Written in the Sand

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Written in the Sand Page 19

by D. B. James

  Saying no more, I grab MJ’s water bowl, empty it, and fill it with fresh water. Then open her bag of kibble and place a cup in her bowl. She proceeds to scarf down the contents in under a minute. She’s like a Hoover vacuum. Bending down, I place a bit more kibble in her bowl. Since I feel like she’s going to be my pup someday in the near future, I may as well start spoiling her now.

  Later the same evening, as we’re getting ready for bed, I tell Tenley some of what her father told me. About me making her shine brighter. Like it did me, it brings tears to her eyes, only hers fall over and tumble down her checks unchecked.

  “He likes you, Case.”

  “I know, mo ghaol. He’s basically given me his blessing by the words he used tonight. He approves of us together,” I say.

  “Well…I would’ve known without the words since he’s letting you share my bedroom with me under his roof,” she replies as she weaves her arms around my chest from behind, her head pressed against my back, almost reaching my shoulder.

  “When we lie down, should we play twenty questions again? Learn some more little details about each other,” I offer. I’d love to get to know more about her, like does she like her eggs scrambled or fried.

  “You don’t need to ask me if I want to learn more about you, the answer is always yes,” she says into my back, the words slightly muffled.

  “Great, then let’s get ready for bed and ask away. The sooner we’re in each other’s arms the better. Because I’ll tell you one thing now, I missed the fuck outta holding you, mo ghaol.”

  Inhaling deeply, she reluctantly pulls away from me and walks toward her adjoining bathroom. As she disappears behind the door she whispers, “I missed you, too, Case.”


  I’m officially head over heels in love with Case. His flying here only to see me under the ruse of getting his bike was almost enough to make me tumble. Seeing him with Mabel June? I flew over the edge. But now? Now after hearing what my own daddy—one who was always extremely strict and firm with me—said to Case, it’s official.

  I am in love with Case.

  I’m still in love with Michael and always will be, but he’s not here anymore. Case is and I deserve to be happy. I’m finally at the point where I’m believing the words Dr. Beesley has been telling me for weeks now.

  Hurrying up, I brush my teeth, whip my clothes off, and slide into my comfortable pajamas to go join Case in bed. In my parents’ house. With my daddy’s approval. Holy shitballs.

  When I open the bathroom door, it’s to the sight of a shirtless Case sitting on my bed with Mable June lying next to him, her belly exposed for petting. The picture of them together makes it hard to draw in my next breath. I can see Case doing something similar with our baby.

  Again, I become teary-eyed. I probably look like a basket case tonight. All these tears.

  “Hey, babe,” I say as I slide into my side of the bed, pulling the covers up around my waist. “I see she’s a huge fan of you, too.”

  “Oh, yeah? Are you saying you’re one of my fans?” Case questions.

  “You already know I am. Why should I deny it?” I reply.

  His rich laughter fills the air. He knows I enjoy his company—he doesn’t need to fish for compliments—my man is confident. His laughter at this exact time proves my point…he has confidence in spades.

  “How is it you’re single? I mean, seriously, how come nobody’s snatched you up for keeps yet?” I ask.

  Because, honestly this man is a catch with a capital C.

  “They were never the true one for me. You, mo ghaol, are my other half. My soul knew whoever I was with was never the one I was meant to be with. I may tease you and say I wished for you—which I truly did—but I knew the day in the bookstore we were meant to be together. My soul sings to your soul,” Case says.

  And like a fool, tears are streaming down my face again. How many times have I cried today? Too damn many. But my gosh his words were breathtaking.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart, I hate to see you cry,” he comforts while running his fingers through my long blonde and turquoise hair. “How about you try your favorite color next time? The sunrise color you described to me?” he asks.

  “These are tears of happiness. They have been all day, I’m…extremely emotional today. Crying at the drop of a hat. Be forewarned, it happens sometimes,” I warn him.

  Two words. Aunt Flo. She drives me bonkers on the days she’s visiting. I’ll be bitchy one second and crying the next. Since Case is going to be in my life for the foreseeable future, it’s only fair he be warned.

