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Perfect Risk (Mason Creek Book 1)

Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  Opening the door, I let Gus sneak by before I gathered the pot and carried it inside. Placing everything in my arms on the table I noticed the card sticking inside and pulled it out, opening the envelope.

  * * *

  To new beginnings, and lasting memories.

  * * *

  Lifting the plant I carried it to the living room and sat it on the small table near the large windows that lined the back of my house. Stepping back I grinned, feeling like it was the perfect addition to the large room.

  I’m not a flowery guy, I don’t decorate with all the fancy shit woman seem to love. My home and the cottage where Sadie resided were like night and day. She’s all fluffy pillows and throw blankets and I’m empty walls and no rugs in sight. But the idea of her things decorating this home excited me.

  I’d learn to love a hundred pillow on my bed and tablecloths on the table if it meant she was in my home too.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  * * *

  I stayed gone longer than I’d meant to. I had a million things to do, but I couldn’t bring myself to go home. Even when Wyatt messaged me to tell me that the steaks were on the grill I remained where I was, sitting on Anna’s couch, playing with Drew. I’d lost track of the amount of times his big Tonka truck had crashed into my ankle.

  Anna knew something was wrong and after the first hour of bugging me about it she gave up and humored me instead. Stories of her clients coming into the salon and at one point I was cursed with the story of how one of her coworkers had cut and styled Karlie’s hair earlier that day.

  That was the moment when she’d realized that what was on my mind was tied to the blonde bimbo that I could honestly say I hated. Hate was a strong word I know this, and I was taught to forgive and forget, that we all make mistakes and everyone deserved a second chance, but not Karlie. I couldn’t bring myself to like her even enough to be civil.

  When I thought of her, I thought of her and Wyatt as a couple and it drove me out of my mind.

  “Will you just tell me what is going one before I march over to Wyatt’s and ask him myself?” Drew took off toward his room leaving Anna and I alone with our bottle of wine. I knew I’d most likely be sleeping on her couch, but at that point I didn’t care.

  “Sadie?” Anna slid forward on the couch and forced me to look at her. “Did something happen with Wyatt?”

  “I saw them outside of the station today.”


  Just then the front door came open and in walked a greasy and dirty Beau, from a long day at work.

  “Ladies.” He leaned over the back of the loveseat and planted a big kiss on Anna’s mouth. After whispering something in her ear he grabbed her glass and took a sip of her wine. “What are we talking about?”

  “Nothing yet, but I have a feeling that I’m gonna be bulldozing you BFF and demanding answers.” I cringed when Anna started spouting off words.

  Beau arched his brow looking between me and his wife before settling on me. “What’d Wyatt do?”

  “Nothing.” I waved my hand at them and finished off the contents of my glass. Neither of them looked convinced. “I mean I don’t think so, I just,” suddenly I felt like a complete fool. “It’s nothing, just me over reacting.”

  “If its bothering this much, it’s not nothing.” Anna was irritated, and I knew I’d made a mistake even bringing it up. They were talking, that’s it, people could talk and it could mean nothing.

  “I’m gonna head home.” I stood, and Anna followed.

  “Sadie.” She followed behind me to the door and once I was there I turned around to face her.

  “Really, I’m fine.” Again she stared at me and I knew we’d be talking more about this later. Anna wasn’t one to let something go.

  With my keys in my hand, I walked toward my car thankful that I’d only had the one glass and not polished off the body like we’d intended to when opening it.

  When I pulled up into the driveway and my lights flashed over the front of the cottage I felt my heart rate quicken when I saw Wyatt sitting on the swing waiting for me. Pushing down the nervous energy I’ve felt all afternoon and evening I climbed out and walked toward him.

  “Hey,” he only looked at me, which only made my nerves worse. “I was over at Anna’s and we go to talking and lost track of time.”

  Standing from the swing, I noticed that he was holding a container in his hand. “Beau called, said that his fiery wife may be making a visit to my house and to be prepared. Mind filling me in?”

  “She insisted that something was the matter with me and refused to listen,” I felt terrible for throwing Anna under the bus, but I didn’t want to come off as neurotic and petty so I chose to ignore the nagging feelings in my head. “Naturally she’s blaming you for it.”

  I couldn’t really read his emotions, because he said nothing and the way he was looking at me still, made me wonder what else Beau might have said to him.

  “I made you dinner,” he held out the container and I took it.

  “Thank you.” Suddenly I felt like a complete ass. “Did you eat?” He nodded.

  I was just about to ask him to come inside when he stepped around me and my heart felt as if it sank in my chest.

  “You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” It was my turn to nod.

  “Good night, Sadie,” when he pressed a kiss to my temple, my vision clouded with tears. Could I handle it if he still had feelings for Karlie? I used to think that being near Wyatt was the worst thing, but now being without him was unbearable.

  “Good night,” I whispered long after he’d walked away. The sounds of his boots crunching along the gravel drive and then the echo of his back door closing marked the end of the night. Part of me wanted to spin around and follow him, but then I wasn’t even sure what I would say.

