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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

Page 9

by Sean Michael

  "Swanky place.” He settled in, idly looking at the menu. Jesus, it was dear. Forty dollars for a steak? Momma'd roll over in her grave.

  "Steak better be fucking good,” was all Rock said.

  The waiter showed up with rolls and glasses of water, wanting to know what they'd like to drink. He asked for tea, the guys each got a beer and then they got to the business of looking at menus. By the time the drinks came back, Dick and Rock had decided on shrimp cocktail and fried mushrooms for starters.

  Dick's hand rested on his thigh under the table as his Pretty sat back, looking around the place. “You notice how these steak places all kind of look alike? I mean we could be anywhere. Well, except for the slot machines and Keno girls, I guess.” Dick nodded toward the back of the place where a bank of one armed bandits lined the wall and those poor tired-looking gals in little bits of nothing.

  "Yeah. I guess meat is meat. What all are y'all ordering?"

  Rock didn't even have to think about it. “The twenty-ounce porterhouse."

  "Now there was a bet I would have won. I'm going to have their fourteen ounce fillet. What about you?” Dick just grinned, bouncing like a youngster.

  "I think I just want a salad and a potato. I ate my weight at lunchtime.” He really just didn't have the appetite he used to.

  "You can't come into a steak place and just have a salad and a potato, Rig.” Rock pointed to a peppered beef salad plate. “Don't look at the prices, I've got it covered."

  "Oh, I'm not worried about the money.” He just. Shit. “Maybe I'll get the little fillet."

  Rock looked satisfied at that and Dick nudged him, leaned in a little to whisper, “He's trying to fatten you up."

  "Yep. I gotta fit in my jeans.” Which he wasn't. Which was a little unnerving.

  Dick's hand slid over his thigh, rubbing and squeezing. “You enjoying the trip okay?” The words were still quiet, soft.

  "I am. It's a little psycho out there at night, huh? But today I had a ball.” So many weird and neat things to see and do. They'd seen the big purple dragon at the Excalibur, watched gals on wires fetch wine in Mandalay Bay, gawked at the glass floweredy ceiling at the Bellagio and watched this fun-as-fuck show with Roman robots in togas at Caesar's Palace. It had rocked.

  Dick nodded, relaxing. “All those people—it is a little weird. My favorite thing today was the King Tut deal. That was really cool."

  "I still want to head down to the Bellagio again and really see the fountains. Is it tomorrow we're going to the Grand Canyon?” The Grand Canyon by helicopter. Too fucking cool.

  "Yeah, I booked us in at eleven. I know that's the hot part of the day, but we don't have to worry about being up early that way.” Rock winked.

  Dick snorted. “Like Rig ever sleeps in."

  "Yeah, kid, but there's better things for him to be doing first thing in a hotel room with nothing but you and me than worrying about getting us up and out the door for an early helicopter ride.” Rock gave him a wink, foot sliding against his leg.

  "Always worrying about his wake up call.” That made them all laugh, easing the tension he'd been carrying. Man, had he forgotten how to relax that much?

  Their appetizers came and Dick was the first to dig in, grabbing a shrimp and offering it to him, riverstone eyes flirting with him. He opened his mouth, ate it. Oh. Sweet, rich. Buttery. That worked.

  "Mmm ... I bet it tastes ten times as good out of your mouth."

  Rock cleared his throat a little. “No getting anyone wanting to kick our asses, kid. We're not at home."

  "I know. I know. It's true though, and you know it."

  Rock grinned and stole a shrimp from Dick's plate. “I do."

  "Y'all are hopeless.” Fucking hot, but hopeless. He let them finish the rest of the shrimp, spending his time with a stuffed mushroom. Fuck, that was nice.

  They laughed and teased, Rock stealing a mushroom out from under his fork and Dick stealing it right back out from under Rock, popping it in his mouth with a satisfied grin. They looked good, happy. Like his men.

  "Did y'all want to go walk down the strip more tonight? There's supposed to be all sorts of shows."

  "Yeah, that would be cool.” Dick nodded, grabbing a roll out of the basket that had come with their appetizers.

  Rock shrugged. “I don't know. I want to make sure we get our money's worth—we could go back to the room and make sure that jacuzzi works."

  "Oh. I could go for that.” He could just sit and bubble for an hour or so.

