The Dreamweaver

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The Dreamweaver Page 24

by Nancy Joseph Peterson

  They’d been back and forth to Caerfyrddin several times since. Plans were well underway for a proper hand-fasting celebration in the style of the time, it looked like the entire village was attending, including its newest Royal neighbour.

  Carwyn was bustling about like the mother she was, making all the arrangements and keeping most of them a secret from the happy couple. Anna had been allowed, after much pleading, to choose her dress. A draper had been hired from London and had brought bolts of silk and lace from the Orient and fine linen from Éire. The dress that resulted was the most beautiful creation Anna had ever seen, hand sewn with an empire style waist and flowing skirt, the ivory fabric shimmered with each step and was complemented perfectly by a diaphanous train that floated in waves behind her. Queen Aine even sent a box of the most exquisite, iridescent bead pearls to be sewn into an intricate design for her headdress. Anna’s wedding dress was so beautiful, and fit her so perfectly that she’d already decided it was coming to twenty-first century New York for the ceremony with her family. She couldn’t wait to show her Mother.

  Since they’d decided to spend a good portion of their lives in Anna’s time, Emrys and she had been looking at new homes in Woodstock; the result of a long negotiation between going all the way upstate to live near her family, and remaining within a comfortable commute to the City. It looked like they’d finally settled on a charming Cape Cod type home with two acres. Anna loved it, but Emrys was still grumbling about missing the Indian-take-away. They’d compromised by agreeing to purchase a giant flat screen television with a cable package with over three-hundred channels.

  And finally…Anna’s job, the most bewildering development of all…

  The attitude adjustment of Clement Alexander, III had been miraculous…well, Anna thought dryly, probably not all that much of a miracle given that she suspected Emrys had been somehow involved.

  The disciplinary meeting that she’d dreaded had turned into a surprise party complete with flowers for her father and a get-well-soon card signed by everyone in the office. Not only had Alexander done a complete turn-about with Anna and his treatment of her, he’d implemented a new work scheme that allowed some staff to work from home, started an in-house day care and rewritten the employee manual to include very liberal time off for ill family members. Yeah, that had Emrys finger-prints all over it.

  Oddly, Clement Alexander, III was now in therapy; regressive dream therapy coincidentally, which made it even more evidential that Emrys had a hand in his dramatic transformation. In any case, the changes in Alexander had effected many people in a very positive way and it was now a pretty good place to work.

  And now they were on their way to her mother’s house for a family dinner. Dad had made incredible progress with his recovery and had officially moved back into the family home with Anna’s Mom. No surprises there — and not only was Andy’s girlfriend, Elle coming to dinner, but Alex was bringing a date too, a nurse whom he’d been seeing off and on for the past few months. Yeah, he’d kept it a secret from his family, and yes…Anna had good-naturedly pointed it out to him.

  It looked like the family was on a growth spurt and the whole thing couldn’t have made Anna’s mother happier. She’d been on the phone with Anna nearly every hour that morning talking about menus and where everyone would be sleeping.

  It had made Anna laugh out loud when her Mother had sheepishly tried to broach the topic about where Emrys would sleep. Having a ‘sex’ conversation with her mother was awkward enough, but not for the typical reasons; Anna had actually felt sort of weird telling her Mom that she and Emrys had decided to wait before having sex. Her mother had been bemused, and had actually asked if ‘everything’ was okay but seemed pleased, perplexed…but pleased. Seriously, how warped was that?

  Emrys sudden snore-snort beside her made Anna turn and gently push his chin closed, he mumbled, “Love you…” before drifting off to sleep again against her shoulder.

  Pulling into the station, Anna leaned over to kiss Emrys awake, “We’re here, are you ready for this?”

  Emrys stretched, yawning, “Sure, no worries. Andy is picking us up, right?”

  “Yes, he is supposed to, but who knows when. He has serious issues with time, umm…and not the drifting kind that you do.” Anna explained as she powered her nose.

  Emrys stood and gathered their luggage, setting them near the doors as the train slowed to their stop.

  “Come here.” Emrys held his arms wide, “Before we get off and are surrounded by your family…”

  Anna didn’t hesitate, snuggling into Emrys chest and tilting her head up for a long kiss, she whispered in his ear, “I love you, this weekend means a lot to me, I want my family to see what a wonderful man you are and how happy you make me.”

  “Well, they’re certainly going to get a weekend full of that, I hope they’re ready for it.” Emrys squeezed her tightly before letting go as the train doors opened.

  Andy was on time, in fact he was waiting for them as they rolled up with their luggage. Since pigs still weren’t flying, it probably just meant Elle was having a good influence on him, Anna thought with a smile. Andy hurried towards them, giving his sister a quick kiss on her cheek and an only sightly awkward looking man-hug with Emrys before helping him load the bags into the trunk of his car.

