My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4)

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My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4) Page 7

by Lindsay Downs

  “Then I suggest, once we get close enough to see it we split up. One of us rides up to the front while the other comes in from the back. That way, if anyone is in it they will be trapped,” Justin recommended.

  “We’ll need to take extra precautions then. Don’t forget neither of us has a weapon,” Matthew stated.

  He watched as Justin lifted his left leg and from his boot withdrew a long, thin-bladed knife and handed it over.

  “Worry not, for I’ve another in my other boot. I’ve had them for years. Lord Nash gave them to me with the instructions never to go riding without them,” Justin stated.

  “Remind me to thank the marquis when we meet up in town. Now, shall we be off as it’s getting on and I thought it would be a nice surprise to join the shopping party for luncheon.”

  With a nod Matt started out at a canter. This time he didn’t even bother to look back to know if Justin was following.

  As they crested the hillock a movement to his left caught Matt’s attention. Slowing to a walk, he studied the area. He was about to continue on when a breeze caused a piece of cloth to move. Dark brown. Dismounting, he passed Jupiter’s reins to Justin and retrieved the knife from his boot.

  “Stay here,” he ordered.

  Justin nodded.

  Carefully, Matt made his way over to where the cloth was. Getting closer, he realized it was someone he recognized, Dan. The man had been in the navy and lost a leg in some sea battle with the French years ago. It was even sadder because Dan had no family as they’d died from an outbreak of scarlet fever while he’d been at sea.

  At first Matt didn’t see a cause of death but on examining the corpse more closely he saw a rope around its neck. Strangled. But why? The man had never done anything to anyone. Having been pensioned off, he had returned to the village and survived on the goodness of others.

  Taking his jacket off, Matt respectfully covered Dan’s head and shoulders, turned and rushed back to where Justin was waiting.

  “We need to race to the village. It seems we have a murder to deal with, and I have a suspicion who killed the old man. I need you to mark this area in your mind as you’ll need to lead the grooms here and take the body to the mansion. I’ll stay with the party and return with them.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Hearing, for the first time since they’d left the stable, Justin being formal, caught Matt by surprise. He wanted to say something but thought better of it. Swinging into the saddle, Matt dug his heels into Jupiter, sending the beast into a ground-covering gallop.

  When they turned onto the wider track leading to the village, Matt wasn’t surprised when Justin brought Sullivan up beside him. They rode side by side until the village came into view.

  Matt brought Jupiter down to a canter, as did Justin with Sullivan. As they entered the village they slowed to a walk and rode over to the Cock and Hen. Of the several taverns in town, Matt knew this would be where everyone would be dining. Riding into the stableyard, Matt saw the grooms having sandwiches and ale. He suspected curtesy of Jessica if his mother hadn’t accompanied the party.

  After turning his beast over to one of the Cock and Hen stable hands, Matt marched over to his grooms who jumped to their feet on his approach.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt your meal. Lord Justin and I found a body in the woods. He’ll take you to it. I want it taken to the mansion and put in the cold building. Also, neither of you are to say anything to anyone about who it is,” Matt ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord,” the older one said.

  He waited until they collected their mounts then Matt turned on his heel, marched into the tavern, and was greeted by the owner.

  “M’ lord, I’m not going to ask why you’re without your jacket. If you’re seeking the ladies and gentlemen, they’re in the front dining room. Shall I set you a place?”

  “Yes. Then make sure we’re not disturbed until I say so,” Matt demanded.

  Matt stepped over to the door of the room and was about to open it when he heard laughter coming from several of the ladies and gentlemen. Regrettably, he knew the gaiety would change in a few seconds.

  Pushing down on the latch, Matt swung the portal open, stepped in, and stopped. Silence filled the room as everyone turned to see who had entered.

  “Pardon the informality. Jessica, it seems Laurine Moreau is in town and hunting.”