  “Momentary bouts of happy tears, I can deal with it.” He reaches over and gently picks up Mabel June, sitting her on the floor. “Now scoot your cute ass over here and cuddle with me, we have some questions to ask.”

  Doing as he demands, I slide over closer to him until my back hits his firm chest. His arms engulf me in the comfort only he can provide and we both are silent for a few minutes. We lie here, breathing each other in and enjoying the feel of our bodies pressed against the other.

  It’s exactness. Or in other words, it’s perfection.

  Not wanting to be the one to break our comfortable silence, I stay mute for as long as possible. Turns out, three minutes is my max.

  “Ugh, fine, you win,” I grumble.

  “Win what, sweetheart?” Case asks.

  “The stubborn silence war we had going on. How about you go first with the twenty questions?” I suggest.

  “Fine by me. Hm…let me see, I’ll keep it light and fluffy for now. How do you like your eggs?”

  “Okie dokie, it’s an easy one, scrambled are my favorite. But, I will eat them almost any way. I’m not especially picky about my eggs. You?” I counter.

  “My favorite way to eat eggs is also scrambled. And now I know what to make you for breakfast when you stay over at the loft,” he says while pressing a kiss to my nearly bare shoulder, he moves my cami strap over with his nose, pressing another kiss to the small indent there.

  “My turn, what’s your favorite sexual position?” Yep, I went there. I’ve had sex on the brain for a few days now. It was bound to be a topic during our game of questions tonight.

  “Well…I’m not saying we’re ready for sex as a couple yet, but I could show you if you like?” he offers.

  Can I do it? Can I have Case on me demonstrating a sexual act and not have sex?

  “I think you’ll light a match and if you show me, the fire between us will burn brightly. And no, I’m not sure we’re ready yet. If I only wanted you for a one-night stand, sure. But I don’t, Case, I want you for the rest of my life,” I confess.

  “Fair enough, how about we save the sexual position question until we’re actually having sex?” Case asks.

  “Okay, I get a redo then. Hm…favorite food ever? One you’d eat and eat until you’d be in a food coma for days,” I question, trying to make up one that counts, maybe one I can gather intel on for making his favorite meal.

  “Well, it’s more of a dessert and it has to be made by my grams. It’s called Honeycomb Toffee. I could eat it for three meals a day, four days a week. The other three days I’d go with Texas BBQ, pizza, and tacos.”

  “Maybe I could try to make the toffee, do you have her recipe?” I’m for damn sure going to attempt to make Honeycomb Toffee.

  “Yeah, I have it. I’ve never succeeded in making a batch though. But you want to try?” Case inquires.

  “Heck yes, I want to try and make it. Too bad you don’t have the recipe on you, or I’d try to make it tomorrow. Your turn,” I say.

  “Okay, speed round. Do you like pickles? How did you come up with the name Mabel June? Will you show me your old house tomorrow? Want to ride on my motorcycle and go snorkeling in the morning?” Case fires off question after question.

  Laughing softly, I begin to answer his questions in order. “Yes, I like pickles, but not the bread and butter kind, because, ew. Mabel was the name of my great grandmother, June be
cause it sounded cute together. I’m terrified, but yes, I’ll ride on your bike and go snorkeling. And yes, just so you know, both things scare me to death.” Upon finishing my confessions, his hand wrapped around me holding one of mine, squeezes tighter, letting me know he’s proud of me for wanting to tackle my fears.

  “Soak up all the info, babe. It’s my turn for a speed round now. Do you like crunchy or plain peanut butter? How many tattoos do you have? What’s your favorite television show? Name one book you think everyone should read before dying.” I spurt out all the questions as fast as I can, half of them I don’t know where they came from.

  “Hm, the peanut butter question is tricky. I like them both, but for different reasons. If I’m dipping pretzel sticks into it, plain. Making a good ole’ PB&J, crunchy. How many tattoos? Truthfully, I’ve lost count, once my arms started getting sleeved out, I stopped counting. It’s anywhere upward of fifty, you’ve only had the pleasure of seeing a few of them believe it or not. Television show…uh, I guess Supernatural. I watch a few different shows when bingeing, but my fall back is always Sam and Dean. The book question is almost impossible to answer, you should know how hard it is to choose one. I’d say the first Harry Potter book. Why? Because it has a bit of everything and is good for all ages.”