  So instead, I went inside and sat down at my table alone, picking at the food he’d made for me. The longer I sat there, the worse I felt. All my old insecurities were resurfacing and suddenly I was once again that girl that felt inadequate. I hated that feeling.

  Picking up my phone I dialed Annie’s number and when she picked up on the second ring I knew she’d been waiting for me to call. “You ready to tell me what’s going on inside your head?”

  “Doubt,” one word and it opened up the flood gates. “Karlie came in the shop today and bought a housewarming gift for Wyatt.”

  “She what?” Anna’s voice rose a little higher and I could almost imagine her rolling up hers sleeves and taking off her rings. My inferior friends always ready to run to my rescue.

  “A Peace Lily, because it was fitting,” those were her words.

  “Did you smash it over her head and tell her that was your peace offering?”

  “No, but I imagined it,” smiling for the first time I hear Anna laugh. “I wasn’t going to let it bother me—”

  “Because you shouldn’t.”

  “But then,” I continued ignoring her interruption, “I drove past the station on the way to your house and I saw her and Wyatt standing out front. She was close, her hand on his chest. They were talking.” A knot reformed in my chest as I remember how intimate they looked. “I’m sure that’s all it was.”

  “Did you talk to him?”

  “No,” I let out a slow breath, feeling defeated. “I should huh?”

  “You should.” Silence fell over us, but I knew what I needed to do.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  * * *

  I woke to the sound of knocking on my door and Gus barking, while pouncing around on the end of the bed. I’d slept like shit, but that was because my mind wouldn’t shit the hell up. I didn’t want to leave Sadie last night, I wanted her to talk to me but instead I’d walked away leaving her standing on her front porch holding a container of food I’d given her.

  What I really wanted was to have dinner with her than fall asleep with her in my bed, but that didn’t happen either. So instea
d, I spent the night tossing and turning and just when I’d finally fallen to sleep, it was time to get up.

  Another knock echoed through the house and Gus jumped off the bed running in that direction barking like he’d planned on killing whoever it was on the opposite side.

  My bare feet padded against the hardwood floor, as I ran my hand through my hair to tame my wild bed head.

  When I opened the door, I was a little shocked to find that it had snowed and the ground was now white, more flakes falling heavy. Sadie stood just outside my door, wearing a winter coat, boots, a hat and mittens. Her cheeks were red and a frothed fog appeared every time she exhaled.

  “Being in LA for more than five years I missed out on Montana winters.” She looked up and held her hands out to her sides. “I didn’t realize until this morning when I found everything white, just how much I missed snow.”

  It was cold, my feet and chest freezing from the frigid temperature change. But I remained in the doorway, shirtless with feet bare and watch her spin around in a circle and laugh.

  When she focused back on me she took a step forward and tilted her head back to look up at me. “I don’t have to go in today until after lunch.” Blinking up at me she looked like a little kid smiling bright. “Come play in the snow with me,” she said, smiling as she waited for me to agree.

  “Tell me something first.” She nodded, but I could see the hesitation she was attempting to hide from me. “What was last night about?”

  She attempted to lower her gaze, but I placed my palm to her cheek and refused to let her hide.

  “Last night was me letting my insecurities get the best of me.”

  I stared at her, wondering what a gorgeous and kind-hearted woman like Sadie could have to be insecure about. “You have no idea just how much you mean to me, do you?” Again she tried to shy away but lifted my other hand holding her, making her see me. “You are all I think about.” She took in a slow calming breath. “Sadie, you’re incredible.” And I am so madly in love with you that the thought of losing you makes me nauseous. That’s what I should have said.

  “You’re pretty incredible too.” When she smiled I moved in closer and kissed her sweet lips.

  “Now go get dressed and come build a snow man with me.”

  “Babe, I don’t think we got enough yet to build a snowman.” Yes, the ground was white, but we had less than an inch.

  “Well, then we will just build a tiny snowman.” Backing away I watched as she walked toward the yard and Gus trotted behind her. When she started to play with him I stood there and observed them, thinking back to the times she showed up on my back porch telling me that Cujo was harassing her.

  Such a fire in her and now, they were friends.

  I snuck off to get dressed and when I joined her, she’d already started gathering the snow for the bottom base. Hell, I could have just sat next to her and watched being perfectly happy with that alone.

  The snow grew heavier, and when Gus pawed at the back door, I let him inside. With two snowmen side by side, Sadie and I stood back and observed our creations. Mine was lopsided, leaning into hers. She’d gathered to scarfs wrapping them around the necks and used rocks for their eyes. With stick arms I positioned mine to appear as though it was holding the others back.

  When I told her that my snowman couldn’t go without touching her snowman she smiled and leaned in o me.

  I was still unsure about what she was talking about when she referred to her insecurities and I planned on digging into that a little more. But for now, I’d take what she was giving to me, because it was times like this that only made me love her more. Times when she let her guard down and laughed without pause.

  No outside life or drama weighing us down, it was only her and I, enjoying one another.

  Those times were my favorite.

