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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

Page 11

by Sean Michael

  When their lips parted, Rig noticed the staircase, eyes going wide. “Rock?"


  "Oh, man. Look!” Rig spent a good, long time oohing and aahing over the stairs, over the work—not acting pissed at all, thank god.

  "Happy birthday, Rabbit."

  "Oh, that rocks, Blue. Fucking rocks."

  "You guys hungry?” Dick asked, grabbing the bags and heading down the hall with them. “I can call for pizza or something."

  Rock made a face. He'd had enough of restaurant and fast food.

  "I'll cook something, Pretty. If I have to, I'll run to the grocery."

  "Fuck no. We're all staying put until morning.” He could put up with delivery for another day.

  "I bet we've got stuff in the freezer,” Dick said, heading for the kitchen after leaving their bags in the laundry room

  "There's a pan of enchiladas in the deep freeze.” Rig stretched, rubbing up against him. “We can warm it up after I thank you for my present."

  "So supper is covered. We'll eat later."

  Dick wandered back out, grinning at them. “You two gonna come in or just make out in the hallway?"

  "We're going to just make out in the hallway.” Rig grinned, winked, leaned even harder.

  "I can live with that.” Rock leaned against the wall, taking Rig's weight.

  He got another smile, slow and almost lazy. “You think so, Blue?"

  "Fuck, yeah.” He rubbed his hand up and down along Rig's ass. Best fucking ass in the whole Goddamned world. Dick wandered over, pressing against Rig, his hands.

  "Mmm. Y'all got me.” Shit, Rig was hidden between them, arms wrapped around his neck.

  Dick's prick was hard, pressing against the back of his hands, rubbing just like he'd been rubbing Rig's ass.

  "Yeah, we got you. It's good to be home, isn't it?” The kid looked happy.

  "Yes. Yes, this is where I belong, y'all.” Rig pushed up into a kiss, tongue sliding against his lips.

  "You know it.” He caught that tongue between his lips and sucked on it, his own tongue sliding along it.

  Rig held on, dragging him closer, the kiss going deep. He opened up and let his Rabbit in, one hand sliding beneath Rig's shirt, the other finding Dick's ass, squeezing the kid's cheek. Rig kept feeding him happy little sounds, tongue pushing and playing with his, so they kept kissing, tongues sliding and playing together.

  Dick bent to lick and taste at Rig's neck. The kid knew just where to touch, where to lick to make Rig jerk, to make that skinny ass shudder. He could have stood there all night, making out with his men—his fucking men—but there was a couch and a bed and no reason they couldn't get horizontal.

  "Bed,” he growled. “Wanna fuck you."

  "I bet it's right where we left it.” Rig grinned for him, looking relaxed as hell.

  "We better check."

  Dick laughed, pressing up hard against Rig for a moment, lips meeting his. Kid tasted fucking good.

  "God, y'all are fine.” Yep. And Rig was wanting.

  He and Dick kissed a moment longer, showing off a little for their cowboy. Rig's tongue teased along the sides of their mouths, teasing into the kiss. Chuckling, Dick's backed off just enough to let Rig in, and then weren't they all kissing together, three tongues sliding. So fucking good. Rig pushed right in and damn, they were good at this, the three-way kisses going deep.

  The bed could wait.

  On and on, they kissed, bodies starting to move, rub and rock against each other. Somebody—Rig, he thought—got his fly unzipped, got his prick out and started rubbing.

  "Fuck yes.” He grunted, the words lost in their kisses, his balls pulling up tight. His own hands held on to two asses, opening and closing. Rig slid down, disappearing from the kiss, manhandling his and Dick's cocks together and licking them with that hot as fuck tongue.

  His free hand dropped into Rig's hair, sliding through the curls. Between the kisses and Rig's mouth, he was nearly ready to blow. Taking turns, Rig sucked him, then Dick, one after the other, over and over, looking happy as a fucking lark.

  "Fucking love that mouth, Rig."

  "Uh-huh.” Dick's agreement was breathless and he wrapped his lips around the kid's tongue, sucking it in as his hips jerked, pushing his prick deeper into Rig's mouth. That hot little tongue pushed into his slit, fucking it, just shallowly. His head slammed against the wall, his whole body jerking. One of Dick's hands slid under his t-shirt, all the way up to his nipple, tugging on the ring.