  His answers are surprising. I’d never have guessed he’d say Harry Potter or not know the number of tattoos he personally has. Maybe it shouldn’t have surprised me actually. He never said if he was a Harry Potter fan or not while giving me my tattoo. And…I can see his point when it comes to counting his tattoos, I mean, after you’re getting one after another after another done on one arm, it’d be hard to keep track.

  “I’d like to lickyourtattooswhilecounting them,” I say as quickly as possible, most of my words all stringing together.

  “What did you say?” he asks.

  “Oh, nothing,” I reply, the smirk on my face evident in my voice. I sound…playful. Something I haven’t been in a few years now.

  Case makes me feel…complete.

  Whole again.

  And brave. Screw this mumbling shit, I’m over it. Be bold is my new life motto. I’m choosing this exact second to be the boldest I’ve ever been. Turning around in his arms, I bring my face to his, gazing deeply into his rich chocolate eyes.

  “I said, I’d like to lick your tattoos while counting them. All of them,” I purr. “I think I’ll start right here.” I bend my head to kiss his neck precisely below his ear—where his tattoos start—after kissing it, I lick it. “One.” Slowly, I begin to make my way down his left side, kissing, licking, biting, and counting every tattoo along my path. By the time I’m on the underside of his arm, he’s growling, it’s all I can do not to shut him up by kissing his mouth, but I’m a girl on a mission. “Twenty-two,” I say while moving on to lucky number twenty-three.

  “Mo ghaol, if you don’t stop your perusal of my body, events are going to happen tonight I’m not sure you’re ready for,” he warns. I’m not stopping. I’m ready, he doesn’t know it yet, but everything he did today made me fall deeper in love with him. Now, I’m ready to soar…with him. Maybe I didn’t have my mind made up twenty minutes ago, but once I started mapping his tattoos, I was convinced I’m ready to take this leap with him.

  After gently placing his arm back down to his side, I aim for his left nipple, flick the ring he has in it with my tongue, and continue on my way to map his tattoos with my tongue. But I don’t get much further before he stops me.

  Case hauls me up under my shoulders and assaults my mouth with his, in a hungry kiss there’s no question what he wants from me. Our tongues tangle in a dance known only to us.

  He kisses me like he cherishes me, like he wants me. Only me. For what’s left of our lives.

  He gently breaks our kiss and moves me off his body and back to my side of the bed. “We can’t tonight, mo ghaol. I made a promise to myself, but also one to your father. I’m nothing if I’m not a man of my word.” He must read the worrying etched on my face because he quickly adds in, “It’s nothing to do with you. At all. God, I want you. I want you so fucking bad it hurts. But tonight is not the night, sweetheart,” he says while running his fingers through my hair while cupping my jaw with his other hand. “I do have something for you, though.”

  The moment the words leave his mouth, he’s out of my bed and reaching into his overnight bag. What he pulls out is a small wrapped rectangular box. Don’t freak out, Tenley. It’s too large to be a ring box. When he reaches the bed, he slides back in, pulls me into his open and waiting arms, my back once again pressed against his impressive chest.

  “This, mo ghaol, is something I purchased for you a couple days ago—the day you left actually—it was as if the store was calling me inside. I found this a few minutes later and knew it was perfect. Your friend Van helped me out by providing me with what’s inside,” he says while handing me the small gift-wrapped box.

  Not wanting to waste a single second before finding out what it is, I tear through the paper like a kid on Christmas morning. Inside is a navy velvet necklace box. “Go on, open it,” Case encourages me.

  What I find instead brings me to tears. Joyful tears.

  “Oh, Case, it’s exquisite,” I say while turning my head to give him a soft kiss on the lips. I haven’t lifted it out of the box yet. It contains a white gold locket necklace in the shape of a heart with a heart shaped diamond directly in the middle. It’s absolutely ideal for me. Lifting it out of its case, I twill it around to the back where there’s an inscription.