  Rock looked pleased, and Dick nodded easily. “I can do hot tub.” His pretty grinned wickedly. “Or get done in the hot tub."

  "Pretty, you get done in the hot tub at home all the time.” In the hot tub, on the beach, on the deck...

  Dick's eyes met his, full of wicked heat. “And the appeal still hasn't worn off."

  "Sluts,” growled Rock. “The pair of you."

  "You think? I'm not sure, Rock...” He leaned a second, winking over at Dick.

  Rock snorted. “I don't think, I know."

  Dick grinned at him. “He counts on it."

  "You know it.” Rock's hand landed on his thigh, warm and solid.

  "Mmm.” Now that felt fine. “I do like those hands of yours, Blue Eyes."

  "Just wait until we get back to our room. I'll show you my hands."

  Oh, listen to the need in that growl. Rig shivered—fucking shivered, for real. Shit, he hadn't done that in a while. “Promise?"

  "You fucking know it.” Those blue eyes just ate him up, promising him everything.

  Rigger sort of just ... sat. Jesus.


  "You are a fine son of a bitch, I swear to God."

  Rock puffed all up. His Blue did like it when he noticed.

  "God, the two of you are making me want to say screw the steak, let's go get busy.” Dick spoke softly, gaze heavy as he watched them.

  "Y'all need to eat.” He didn't mind waiting, not at all. The anticipation settled in his belly, hot and solid.

  "So do you,” Dick said softly as their food came.

  Rock grunted what sounded like a cross between an agreement and a happy moan over his steak. He chuckled, cut up his potato as he watched Rock and Dick fall on their steaks like starving men.

  They each fed him bites from their plate. “Mine's better than the kid's,” teased Rock, and then he was suddenly the judge of a steak-off, more bites fed to him.

  He held his hands up, shaking his head, belly aching it was so full. “Enough! Enough!"

  "Okay, but mine's the best.” Dick popped another piece in his mouth even as Rock shook his head.

  "I've got the twenty ounce and I'm going to eat the whole thing—there's your proof mine's the best."

  "Y'all can have mine too. I'm full up.” He leaned back, wiping off his mouth.

  "We can get a doggie bag—you'll be hungry later."

  "Let's get some desserts to go, too.” Dick made hand gestures at their waiter.

  He chuckled, shook his head. “We can get dessert at the hotel, not worry about it getting gross."

  "You think they'll have that chocolate explosion thing at the hotel?"

  "This is Vegas, kid. Whatever you want—they'll have.” Rock handed over his credit card as the waiter came to their table.

  Rig finished his beer, chuckled. “Hell, Rock, we've been what Dick's wanted for years."

  "That's because I'm the cute one.” Oh, look at his Pretty; butter wouldn't melt in that mouth. Of course Rock wasn't buying, and Dick narrowly ducked the smack, laughing.

  "Cute. Green. Our sensitive flower.” Rigger couldn't hold back his laugh a bit. Shit heads, the both of them.

  Rock nearly choked on what was left of his beer. “All right, we'd better get this sensitive flower back to the hotel so we can water him. Is hot water good for flowers?"

  Dick shook his head. “I'm not taking a cold shower if that's where you're going."

  "Probably wouldn't make a difference anyway.” Roc
k winked and Dick laughed again.

  "Not with the heat the two of you put out, it wouldn't."

  "Nope, and he'd get us back with cold coffee in the morning.” Or worse, ice water in the bed.

  "Oh, I could do better than cold coffee in the morning."

  "Yeah, but it would take him a day or two to come up with it.” It was Rock's turn to duck, his marines just teasing back and forth as they left the restaurant.

  "Y'all are something.” He ducked to avoid getting his hat hit by the crowd, taking a second to look at all the lights. “Man, it doesn't look real, does it?"

  "It's a great big glittery show.” Rock put a hand on his arm, maneuvering him around a crowd of people before they turned the corner onto the street their hotel was on. “Has nothing on our beach."

  "Oh, hell no. I couldn't live in this place. Not for all the money on earth.” Rig leaned a little harder, just for a second.

  Rock let him, a low, growling rumble coming from the broad chest. “Let's get out of this crowd."

  Dick walked ahead of them, parting the crowd all the way to their hotel. The lobby was just as crowded as the streets and there had to be ten other people squeezed onto the elevator with them.

