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Page 3

by Delilah Devlin

  However, this woman’s punishment hit him straight in the groin. Aroused him so his mind felt sluggish due to testosterone overload, and the animal inside him stirred, eager to have her. And yet, the warmth of his ass, her pleasure in his submission also made him feel lighter, happier. And something inside him said the emotions crowding his chest had nothing to do with her technique or the tools she’d used.

  He suspected his happiness was due solely to the woman who swayed closer, her hands surrounding his head, leaning over him as he lavished her with flicks of his tongue. Even though he was hard as a post, he’d be satisfied doing nothing more than pleasing her.

  When she moved away, he bit back a groan. Her expression was tight. Her eyes a little wide. She rolled up the edge of her corset, hiding the ravaged tips.

  He didn’t bother waiting for her to tell him it was okay, he pushed off the bench and stood, letting her see what she’d done to his body.

  His cock bobbed against his belly, and he dropped a hand to stroke it, knowing she watched the movement. He also didn’t bother bowing his head. Instinctively, he knew they’d thrown any rules of conduct out the window. Yeah, they were way beyond that. “There any cameras in this room?”

  She gave a curt nod toward a far corner.

  He didn’t look toward it. He didn’t give a damn who watched. But did she? “Mistress…Ash,” he pleaded, every muscle in his body alert and ready to act.

  She shook her head. Closed her eyes. Then she glanced to the corner and signaled with a wave of her hand beneath her chin for their watchers to cut the feed.

  “We alone?” he ground out.

  “Completely,” she whispered, her eyes wide.

  Was she feeling as desperate as he was? Gus swooped toward her, picked her up by the waist and laid her on the bench. “No more slap and tickle.”

  She cupped the corners of his shoulders then glided her hands across his chest. “I’m still in charge,” she said, but without any force behind the words, like she was reassuring herself.

  “Yes. You can decide whether you want me or not. But choose quick.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “You’re a terrible sub.”

  One side of his mouth curled up. “Not really into rules.”

  “Funny, I don’t seem to mind a bit that you’re not.”

  “Punish me for the lapse…later.”

  Her mouth curved. “My pleasure.”

  He bent and took her mouth, rubbing away the smile. Her hands framed his face. Fingers cupped his ears then bit into his lobes to hold him back.

  He didn’t like the uncertainty causing her eyes to darken. “Need control?”

  “I do.”

  “I’ll give it. Always. Tell me what you want.”

  Her chest rose and fell so swiftly, her breaths came in tiny gasps. “Undress me.”

  “Your wish…” He gave her a wide grin, hauled her up to sit on the edge of the bench, then went to work on the laces of her corset, his fingers clumsy because of the depth of his need. When he had it open, he let it fall away, then bent to kiss the red marks where the stays had bitten into her pale skin. His hands cupped her breasts, thumbs and forefingers tweaking her diamond-hard tips. When he kissed his way to the top of her skirt, he simply rucked it up to her waist to expose lacy green panties. The elastic gave easily as he jerked it away, exposing her nude mound. The boots went last, and he kissed the flesh he exposed as he jerked their zippers down.

  Gus went down on the kneeler, lifted her thighs over his shoulders and buried his face between her legs. He loved eating women out. Loved their varied flavors and textures. Aislinn’s sex, so bare, so smooth, gave the impression of delicacy that her strong will belied.

  Pretty pink inner folds protruded from between the fleshy outer lips, and he sucked them into his mouth, trailing his tongue along the thin edges, before delving between to lick up the intoxicating flavor of her arousal. Her light musk, mixed with whatever perfumed soap she’d used, went straight to his head.

  He’d been hard before, but now he’d die if he didn’t have her. He rested his forehead on her belly and dragged in deep breaths, fighting for control. “Rubbers,” he gasped.

  “In the drawer at the side of the bench,” she said, her voice tight.

  He dragged open the drawer, letting it fall to the carpeted floor, dug his fingers into the cardboard box and drew out a single plastic packet. He tore it with his teeth and quickly rolled it down his cock. The pink condom stretched so tight it was nearly transparent. “Good enough?”