  Oh. Oh, shit. They were going to drive him out of his fucking mind. Rig managed to get their cocks together, mouth sinking down, squeezing them together.

  Shouting, he let his load go, Dick's cock throbbing against his. His own personal favorite slut drank him down, head bobbing, that tongue moving and moving against him. Dick sank against him, sucking on his neck.

  "Fuck, Rig ... that was fucking perfect.” Just what he'd Goddamned needed.

  "Mmm.” Rig kissed his abs, lips hot and soft.

  Dick headed down him the other way, meeting Rig somewhere around his navel. They kissed, chins bumping his cock, his balls. His hips jerked a little, his hands sliding through almost white curls and shoulder length brown hair.

  "Gonna keep me hard,” he muttered.

  "Good.” Rig nuzzled the tip of his cock, humming low.

  "Jesus, fuck.” He growled. “Bed. Now. Gonna fuck you through the mattress."

  "Promises promises.” Rig gave him a wild, happy grin. Yeah. Yeah. Someone was glad to be home.

  Dick and Rig slid up his body, their mouths meeting in another three-way kiss. He pushed off the wall, started moving them down the hall as they necked. His body knew just where to go, where to take his men. Rig followed, stepping backwards, almost dancing with him and Dick. He had to admit, their own bed looked fucking good, felt right in a way the hotel one hadn't.

  That breeze was coming in through the window off the ocean, sharp and bright and salty. That mixed with the smell of the three of them made him groan, made him reach out and tug off Rig's t-shirt, Dick working on three sets of jeans.

  "Oh, man. This is what I needed. It was time to be home.” Rig pulled his shirt off, tugging hard, the seam creaking. He loved it when Rig needed that hard.

  He put his arms up and helped Rig get it off, then together they got rid of Dick's and just like that all three of them were naked.

  Standing there for a minute, he let Dick and Rig look their fill, knowing he still had it; they were pretty fucking hot themselves.

  Rig stared, reached out, fingers tracing his abs. “Blue."

  "This old man still has it."

  Dick's fingers slid over his bare ass. “Old man? Where?"

  "Must be talking about me, ‘cause he's fine.” Rig hummed, fingers sliding up to tug his nipple ring.

  Groaning, he reached out to return the favor. “You're not old, Rabbit. You're ours."

  "Yeah...” Look at that deep, dark blush.

  Dick made a soft noise, fingers sliding on both of them. “You're both studs."

  Rock chuckled. “Someone's looking to get fucked.'

  "Yes, please."

  "Mmm. Me too, me too."

  Oh yeah, he could do them both. “There's enough of me to go around."

  "Always.” Rig grabbed hold of his cock, tugged him toward the bed.

  "You wanna go first, Rabbit?"

  "Y'all both got to come already.” Those lips were offered up to him.

  "We did. You know we'll take care of you, though."

  "Yeah. I wanna suck you while Rock does you.” Dick licked his lips. “I can already taste you."

  "Oh, sweet fuck. Yes.” Rig shuddered, groaned at the kid's words.

  "Get that tongue working, Dick, and get him ready for me.” He grinned at Dick and lay on the bed, patting his hip. “Rig can make sure I keep it up for him."

  "You'll keep it up.” There wasn't a fucking ounce of doubt in those grey eyes. Not an ounce.

  "I will for
the two of you.” Until the end of time if he had to.

  Rig settled on his hands and knees over him, Dick setting up behind their cowboy.

  "What do you need, Blue?” Rig leaned down, lips just brushing over his belly.

  "Whatever you want to fucking give me.” He slid his hands down along Rig's back, grabbed that perfect ass and spread Rig's cheeks for Dick. That amazing mouth explored his abs, his pecs, fucking adoring him like he was a god or something.

  He pushed up into the licks, flexed for Rig, showing off even as he enjoyed the touches.

  Dick's tongue slid against the tips of his fingers and he pushed one into Rig, groaning at that heat, at the tickle of Dick's tongue as it pushed in alongside. Rig groaned, breath huffing out against his skin.

  "Fucking love your mouth.” There wasn't another like it.

  "Mmm. My mouth loves fucking.” He got a soft laugh, then Rig was sucking and licking at his nipple, pulling and tugging at the ring.