  "Jesus.” He growled a little when some drunk asshole bumped his hat. Hard. “Watch it, man."

  "Fuck you, asshole. Skinny, loud mouthed prick, worried about his poor baby hat."

  Rigger whirled around, temper flaring like somebody'd put a match to paper. “Excuse me? You want to say that to my face, shithead?"

  "I said, fuck you, asshole.” Short, drunk and stupid shoved him good and hard, a couple of the little gals on the elevator squealing as he took a step back.

  His view was suddenly blocked by two angry marines, Rock's hand landing hard against the side of the elevator. “Excuse me,” growled Rock. “I think you want to apologize to the man. Or we could rearrange your ugly as shit face for you."

  "Who the fuck are you, Gigantor? His fucking security?"

  Rig actually grinned, even as pissed as he was. “You know it, you pansy-assed fuckwad, and if you want to fucking take this outside, they'll mangle what I don't tear up."

  "Man, do you want to die tonight?” Dick asked. “I'm the most reasonable one of the three of us and even I want to stomp on you. Just say you're sorry and live another day."

  "Three to one is cheating."

  The elevator door opened and people tumbled out, including the drunk guy, tugged out by one arm, his little girlfriend already screeching at him as the doors slid shut.

  "Coward.” Rig wrinkled his nose. “Lousy coward."

  "We should have pounded him,” grunted Rock. “He was too stupid to live."

  "Drunk as hell. I'd rather go make out than fight anyway.” Dick wrapped an arm around him, adjusting his hat so it sat right on his head.

  "I could use a good fight. I haven't had one in ... what? Three years, Blue? That little kid at the club."

  "Little asshole.” Rock growled and shot him a look. “Trying to take what wasn't his.” His cock jerked, chin going up, that look doing something for him, bone-deep. “Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.” The elevator stopped on their floor and Rock walked out, cock of the block, that back ramrod straight.

  "You woke up the bear,” murmured Dick.

  He nodded, eyes fastened onto Rock's spine. He fucking loved the bear; he found it hot as hell.

  "Just look at that man move.” Dick made a happy noise and tugged him along.

  Rock opened the door and swept a look over the both of them. “I think the hot tub can wait."

  He stood, spreading a little. “You do?"

  Come on.

  Come on, I fucking need.

  "Bed. Now. Naked."

  Dick nodded at Rock's grunted words and hustled him over to the bed, fingers already working the buttons of his shirt. The door closed, the bolt shot home and Rock stalked over to them. He held those blue eyes, sort of shaking with it, the adrenaline rush leaving him shuddering. Dick pushed his shirt off his shoulders and it got caught up on his wrists as Rock's mouth crashed down on his, those big hands holding his face tilted upward.


  Fuck yes.

  Rig went up on tiptoe, meeting that need with his own. A low rumble filled his mouth, along with Rock's tongue.

  Dick's fingers were quick and nimble, working his jeans open, tugging them down. His prick was given a lick from base to tip. Rig gasped, eyes going wide, chest slapping against Rock's. Oh. Oh, fuck yes. Dick kept on licking and nibbling at him, not really sucking, just playing with his cock.

  It almost didn't matter, because Rock wasn't playing. Shit. Rock was in full-on, take no fucking prisoners mode.

  Rock pulled out of the kiss long enough to growl. “Dick. Fucking naked. Fucking now."

  Then those lips were on his again, sucking the breath right out of him. Rig's eyes rolled and he struggled, tugging at the motherfucking shirt sleeves, trying to get free. Dick worked Rock's jeans off, and tugged the tight t-shirt up over Rock's head, breaking their kiss, making Rock growl again.

  "Yours. I fucking need.” He did. Now. His Blue. Loving him.

  "I've got what you need right here.” Rock stepped out of his shoes and jeans, and pushed him back onto the bed. He bounced once and then Rock was on him, pushing him down into the mattress, just stealing his breath. His legs were spread by Rock's knees, Dick's fingers pushing into him, slick and cool. Bearing down, Rig took Dick in, still staring into Rock's eyes. Fuck. Fuck, he loved.

  Two fingers quickly became three, Dick stretching him, getting him ready for the fat, hard prick that pushed against his belly, all but branding his skin with Rock's heat. Dick was making his porno noises, moaning and groaning for them. But Rock just made that low, growling rumble, a sound he could feel in his own chest.