  “How’s the cat?” Andy asked as he pulled out of the parking lot, looking at his sister as she sat in the back seat.

  Anna grinned, “He’s staying with a friend, do you miss him?” Py was actually at Emrys crannog in Caerfyrddin, making Carwyn the longest distance pet sitter in history.

  “No, just wondered, Emrys is a better plus-one anyhow — no litter box.” He grinned as his sister playfully smacked him from the back seat.

  “How’ve you been, Emrys?” Andy asked amiably.

  “Just fine, in fact better than fine. We’re doing very well, we think we settled on a house in Woodstock. What about you, I hear I’m going to get to meet your lady…Elle is it?”

  “Yes, in fact she should already be there waiting for us.”

  Emrys watched in amazement as Andy darted in and out of traffic, dodging enormous piles of snow and slow moving cars. Emrys was impressed. He made a mental note to talk to Anna about getting a car since Woodstock wasn’t as close to the subway as her apartment had been.

  Andy cleared his throat, “I wasn’t going to tell you until tonight…but I can’t keep it a secret any more. Elle and I are engaged.” Andy grinned wincing as Anna’s scream from the back seat nearly deafened him.

  “Oh my God! Andy, I am so happy for you! I knew something was up, you were so sweet together! How wonderful! Does Mom know?” Anna’s face was flushed with happiness as she leaned forward to kiss his grinning cheek.

  “No, we’re going to make an announcement tonight. I figure after dinner so Mom will be able to eat.”

  Anna was happy, and although it probably wasn’t good timing now, they had news too…and had planned on making a similar announcement tonight as well.

  Emrys turned to look at Anna in the back seat, who gave him a brief nod, agreeing to tell Andy their news too, “Well it turns out we have a surprise of our own, I hope it isn’t bad timing Andy, but I planned on asking your father for Anna’s hand in marriage this evening after dinner.”

  Andy swerved a little, but kept control as he turned to look at Emrys for a moment, before glancing in his rearview mirror at his sister, “Wow, seriously?” After Anna’s confirmation, Andy said with sincerity, “That’s fantastic, Sis. You’re asking Dad for her hand? Seriously, Emrys? Who does that?”

  Emrys nodded, “Yes, where I come from it is a measure of respect, maybe old fashioned, but I want to do this right, and Anna deserves the full treatment.”

  “Yeah, of course she does, and congratulations to you both, really.” Andy reached around to squeeze his sister’s knee, “I suppose Mom and Dad don’t have a clue, right? You’re going to tell everyone tonight too?”

  Emrys answered, �
�That’s the plan, I’ll try to get your Dad…or actually your parents alone for a few minutes, and then I’ll make my case for marrying their daughter.”

  Anna held up her hand showing him the ring Emrys had given her, “I guess we’ll tell everyone afterwards… as long as Mom and Dad agree to Emrys big question.” She rolled her eyes playfully at her would-be fiancé, “I don’t really think we have a backup plan if they say no. I guess we’d have to elope or live in sin.”

  Emrys laughed, “Well, it would save time and we could get right to the honeymoon…either way is fine by me.” He reached between the seats to squeeze her hand, his honeymoon comment causing one of her now famous blushes.

  Andy shook his head, “Oh yeah…Mom’s gonna need sedatives. It’s a good thing Alex is a doctor, cause I think Mom’s gonna need help tonight after she hears that two of her children are getting married.” Alex was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled into the driveway.

  Dinner was a surreal experience. Four couples, all in love, and at various stages within their romances, sat enjoying each other and the evening.

  Dad sat at his traditional place at the head of the table, and Mom at the opposite end nearest the kitchen. Their children, and their respective significant others, were gathered around the table where the food was good and the wine flowed generously.

  Talk ranged from each of their jobs to Anna’s cat, and only a little time was spent grilling Emrys over his background and plans. Their decision to purchase a house in Woodstock had been a popular one since it brought Anna that much nearer the family.

  The meal over and the table cleared, Anna’s Mom returned with coffee and her famous tiramisu desert. While Dad brought out two chilled bottles of champaign and a tray of crystal flutes that he set on the table near him.

  Just as they were settling down to enjoy dessert, Anna’s Dad stood and tapped his wine glass with a spoon, “Your Mother and I, or Joanne and Michael, to some of you,” he said nodding towards Emrys, Elle and Heidi, “have an announcement to make.”

  Anna’s smiling Mom moved to stand next to her Dad, who draped his arm over her shoulders, “As you already knew, we are going to remarry and have settled on May 17th as the date, but the really exciting news is we’ve chosen a beach wedding on Maui and are bringing all of you with us to celebrate!” He popped the cork on the champaign and filled eight flutes to toast the occasion.

