On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel] Page 21

by Sean Michael

  Dick was slowly making his way down Rig's body, so Rock concentrated on that sweet mouth, working it. Rig moaned, eyes closing. Yeah, that was fine.

  Just fine.

  He didn't expect Dick's tongue on his prick and it had him jerking, crying out in surprise. Rig smiled, hand sliding down to tangle in Dick's hair. Dick's chuckle was sweet, tongue lapping at him and then lapping at Rig, one and then the other. It was maddening.

  "I ... I should be doing that...” Rig arched, spread, started bucking against him.


  "Yeah, tonight just enjoy being done to.” Dick grinned up at them and then swallowed Rig's prick whole.

  "To...” Rig gasped and jerked, grey eyes going wide, horny.

  "Mmm ... Yeah, that's it, Dick. You've got him hooked now."

  Dick's head bobbed over Rig's prick. Rig fed him one horny little moan after another, just driving him out of his mind. Rig's skin was hot, belly rubbing against him. Fuck, he wanted to fuck Rig, wanted to feel that he could, that Rig was well enough to take it. Moaning hard, he rubbed against Rig's hip.

  "Rock...” Rig groaned, wiggled, wanting him.

  Rock moved Rig gently, pushed him onto his side so that sweet ass rubbed against his prick. Oh, fuck. Yes. He wanted.

  "I can. I need it.” Oh, that was his Rabbit.

  "Need lube."

  Dick pulled off long enough to mutter, “Under my pillow."

  "Oh ... Oh, Blue. Come on. Need it.” Rig sounded damn near desperate.

  He reached up for the slick, finding the tube right where Dick said it would be. His fingers were damned near trembling as he slicked them up—shit, it had been too fucking long. “Slow down, Dick. I want him coming on my cock."

  "Touch me. Y'all. Please.” That was his fucking Rabbit, begging for him.

  "Yeah. Yeah.” He nodded as he saw Dick's suction ease. Rock slid his finger along Rig's crack, rubbed it back and forth over that sweet little hole. He teased them both a moment, but it was too fucking much, and without further ado, he pushed his finger into Rig's body.


  Jesus fuck.

  He damn near shot all over Rig's ass. He buried his face in Rig's next, groaning, trying to fucking keep it together. Working Rig's ass with his finger, he just kept pushing it in over and over until he could breathe again. Then he slid a second finger in alongside the first.

  "Blue...” Rig moaned for him, muscles fluttering madly around his finger.

  "Yeah. Fuck.” It felt like the first fucking time and that had him groaning again.

  He shoved a third finger in, spreading and stretching Rig out for his cock—he couldn't wait much longer to take Rig's ass, he needed in. Rig started pushing back, riding his fingers good and hard, deep, hungry sounds filling the air.

  "Okay. Okay, now. Fuck.” He yanked his fingers out and lined up his prick, letting Rig's movements draw him in. Oh, hell yes. Rig just moved like it was supposed to be, taking his prick and holding it in that perfect fucking heat.

  "Fuck.” He whispered the word over and over, hips moving, fucking Rig's ass in tiny increments because he didn't want to pull out, not for a second. Dick's head still bobbed, moving with Rig's body.

  "Yeah. Yeah, y'all. Just like that."

  "You fucking know it.” He moved a little faster, a little harder, pushing Rig's prick into Dick's mouth with every thrust.

  It was fucking heaven right here on earth. Rig's hand reached back, wrapped around his nape and squeezed.



  They moved together, the three of them sucking and fucking and loving on each other. He licked at Rig's neck, and then sucked up a mark.

  "Rock.” He could feel it, Rig's need, Rig's ass fluttering and rippling around him.

  "Yeah, give it to me, Rig. Come on my cock."

  That happy fucking cry? That was all he fucking needed—to know that Rig was shooting in Dick's mouth, coming around him, needing them both. He let go, thrusting hard a couple more times before he filled Rig with his spunk, the pleasure fucking huge.

  The scent of Dick's come filled the air, and he nodded, panting against Rig's neck.