  "More. More, y'all.” Lord, yes. So good.

  "You about done down there, Dick?” Rock pushed a finger in alongside Dick's, checking for himself. He gasped, legs spreading wider, muscles shaking some.

  "Let me just slick you up, Rock."

  Rock grunted, finger-fucking him even as Dick's fingers slid away.

  "Mmm. Your hands.” He kept kissing, mouth open, so hungry, so wanton.

  "Be my cock in a second.” God, that growl just got deeper and deeper.

  "Made for this, huh? For you.” Every fucking inch of him.

  "Uh-huh.” Rock's finger disappeared, replaced by the amazing heat of that hard cock, Rock pushing into him nice and slow, letting him feel every fucking inch as it slid in. His eyes rolled, body accepting Rock right in like it was meant to be there.

  Rock growled again, and started to thrust, just like it should be, nice and steady.

  "Blue. Come on.” The motions were driving him crazy, each in and out just so fucking slow.

  Rock chuckled, those blue eyes twinkling down at him and the thrusts actually slowed.

  "Bastard...” He tried to roll up, take more, faster. “Rock. Dick..."

  "Want me, too?” Dick asked, fingers sliding in with Rock's prick, one and then another and then another, each having their turn. Fuck. Fuck him. More.

  "I. Oh. Oh, y'all.” He couldn't fucking breathe.

  "That's a yes. Slick yourself up.” Rock's voice was still all growly, husky.

  "Uh-huh.” Dick's voice was breathless.

  "Kiss me.” Something. Please. Both of them covered his lips, tongues pushing into his mouth, sharing it just like their cocks were going to share his ass. Everything in him was shaking, trying to vibrate apart.

  Rig held on, fingers digging in, lost in the kisses that just went on and on and on. All the while Rock's prick kept sliding, slow and easy, keeping him on edge.

  "Come on now,” muttered Rock, breaking the kiss. “Let's do this."

  "I. Rock...” He groaned, caught in this.

  "Yeah, we got you."

  "Where you want me, Rock?” Dick's voice had gone all raspy, those pretty eyes wide and needy.
  "Right here in front of me, kid, you just slide right in with me."

  Dick shifted, moving to straddle his hips, Rock's fingers guiding the long prick to his hole.

  There they were, both of them, staring at him. Jesus. “Easy, huh?"

  "Easy as breathing."

  "Uh-huh.” That and a moan were all that Dick had to say, prick pushing in alongside Rock's, both of them stretching him, filling him. “Oh fuck.” Dick's whisper seemed so loud.

  Rig stretched, hands reaching up for the headboard, groaning when he just got a board nailed to the wall.

  Dick's hand slid along his side, Rock's meaty paw wrapping around his hip. “Nice and slow, Dick."

  And that's what they did, Dick pushing forward as Rock pulled back, their groans filling the air. There was only option for him, and Rig took it, shorting out, taking them in and holding them tight. Dick whimpered and Rock groaned, their rhythm stuttering for a moment before they found it again, moving a little faster, pressing into him and it was the biggest thing in the world. He reached down, fingers wrapping around his own cock, tugging slow and easy.

  "That's it.” Rock moved a little faster, Dick picking up the speed. Their pricks were so hot, working together to blow his mind.

  "Blue. Blue, y'all...” He met Dick's eyes, gasping.

  Those pretty eyes stared right into his, Dick making one sweet noise after another.

  "Faster,” growled Rock.

  "Uh-huh.” His belly clenched, shoulders leaving the mattress. They filled him over and over again, keeping him filled, keeping him flying. He groaned, hand almost burning as he jacked. “Soon. Soon."

  "Give it to us,” Rock ordered.

  His body just went taut, giving it up, pouring his fucking soul out.

  "Rig!” Dick cried out, jerking, prick pushing into him as those pretty eyes rolled.

  Rock just kept moving, hitting his gland and dragging him through his orgasm. Everything in him just felt so fucking good, just relaxed and tingling and easy.

  "Come on, kid, let me feel you around my cock."

  Dick jerked, heat filling him in long splashes.

  "Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Fuck, the two of you make me need.” He reached up, cupped Rock's jaw. “You. You now."


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