  I rounded the corner and smacked straight into Karlie who was exiting Wren’s Cafe. An oomph falling from her lips as she stumbled back and immediately I reached out to catch her from falling.

  “Shit,” I mumbled realizing that I was holding her hand and quickly released it once I made sure she was stable.

  “That was like hitting a brick wall,” she laughed and instinctively I looked toward the direction of Blossom’s. “Thank goodness you caught me, or I’d be flat on my ass.”

  “Listen, I’m sorry.” I stepped around her, now having the view of the front entrance of Blossoms in my line of sight. Karlie was touchy feely, she flirted heavily, it was just who she was, she’d always been that type. The wrong idea could be taken easily on her part and on anyone around that may observe her interactions.

  “It’s okay.” When Karlie placed her hand on my forearm, I flinched and stepped back. “Wow, is your new girlfriend that neurotic and jealous that you can’t even allow me to express my forgiveness with a simple touch?”

  Me biting back was what she wanted, it’s how Karlie operated so instead, I ignored her dig. I didn’t have to explain Sadie to her, or myself for that matter. I wasn’t delusional enough to believe that Karlie wasn’t a sore spot for Sadie, I understood.

  “Have a nice day.” I began walking away and Karlie yelled out after me, “It was great seeing you again, Wyatt. This is becoming a new thing with us.” She shrugged and offered me a little flirtatious wave. And the second that I looked away I knew why.

  My gaze immediately landed on Sadie who was standing out in front of her mother’s shop with a big bouquet of flowers in her hands. Mr. Martens walked out carrying a second arrangement and Sadie was staring in my direction. I didn’t have to be close to realize that she was looking at me, and noticing that only a few feet behind me stood Karlie.

  I couldn’t manage to make my feet move, her words from a few nights ago ringing in my ears. Letting my insecurities get the best of me.

  The plant, the Blossoms tag, it all made sense now.

  I hurried across the town square, practically jogging to get to her. Standing back only a few feet I waited for her to place the flowers in the back of the car before stepping back and saying goodbye and thank you to Mr. Martens.

  When she turned around she tried to step past me and I sidestepped blocking her path. We did a little dance, me refusing to allow her to pass and her glaring at me in return.

  “Will you stop being stubborn and trying to avoid me?”

  Instead of her responding she spun on her heels and attempted to walk to the other side of the store. I assumed in attempt to go toward the back entrance, but I didn’t allow her to get away from me that way either.

  “Sadie!” My voice echoed as I hollered her name and she stopped. “Stop acting like a child for one damn second, you’re gonna freeze out here.”

  “I’d rather freeze.”

  She’d decided being difficult was her best option and I wasn’t about to let this shit come between us. Insecure over Karlie would not be an option. I hurried after her, catching her waist and spinning her around to face me. She pushed against me and I held her tighter.

  “You’re being a pain in the ass.” I continued to block her path as she tried to move around me. “You drive me fucking nuts sometimes.”

  “Then let me go!”

  She was a smart woman, but with me she was a complete moron. She honestly had no fucking clue. “I can’t.” Gripping her hands that where still attempting to push me away, I held her wrists firmly. “And I won’t, because I love you.”

  Her fight faded, she lifted her head and her tear-filled eyes locked with my own.

  “I am so in love with you that half the time I can’t see straight,” I need her to hear me, to feel the depth of my feelings. “Those feelings, they aren’t going anywhere.”

  “I can’t compete,” her fight long gone and in its place defeat.

  “You don’t have to, Sadie, there is no competition.” How could she not sense how I feel about her? I realize that was partially my fault, I should have told her what I was feeling long ago. “It is only you.”

y time I turn around I see you two together. Outside the station, outside Wren’s even in the coffee shop when I was supposed to be meeting you. Then she shows up to buy you a plant that—,”

  “I thought it was from you.”

  Sadie blinked, staring back at me so I continued.

  “It was on my porch, she didn’t sign the card so I thought you’d left it there. And, yes, she did stop by the station, she said she made mistakes and missed me.”

  Sadie tried to pull away but I grabbed ahold of her just a little more securely.

  “I told her that there was nothing left for her and I, and that there never would be again. I told her that I was in love with you.”

  “Wyatt.” She closed her eyes and I noticed the way her lower lip trembled.

  “I told her that I’ve never been happier, than I am when I’m with you.”

  One single tear dripped from her eye and trailed along her cheek. She gutted me, the idea that she questioned what I felt for her made me want to tell her more. It made me want to give her no other choice but to accept that my feelings for her were stronger than anything I’ve ever felt for any woman before.

  “I love us, what we’ve built so far, what we will continue to build and what we could have together. Baby, you’ve got me imagining a life with you. You have me dreaming of shit I never thought I’d want but here I am getting all fucking sappy and dreamlike over a future that I want with only you. No one else Sadie, I only want those things with you.”

  She was silent for what felt like forever but I know it was only seconds.

  “Did you really tell her you were in love with me?”

  Her eyes were bloodshot and it crushed me. Leaning in I rested my forehead to hers trying to pull my shit together.


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