  "Good.” Rig sighed once, then just seemed to go boneless, sound asleep. Just like that.

  Dick cleaned Rig's legs and then cock and wriggled back up, smiling at him. “Wow."

  Rock nodded. Yeah. That had been just what they'd all needed.

  He shared a slow kiss with the kid, and then they all settled in to sleep.

  Chapter Forty Five

  He got up early, heading to make coffee and getting stuck when he remembered there wasn't any.


  Damn it.

  Rig grinned and shook his head, looking through the Thanksgiving leftovers for a bite of something and a drink.

  Gary came down, wearing little more than his boxers, pushing his hair back. “Oh. I. I didn't realize anyone was up. I was. Just looking for some coffee."

  "If you can find some, I'll be your best friend, man. The guys are holding out on my skinny ass."

  "That's cruel, man.” Gary scratched his belly, blinking a little.

  "Uh-huh. They're vicious on this point.” He started searching, knowing there had to be some. “You sleep okay?"

  "Um ... yeah. I guess so. I'll. You want some help there?"

  "Sure, Gary.” He tilted his head, trying to remember what Rock had said happened last night. “You okay? Sounded like things got a little weird with the guys..."

  Gary's chin went up. “I'm surprised they didn't tell you."

  "I was tired, man, and they err on the side of sleep for me these days. What's up?” Whatever it was, Deuce was family, they'd work it out.

  Gary sighed. “I've got AIDS, man."

  "Yeah? That sucks. You on NNRTIs or PIs?” Good thing the guy was ex-military. Those meds were deadly expensive.

  "PIs. You aren't going to read me the riot act? Tell me how I can't love Rob if I've got AIDS and still went out with him?"

  "What does loving Deuce have to do with being sick? I mean, you're practicing safe sex, yes?"

  "Yeah. Yeah, we are.” Gary started looking through cupboards with him. “I wouldn't do anything to hurt him. I love him, man."

  "Good. He loves you, I can tell.” Rig frowned, tried to figure out where Dick would hide the coffee. If Rock had done it, he'd have found it already.

  "I know he does. He's a real good guy.” Gary grinned. “Quite the stud, too. Are you sure there's coffee here?"

  "Well, I just can't seem them throwing it all away...” Goddamn it. It was chilly outside. He needed coffee.

  "So what's the deal with hiding the coffee?"

  "I'm not supposed to have it. It leaches protein and I have a hard time getting enough as it is. One cup, though. I really just need one cup."

  "I don't know, then. I think the big guy would throw it out.” Gary shook his head and checked the freezer.

  "You think? He likes his morning cup."

  "Yeah, but I imagine he likes you better.” Gary blushed. “I mean. God, I'm sorry, I'm usually better at keeping my mouth shut."

  "Hell, we're family, ain't we? Why worry?” He sighed, leaned against the fridge. “I don't suppose you and me could go get a cup of coffee?"

  "Yeah, sure. Rob's got nothing but good to say about you, be nice to get to know you a bit, man.” Gary waved at his boxers. “I just need to get some clothes on, man."

  "You're a good, good man.” He grabbed a t-shirt and a sweater from the clean clothes basket and started hunting socks.

  Gary was back before he was done, car keys in hand.

  Dick was right behind him, wearing his sweats and yawning. “I thought you'd decided to stay, Gary?"

  "I was going take him for a cup of...” Well, fuck.

  Dick chuckled. “Oh man, you are so busted. And so lucky Rock's still asleep."

  "Busted? I'm just trying to show our guest some hospitality..."


nbsp; "It's true, man.” Gary tucked his keys into his pants pockets and mouthed ‘sorry’ at him.

  He winked, shrugged. “You go back on to bed, Pretty. I'll take Gary to the IHOP."

  Coffee. Pancakes.

  "No coffee, Rig. And we've got a fridge so full of food it's going to explode. Not to mention, I'll make you a shake.” Dick went over and opened the fridge door. “What do you feel like?"

  "A cup of coffee?"

  Gary started chuckling.

  Dick shook his head. “You're just torturing yourself, Rig."

