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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

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by Sean Michael

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  Torquere Press

  Copyright ©2007 by Sean Michael

  First published in, 2007

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter One



  His rock.

  The only thing that would make it better would be another cold beer, but Rig wasn't in the mood to move. Nope. He was in full basking-lizard mode. Well, trying to be. If the wind didn't blow he could forget it was just an incredibly warm day.

  He let one foot dangle down into the water, the touch cool and comfortable, almost chilly.

  Yep. He was a lucky motherfucking redneck.

  A shadow blocked the sun, and something wet and warm slid along his exposed collarbone. “Mmm ... sweaty cowboy. My favorite kind."

  "Mmm. Blue.” His own growly stud, right there. Life was good.

  "I've got a thing or two for you.” Rock's tongue slid up along his neck, circled the skin just below his ear.

  "I. Uh. What?” He got a little side-tracked. Well, more than a little.

  "They're kind of the same shape. Both hard. One's hot, the other's cold.” Rock nipped his earlobe.

  "Hard.” Rig liked hard. He tilted his head, encouraging his big, studly ex-marine to keep going.

  Those warm lips slid down his neck again and along his shoulder, tongue licking, wetting his skin. “Both hard. Here's the cold one.” The bottom end of a beer bottle landed on an exposed strip of his belly, making him jump.

  "Fuck!” He hooted, grabbing for the longneck. Oh, fuck yes. Beer.

  Beer. Beer. Beer.

  Laughing, Rock slid a hand along his hip. “Drink it up and I'll give you the other one."

  "Mmm. You're good to me, Blue. Y'all have a good workout?” Rock and Dick had gone out after lunch to do ... something at the gym.

  Rock grinned. “I showed the kid a thing or two, yeah."

  One finger slid under his shirt, up over his nipple, all the way over to his other one, and flicked the little gold ring in it. Every Goddamn nerve in his body went tingly, Rig's cock filling right up, unmistakable, undeniable. And from the shit-eating grin on his Blue's face, Rock knew it. The ring was flicked again, and then Rock's fingers trailed down along his belly.

  "Mmm. You're wanting.” His cock tried to reach that square, callused hand, just needing the touch. Needing something, even after all this time.

  Rock's fingers stilled, staying at a level with his navel, torturing him. “Always. I'm not the only one, either."

  Just listen to that husky growl.

  "Never the only one.” His hips rolled a little, trying to get his prick closer.

  "You're supposed to finish up your beer.” Rock might have been teasing, but those eyes were eating him up where he lay.

  "Uh-huh.” Beer. Right. He liked beer.

  The cold bottle was taken out of his hand and plonked down somewhere above his head, Rock's grin growing feral as he was grabbed up, carried up to the house, to their little sun-drenched porch, Rock stripping his clothes off.

  "Hey.” Oh. Good. Time to get serious.

  His only reply was a grunt, Rock's mouth closing over his about the same time that big hand wrapped around his prick, just like that.

  Blue! He groaned into the kiss, Rock's touch familiar and welcome and right as rain.

  His cheek was cupped, Rock tilting his face all the better to devour him, to fill him with the taste of his lover. Rig dove right into it, the kiss just making the day all that much better, that much more perfect. The hand around his prick worked him slowly, Rock not trying to get him off yet, just revving things up, warming him up hotter inside than the sun was warming him outside. Rig let his legs sprawl, hips rocking a bit. God, this was something.

  Rock broke their kiss long enough to growl at him. “Take my shorts off, Rig."

  "Uh-huh.” That was really Dick's job.


  Rock's fingers slid away from his cock.

  "Rock.” He worked the fly of Rock's shorts open, even as he protested the loss of Rock's touch.

  "Just trying to help you get your focus where it needs to be.” Rock helped, pushing the offending shorts down as soon as they were undone.

  Right. Like his focus was supposed to be anywhere else but ... Mmm. Rock was hard, smelled so good.

  Preening for a moment, Rock soon settled between his legs and slowly lowered that hard body down onto his. “You like what you see? How about what you feel?"

