My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4)

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My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4) Page 8

by Lindsay Downs

  “M’ lords, if you’ll follow me please,” she directed to them.

  What Matt noticed was the curtness in her voice, as if she’d not brook arguments from any of them. Again, doing as instructed he led the men to a room. Glancing around, he was disturbed to notice it was in the front of the store with a large window overlooking the street. That meant anyone strolling along would be able to look in and see them.

  Taking a seat, he waited for what happened next. Hopefully, not having to assist Jessica in selecting the correct material, with silk coming to mind, or the color, something in red. Those were his choices.

  “M’ lords, normally when someone of your ilk visits the shop with their lady I would offer whiskey or something stronger. However, Her Grace, The Duchess of Fenwick, has instructed me to only allow you tea, and not even coffee. So, m’ lords, what is your pleasure?”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Atkins but no thank you,” Matt stated, which earned him a scowl from the woman.

  With a look to the others, he was happy to see they nodded to his decision. One of the reasons was that shortly they’d be having luncheon at the Cock and Hen where the earls and the duke would be joining them. He, and he had suspected the others, weren’t in the mood for tea as they all had more important thoughts on their minds. What gown their respective lady would select and how to hunt down Macey and Moreau.

  Then with the guests starting to arrive later in the afternoon, how much should they be told. Matt would prefer to only inform them of the possibility of danger and if they traveled around the estate or into the village make sure they, especially the ladies, took extra grooms with them.

  The sound of the ladies talking brought Matt out of his thoughts and back to the shop. It wasn’t so much what was being said, but the giggles which had him concerned. Turning to the others he could see they wore worried looks as well.

  “Lord Matthew, from what I can make out we might, as a group be heading to debtor’s prison very soon,” Nash teased.

  Or was his friend jesting with him, Matt wondered.

  “Yes, I do feel sorry for you gentlemen. I’m happy not to be included in the group. If you are, I’ll be more than pleased to visit you, one and all,” Justin said in taunting them.

  Matt snapped his head around and let a low growl slip from his throat. “Don’t be so sure of that. Soon enough you’ll be standing in front of the minister exchanging vows with your lady love.”

  “Lord Matthew, first he has to find that perfect lady as we have,” Tony declared from the back of the room.

  “Ah, but he has. At least that’s the rumor going about the ballrooms of London. It would seem young Lord Justin, albeit acting the shy and insecure gentleman, has already set his sights on not one but three young ladies. Each well-established and from proper households,” Jessica declared as she led the other ladies into the waiting room, bringing the men to their feet.

  Now Matt knew why Justin had been so free with his tongue, getting the last few stabs in before he joined their ranks as a married gentleman. Glancing over to Justin, Matt wasn’t astounded to see his friend’s face had turned as red as a freshly cooked lobster.

  The next question Matt wanted to ask was if any of these ladies would be attending the ball at the end of the week. Unfortunately, that would have to wait as Jessica glided up to him.

  “M’ lord, shall we retire to the tavern as I’m sure His Grace and Lordships have arrived?”

  With a nod he offered her his arm, which this time she took much to his disappointment. Then again, being in the village Matt knew the intimacy of holding hands was out of the question, especially with the duchess glaring at him. As for the great lady Matt would let her son, Nash, escort her along with Amelia.

  As Nash and the duchess were superior in rank, this time Matt let them lead the way. This would give him the opportunity to slowly stroll along with Jessica and look around for familiar faces, such as Macey and Moreau. He knew Jessica would be doing the same.

  Later, with luncheon finished and Jessica safely on her way back to the estate, Matt with Tony visited the travelers’ inn. There they gave the proprietors the descriptions of the two suspects. Returning to the Cock and Hen Matt had a thought.

  “Tony, even though we brushed aside the suggestion I believe now we need to take Jessica’s recommendation and look into is this tavern. Granted they’ve only a few rooms to rent, but we should let the owner know of whom we’re hunting for. Don’t you agree?”