  He sighed, gave Dick a long, puppy-dog look. “I'm pretty much recovered, you know..."

  Coming over, Dick gave him a quick kiss first, and then picked him up like he was light as a feather. “Nope. You're still way underweight."

  "Can I have coffee when I'm back to fighting weight?” He really didn't mind the shakes, but he wanted something warm.

  "I think you're going to have negotiate that one with Rock yourself."

  "He kind of rules the roost, huh?” Gary asked, watching them together.

  "Who? Rock?” He gave that some thought. “He has opinions and my rule is, if he makes sense, I'm not arguing with him."

  "Yeah, but if he doesn't, Rig argues.” Dick laughed and gave him a quick kiss. “I picked you up some herbal tea when we went grocery shopping—you want to give it a try?"

  "Herbal tea? I don't know, Pretty. That sounds real prissy...” Still, it might taste good...

  "I got peppermint. I figured it might be nice to have something hot in the mornings. I think I miss that more than the taste of the coffee itself..."

  "Lots of herbal teas have good medicinal qualities,” Gary pointed out.

  "Don't be a traitor now, Gary.” He winked, clapped Gary on the arm. “Okay, Dick. I'll try it. Y'all want eggs for breakfast?"

  "I don't know. Pancakes was sounding pretty good.” Gary grinned wryly.

  Dick laughed. “That's Rock's balliwick. But Rig makes a mean French Toast."

  "Mmm. I do. Or we could all go out before the game starts."

  "Oh, no dishes—I approve. Besides, that way we can go wake up Rock instead of having to cook.” Dick gave him a wink.

  He grinned, belly heating up. “Sounds good. Gary, go get my nephew. We'll meet you in half an hour out here."

  "A half hour? Really? That long?” Gary looked confused and then the penny must have dropped because he went red, nodded, and fled.

  "Lord, he's a nervous nelly. Rock must've growled.” He grinned, headed over for a kiss.

  "Yeah, I kind of think he did.” Dick's arms looped around him, his Pretty taking himself a nice, long kiss. “We should go wake the bear up."

  "We should.” He nodded and slid his arm through Dick's.

  They headed down the hall, soft noises coming from the guest room upstairs.

  "No listening. Just walking. Deuce is a baby."

  Dick giggled and then covered his ears for him as they went the rest of the way down the hall. They were laughing hard as they hit the bedroom, hard enough that bright blue eyes opened, staring at them. Dick pushed him toward the bed, rubbing up against him from behind, even as his Pretty's fingers worked open the jeans he'd thrown on.

  "What were you two up to?” Rock asked suspiciously.

  "We want IHOP. You want?” He tugged the covers off, leaned down carefully to nuzzle Rock's prick.

  Rock made a soft sound that was almost a whimper. “I'm getting a morning wake-up call?"

  Dick grinned. “You've gotten one from me every day the last little bit."

  Rock stuck out his tongue and Dick leaned in to suck on it. Rig hummed, lips sliding over Rock's shaft. Yeah, Dick was good, but no one loved this prick like he did.

  No one could.

  Rock made another almost pained noise, fingers wrapping in his hair, legs spreading for him.

  "Mmhmm.” That's right. Mine. All fucking mine. Rig wrapped his lips around Rock's prick and started sucking.

  "Fuck.” Rock groaned, encouraging his head to bob as Dick worked Rock's nipples.

  He gave it all he could, sighing happily as Dick rolled them carefully so he wasn't holding himself up. Rock's balls drew up tight, and the hands in his hair held him still, Rock's hips jerking, pushing the fat prick deep into his throat.

  Yeah, yeah. Just like that. He opened up, took Rock down to the root, swallowing hard. Rock's roar nearly shook the windows; it was a sound of pure pleasure, ringing in his ears long after the spunk had stopped flowing. Rig cleaned and licked, sliding over Rock's skin with his tongue.

  Dick groaned. “Oh, man, there's no sight prettier than that."

  "Feels better than it looks,” muttered Rock, fingers moving through his hair.

