My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4)

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My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4) Page 6

by Lindsay Downs

  What happened next almost brought laughter to Jessica.

  “And you, m’ lord, Gibson has spoken with Jamison who will find a stall for you in the stable. I’ll not have you sneaking about trying to get into Her Ladyship’s suite in the middle of the night,” the housekeeper declared.

  “Mrs. Shelton, don’t you think that’s a little drastic. Just think how the horses would feel,” Jessica jested.

  “Oh, please. I promise to behave and not go down any of the guest halls. You can even have the butler set a footman at the head of the corridor to prevent any untoward visits by any of the single men when they arrive in a week,” Matthew stated in his defense.

  “I’ve already thought of that and except for Lord Justin, all the bachelors will be staying in the gate house. He will have the privilege of residing in the mansion. Now, let’s get you ladies out of the cold. I’ve already arranged for hot water to be sent up to your suites,” Mrs. Shelton declared, giving Matthew a glare and waving the ladies ahead of her.

  With these new conditions set down, Jessica knew it would be nearly impossible to sneak a chaste kiss from Matthew. However, she would have to find a way. Trailing her mother into the mansion then up to her suite, Jessica was greeted by Sally.

  “Welcome, m’ lady. I’ve already started to unpack your trunks. Have you decided if you wish to dine here or with the others?”

  In the past, even when coming from her parents’ estate, only a long day’s drive away, her mother would stay in her suite for dinner, while Jessica would eat in the dining room with Matthew and sometimes the earl. Now, with the other ladies present, she wasn’t sure. A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.

  “Come in,” she called out.

  Much to her amazement, Amelia led Chelsea and Bianca in. Each wearing a smile which disarmed Jessica.


  “We’re going to be kidnapping you this evening for dinner. There are many things we need to discuss so be ready at half seven. I’ve already commandeered the formal dining room from Gibson. This way the gentlemen may speak openly about whatever they desire,” Amelia firmly stated.

  Jessica looked over her shoulder to her maid. “The pale-blue gown,” she directed, then turned back to Amelia.

  “Will you be–”

  “Don’t even go on. That talk is for your wedding night and between you and the countess,” Amelia stated.

  Even though Jessica had a fair idea from the romance novels she’d read as to what occurred between the husband and his wife the anticipation was building in her. She only now needed the details.

  “Then, what will we be discussing so the men don’t hear?”

  “In each of our cases our gentleman attempted to throw a protective net over us and failed. Thusly, I’m sure they’ve thought of ways to add a security level to us which we aren’t aware of. On the down side, with their disastrous attempts which granted ended up putting us, individually, in danger, we feel your Lord Matthew will attempt to do the same,” Bianca said.

  “So, we ladies have decided not to let the same happen to you, all the while keeping you safe from Richard Macey,” Chelsea added.

  Jessica thought about what they said and understood. “Then, ladies, I look forward to this most entertaining and informative evening. I should say, though, it will be interesting when our gentlemen learn of the meeting.”

  “All I can say, be prepared for the wrath of Odin to come down upon you in the form of Lord Matthew. However, we will stand your stead and protect you from him if need be. Now rest, as it has been a long two days and this eve will be also,” Amelia stated.

  With her friends gone, Jessica turned back to Sally. “Help me from my traveling gown. As I have about an hour before needing to bathe I’ll read.”

  “And hopefully you won’t fall asleep. While you rest, I’ll take the selected gown to the laundry and have the wrinkles ironed out.”

  Once free of her gown, Jessica slipped on her heavy bathrobe, picked up the book she’d read during the journey, and settled herself in a chair near the warm fire. As she turned the pages she thought about what Amelia and the others had said.

  Was it possible Matthew would stand in her way. After all, on more than one occasion she’d had to rescue him from either a spy or traitor. Yes, granted he’d had to do the same for her almost as many times as she’d saved him. By now he must know she could take care of herself.