  She gave a sharp nod, true desperation tightening her features.

  He was right there with her. He bent again, wagging his head to widen her legs and make room for him to ravage her.

  Plunging his tongue as deep as he could reach, he fucked her, using a thumb to rasp her clit, gauging her growing arousal by the restless movement of her thighs atop his shoulders and the clutch of her fingers in his hair.

  When her belly and inner thighs quivered, unrelenting, he reared up, arms hooking beneath her knees, and pulled her bottom to the edge of the bench. “Tell me you want this.”

  “I want you, Gus. Jesus, fuck me.”

  Dipping his hips, he maneuvered his cock to her soaked entrance. He raised his face to meet her heavy-lidded gaze, jostled her thighs in his strong grip then flexed his hips.

  He plunged deep, burrowing himself through her hot, silky tissues. She took it all, every hard fucking inch. When his groin ground against hers, he held still, closing his eyes for a moment and giving thanks he didn’t blow right that second.

  Her inner muscles clamped around him, squeezing. His eyes snapped open to give her a hard, challenging stare. He lifted her legs, pushing at the backs of her thighs until her legs rose straight in the air.

  With her legs high and her hips tilted up, her pussy cinched around his dick. He blew out a quick breath. “Baby, you’re fuckin’ tight.”

  “Don’t think that’s the issue. You’re goddamn huge.”

  He gave her a pained grin. Running his hands from her ankles down to her buttocks, he angled his face to the side and gave her calf a slow lick. Then cupping her bottom to hold her steady, he began to move.

  Digging deep for control, he pulled slowly from her silky depths, and then plowed deep, tunneling as he came at her. He dragged slowly out, circling his hips to scrape every inch of her inner walls.

  She gave a garbled groan and wriggled her butt inside his grasp. He eased back inside, helped by a fresh slick of moisture.

  Again, he pulled out, and pushed inside, this time a bit more easily. He knew he was big, that friction built with each deep stroke. “How’m I doin’, Mistress?” he ground out.

  She rolled her eyes. “Not the best time for talking.”

  “Have to be sure I’m gettin’ it right.”

  A gust of laughter shook her slender frame. “Brat! Just you wait.”

  “If this is my reward, you can spank my ass any day.”

  “This isn’t how I usually reward a sub.”

  He believed her. What was happening between them was too potent to be anything but truly special. “Glad to hear it,” he growled.

  He gave her another slow plunge, then rocked against her, swirling his cock inside because she was so damn hot, so wet he didn’t want it to end. “You said I should call you ma’am outside this place.”

  “When we’re in public.”

  “That mean—”

  “That I’d like to see more of you? What do you think?”

  “I think next time I want a bed, somethin’ soft under you, because I don’t want to bang you ’til you’re bruised.”

  “Maybe I’ll like that.”

  A laugh escaped him. He shook away the sweat rolling from his hairline. “Give me the word.”

  “Doughnut?” she quipped.

  “Permission, Mistress.”

  “Careful,” she purred. “I’ll fall in love with you.”

  “That be so bad?”

raised both eyebrows, and then fell back again. “You may come. Take me, Gus.”

  Smoothing his hands up her calves, he guided them around his neck and bent over the bench, gripping both sides. “Hold on tight.”

  Her feet crossed behind him, her belly curved, and she pulled him closer. When his head hovered over hers, he began to fuck her in earnest, pounding at her pussy, the strokes shallower but faster, his groin smacking her slick flesh.

  He watched her face, the way her cheeks reddened, the dip of her eyelids as her excitement escalated. He’d never seen a woman so beautiful, or pleasure so lush. Control held by a thread, he continued, his motions quickening, breaths ragged and deep.

  When her head tilted back and her mouth rounded, moans gusting with every hard thrust, he knew she was close. “Touch it,” he said. “Touch your clit, baby.”