  Dick laughed softly, and then really went for it, tongue pushing deep and wriggling around.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. That's ... he's good at that, man."

  "Uh-huh. Blowing your mind—getting you ready for me."

  "Yes. Your cock.” Rig nodded, stubbly cheek rubbing on him.

  Hips rolling up, he rubbed against Rig. “You about done, Dick?"

  A last lick and Dick backed off. “Uh-huh. All ready."

  "Yeah. Yeah, Blue. All ready.” Rig shifted, their bodies knowing just what to do. Rig's body came down over his prick, those long legs straddling him. Fuck, that tight sheath felt good, felt fucking amazing. Rig, well, he just relaxed, smiled, looked like the fine fucker couldn't be happier.

  Dick gave him a quick kiss, lips soft and warm, and then the kid's cheek rested against his belly, mouth starting to work on Rig's prick.

  It wasn't furious, it wasn't even blistering hot, but it was pure fucking heaven. He pushed up with his hips, cock going deep inside Rig over and over, while Dick's hair moved against his skin, not quite tickling. Holding Rig's eyes, he reached out and tugged on that little ring in Rig's nipple.

  Those grey eyes went wide, dazed, Rig bowing and arching right up into his touch. “Blue."

  "Right fucking here.” He tugged again, twisting the metal a little.

  "Uh ... Uh-huh.” Rig went tight around him, body just shaking. Dick's head started bobbing madly, and he thrust deep and hard, balls pulling up. “Jesus. Please. Y'all. So good."

  "Show us, Rig. Come on now.” He tugged hard on that little ring, watching Rig's face.

  "Yeah...” Rig's head rolled, lips parting, body rippling around his cock.

  "Fuck! Fuck!” He jerked, pushing deep as he could as the movement around his prick pulled him right over the edge, the spunk shooting from him.

  Rig groaned as Dick's seed splashed on his thigh, all of them tumbling over.

  He relaxed back against the bed, feeling fucking fine, his hands sliding over whatever parts of his lover's he could reach.

  Rig cuddled in, humming happily, holding on. Dick shifted up, pressing in from the side and bringing the covers with him. “It's good to be home."

  "You got that right, kid."

  Rig just nodded, agreeing. Settling down.

  Yeah. Home, where they belonged.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Okay, so he wasn't as young as he used to be. Or as in shape. Or as healthy, hydrated, or or or or...

  He shook his head and swung his feet out of the bed. Two days in the hospital bed on IV fluids and twelve hours in the home one was more than enough.

  No matter what Blue threatened. Beautiful, pushy asshole.

  "Where are you going?” asked Rock from the bedroom door. What had the man been doing, lying in wait, listening for sound of movement?"

  "Jesus!” He jumped, gave Rock a look. “Damn, Blue. I need to pee. I need a shower. I need a glass of something cold and wet."

  Apparently he needed to gain a couple three pounds back too, but there was no need to discuss that with Rock now, was there?

  "We've got a bedpan, the kid'll give you a sponge bath and he's already on his way with a glass of water. Get back in bed."

  "You're not serious.” He blinked over. There was no fucking way; he could pee standing up.

  Rock folded his arms across his chest, looking every inch a three hundred pound muscle bound man intent on not letting him up. “I suppose I could carry you into the bathroom."

  "There's nothing wrong with my legs, Blue.” To prove it he stood, knees just a little wobbly.

  Rock growled and came forward, grabbing him up and carrying him to the bathroom as if he didn't weigh more than a feather.

  They passed Dick with his glass of water, his Pretty turning and following them. “Everything all right?"

  "Aside from Rig being the most stubborn man alive, just fine,” growled Rock.

  "I have to pee, is all.” He turned to look at Dick, mouthing “help". “As much water as they pushing in me as the fucking hospital, I'm going to have to move into the bathroom."

  Rock snorted, but set him down like he was spun glass. “You nearly died of dehydration, Rig. I expected you wouldn't have to pee before next week."

  Dick gave him an apologetic look, sort of lounging in the doorway. “It was touch and go for a bit, Rig."

  "So I'm a little skinny and a little sicker than I thought. I'm okay now. Honest. Haven't puked in over a day.” He peed right quick before Rock changed his mind.

  "The doctor said bed rest and bed rest is what you're going to get."

  "It won't be that bad,” Dick added. “We'll keep you company."