  Thinking about the distant past, Jessica then let her mind slip back to a few days ago when her suite in London was invaded. Not once did the man say who he worked for. Not even the runners from Bow Street had been able to find out. Jessica knew she’d seen Macey, could someone else be after her or Matthew. This she’d have to bring to the dinner table, so to speak.

  Dressed in her simple evening gown and hair in a chignon, Jessica made her way down to the formal dining room. Stepping in, she was greeted by warm smiles from the other ladies, each with a glass of sherry in their hand. Gliding over, Jessica glanced at the table, where shortly they would dine. Five settings. Two on each side with one at the head of the table. She thought this strange and silently wondered if Matthew’s mother would be joining them. Placed near the last two seats platters had already been set out. Then she realized there were no footmen standing silently ready to assist them.

  Accepting a glass of sherry from Chelsea, Jessica started to inquire about the other place when she heard.

  “My dear, that one is for me. As I fully agree with this conclave it is necessary I also be present to make sure the men heed your decisions,” the duchess announced, sweeping up to the group.

  “And we welcome you into our discussion, Your Grace,” Amelia said.

  Hearing the door which led from the kitchen open, Jessica turned to see who was entering, and saw Gibson.

  “Your Grace, m’ ladies. Everything has been set as directed. Do you need anything else from me?”

  “Yes, for you to depart post haste and you nor any of the staff are to listen at the door. If we have need of your services I will ring the bell,” the duchess ordered.

  “As you wish, Your Grace,” the butler said before bowing and then slipping back the way he’d come.

  “Your Grace, ladies, shall we sit and start passing the platters around?” Amelia pronounced.

  Jessica started to take one of the chairs the furthest from the head when she was directed to sit on the duchess’ right hand. With a head bob she did as requested.

  “Ladies, as we are alone and to facilitate our discussion, might I recommend rank be put aside for the duration and we use our Christian names?” the duchess suggested.

  Jessica wasn’t surprised on seeing everyone nod their agreement.

  “Now, with that settled, Jessica when you entered you wore a puzzled look, and I know it wasn’t due to the number of settings. Would you care to enlighten us?” Bianca said.

  She answered with a head bob, since she was eating a piece of fish. Swallowing it, Jessica explained what she’d thought about in her suite. Not surprising none of the ladies, including Claire, the duchess, gasped on learning this new and highly possible news.

  “So you see, there could be another out to hurt me or Matthew. As I’ve learned from the staff at my parents’ townhouse, Richard Macey was nowhere to be found. It’s as if the man simply vanished, leaving no trace he’d ever been in London,” Jessica continued to explain.

  “My dear, at some point, and it needs to be tonight, the gentlemen need to learn of what you suspect. And fear not as we will all be with you,” Claire told Jessica.

  “Thank you. You ladies know Lord Matthew will insist I not leave the mansion without at least him and another as my guards.”

  “Of that we’re sure, but I’ve an idea which might spike his cannons,” Chelsea said.

  “And what might that be?” Jessica replied.

  “I know exactly where Chelsea is going with this and not only do I approve, but I believe it will be fun. Jessica, when you helped rescue
my Tony you rode as a groom. Did you perchance bring the same clothes with you?” Amelia uttered.

  “Of course, I never travel without them, but what are you getting at?” she answered and could feel her brow furrow.

  “Jessica, you’ve ridden the estate before, so you’re familiar with it. What if say, Chelsea wished to go for a ride. As such a groom would accompany her as she’s never been here before. Instead of a groom from the stables it will be you,” Claire explained.

  “Yes, and this way Jessica you might find something or someplace where this, now unidentified, person might choose to hide. After all, he wouldn’t wish to make his presence known until he was ready to cause you or Lord Matthew harm. Now, would he?” Bianca explained.

  But, what if it was a woman not a man who was after them. With this thought the hunt took on an entirely new direction.

  Jessica explained her thought and how it could be even more difficult to find the individual.