  “Yes, but also the stablemaster. Even if Macey and Moreau aren’t staying at the tavern they might use the stable.”

  That had been the one thing he’d not thought of even though they’d also spoken with the stablemasters at the other places.


  Returning to the tavern while Tony talked with the people in the stable, Matt went to speak with the innkeeper. Once done Matt stepped outside to see Tony storming toward him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It seems Moreau has already been here and gone. Yesterday, the mare Jupiter was interested in seems to have belonged to the woman. Regrettably, the man didn’t know what direction she took on departing. He did assure me, though, she rode sidesaddle.”

  “Then we need to hastily return to the mansion and let the others know what we’ve, correction, you learned,” Matt declared.

  He wished he’d ridden Jupiter and given Tony another of his father’s horses. That way they’d be able to get back to the estate faster. As it was, with the carriage the trip back would take longer. And with guests arriving shortly, how would they be able to inform the others. With a moan of frustration, Matt went to the remaining coach.

  “Coachman, get us back to the estate as quickly but safely as possible,” he ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord. That’s why I remained behind with this team. As you know, they are the strongest and fastest in harness His Lordship owns.”

  “I should warn you, if on arriving at the mansion you see carriages in the courtyard, don’t stop but go to the stableyard. Lord Anthony and I will get out there.”

  “As you wish, m’ lord.”

  Climbing in, Matt was joined by a still worried looking Tony. He wanted to inquire why, but just then the carriage lurched forward. He decided to wait until everyone was together before asking.

  Matt was glad the journey back to the estate was uneventful and the coachman was able to pull into the courtyard. Climbing down, he was met by a smiling Jessica which wouldn’t last long, of that he was positive.

  “Before you ask, none of the guests have started arriving, and Lord Richard along with everyone await you and Lord Anthony in the office. It seems we learned a few things on the trip back,” Jessica stated.

  “And Lord Anthony learned of something also.”

  With Jessica’s hand in his, sending heat up his arm, Matt guided her upstairs with Tony following. Stepping into the office, as told to him, he was met by everyone. What had him concerned was the worried look on all their faces. Escorting Jessica to the settee, he took a seat beside her.

  “Matthew, as with yesterday titles will be forgotten,” the duke stated.

  “Yes, sir. Jessica said you learned something?”

  “It turns out Dan isn’t the only victim of this Laurine Moreau. On returning here, Mrs. Stoner rushed over to tell me her husband hadn’t returned for lunch as was his habit. Knowing Mr. Stoner was supposed to be bringing in the cows, she went in search of him. Unfortunately, she found him. His throat was slit. Right now the body is in the cold building. I informed the grieving wife that we’d take care of the funeral cost,” his father told him.

  Discouraged at this latest development Matt hung his head, not in shame but anger. Even though he barely knew the Stoner’s, he did remember they’d only been married for less than six months. Finally, with a comforting hand from Jessica on his arm, Matt raised his head and looked to his father.

  “Instead of just the front of the throat was it cut from behind one ear to the next

  “Yes. Why?”

  “That’s how Macey kills. We, or rather Tony learned Moreau is still in the area. Yesterday she left her mare at the Cock and Hen. Sadly, the stablemaster didn’t see her leave so we have no idea where she and Macey could be hiding.”

  “Matthew, wouldn’t it be close by while secure? After all, for how many years have they evaded the hunters sent for them? Not to mention they had to have lived someplace, separately or together, before coming after you,” Chelsea said.

  “That’s true, but to the best of my knowledge neither ever were skilled at using disguises or they would have been included in the reports from my different agents,” Richard explained to the group.

  The sound of horses’ hooves and carriage wheels in the courtyard brought Matt’s attention to who was arriving. Turning back to the group, he saw they were interested as well. He waited while his father went to the window and looked down.

  “The first of the guests are arriving, and I see several other carriages coming down the drive,” he announced.

  Matt waited for his father to retake his seat, beside his mother. “Then, most importantly we need to decide on how much we should tell our guests. Don’t forget, some will be bringing their children with them.”