  Their three children and their dates gathered around to congratulate them. Anna hugged her Mom and kissed her Dad’s cheek, saying tearfully, “I knew this was coming, I am so happy for you both.”

  Anna’s Mom held her left hand out, displaying a new, and very large, engagement ring, “I had to wait to wear this until after the big announcement, it means so much to me that you’ll all be a part of our wedding. It just feels right, you know? Like a part of me has been missing the last four years and now…I feel whole again.” Her eyes were shining with happiness and Anna thought she looked younger, and more beautiful than she had in years.

  “Mom, it’s stunning, and I’ve never seen you look so…radiant.” Anna’s eyes were blurry with tears as she tried to admire her Mother’s ring properly.

  Two sips of champaign later, and Andy stood, pulling Elle up beside him, tapping his glass.

  “Well, this night is going to get even better because I have an announcement to make too. My beautiful Elle has defied the best advice of her friends and has consented to be my wife. We haven’t worked out when or where yet…but she has the ring!” Elle held up her left hand timidly and after Anna’s Mother’s scream of joy, everyone milled around — again congratulating, hugging and kissing.

  As the second bottle of champaign was opened, and glasses refilled, Anna realised that Emrys appeared about to make a move of his own, which suddenly seemed like a really bad idea.

  Making a pretence of taking the desert dishes to the kitchen, Anna motioned for Emrys help her.

  Once they were alone, Anna turned nervously to him, “I don’t think tonight is a good night to… umm do what we’d planned. Seriously, there has already been two engagements announced and I’m pretty sure that’s the limit for one dinner party.” Anna wrung her hands in agitation, afraid of how Emrys would react, “I don’t want to take anything away from my parents or Andy’s big night, it just seems like too much on one night.”

  Emrys quietly took Anna’s shaking hands in his, “It wouldn’t have mattered to me if even Alex had announced his engagement, bringing the evenings total to three before ours, nothing is going to change our plans. I love you, I need to marry you.” He reached out and gently held Anna’s shoulders steady, “Do you love me?” He asked looking intently into her wide eyes.

  Anna didn’t hesitate for a moment, she burst out, “I love you so much, I can’t even remember how I felt before I met you or imagine my life without you in it. Emrys I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be your wife and your lover and best friend…I want to be everything to you.” Anna’s eyes shone with sincerity.

  “I accept, and remember all of that because you’ll need it for your hand fasting speech.” He kissed her nose before continuing, “Right. So we proceed as planned. As soon as I can I will talk with your parents privately. Don’t worry, my love, we won’t be taking anything away from anyone else. If you want, we can wait a while before marrying here, make it a long engagement if you’d like. But just so there is no doubt, we’re going to be hand-fasted in Caerfyrddin very soon, Carwyn would kill us if we put her plans on hold. So, one way or another, we’re getting married… and soon. Remember we have our honeymoon already planned at our dream-cabin, and I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”

  Anna’s resulting blush and shining eyes caused Emrys to pull her into his arms. She tucked her nose into the spot on his chest that now felt like hers. Tilting her chin up, Anna looked deeply into Emrys eyes, “I haven’t forgotten and I want to be there with you more than anything in the world.”

  Gently holding her face, Emrys kissed her deeply before pulling back to gaze into her eyes, “There is a book, one of your romance novels, the one so dog eared that the pages are like tissue paper, I think it’s called, ‘Fairer Than She?' Do you know the one?” Anna nodded, a deeper colour beginning to rise to her cheeks as she remembered the passionate love scenes she’d read and re read in that book. Emrys whispered in her ear, “Page 148, third paragraph through page 167…and that is only the beginning of what we’re going to do in our cabin…and do you know what will happen next?” Anna shook her head numbly, he bit her earlobe gently and whispered, “More.”


  The Dreamweaver

  The weaver’s needle flashed as he worked through the scene on the tapestry in front of him. The scene slowly shifting and moving as the threads he added evolved and continued with a life of their own.

  Sighing, he stretched, moving his back from side to side until it made an audible crack. Standing, he moved to the small table where an ornate bottle awaited that was filled with golden ambrosia. Pouring a substantial amount into his goblet, he drank the stuff down in one gulp. The dark circles under his eyes disappearing within moments as did all of the aches and pains he’d felt just seconds before.

  Looking in the cloudy mirror that hung on the wall opposite him, he said to his own reflection, “Here I am, just as I should be and just as is right.” He raised his glass to the man in the mirror that was himself, “To your health, Acclon and to the good dreams of dreamers!” Drinking the rest of his ambrosia, the dreamweaver got back to work.



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