Written in the Sand

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Written in the Sand Page 20

by D. B. James

  “I promised myself I’d go back to work at Bookmark It! today, but since you’re here, it’s not happening. I should probably quit since I’m moving shortly anyway. Don’t you think?” I ask because I truly need some help when it comes to what to do about Lu. She’s like family to me and I don’t want to leave her in a pinch—again—and I fear my moving may do exactly what I don’t want to do.

  “I think the best thing for you to do would be to go in there and have a heartfelt talk with her. This job was always temporary for you, correct?” he asks.

  In lieu of answering him, I nod my head in silent agreement.

  “Well, then, it’s best to sit and talk to her. Offer to stay until she finds capable help. But remember, you have a house to pack up and get ready to move as well. You have to start putting yourself first, Tenley, not the people in your life. You, not them,” he says.

  Taking a few moments to let his words sink in, we sit and silently watch the sunrise over the palm trees lining my parents’ backyard. Mabel June has taken a liking to Case and is sprawled out lying across his bare feet.

  I know the feeling, girl. I quite like him, too.

  A few minutes later, my daddy joins us outside, bringing with him three steaming mugs of coffee. He passes them out without uttering a word. He knows I’ve always loved watching the sun greet the world good morning. After the sun sits fully in the sky, we all begin to speak at once.

  The magic of the past half an hour has been lifted.

  “What are your plans for today?” Daddy asks.

  “Did you give it anymore thought?” Case asks.

  “I’m going to talk to Lu about leaving,” I say.

  All of us speaking at once brings out the giggles in me. “I think we should speak one at a time, don’t y’all?” I manage in between bouts of laughter. Daddy stares at me like I’m an alien. It must be the laughing. In fact, I know it is. He hasn’t heard me laugh since before Michael’s death. When it comes to the Tenley I was, laughter was a foreign sound. To think that was the Tenley of a mere two months ago.

  Case begins to speak, but his words go unheard. I’m laughing and staring back at my daddy. His eyes are crinkled with age, but full of mirth. Before I know it, he’s laughing with me.

  “Oh, Tenley, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard you laugh, baby girl. It’s a nice sound. Never lose it again, okay?” Daddy asks.

  “I’ll try. I promise I’ll try.”

  “I’ll take the promise,” he says. “Now, what do y’all have planned for today?”

  Instead of me answering him, Case does it for me. “We’re tackling a couple of her fears today. She’s going to ride on the back of my motorcycle, learn how to snorkel, and for dinner she may shock us all and try lobster.”

  The lobster part is news to me and not something I agreed to. Two fears in one day is more than enough, but if we happen upon a restaurant with lobster, I won’t protest. Much.

  “Sounds like a wonderful fun-filled day for the two of you. Why don’t you let us know where you’re going to be for dinner and we’ll meet you there? All I ask is to give us a heads up with enough time to get there and we’ll be there,” Daddy offers.

  “I’d love if you met us out, Daddy. I’m sure Case would like to get to know you more. And this would work out perfectly,” I say.

  “It’s set then. We’ll meet you for dinner. Don’t forget to call us and let us know the time and place,” Daddy says.

  “Will do, Stewart,” Case replies.

  I’m walking back inside with my empty coffee mug as mama is walking out the patio doors. She nods her head at me and continues outside. After rinsing my mug in the sink I set in there and make my way back toward my bathroom, gathering my bathing suit, a black tank top, and a cute breathable aqua maxi skirt. I know it’s not your typical motorcycle riding attire, but this is my beach attire, and since we’re mere minutes away from the ocean, I see nothing wrong with my outfit of course.

  Opting to go makeup free, I’m ready in under twenty minutes. I also decided against blow-drying my hair or else we’d never leave the house. My hair’s so thick it takes me at least forty-five minutes to dry it. Walking back into my bedroom, I’m shocked to see Case already dressed with damp hair, sprawled out on my bed.

  “Did you take a shower in the guest bathroom?” I question.

  “Yeah, I figured we may as well make the most of our time together.”

  This man.

