something to tell you. He knows you’re here and is doing his best, Anyon.” Anna reached out to squeeze his arm reassuringly.

  Carwyn clucked comfortingly as she offered Anyon a mug of ale, “No thank you, ma’am I need to be ready in case Emrys finds something.”

  Anyon resumed his nervous pacing, with Anna and Carwyn sipping lavender tea and trying on occasion to calm him.

  Just as Anna was considering going back upstairs to check on Emrys, noises from the upper floor caused the three of them to look up at the ceiling expectantly.

  The sound of small feet running, caused Anyon to turn and run towards the stairs, his mouth spread in a grin that split his face from ear to ear.

  The children leapt into his arms, his arms encircling their bodies as he held them tightly, his face buried in Alys soft curls, he wept without shame. Their muffled sobs combined with his soft murmurs of love, brought tears to everyone in the room, including Queen Aine who stood at the foot of the stairs.

  Pulling his head back, his eyes streaming with tears of joy, he looked at Emrys, “Thank you, I don’t know what to say…” Anyon’s voice was choked with emotion.

  “It was not me, but the Ruler of Sidhe, Queen Aine that brought them to you, Anyon. Any thanks should be to her, not me.” Emrys stepped aside as Anyon moved past him to the Queen.

  Kneeling at her feet with his head bowed, Anyon’s voice shook with emotion, “My lady there are not words to express my thanks to you and your great kindness at coming to the aid of my children. I am in your debt.”

  The queen smiled graciously, “Arise my good fellow, I am pleased you have been reunited with your children, and I have further good news for you.”

  Anyon looked up questioningly at her, his eyes red-rimmed and shiny with gratitude.

  Queen Aine bade him to rise as she walked into the main room, extending her hand towards the children, who ran to her side. She stroked Alys gently who hugged her leg and looked up at the Queen adoringly, “I have established a consulate palace in this realm, and as I am fond of your children, I have deemed it my responsibility to see to their education. It shall be Merlin’s old teacher, Blaisbheum, who will be their instructor.”

  Anyon again bowed his head in stunned gratitude, “That is a further gift I’d have never expected or even dared wish for them.” His eyes shone with appreciation, “Their mother, only recently taken from us, would be very happy to know the children would have such an opportunity. Thank you…for everything…I don’t know what to say.”

  “No need to thank me, simply see that they attend when Blaisbheum sends for them.” She gently pushed the children in the direction of their father.

  Anyon’s children returned to him, one on each side, as they left the crannog. The joy they left in their wake was overwhelming, everyone stood in silence for a moment before Anna thought to offer the Queen a chair and a cup of tea with a small cake perched on its saucer.

  Smiling at Anne, the Queen sat, and accepted the cup which she balanced on one knee as she nibbled the honey cake.

  “I believe what you did today will go far in assuring relations between the Sidhe and Human are positive. The news will travel quickly, and the villagers will treat you and your’s with reverence and appreciation.” Emrys bowed in acknowledgement of her largess.

  Queen Aine nodded, her pleasure evident, “I find I was moved by seeing a human father’s love for his children, it was…lovely.” She handed Anna the cup with a nod of appreciation, stood and announced, “I shall go now, as you know Blaisbheum is in my employ and so shall not be available in this realm for a time, you are of course welcome to visit him anytime, Merlin.” Remembering Anna, she added, “And of course bring your dear Anna as well, her spirit will be enriched by visits to my realm…as you know.”

  The Queen departed, waving graciously she glided from the room and up the stairs before blinking out of the dimension to save Carwyn and Alun an unnecessary shock.


  New York 2013

  Anna was pleased to see they’d only lost seven hours between her dimensional time and Caerfyrddin, 576AD.

  Py had been glad to see them, meowing loudly from the bathroom where Emrys had left him. Anna thought how strange it must have been for Py to be trapped in a little bathroom when he’d been used to hopping between dimensions only a few days ago!

  As Anna opened a can of tuna for Py, she doubted she’d ever fully understand how Emrys was able to do what he could do with a few calculations and a wave of his hand, and yes, if she asked, he’d happily explain it all to her…again. But to avoid an aching head, she’d decided to forgo the advanced physics lessons for a while.

  Looking around her small apartment, it seemed odd to be home again surrounded by all the technology that 2013 provided, she suddenly realised there really wasn’t anything besides Py and her books that she really needed. All the gadgets and innovations almost made life too complicated somehow, less personal than the one she’d had a glimpse into in Caerfyrddin. The pressure, in 2013 was certainly more extreme than it had been in 576, well…if you left out abductions by evil Naiad druid witches that is.

  Since returning to her apartment about two hours ago, Anna had made sure her phone was charging, checked the news headlines on her iPad, read her email, logged onto her Facebook account, and replied to around ten text messages — all without having actually spoken to anyone. Anna mused sadly, perhaps humanity had lost more than they’d gained with all the advancements of this century. She’d just opened the email from Alexanders Advertising and Public Relations that she’d expected, and as predicted, her job was probably finished.

  It was strange, with all that had happened lately, her workplace drama just didn’t upset her like it would have normally.

  Anna smiled as she watched Emrys from her kitchen, his eyes glued to her small television as he changed from one channel to another almost rhythmically. It would appear, she thought sardonically, that channel hopping was a universal guy-thing, no matter where (or when) they’re from. Picking up her little coffee pot, she crossed the room to pour another cup into Emrys mug.

  He dropped the remote control to pull her down on the sofa next to him, “Did you check your email?”

  “Yes, and there was an email from Mr. Alexander. He has scheduled a disciplinary meeting for me tomorrow morning with human resource. Not good news, I’m afraid.” She looked sad for a moment, “Those meetings are the way the company fires people, I’ve seen it many times.” And she had as had all the office staff; ‘disciplinary meetings’ were the companies politically correct way of making continued employment less attractive than resigning.

  Emrys squeezed her hand in support, “I see, and this was all because you weren’t able to go on your business trip because your father was seriously ill?”

  “Yes, that and the fact that Mr. Alexander was already annoyed with me…” Anna didn’t quite know how to tell him the other reason, “He…he once made it clear he wanted me to be…more than his employee on a business trip.” Anna glanced at Emrys face for his reaction.

  Emrys eyes narrowed ever so slightly, “And you set him straight, so there was no doubt as to your feelings on the matter?”

  “Oh yes, there was no doubt that he knew how I felt.” Anna smiled remembering the business trip where Alexander had made only one room reservation for the two of them, the scene that followed in the hotel lobby would not be one he, or the hotel staff, would soon forget.

  “And tomorrow is this ‘disciplinary’ meeting
?” Emrys was already thinking about one last trip to the dreamweavers realm…it would be his pleasure to ‘enlighten’ this Alexander into a better way to treat people; a visit from ghosts of employees past might be on the agenda for his dreams tonight. A wicked smile formed on Emrys face.

  Anna nodded, wondering at the direction of Emrys mind, “Yes, tomorrow morning at 9:00, what are you thinking? I can almost hear the wheels turning…what’s going on, Emrys?”

  “Oh nothing…” He kissed her cheek quickly as he turned the television off, “So we have tonight to ourselves! What about I buy us a nice bottle of wine, and we get something delicious from the Indian take-a-way downstairs that is making my stomach growl?” He asked as he jumped up pulling Anna to her feet and towards the door.


  A Family Dinner

  So much had happened in the two weeks that followed Anna’s return from Caerfyrddin after her abduction. She mused over the changes in her life as she looked out the window of the train as it sped towards Cooperstown, NY.


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