  Our love is written in the sand.

  “Case!” I exclaim. “It’s too much. I can’t accept this.”

  “Open it, sweetheart,” he encourages me.

  When I open the heart, the pictures contained inside bring back the heartfelt tears of joy. He’s placed a picture of Michael and one of himself inside.

  “It’s so you always have the two men who love(d) you the most next to your heart,” Case says.

  “It’s the most precious thing I’ve ever received. I love it. And…I love you. It may be early and I may have fought it, but I know what’s in my heart now. It’s filled with love for this lonely, tattooed, chocolate-eyed man I have sitting before me.”

  He doesn’t say anything, only stares at me in awe. His mouth slightly agape. Either he doesn’t feel the same way for me, or he does and is shocked I’ve said it. Whatever it is, I’d like to hear it.

  “Case? Are you in shock?” I say jokingly while silently praying he is.

  “Yeah?” he answers back robotically.

  “Don’t feel like you have to say it, I only said what’s in my heart. If you’re not there yet, you’re not there. We can keep going like we have been. Learning more about each other as we go along. I only wanted you to know.”

  “It’s not that. Not at all,” he says.

  “Then what is it?” I probe.

  “I’ve never heard the words before. From anyone besides my family. I’m still in shock actually. It’s taken me a couple minutes to process is all.” His eyes stay focused on mine, never letting my gaze drop from his, he run his hands through his hair before continuing on. “I love you, too. I think I’ve loved you from the beginning. It’s why I call you mo ghaol, which literally means “my love” in Scottish-Gaelic.”

  “Oh, how beautiful. Thank you for finally telling me. I’ve wondered what it’s meant for days now.” I reach for my necklace and hand it to him. “Will you put this on me?”

  After he does exactly what I asked, I crawl back into bed, pat the mattress beside me, telling him to join me.

  “Let’s sleep, babe. Tomorrow is a long day,” I say.

  And so, we sleep and it’s the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had.

  The next morning, I wake in Case’s arms. It’s hard to describe the feeling of having been held by him for the whole night. It felt…spot-on. A feeling of exactness takes over me. The pre-dawn light is streaming in through the open blinds. A couple of months
ago, I would’ve done anything to keep those blinds closed. I’m both excited and scared to be able to watch the sunrise today.

  Excited because it’s my favorite time of day…when the world comes alive. Scared because I’m tackling not one, but two of my fears today. The thought alone makes me want to stay in this bed all day long.

  While I’m attempting to move Case’s heavy arm, so I may slide out of bed, he stirs awake.

  “Mornin’, beautiful,” he says, his raspy morning voice sending tingles to all my girlie places.

  “Good morning, sorry if I woke you.”

  “It’s okay, I’d be missing watching the sunrise with you if you hadn’t.” If I wasn’t already head over heels, his words would have sent me there. He always seems to know exactly what to say to turn me to putty.

  “I have to use the restroom before we watch the sun and greet this beautiful day. Can you let me up, please?” I ask.

  “Sure thing, hurry back.”

  Since I know the sunrise is minutes away, I do what he asks and hurry in the bathroom, quickly taking care of what needs to be done as well as brushing my teeth. As I open the door, Case is standing directly on the other side of it, his hand lifted as if to knock on the door, a toothbrush in his other hand.

  “I was only going to knock to ask if I could brush my teeth since I heard you were doing the same,” he says.

  “Well, I’m all done so the bathroom is yours. I’ll be waiting for you on the bed and we can take Mabel June outside with us to watch the sunrise. Does it all sound okay to you?” I question.

  “Mo ghaol, anything with you sounds wonderful. Give me a minute and I’ll be back out.”

  He wasn’t kidding about the minute, he was out in less than two. Silently, he picks up Mabel June from her doggy bed and walks out of my bedroom toward the back patio. “I’m guessing this is where you wanted to watch the sun rise?” he asks.

  “Yeah, actually. How’d you know?”

  “Lucky guess,” he replies while setting Mabel June down so she can go roam.


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