  Chapter Ten

  Matt glanced at the faces of his friends. Several showed shock while the others anger. But, it was Jessica’s who had Matt the most concerned. He watched as the corners of her lips curled down in ire and for good reason. As with Macey, this woman was also supposed to be dead. Drowned by her own hand in the Seine.

  After closing the door, Matt marched over to the table and took the only empty seat, beside Jessica. He was about to expound on his statement when the innkeeper entered to put a place setting in front of him.

  “Thank you.” Matt nodded to dismiss the man.

  Once the door was secured, Matt glanced around the table only to see all eyes were on his chest.

  “Oh, the meaning of this. I used my jacket to cover the body. The grooms who accompanied you, I sent them under the direction of Lord Justin to retrieve the body and take it to the mansion.”

  A gentle hand on Matt’s forearm brought his head around to Jessica.

  “Are you sure it’s her?”

  “Yes. She strangled the person and the thin rope had her signature, pink ribbon tied at the ends.”

  Accepting a platter of various meats from Nash, Matt selected a few slices then stabbed a boiled potato with his fork. Right now, he didn’t wish to discuss the woman or the body until they returned to the mansion. He started to eat.

  “M’ lord, I know you don’t wish to talk about it, but I must know, how deadly is this person?” Tony asked.

  “Matthew, eat while I explain,” Jessica replied.

  With a nod Matt continued on with his meal.

  “Laurine Moreau was, or is, one of the cruelest women we ever encountered. Her last duty, from what we understood at the time, was to hunt down and kill an Englishman sent to spy on the French. As Matthew said, her preferred method was strangling them. We finally caught up with her in Paris. Just as we were about to take her into custody, we watched her jump into the river. She never surfaced so we assumed she drowned.”

  “Why do you believe she’s here and coming after you and Lord Matthew?” Bianca said.

  “As with Macey, we were the instruments of their deaths and now, we suppose they wish to exact their revenge on us,” Matt interjected, then returned to his food.

  “Then, I would suggest after we finish we return to the estate and let the others be made aware of this new development,” Amelia said.

  Matt stood from the table, went to the door, and ordered up the carriages and his mount. That done he returned to the table only to see the plates had been pushed back. This simple act told him they were ready. Not retaking his seat, Matt offered Jessica his arm. She took his hand instead, bringing Matt’s body to life in ways he never could have imagined. Forcing back a groan of frustration, he led the party out of the dining room.

  “M’ lord, the carriages are in the courtyard. As for that monster of yours, he refuses to come out of the stall,” the tavern owner stated firmly.

  “Thank you. He does tend to be stubborn at times.” Matt turned to Jessica. “After you get settled in the coach I’ll see why Jupiter is being a bother. I’ll then follow on him,” Matt uttered, guiding her out of the inn and helped her into the carriage.

  Storming into the stable Matt saw what the problem was. Someone had put Jupiter next to a mare and from the way the two were acting, his horse was in love.

  “All right you, let’s behave. You have several mares back at the estate you’re pining over. Leave that one alone,” he ordered, knowing his words were probably wasted on Jupiter.

  Grabbing the reins from around his beast’s neck, Matt opened the stall door and was taken ab
ack when Jupiter calmly followed him out. Quickly coming down the center aisle Matt saw the stablemaster race, as fast as his short legs and portly belly allowed, up to him.

  “M’ lord, I’m sorry. Some idiot forgot he was a stallion and put that mare in the next stall. I’ll make sure it won’t happen again,” a breathless stablemaster barely got out.

  “That’s quite all right. As you well know I usually bring a groom who takes care of him. At least no damage, so to speak, was done.”

  Swinging onto the saddle, Matt steered his horse over to the carriages and nodded to the lead driver. Once the last one departed from the courtyard he followed, keeping an eye out for danger. Fortunately, the trip back to the estate was without incident.

  When they arrived at the mansion’s courtyard, Matt guided Jupiter to the stables where he was met by Jamison and Justin.