  “Everything. Tonight at dinner we’ll let them know, but gently pass over the murders. Not wanting to exert my title I feel it would be best coming from myself, with the duchess at my side,” Thomas pronounced.

  “Then tomorrow we continue with the search for them. Hopefully, we find them before another body turns up,” Matt said.

  “Yes, and we ladies will start with planning the events for the next few days as we’d discussed yesterday,” Bianca added.

  “Good. Now I’d suggest we all retire to our suites until the dinner gong is sounded. We’ll meet in my parlor then as a group adjourn to the formal sitting room,” his mother stated.

  After escorting Jessica to the second floor, Matt again watched as she glided down the hall counting the days until she’d be joining him in his suite. Turning, he made his way to his room to be greeted by a worried Seth.

  “You also?”

  “Yes, m’ lord. These people have to be demented to be coming after you and Lady Jessica.”

  “I know. Now for dinner this eve I’ll want the black jacket and trousers. Until it’s time to bathe then dress I’m going to read, but first can you get me a whiskey.”

  “Certainly, m’ lord.”

  Once his valet departed to obtain the drink, Matt shrugged out of his coat, picked up the book he’d been reading, and settled himself on a chair next to the fireplace.

  Chapter Twelve

  Over the next three days Jessica saw Matthew along with the other gentlemen ride out in the seemingly endless hunt for Macey and Moreau. She then would meet with Amelia, Chelsea, and Bianca to discuss the planned events for the day.

  She found it interesting neither the duchess nor the countess’ joined them, though. By the second day she realized it had been done on purpose, to which the others agreed. Once married to Matthew she would be next in line to be the countess, and this was the best way and time to learn all the intricacies which went into that position.

  One thing she’d still not learned was what happened on their wedding night. As she’d been told earlier and again daily when she brought up the question, ‘Your mother will inform you on the eve before your wedding’.

  Climbing the stairs to the family parlor, the one they’d chosen for these meetings, she had an idea. Sweeping into the room, Jessica was met by Chelsea.

  “You appear to be in a wonderful mood today,” Chelsea said.

  “Yes, as I’ve come up with a magnificent plan. Once Amelia and Bianca join us I’ll explain.”

  “Then we pray you continue. I’ve ordered a tea and biscuit tray, so you can start while we wait its arrival,” Bianca announced as she and Amelia glided into the room.

  Once everyone took their customary seat, she on the divan with Bianca at her side, Jessica looked at them and smiled.

  “As you heard me say a moment ago, making sure the new arrivals are aware of the activities for the day, might make everything easier. Not to mention less confusing. We have three days until the Valentine Eve Ball and many activities planned. Granted, mostly for the ladies, the earls and duke have been assigned the task of keeping the gentlemen occupied.”

  “Don’t you mean, when not chasing after the unmarried young ladies?” Amelia teased.

  “Yes, that also. As we know what is scheduled my suggestion is that we have cards printed up with a list of events for each day. Not for the next few days but a day at a time.”

  “And we can speak with the earls and duke to see if they have final plans. That way cards can be done for the gentlemen as well,” Chelsea added.

  Jessica nodded then smiled at the recommendation before taking in a breath. “Now, do we have any young ladies or gentlemen who need to have their parent or companion made aware of their behavior. Granted this is a house party, but heaven forbid something untoward happens.”

  “I can only think of three, two young ladies and Lord Justin. It would seem he’s been seen, by myself I should add, with them alone in rooms. Granted they were the gaming room and library. It’s just that the young lady didn’t even have a maid with her,” Amelia stated.

  “Would one be Lady Lara, the daughter to the Earl of Westwick?” Jessica said.

  “Yes, and her chaperone is Lady Lara’s great aunt who seems to be forgetful most of the time. That’s why we haven’t seen much of Lady Hallowston all that often,” Bianca announced.

  “And the other is Lady Anna. Her father is the Earl of Norwich with her mother, the countess, as chaperone. They have been seen strolling about the grounds without the countess in train,” Amelia added.