  "Bed rest? Dick, he's not serious, is he? How long?"

  "Doctor said a week,” Rock told him, picking him up again.

  "At the most,” added Dick.

  He wrapped his arms around Rock's neck, cuddling a bit. “A whole week? Did y'all call in for me? I can't be off work a whole week, much less in bed."

  "They don't expect you back before Monday,” said Dick. His Pretty gave him a wink. “Rock called them."

  Oh, God. They were going to think he was dying.

  "What day is it ... Sunday, right? I'm not so sick as to take a real week off..."

  "All right, pack up a bag—I'm taking you back to the hospital."

  "What? No. No, Rock, please.” He fucking hated being a patient, hated being woke up and messed with and not being home."

  "Then you're taking the week off. And that means if I have to tie you to the bed to keep you here, I will.” Rock looked deadly serious.

  "We'll keep you company,” Dick said again.

  "Yeah? Promise? I hate doing nothing.” He felt Rock relax against him, knew he'd made the right decision to just give in.

  Not that he was officially giving in.

  Not yet.

  Dick nodded as Rock put him back in bed. “In fact that tying you down thing could be fun."

  "No,” growled Rock. “He's not up to that."

  "Oh, I bet it wouldn't take much for him to up to it.” Dick didn't seem in the least bit fazed by Rock's glare.

  He grinned at Dick and tugged on Rock's hand, pulling the big guy down to snuggle against. “I didn't try to get sick, Blue. I didn't. Y'all had the same thing I had."

  "We didn't wind up in the hospital,” growled Rock, but his Blue stretched out and pulled him close, big hand stroking along his hip.

  "Yeah. I didn't mean to.” He snuggled close, cheek resting on Blue's shoulder. “You just got you a skinny cowboy."

  "And I plan to keep him,” Rock said, hand holding his hip now in a hard grip.

  Dick passed him his water. “I bet you're wanting a shower."

  His Pretty looked over at Rock. “Should be okay—you can carry him there, hold him up?"

  Rock shook his head. “Sponge bath until he's not so pale."

  "Ooo, that sounds like fun.” Dick wagged his eyebrows.

  "I'm not all that pale, am I?” He chuckled, sticking his tongu
e out at Dick, tickled down deep.

  "Pale enough.” Rock was growling again.

  Dick leaned in to give him a soft kiss and whisper. “Enough that I'm siding with Rock on the bed rest thing."

  He nodded, one hand petting Rock's belly. “I need to get clean though, I smell like work."

  Dick nodded. “I'll go get the stuff for the sponge bath. Maybe Rock'll let you have it in the chair and then we can change the sheets and you can smell clean and fresh in a new bed."

  He nodded, slowly working his way into Rock's lap, into Rock's arms. Close enough to feel his Blue all over. Close enough for a soft kiss.

  "I'm sorry I scared you. I don't even remember what happened, all I remember was feeling sort of blah, then waking up in the ER."

  "You passed out,” Rock told him. His Blue was doing a good job at looking grumpy but a second kiss followed the first and it was warm enough.

  "Good thing y'all were here. Thank you.” The best way to keep Rock from killing him was honest stroking of that ego, sex, and a few days of not pushing his luck.

  "You better believe it—I would have kicked your ass if you'd died."

  "Never going to happen. I eat right.” He gave his Blue a sheepish grin. “I just need to remember to eat."

  "More pizza,” Rock told him, giving him a smile before he got another kiss, this one longer.

  He stretched out long, wrapping around Rock's body. He stroked Rock's temples, forehead, petting and easing the stress and tension he found there. “You look tired, Blue. Haven't you slept?"

  Rock shrugged. “You were in the hospital for a couple of days."

  Dick came in with a large bowl of steaming water. “Yeah, but he's out now. Ready to be an octopus, yeah?"

  "If I have to be still and rest, between y'all is where I need to be.” He nodded. “Where do you want me, Pretty?"

  "In the chair—Rock can change the bed while I wash you."

  "I'll carry you over,” Rock told him, getting up.

  "I can walk, Blue. Really."

  "I'll carry you,” growled Rock.

  He lifted his arms, wrapped them around Rock's neck. Right. No pushing his luck. “Don't hurt your back."

  "My back is fine.” Rock carried him the few feet over to the chair, Dick waiting silently for them, eyes dancing.


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