  “That is true, but I’m confident Lord Matthew will send out riders to alert the tenants to be on the lookout for strangers. As the village does have several respectable traveler inns along with sights people come to see, they could hide in plain view,” Amelia added.

  “And I’m sure that’s the last place Lord Matthew would think to set an alert,” Chelsea said.

  “Agreed. Now let’s finish this delicious dinner then descend upon the men and explain to them what we think could be a problem. Of course, nothing will be said to any of them about Jessica riding out as a groom. Do I make myself clear?” Claire firmly stated.

  A short while later, with dinner finished, Jessica and the others waited while Claire instructed Gibson to have a tea tray delivered to the earl’s office.

  Leaving the dining room, Jessica started to let the others lead but was halted in her attempt by the duchess who linked an arm with her.

  “No, my dear. This will show them we are a united front and not to be taken lightly,” Claire stated.

  Marching into the office Jessica curtsied to the gentlemen, who she was pleased seemed surprised at their sudden entrance.

  Chapter Nine

  Attired in buckskin britches, well-worn riding boots, and a dark-brown jacket, Matt marched from the dining room having finished his first meal of the day. Making his way upstairs, he planned to speak with his father, but on hearing voices coming from the countess’ parlor, stopped. One he recognized belonged to his Jessica but what they were talking about, he couldn’t make out.

  Entering the office, he was greeted by his father and Lord Carson studying a map. Matt guessed it was of the estate and the surrounding lands.

  “M’ lords,” he said, to announce his presence.

  Only his father turned to him.

  “Son. We could use your input as to where the person hunting you and Lady Jessica might be hiding. We’ve located several possible buildings and would appreciate your comments.”

  “Certainly. I do have a question though, and it’s in regards to what Lady Jessica told us last eve.”

  “Yes, if it’s about this person hiding out in one of the inns we’ve decided that wouldn’t be possible. Granted, with the ancient monastery and castle within easy walking distance from the village even the duke doesn’t believe they’d stay there,” Richard explained.

  Matt nodded his understanding then strolled over to the mahogany table under the window overlooking the garden. Carefully, he studied the map then turned to Jessica’s father.

  “Lord Carson, which buildings do you believe this person might use?”

  “Here, here, and those two,” the earl pointed out.

  “I agree with Carson and would like to add this one. All of them are far enough away from the village while close to the mansion. Not to mention, last I was aware they are all unoccupied and partially run down,” his father added.

  “Then, I’d recommend we start with the ones closest to us and work our way out. I’m sure I can convince Lord Justin to join me on a ride. I caught him admiring that large bay Irish thoroughbred in the stable this morning when I went to check in on Jupiter.”

  “Son, if you’re talking about Sullivan, then I wish him luck. Why I still keep him I have no idea as no one can ride him. If Lord Justin can, then I’ll give the beast to him as a gift,” Richard declared.

  “Excuse me, but did someone mention my name and a certain horse?” Justin announced from the doorway.

  “Yes we did, m’ lord, and please come in,” Matt told his friend.

  “What can I do? As I see a map I’m assuming it has something to do with what you found or hope to,” Justin said.

  “It does. Would you care to join me as we look into a few of the distant buildings? His Lordship has said you may attempt to ride Sullivan and if you survive, the monster is yours,” Matt explained.

  “Then what are we waiting for? From speaking with Lord Nash a short while ago, he and the other gentlemen will be escorting their ladies and Lady Jessica into the village. I believe shopping was mentioned,” Justin declared.

  For Matt this was good news in a way. With Jessica visiting the dressmaker and the other shops Matt knew she wouldn’t be looking into the guests at the inns. Also, with the men along, he believed if something untoward happened they would protect Jessica. Now, his only problem, leaving without being trapped into accompanying the party. With a glance over to Justin, Matt cocked his head toward the door, received a nod then left.

  With Justin at his side, Matt headed directly to the stable. Entering, he went to Jupiter’s stall.