  "Blue, there hasn't been a single solitary fucking day I haven't admired your ass. You and Dick—y'all are the finest men on Earth.” No bullshit.

  "You know it.” He got a happy grin, a hot grin, as Rock rolled their hips together, that thick cock sliding, as fine as you please, along his own.

  "Rock...” Fuck, that was still hot. Still. So many fucking years and it was still hot. Those too blue to be true eyes started into his, full of heat and want and everything he could ever ask for.

  Rig arched up, tongue licking at Rock's lips, eyes caught, sure as shit. Lips parting with a moan, Rock continued to move slowly against him, just enough to keep the heat intense between them. The kiss went deeper and Rig just poured himself into it, not worrying about a single fucking thing but that man, that heat. That pleasure. Rock's weight lowered slowly onto him, those strong muscles keeping Rock from crushing him, and their legs tangled together as they moved a little faster, their cocks rubbing and bumping.

  Fuck, this was. Perfect. Fucking amazing. Just what he needed.

  "Want you,” muttered Rock, hips pulling back, and when they pushed forward again, Rock's cock bumped against his balls and pushed beyond them to slide over his skin.

  "Yours.” Balls to bones. Every fucking inch of him.

  Rock slid two fingers along his lips, and then slid them in between, fucking his mouth with them. “All mine."

  He nodded, sucking and licked, humming around those fingers. All Rock's.

  "And mine,” piped up a voice from above, Dick suddenly there, blocking out the sun, grinning down at them. The kid was almost Rock's size these days, muscled and broad-shouldered.

  Rock's rumble made him pull harder, eyes rolling a little as his hips jerked.

  "Mmmm ... you guys look fucking good. You look good fucking, too.” Dick crouched down next to them, fingers sliding over his chest, Rock's. “I brought beer. And lube."

  Oh. Oh, smart boy. Lube. Beer. Sex. Uhn.

  "Good job. You can slick Rig up while he sucks on my fingers."

  Dick laughed and leaned in, mouth meeting Rock's in a kiss that Rig swore steamed. He fucking loved watching his men—his. The way their lips moved, the way Dick just melted, sweet as pie.

  Rig nipped Rock's fingertips, wanting his part of that passion, that kiss.

  Their lips parted, Rock chuckling. “Someone's wanting."

  "Well that's what we're here for, yeah?” Dick grinned and bent to kiss him, tongue dipping into his mouth for a moment, licking his tongue and Rock's fingers together.

  That got him to chuckling, teasing Rock and Dick both, so fucking happy inside that it damn near hurt.

  Rock's legs spread his, and Dick's fingers teased behind his balls, slick and wet.

  His head fell back, throat working a little. “Y'all ... y'a
ll are good at that."

  "Lots of practice,” murmured Rock, nipping at his collarbone.

  Dick's fingers pushed into him, two spreading him open.

  "Years...” More. Fuck. More. That was fucking sweet.

  "Yep.” Rock chuckled. “We can't give up now, have to keep practicing."

  "Uh-huh.” Dick pushed another finger into him, opening him wide.

  "Pretty.” His knees spread wider, heart pounding in his chest. “Fuck. Fuck."

  "Shit, just look at you.” Rock shifted and Dick bent, mouthing his balls. It was the easiest thing ever, to just let himself over to his men, just like he always had, always would, God willing.

  For a moment Dick pushed his little finger in with the others, and then the warm fingers were gone, Rock settling between his legs again and holding his eyes as the thick head pushed against him.

  "Rock.” He bore down and Rock pressed in, filling him, just like he needed.

  Dick lay down next to them, cock hard and leaking where it pressed up against his upper thigh. His Pretty's fingers slid over his chest, over Rock's touching as Dick laid one kiss after another on him and Rock.

  A low, happy hum pulled up from Rock's belly, the muscled body moving over him once again.

  It took a second for his brain and his fingers to communicate, but he managed to get his fingers wrapped around Dick's long cock, jacking it in time with the thrusts of Rock's prick inside him. Dick's gasp was sweet and Rock nodded.

  "That's it, Rabbit, bring us all together.” That low voice growled over him.