  “Welcome back, m’ lord. I’m happy you returned safely,” the stablemaster said, taking Jupiter’s reins.

  “Thank you. Lord Justin, did you get a chance to have luncheon?”

  “Yes. As I didn’t wish to be seen returning without you, Jamison was able to order a tray up for me. While I ate we talked about Sullivan and what a wonderful ride he was.”

  “M’ lord, I still can’t believe how easily His Lordship handled that beast. To my knowledge, Lord Justin is the first gentleman able to stay in the saddle.”

  Matt nodded then said, “Trust me, before being an earl, he was the primary groom for the marquis and was the only one other than Lord Nash who could handle Apollo. Thusly, that’s why he rode Jupiter down from London. Now, let’s get into the mansion as there are going to be lots of questions, what with me returning with the shopping party,” Matt declared.

  In silence Matt and Justin crossed the courtyard to the mansion. What he found interesting, none of the party had entered, and Jessica was standing in front smiling back at him. At least he wasn’t in trouble. Climbing the stairs, he returned it.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, after we refresh let’s meet in the earl’s office.”

  Accepting nods from everyone he stepped inside and was met by Gibson.

  “Do you know where the earl’s are? And the countess’?”

  “His Lordships and His Grace are in the office. I believe discussing the marriage contract. Her Ladyships and Her Grace are reading in the countess’ parlor.”

  Hearing that made Matt’s directive easy. He also hoped the duke hadn’t made mention of the change in the date of the wedding.

  “Please inform them I, along with m’ lords and ladies, wish to speak with them in His Lordship’s office once we take care of our needs.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Matt turned back to his friends. “Shall we meet in thirty minutes?”

  With nods from the others Matt offered Jessica his arm, to which she again took his hand. Leading the others upstairs, Matt bowed over her hand, brushed his lips over her knuckles, and smiled. As she glided down the corridor to her suite he couldn’t keep his eyes off the gentle sway of her hips. A sight he knew he’d never get tired of seeing. A clap on his back brought him out of his lustful thoughts.

  “I’m the same way with my wife, and we’ve been married over a year and have a baby,” Rainer stated, but softly so no others would hear.

  Matt nodded, turned and made for his suite.

  A few minutes before the appointed time for the meeting, Matt stepped from his room and strolled down the hall to the stairs. There he was met by the others, once again with Jessica in front.

  Taking her hand in his he led everyone downstairs and to the office. He found it interesting to see Gibson waiting outside the closed door.

  “M’ lord, His and Her Grace along with His and Her Lordships await you,” the butler said then swung open the doors.

  Entering, Matt was happy to see several more, other than the usual two settees, had been brought in for everyone’s comfort.

  “Son, as you’ve asked for this meeting, I’ll turn it over to you,” Richard announced.

  “But before we start, might I recommend we use Christian names as it might make things easier,” the duke stated.

  “Thank you. Up until today we thought only Richard Macey was hunting Jessica and myself. Today Justin,” he paused, glanced to him and nodded, “and I went to check several abandoned buildings. While doing so we discovered a body. Strangled.”

  He went on to tell everyone, in some cases again, why he knew it was Laurine Moreau. Matt then explained she was thought to be dead but now it seemed not.

  “Son, did you recognize the body?” his mother said.

  “Yes, and I’m sorry to report its old Dan. Besides the sun and seawater weathered face it was his peg leg. I had Justin and the grooms who had escorted the carriages into town return here with the body. Currently, it’s in the cold building.”

  Even though, save his father and mother, none of the others knew the man, Matt saw a deep sadness in mostly the ladies, while, again, anger from the men.

  “Jessica, considering what we’ve learned I believe you gadding about the estate dressed as a groom wouldn’t be the wisest thing to do at this time,” the duchess stated.

  “I’ve already decided not to as Moreau also knows I dress as a boy.”

  “My dear, I’m pleased to hear that as I’ve already instructed Jamison not to let you take Patsy out unless the mare has a sidesaddle on her back,” Matt declared.