  “Ready to go for a good gallop?” Matt said, and got nuzzled for his effort.

  “Good. He needs the exercise. Since you were here earlier that beast has been looking out his stall waiting for you to return,” Jamison stated.

  “Yes, and Lord Justin will be accompanying me. His Lordship gave him permission to attempt to ride Sullivan.”

  “That should be interesting. Then again, considering how well he handled your monster I wouldn’t be surprised if Lord Justin succeeded,” the stablemaster declared.

  “That’s why I had Lord Justin ride him here. He has experience with another horse, Mercury who is the half-brother to one owned by the Marquis of Renfield. Also, as I understand it, the ladies will be needing a carriage for a trip into the village. I would suggest making it two and have several grooms accompany them,” Matt directed.

  “I’ve already received word, and as it would seem upwards of nine will be going I’ve ordered them up. Do you wish the grooms to be armed?”

  This was a question Matt had not considered. Taking a brush from the basket hanging on the stall door, he stepped in and started rubbing it over Jupiter’s back and near side. This gave Matt time to mull over his answer.

  “Considering the large number of lords and ladies making the journey, it might be safer for everyone if the men weren’t.”

  What Matt failed to mention, since it would give away Jessica’s previous, select assignments, she was as skilled as any man with a pistol. A rapier or foil was another matter as she’d only recently become familiar with those particular weapons.

  “Very good, m’ lord. I’ll let you get back to taking care of your beast.”

  With a nod, Matt dismissed the man and returned his attention to brushing Jupiter. That done, he put the saddle and bridle on then led the horse from the stall to the side door of the barn. By leaving that particular way, Matt knew he and Justin would be able to ride away without anyone knowing. Right behind him came his friend leading Sullivan.

  “Do you need a few minutes in the ring?” Matt asked.

  “No, that won’t be necessary.”

  Climbing onto the saddle, Matt watched Justin do the same then waited for Sullivan to do something untoward. Instead Matt saw the horse, who according to his father no one could ride, stand calmly waiting for a command. With a shrug at the horse’s behavior, which wasn’t surprising considering who was on the saddle, Matt nodded then tapped his heels to Jupiter’s sides send
ing the horse forward at a comfortable trot. With a quick glance over his shoulder, Matt saw Justin following and Sullivan behaving.

  As Matt led his friend to a sleeping field which would grow wheat in a few months, he tapped his heels against Jupiter’s sides sending the beast into a canter. From the sound of hooves pounding on the frozen ground he knew Justin was right behind. Crossing the land, Matt guided his horse onto a trail and decided, for safety, to slow back to a trot.

  After several minutes, in the distance Matt saw the first building through the trees. Slowing to a walk he waved Justin up beside him.

  “I don’t see any smoke coming from the chimney, but I believe we should investigate it,” Matt said.

  “I agree. Only one of us should approach the building in case the person is hiding inside.”

  Matt examined what Justin said then nodded. “I’ll go.”

  “As you wish, but stay in the front so I can see you. Once you believe it’s clear I’ll come down.”

  With a nod, Matt sent Jupiter forward at a walk. As he got closer to the building he could feel his body tense, wondering if a pistol shot would send him crashing to the ground. Sitting atop his beast, Matt was able to look into the partially dirty windows and smiled. From what he could see no one had been in the building in years. Later, he’d recommend to his father the structure be destroyed and a more stable one built, possibly as a small hunting lodge for guests.

  Turning partway around in the saddle, Matt waved Justin forward then waited for him to ride up.

  “It’s empty. Let’s look around the back on the off chance someone might have attempted to break in,” Matt said.

  Accepting the nod from Justin, they circled the building. Not finding any sign anyone had been near it in years, Matt turned to his friend.

  “The next is over that little hillock. Of all the cottages selected to investigate, that one is the most likely.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Even though it’s hidden by the trees, the cottage is near enough to the cart path to make coming and going easy,” Matt explained.


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