  "Yeah.” Rock's voice made him goosepimple up, body gripping that heavy cock and squeezing tight. A shudder moved through Rock, his Blue moving faster, letting him really feel it.

  The sun beat down on them as they all moved together, worked as one. That was his job. Loving his men. His fucking family. “Blue. Soon."

  Like it was the cue Rock had been waiting for he sped up, thrusting harder.

  It was Dick's hand, though, that slid between him and Rock, wrapping around his prick and tugging as Rock hit his gland over and over.

  Oh. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck yeah. Just. Just right. “Fuck!"

  He shot hard, ass digging into the sand. Rock kept pushing into him, Dick's hand still moving on him, his men making his orgasm last and last.

  "My men.” He blinked up, begging a kiss. Rock's mouth closed over his, filling him with his Blue's cry as the thick cock inside him jerked and filled him with the heat of Rock's spunk.

  Dick's cock continued to slide through his hand, his Pretty's gasps loud. His thumb rubbed across the tip of Dick's cock, pushing hard, demanding Dick's orgasm.

  "Rig!” Dick cried out, cock throbbing in his hand and spraying come over his hand and thigh.

  "Mmm.” Yeah. Yeah, that's what he needed. Just that.

  "Uh-huh.” Dick nuzzled into his neck, breath hot as it brushed against him. Rock gave him one last kiss before sliding out and rolling next to lie next to him.

  "Did someone say there was more beer?” Rock asked, low voice rumbling with satisfaction.

  Dick passed a bottle over.

  Oh, fuck he was happy. Bone deep. Maybe deeper.

  Chapter Two

  Dick loved lying on the beach. He loved the sound of the waves and the feeling of the sun against his skin. He loved having the pups lying around him, Lucy licking his fingers now and then, begging a scratch, which he always gave her.

  Of course that usually got Mutt and Trouble going and he'd have to give them all a good loving before they let him settle again.

  That was okay though—it kept him from falling asleep.

  He loved lying on the beach, but even more than that he loved spending time with Rock and Rig, so he didn't want to fall asleep waiting for them to get home.

  He couldn't have slept through their homecoming—he wasn't sure what was up, but Rigger was laughing and squeaking, the sounds of running loud in the house. “Dick! Pretty! Help!"

  Rig burst out the back door, shirt collar ripped, laughing, eyes dancing. “Hey kid. How're you? Gotta hustle..."

  Laughing he leapt up and managed to grab Rig around the waist, both of them nearly going down as the dogs ran excitedly around their legs. He wasn't sure what was up, but he knew he wanted to be a part of it. Rock came barreling out the door, slowing as he saw Rig was caught.

  "Oh, shit. Pretty. Lemme go. Come on. Please.” Rig tugged, hard as hell against his hip, eyes dancing. “I haven't done a damned thing to you."

  "I know—care to change that?"

  "Oh, cheating...” Rig kept moving, keeping him between Rock and his cowboy. “What do you want? It's yours."He laughed, feeling Rig up. “Why're you running?"

  "Well...” Grey eyes flashed at Rock. “Let's just say it involves ice cubes and open flies..."

  His jaw dropped as Rock growled. And then he started to laugh. “Was he sleeping?"

  "He was supposed to be keeping me company on the ride home from the store."

  His laugh turned into a yelp as Rock goosed him.

  "See? Grumpy! Don't let him get me!” Rigger was laughing hard enough that he couldn't quite catch his breath.

  Rock's arms slid around him and Rig, catching him between their bodies. Oh fuck, he loved them, loved the way they felt, the way they smelled, the way they moved and the happy noises Rig was making. He leaned against Rock's strength, both of them holding Rig up.

  Those grey eyes shone up at them. “Sexy bastards."

  "Prick freezer,” accused Rock, making Dick laugh again.

  "I don't know, Rock. If it's this big frozen, it's going to be unbelievable hot and hard."

  "I got somewhere you can warm it, you old fart.” Rig winked at Rock, hands moved to stroke Rock's cheek.

  "Who are you calling old?” growled Rock.

  "Well ... Dick's just a baby...” Oh, Rig was baiting the bear.