  The sound of people running, which was forbidden except in the case of an emergency, brought Jessica to her feet. Rushing to the door, she swung it opened as a footman came by.

  “Halt. What’s the problem?” she ordered.

  “M’ lady, one of the lords has been shot,” the breathless man could barely get out.

  Without realizing it, Jessica’s hand, seemingly of its own accord, went to her mouth, but a scream still escaped. In seconds she collected herself and glared at the man.

  “Who?” Jessica demanded.

  “I’m not sure, m’ lady. I was only told to help set a guard at all the ways into the mansion.”

  “Then go.”

  Not even bothering to glance over her shoulder at the others, Jessica started for the ground floor only to stop on seeing a lifeless body being carried up the stairs. Stepping to the side she waited and looked. A deep-brown jacket. Buckskin britches. Matthew.

  Forcing back another scream, Jessica felt arms encircle her in comfort. “We’ll stay with you and help wherever we can,” Chelsea whispered.

  With a head bob of thanks, Jessica followed Matthew who was being carried on a door by several footmen. Behind them while attempting to keep her composure marched Mercy, her lips pinched tightly together. This was all Jessica needed to see to know those people had to be stopped.

  “I know it’s unadvisable, but I’m saying it anyway. Jessica go to him. Hearing and seeing you will greatly aid him. Chelsea, Amelia, and I will find out what happened and where,” Bianca declared.

  “Yes, as there’s not a man alive who will not tell us what we need to know,” Chelsea inserted.

  “Thank you. Let’s meet in the same parlor, except I’ve no idea how long I’ll be,” Jessica told them.

  “Take as much time as you need,” Amelia uttered, then hugged her.

  Marching up the stairs, Jessica started down the family wing only to be stopped by a large footman.

  “I’m sorry, m’ lady, but you’re not permitted here.”

  “Out. Of. My. Way. Or you’ll be having your next meal with your dead relatives in hell,” Jessica shouted, and it worked.

  The man, fear colo
ring his face, stepped aside and bowed. Storming down the hall, Jessica suddenly realized she didn’t know which was Matthew’s suite. Familiar voices, told her which room was his. At the door she took in a breath, released it, and entered only to be met by Mercy and Mrs. Shelton looking at her.

  “M’ lady, you shouldn’t be here,” his mother told her.

  “Yes, I should. Not only that but need to be, for myself but more for Matthew. Don’t forget, in a few weeks we will be husband and wife. That alone and of itself gives me the right to be here,” Jessica declared.

  She then stepped further into the room not stopping until she was at Matthew’s unconscious side. Looking down at his still body, she saw his once deeply tanned skin was now pale, except for his left shoulder which was red with blood. Jessica turned to Mercy.

  “What do we need to do first?”

  “Carefully remove his shirt without causing him any more pain. Once Mrs. Shelton arrives, the wound needs to be cleaned then bandaged,” Mercy directed.

  No sooner had she finished than the door crashed open. Glancing up from unbuttoning the shirt, Jessica watched Richard stomp in. If it was possible for a man to breathe fire, then he was. However, it didn’t disturb her as she continued with her task at hand.

  “How is my son? Will he live?” Richard demanded.

  “Yes, husband. Shouldn’t you be downstairs finding out what happened and where?” Mercy said.

  “Trust me, that task is well under control. The duke, duchess, and three very determined ladies are interrogating Lords Nash, Justin, and Anthony as we speak. And what is Lady Jessica doing here. This is no place for an unmarried lady,” Richard pronounced.

  “She has my blessing to be here. Why don’t you find out what’s keeping Mrs. Shelton?”

  “I’m right here, m’ lady. I see you and Lady Jessica have gotten his shirt off so let’s get the wound cleaned, then we can see what we have to deal with.”

  Not waiting for directions from anyone Jessica grabbed a flannel, dipped it in the hot water and started to clean the wound. Then she wondered if the ball was still in his shoulder.


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