  She slid a hand between them, but he didn’t pull away to watch her rub. He kept his gaze glued on her face as her brows drew together and her breath caught. He knew the moment she came because her legs jerked apart and her crotch jammed against him and held. Her body vibrated and a long, choked scream echoed in the room.

  Only then did he let go, pummeling her, his movements losing rhythm but gaining power. He hammered home, straining, darkness closing in, narrowing his vision. He exploded, giving a harsh shout, thrusting deep and holding as come erupted, filling the condom in scalding pulses. He gentled the motion of his hips, reluctant to stop, wanting to draw out the pleasure, but the moment came when he realized she lay still beneath him.

  He opened his eyes, slid from inside her and straightened. More than anything, he wanted to lie over her, wrap his arms around her and wait until both their bodies recovered.

  However, Aislinn’s eyes snapped open. She eased up from the bench, swung her legs to the side and stood. Her knees gave, and he bit back a grin as he hauled her back up. “Forget how to walk?” he murmured.

  “I remember just fine. And you forget your place.”

  “It’s okay. I won’t take it personally. I wasn’t expectin’ it either.”

  Her head swung his way. “Expecting what?”

  “To want you this much. To feel this happy.” He shrugged as she stared. “But it’s okay. I’ll wait ’til you’re ready to admit it too.”

  She cleared her throat and straightened away from him. “Someone will come to help you clean up.”

  “After care? Really?” He gave her a look that said she needed it more.

  Her chin shot up. She rolled down her skirt, bent and swiped her corset from the ground, turned it this way and that like she was trying to figure out how to put it on, then tossed it away in disgust. Head held high, she sailed out of the room.

  Gus began to follow her, but Mondo stood in the doorway an arm blocking his way and his head turning to follow Aislinn as she marched away. “Not something I’ve seen before,” Mondo drawled.

  “Like you’ve never seen her tits?”

  “Oh, I’ve seen her completely nude. But I’ve never seen her look anything less but completely in control. Dios! Leave you two alone for a few minutes and look what you do.”

  Gus grinned. “She’s somethin’.”

  Craig strolled down the hallway, hands shoved deep in his pockets, a silly grin on his face. “Don’t know what happened. Not sure I wanna ask. But that sweet-assed Domme said you’re to meet her here next Friday night. And don’t be late.”

  Gus stifled a sigh. “And there I was thinkin’ she wanted to go on a date.” He turned away to pick up his clothing.

  Both men behind him burst out laughing. He straightened and turned back, hiding the redness he knew showed on his hot ass. “Not a damn word.”

  “Not a chance,” Craig said, still chuckling.

  Mondo’s lips pursed, and he shook his head. “You owe me, bro.”

  Gus gave him a blistering glare. “Not a fucking word.”

  Aislinn showered, washing away the odor of sex from her skin. Her hands shook. “Dammit.”

  She’d managed, just barely, to hold it together for her half-naked trek through the hall. Not that those who frequented the club hadn’t seen her in the buff before, but being in a scene when it happened was somehow less embarrassing than traipsing through with her skin glowing and moisture slicking her thighs.

  What the hell just happened? How had the flustered man who’d blushed when she’d smacked the hand hovering over a tray of doughnuts so completely turned things around?

  And he’d made her love it. The moment his restraint broke, something inside her gave as well. Three years she’d worked on learning her skills, learning the psychology behind what made a successful and satisfied Dominant who could open a world of pleasure to the right submissive. She’d worked hard. Sacrificed a normal social life because she’d believed, up until this night, that this was her course.

  Where was she left now?

  A tapping sounded outside the open-stall shower room. “Ash?”

  “Mondo?” She swiped her hair from her eyes and glanced over her shoulder at her mentor.

  His dark head canted while he studied her expression. “Just checking on you. You looked shattered, mi amor.”

  Shattered. What an apt description for how she felt. “Did anyone else notice?”

  “Your secret’s safe, I’m sure. Remember, I know you. I taught you.”

  He’d taught her techniques, the cues a sub’s body gave when she needed to go easy or hard, and he’d instilled confidence in her that now seemed false. Unable to hold his knowing glance, she looked away. “Mondo, it all got away from me.”