  I’ve never met anyone as thoughtful and caring as Case. Which is saying a lot because Michael was pretty caring, even proving to be extremely thoughtful in death.

  “Okay, I’m admitting this very second, I’m scared to death to ride on your bike. I believe the snorkeling will be the easiest thing for me today. The bike? The hardest. I’ll have nothing to hold on to but you. And you’re only holding some stupid handlebars. It’s a deathtrap on two wheels,” I confess.

  “Do you trust me?” Case asks.

  “Unequivocally,” I answer back.

  “Then trust in me to keep you safe on my bike, we’ll only drive it to the beach. Okay?”

  “Okay, I can handle a couple of blocks. I know I can,” I answer, my voice filled with dread, the panic getting the best of me.

  “Mo ghaol, there’s nothing to be afraid of. You can hold on to my waist as tightly as you like, and when I make a turn, lean into the turn with me. You’ll be a pro at this after one quick trip to the beach, I promise.” He leans down to press a kiss to my cheek. “Come on, sweetheart, the day is wasting away.”

  Sighing, I grab his hand, our fingers tangle together as if they’ve always done so. And I’m instantly at peace. From his simple touch. I know deep in my heart, Case would never hurt me. Once we make it to the garage, the panic sets back in. I only spy one helmet on the bike, and I’m not riding it without one. I’m no dummy, I want my head protected.

  “Why’s there only one helmet?” I inquire.

  “The other one is under the seat, I’ll grab it out in a moment. Let’s open the garage doors first, I don’t want to start her up and have the garage fill with fumes,” Case informs me.

  Walking over to the corner where the button is for the garage door, I press it to let the door start opening. He’s busy checking over features on his bike. I have a feeling he’s wanting to be extra cautious for my benefit. He doesn’t want me to worry any more than I already am.

  “Can’t we take my Lexus and say we took the bike?” I ask.

  “But then it wouldn’t be tackling one of your fears, sweetheart,” Case replies while starting his bike.

  Sighing, I give in, knowing he’s correct, even if I don’t admit it out loud. He lifts the seat and grabs the helmet from inside, walking over to me with it. “I, uh, bought this helmet in hopes you’d be riding my bike with me one day. Call it wishful thinking.” He proceeds to place the glittery turquoise helmet on my head, adjusting the straps under my chin, making sure it fits tight. “There, perfect fit like I knew it’d be.”

  “I can’t believe you bought me a helmet. You’ve believed in your wish since the beginning, haven’t you?” I question.

  “I’ve never stopped believing in wishes.”

  “I only did when Michael died, but I’m starting to believe again. You’re opening up my eyes to all kinds of craziness and whimsy I’ve never believed to be true,” I admit.

  “Good, I’m happy you’re believing in magic again,” he replies while taking my hand and walking me over to his bike. I’m shaking inside, but not externally…yet. I’m sure he’ll feel my rapid heartbeat once I’m settled in behind him and we’re moving. “After I strap on my helmet, I’ll get on, you take a seat behind me, the same way you would a regular bicycle. Be careful not to touch your bare legs to the exhaust pipes or muffler, we don’t want you burning your precious skin. I’ll help you off once we arrive at the snorkeling tour company, okay?”

  “Okay,” is all I reply.

  Watching him mount his steel contraption is sexy as
fuck. It looks like an extension of him. Before I’m truly ready, he’s settled on and waiting for me. “Hike your skirt up a bit and wrap it tightly around your legs before getting on, mo ghaol,” Case instructs.

  Taking a deep breath, I do as he told me to do. Once I’m seated, I wrap my arms as securely as I can around his waist, placing my head on his shoulder, while closing my eyes as tightly as possible. He starts moving slowly out of the garage, and it’s not too horrible. If he stays going this slow, we’ll make it to the beach in an hour and I’ll be good as gravy.

  But he doesn’t go slow.

  The second we hit the street, he presses the gas and I feel like we’re flying. Although in reality we’re probably going fifteen miles per hour through the neighborhood.

  Still, I’m terrified.

  “We’re going to take a right turn now out onto the main street, lean into the turn with me, sweetheart. We’re also going to go faster, so hold on tight,” he warns me barely two seconds before turning and taking off. Doing as instructed, I lean into the turn with him, and once we’re on the main road, we truly are flying.