  Suddenly right between them didn't seem like quite the right place to be. He began to slowly extricate himself.

  "Uh-uh. You wanted to play, Pretty."

  "That was before I realized you were suicidal."

  Rigger grinned, eyes dancing. “No, just playing with my old man."

  "There's that word again.” Rock's arms tightened, squeezing them both and then lifting them up off the ground.

  "Shit! Blue! Be careful!” Rig gasped, shooting Rock a look. “You'll strain something."

  "Oh, now I'm old and infirm am I?” Rock dropped them back to the ground and let them go, heading back inside.

  Dick sighed and gave Rig a quick kiss.

  Rig flushed dark and backed away from him. “I didn't mean to piss you off, Rock. I'm sorry."

  Rock didn't turn around, but he did stop. “A man likes to think he still has a little something to impress his lovers with."

  Rig snorted. “Oh, come on, Blue. You've had me hunting your ass for twenty years. There's never been a single little thing about you.” A soft, sad little sigh sounded. “I was just picking at you, Rocketman. I should learn when to just shut the fuck up. I'm sorry.” He got a smile and then Rig headed around the side of the house. “I'm going to get the stuff from the truck and start supper."

  He was torn between going to help Rig and staying with Rock.

  Used to be an easy decision, but these days Rock was a little more sensitive than he used to be, especially about the age thing.

  "If we go in the back way we can have supper started before he brings the first bag in.” Rock grunted, but headed in and started banging pots around.

  Their cowboy was quiet-quiet when he came in, unloading the bags, helping with the food, setting the table, feeding the dogs. Dick shook his head and smiled, waiting for the inevitable ‘oh, I fucked up’ move into that cave Rig called an office.

  Before he could make it Rock grabbed Rig around the waist and pulled him close. “I can still bench press your skinny ass."

  "Yeah.” Rig pushed close, face hidden in Rock's throat, arms wrapping around for a hug.

  "Dinner can wait, kid,” Rock growled. “I'm gonna show you both the Rocketman isn't that old yet."

  He nodded, happily turning off the stove and following Rock, who'd hoisted Rig and was headed down to the bedroom.

  Rigger was holding on, lips at Rock's ear, whispering low and soft. Looked like things were pretty much back to normal.

  Rock dropped Rig on the bed, making Rig bounce. Yep. Normal.

  Rig pulled off his t-shirt and reached up for Rock. “'mere. I want."

  Dick went over and slid Rock's t-shirt off and then pulled down his jeans, stripping the man for Rig. Rock sure didn't look old. Those grey eyes trailed over Rock's body, Rig biting his bottom and moaning low. Rig sure didn't look at Rock like the big guy was old. He took his own t-shirt off and undid his jeans, settling in the chair by the bed.

  He spread his legs and slid his hand along his belly and into his jeans as Rock climbed onto the bed and took Rig's mouth hard. Rig's body disappeared beneath Rock, except for those long arms holding Rock's head.

  Rock was moving against Rig, that beautiful ass going up and down, making his cock twitch and porno noises come from his mouth. One leg came up, wrapped around Rock's hip, Rig curling around the big guy. The motions gained a rhythm then, his lovers rocking together.

  "Oh ... ‘s good, Blue. Need you.” Rig's voice filled the room, husky and low and sweet.

  Dick wrapped his hand around his prick as Rock reached up for the lube. They shifted on the bed, giving him a perfect view as two of Rock's slick fingers slid right into Rig's ass. Rig took Rock's fingers in eagerly, riding them with a sure, needy motion. His own hips started to imitate that motion, his moans and groans marking time.

  Whatever worry Rock had about getting old couldn't possibly hold up to the way Rigger watched the big man move, the way Rigger begged and needed and offered Rock everything. Rick didn't tease, didn't draw it out, he just slid right in, filling Rig up.

  "Oh ... fuck, yes.” Rig arched, lips open and gasping like it was the first time ever.

  Dick moaned, pulling at his cock, not sure he'd be able to just keep watching. Another series of low moans filled the air, then Rig's hand reached out for him, fingers open, searching. He slid out of the chair and took Rig's hand sucking on each finger.


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