  She turned off the spigot. A towel wrapped around her from behind. She felt no embarrassment as he dried her nude body. From day one, he’d insisted on nudity when he trained, removing all false barriers and leaving nothing to hide behind.

  The towel abraded her nipples and she hissed.

  “Was he rough with you?” he asked, his breath gusting against her cheek.

  “Yes, and I loved it.”

  Mondo turned her with his hands and gave her a crooked smile. “You found pleasure with my friend?” At her nod, he added, “I thought you might.”

  “Did you know I’d crumble? You could have warned me.”

  He tossed the towel at her head. “You didn’t crumble. However, now you know something more about yourself and what you need.”

  “But he topped me.”

  “There’s no set way things should happen between a Dom and sub. No true rules, other than do no lasting harm. And every relationship will be different. If you find joy, what does it matter who remains in charge?” He gave her a nod then raked her body with a wicked, knowing glance. “Fulfillment becomes you, chica.”

  He strode away, and not for the first time, she wondered how she’d managed to train with him for so long, naked in body and emotions, and not fall just a little bit in love with the handsome Latino.

  She rubbed the towel on a fogged mirror and stared at herself—at the swollen lips, the pink cheeks, her large round eyes. Rather than dwelling on her failure, all she could wonder was whether Gus would mind that his friend had fucked her every way imaginable while teaching her what her body’s limitations were. Would he be able to understand the necessity?

  Like Mondo said, every D/s encounter was different. While Mondo didn’t make a habit of sleeping with the Doms he trained, or seeing them outside the confines of this club, he’d made an exception for her.

  However, why she was worried when Gus likely wouldn’t want anything to do with her if they met again outside the club, she didn’t know. Yet Mondo’s belief that they were good together held a lot of sway. He knew her. Had broken down every wall around her heart then helped her build a shiny new foundation. Maybe that’s why she wasn’t willing to walk away.

  Or maybe it was because the moment Gus had gained her permission to take over, she’d been thrilled to her toes. The way he’d pleasured her, with more enthusiasm than finesse, the way he’d handled her body, unleashing his imm
ense power while carefully gauging her rising excitement, had made for the most exhilarating sex of her life.

  Her shoulders slumped. She’d been playing at being a Domme. Obviously, she had no true heart for it. She ought to be wallowing in a pool of self-recrimination over her loss of control. And yet her body had never felt more fulfilled or relaxed. Although she wanted to deny she felt it, this feeling of elation, of wonder and discovery, was what she’d wanted for so long but never quite achieved.

  Maybe she was overthinking the whole thing. Maybe tonight was simply super-charged because they’d just met and both been carried away. Perhaps the next time he’d be more willing to trust her and for her to trust her own instincts.

  She had a week to get herself back in the groove. She’d set the date and the setting. Rather than jump off the deep end in a date outside the club, she’d had the good sense to draw back.

  Reassured she’d done the right thing, she ignored the voice inside her head, the one ranting at her for not seeking him out right this minute for more of his rough brand of loving.

  Chapter Four

  Early Thursday evening, Gus’s crew assembled at their usual haunt. This night, The Emerald Tavern was hopping.

  A favorite among cops and firemen, the dimly lit bar felt like a second home to Gus. Thursday night was the one night of the week his posse’s work schedules allowed them to all meet, outside special events for which they requested time off. They had a ritual—same scarred table, same first round of drinks. They even had their own personal bartender who never let their glasses go empty, but who also made sure to replace beer for water when they’d reached their limit.

  Gus glanced toward Marti Kowalski, who was wiping down the bar, and raised a finger to indicate they needed another round. She flashed him a brilliant smile. Then blushed.

  Something she didn’t do with anyone else. Marti was tough despite her tiny frame. But she was engaged to his buddy, Jackson, something Gus and the rest of the crew had helped Jackson achieve over the course of one naughty weekend. A weekend no one ever mentioned for Jackson’s peace of mind.


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