  I feel like Kate Winslet in Titanic and I want to spread my arms out, yelling, “I’m the king of the world”, like Leo does in the movie.

  But I don’t do any of it.

  Instead, I smile.

  And I still feel like screaming so I do. “Faster, Case, faster.”

  He abides and gives the bike more gas, allowing us to go a bit faster.

  By the time we’re turning into Montgomery & Son, I don’t want our ride to end. When Case helps me off the bike, I notice my legs are shaking a bit. “It’s from the bike, Tenley, you’ll eventually get used to it. It’ll only last for a couple of minutes,” Case informs me.

  “Okay. How did you hear of this place? This is Van’s niece’s fiancé’s business. But it’s a fishing charter, not a snorkeling company,” I say.

  “I looked up snorkeling tours in the area, and this one popped up. It has awesome reviews, so I booked us a spot on the 9 a.m. charter. And it may be a fishing charter company, but the website also said snorkeling.”

  “Oh, it must be a new service. Harrison must have expanded his business,” I say.

  Reaching down for Case’s hand, I grasp it in mine and weave our fingers together while walking toward the building’s entrance. I wonder if Morgan is here? Opening the door, my question is answered right away as a redheaded tornado rushes toward me and throws her arms around me in a hug.

  “Lee! I thought it was your name listed on the charter for this morning. I’m excited to see you. Aunt Savannah has been telling me about your journey. She’s left a few details out though, like the stud standing behind you, I don’t think I’ve heard about him. I swear, she still thinks of me as a child. I’m engaged and in college. I’m not a baby,” Morgan complains. “Anyway, enough about me, what brought you two in this fine morning? Aside from the snorkeling. Admit it, you wanted to see my sarcastic ass, Tenley.”

  Case still stands mute near the front door, I better introduce them, or he’ll think I’m rude.

  “Case, this is Morgan, Van’s niece.” He extends his hand for her to shake while I continue the introduction, “Morgan, this is my boyfriend, Case.” She grasps his hand tightly and shakes it with enthusiasm.

  “Aunt Savannah is going to be pissed at me,” Morgan says to no one in particular.

  Glancing down at my watch—yes, I still am one of those people who wear watches—I see it’s nearly 8:50 a.m.

  “Um, shouldn’t we be outside down by the docks or something?” I ask.

  “Nah, you’re the only two going out on this one, it’s a slow day. You’re okay in here with me while Harrison gets the boat ready. And since it’s you, I’m switching off the phones and going out with y’all. I can teach you a few things as well, Lee. Don’t worry, I’m licensed.”

  “When did y’all start all of this?” I ask.

  “It’s new this summer. Harrison keeps expanding. I’m waiting for the day my bookstore/bakery/coffee shop opens up next door. My dad bought the property for me, and we’ll start flipping it this coming winter. After I’m done with school, I’ll run it and we’ll combine the two businesses.”

  “Sounds amazing,” Case says before I have the chance to.

  “Okay, enough chit chat, let’s go meet my man out back on the boat. You’re going to see some amazing sea life today, y’all.” Morgan says while ushering us out of the office building toward the docks.

  The next four hours are filled with wonder. Never before in my life have I been able to experience seeing this much sea life. The boat itself has four glass bottoms in the shape of a normal size door, so if you don’t want to actually snorkel, you don’t have to. You can experience the same thing from the safety of inside the boat.

  Knowing Case won’t let me stay on the boat for the duration of the tour, I begin learning what to do from Morgan. It all sounds fairly easy and I’m never too far from the top of the water. She assures me the views from actually going in the ocean are ten times better than viewing from the boat.

  “I’ll be there with you the whole time, mo ghaol,” Case says as he’s pulling off his shirt. Because him shirtless is going to help me concentrate. Insert eye roll here. Everything about Case is sexy, of course he’d be sexy in only his swim trunks.