  The failed attempt at the glare she sent him made Matt want to laugh, but he knew it would only make things more difficult than they already were. Now, more than ever, they needed to be extremely cautious when they went to town or strolled around the estate grounds.

  “Son, do you have any suggestions on how to proceed?” his father inquired.

  “Yes, we need to continue to look into the abandoned buildings in the district while alerting the farmers and shopkeepers to be on the lookout for strangers,” he explained.

  “Matt, I believe I speak for Nash, Tony, and Rainer when I say we’re here to help in any way you need us,” Justin announced.

  “Even though we’d like to help spread the word, I think it will be safer for us ladies, that means you also Jessica, if we remain here. When we visit the village I’m sure we can convince one or more of our husbands to join us,” Bianca added.

  This had been one of the main reasons why Matt had insisted they join the house party early. To not only lend him and Jessica their support but aid in hunting down not one but now two people.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve been involved in searching someone out, but I’ll do whatever, Matt and Jessica, you need of me. That includes throwing a leg over a horse and riding out to the different farms,” the duke said.

  “And I will make sure your Jessica remains safe,” the duchess added.

  “And I have the perfect diversion for us ladies. As Valentine Day is only a week away, we have rooms which need to be opened. Not to mention a ball to organize along with the many menus for when our guests arrive.”

  “Then there are the different activities, such as a musical evening and different games, some of chance, need to be decided upon,” Chelsea added.

  Now Matt, for the first time since the meeting started, knew Jessica would be too occupied to be wishing to ride out with him. Not only that, but as the future Countess of Winsome these duties would fall on her.

  In the distance, Matt heard the hall clock chime five times, telling him they had two hours until dinner.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, yes that includes you, Son, shall we adjourn then meet at a little before seven in my parlor?” his mother announced.

  Everyone stood when she did, and Matt followed Jessica as she climbed the stairs then swept down the corridor to her suite. This time he was, or so he thought, a little more discreet in watching her walk away.

  “You’re beyond smitten.” This time it came from Nash.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Shall we collect th
e ladies, while praying they left us a little blunt?” Matt declared, as the gentlemen retreated from the church graveyard.

  Even though Jessica had met Dan several times, Matt knew it would be inappropriate for her to join them at the funeral. Instead, he’d recommended the ladies return to the dressmaker’s to have gowns created for the upcoming ball. To a one they had agreed with Jessica informing Matt she’d already seen the material for hers. On hearing that, he admittedly became a little nervous.

  He’d hoped she would have chosen to wear the same red one she had at the Chandler ball as the color, not to mention the way it fit her, was greatly to his liking.

  “I’m in agreement, as my darling Bianca couldn’t find a suitable one for the occasion,” Rainer declared.

  Matt wasn’t surprised when the other gentlemen did voice the same feelings. Only Justin remained silent as Matt knew he, currently, didn’t have a special lady. With luck, though, over the next few days that would change as several, with their parents, had been invited to the estate.

  Glancing to his left, Matt saw Justin seemed to be smiling as if the man knew something he didn’t.

  “Lord Justin, as you’re the only bachelor currently in residence, pray explain why you seem happy. Is it because your funds are safe? Or do you know something we don’t?”

  “Meaning no disrespect, but currently I’d rather not say. Events over the next days will tell if I’m correct in my happiness or not.”

  Not wishing to argue with him, Matt let the topic drop which was perfect as they were approaching the dress shop. Now the question became whether to wait outside or enter to see if the ladies were ready. The decision was taken out of his hands when the duchess suddenly appeared at the shop door.

  “M’ lords, and that includes you, Lord Matthew, the ladies await your presence inside. If you don’t wish to anger them, in particular Lady Jessica, I strongly recommend you follow me. In silence,” the duchess declared.

  Matt turned to the others, shrugged his shoulders, then followed the duchess into the shop. Almost immediately the shop owner appeared.


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