  “The biggest thing to remember is, if you go completely underwater don’t remove your snorkel tube. Take an enormous breath and block the whole air tube with your tongue. When you come back to the surface, blow out all the air in your lungs, thus forcing out all the water in the air tube,” Harrison instructs. “Most of all, have fun. There’s nothing to be worried about, you’ll have three people surrounding you at all times.”

  It does make me feel more at ease knowing I’m going to try snorkeling with experienced people. This fear of mine actually stems from my swallowing too much ocean water as a young girl. The riptide had tried—and failed—to wash me away. My mama was there to save me, I was eight. I’ve never swam in the ocean again, though oddly the ocean does bring me peace.

  Sighing, I stare at the three of them. “Okay, fine. I’ll try. But if I feel uncomfortable at any moment, I’m out of there. I will not stay in the ocean if I begin to feel trapped.”

  “Deal,” all three of them say at once, making me laugh.

  Since we’re not diving, I can wear the suit I slipped on under my clothing. I’ve never shown this much skin to Case. The only reason I realize this is because his breath catches when I lower my skirt to the ground and am left in nothing but my black bikini bottoms. Glancing up, I see his already deep coffee eyes have turned black with desire. Keeping eye contact, I remove my tank to reveal my bikini top while biting my bottom lip. I’m giving him hungry, I-want-your-body eyes. And everyone here is witnessing it.

  A clearing of a throat breaks the spell we’re both under. Harrison doesn’t waste one minute telling us it’s time to gather the snorkel gear and hit the water.

  My heart rate already up from being turned on starts to accelerate.

  What if I go too deep?

  What if I breathe in water?

  Will I drown?

  What if there’s a shark nearby?

  Of course, no one else is panicking. Only the semi-crazy chick in the black bikini. No worries though, I have this covered. I totally don’t.

  Case reaches for my hand and walks with me toward the boat’s ladder leading into the endless ocean. The same ocean that once tried to kill me and did kill Michael. To say I’m scared out of my mind is an understatement.

  I’m completely scared stiff.


  As he squeezes my hand, Case reminds me to breathe. “Don’t let it build up until you cause yourself to have a panic attack, sweetheart. Take a few deep breaths, we don’t have to go in until you’re absolutely ready.”

  “You always know exactly what to say to calm me down. It’s one of the reasons I love you most.�
�� I let the words slip from my lips before I realize we have company. Case knows I love him, I told him last night and he told me. Other people hearing it? I’m not so keen on. Why? Because I feel like I’ll be judged for falling so quickly when it comes to Case. Although, would Morgan actually judge me? If I recall correctly, she fell in love within seventeen days. At least it’s what Van told me. I found the story of her and Harrison…sweet. Instead of reacting to their reactions, I bravely step to the ladder and take one step down.

  Here goes nothing.

  Four hours later, I’ve developed a new-found love for the ocean.

  The ocean life I was able to see was simply stunning. When our time is up on the charter, I want to beg Harrison to let us stay a while longer. But he has more clients waiting back at the office. Dream breaker.

  “Mo ghaol, do you want to spend some time wasting away on the beach once we’re docked? Or do you have something else planned until we meet up with your parents for dinner?” Case asks as we’re speeding over the waves.

  “Well, how about a walk along the beach followed by a longer ride on your bike?” I suggest.

  “My woman is conquering her fears today, look at you go. By the way, I find it sexy as fuck,” he whispers in my ear. “You in your black bikini? It made me instantly hard, I was thankful my board shorts concealed my weapon.”

  Laughter bursts out of me, I can’t help it. He called his dick a weapon. I’m dying. Morgan turns from where she was storing the gear to see what has caused me to laugh so hard. When she sees nothing, she continues what she was doing. But I can’t stop laughing.

  “I can’t,” more laughter makes it hard for me to speak, “believe you called your cock a concealed weapon. Case, you do realize how cheesy you sounded right?” I continue laughing while he looks on over my shoulder to Harrison—who heard me—and is now laughing along with me. “You’re lucky I already love you,” I say.

  “I was trying to be funny, of course I don’t call Case Junior a weapon. I, uh, only wanted to make you laugh. Since I succeeded, I call it good,” he back-peddles, trying to save face in front of Harrison.


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