  "Mmm. Missed this. So bad."

  Rock patted his head. “I missed it worse than you."

  "You think?” He rested his head on Rock's belly. “Mmm. You're warm."

  "Yep. Your personal hot water bottle."

  Dick laughed softly and kissed them both, heading for the dresser and bending to tug out clothes.

  "Mmm. Look at that fine ass. We're lucky men, Rocketman."

  "You know it.” Rock's fingers tightened on him for a moment. “Fucking lucky."

  He nodded and snuggled in. They were. All of them.

  Chapter Forty Six

  Dick finished up his milk and sat back with a happy sigh. He was stuffed and he hadn't had to cook it himself and he wasn't going to have to do dishes. You couldn't ask for much more than that from breakfast. Rig had even managed to make a good-sized dent in his plate under Rock's watchful eye. He was looking forward to a time where they could care less what Rig ate and how much protein he got into himself. But for now ... for now he felt better watching and making sure Rig was eating right, and he knew Rock felt the same way.

  "I don't think I should have had that last pancake,” groaned Gary. “I'm going to explode."

  Dick wasn't surprised. For a little guy, Gary could pack away the food.

  Rig nodded, stretched. “The omelet was good—not as good as Dick's, but good."

  Hell, Rig hadn't even bitched about the coffee, asking for milk. He beamed at Rig, reaching under the table to squeeze his thigh. “Thanks."

  "Just the truth.” Rig grinned at Deuce. “The pancakes as good as Rock's?"

  "Nah. Not even as good as Aunt Julie's."

  Rock grinned. “You know it."

  "Rock's pancakes are world-famous. At least they are with anyone he's ever cooked them for.” Dick explained for Gary's benefit.

  "I've heard about them. Rob talks about you guys a lot."

  "Yeah?” Rock asked. “On the other hand, he hasn't told us much about you."

  "I'm an artist. I'm queer. I've got AIDS. You all have the story."

  Deuce arched an eyebrow, shook his head. “Gary's from Kansas City. He's got three sisters. He can't cook worth a shit."

  Rock nodded. “Did you hear that, Rig?"

  Dick sighed, glad it was all in the open and he didn't have to keep anything from Rig anymore, but Gary'd stiffened up and Rock was looking stern.

  "Hear what? Shit, man. Deuce knows how to cook. Momma taught him."

  Rock rolled his eyes. “Gary's got AIDS. Knew he had it when he took up with Deuce."

  "With all due respect, sir, it isn't any of your business.” Gary's mouth had gone tight, as had his shoulders.

  "Yeah ... but, Deuce, you knew, right? I mean, y'all were honest with each other, right?” Rig looked confused.

  "Yes, Uncle Alex. He told me the day we met."

  "Well, then. That works."

  Rock just stared. “It doesn't bother you?"

  Rig shrugged. “I mean, it sucks for Gary, but he's on some good drugs. They'll be careful."

  Rock shook his head. “I just don't understand how someone could say they loved someone and take up with them, knowing."

  Deuce growled. “You saying that you wouldn't love Uncle Alex if he had AIDS?"

ock growled right back. “No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying I love him enough that if I had AIDS, I wouldn't risk him."

  "Rock.” Rig's hand landed on Rock's arm. “Easy. And Robert, breathe. He's just worried."

  "When you love someone you protect them.” Rock bit the words out.

  "I am. I do.” Deuce pulled out his wallet, threw two twenties on the table. “Come on, Gary. You were right. It's time to go home."

  Dick reached out and touched Deuce's arm. “No, come on. Deuce, Gary, sit down. Don't go away mad. We can talk about this."

  "What's there to talk about? He thinks I don't love Robert. He thinks I'd deliberately do something to hurt him. What's there to talk about?"

  "It's not the end of the world, Rock. There are new drugs coming out all the time.” Rig squeezed Rock's hand.

  "I just think you're opening yourselves up for a world of hurt.” Rock said quietly.

  "That's their choice though, Rock, isn't it?” Dick looked at Rock. “Our job is just to be here when they need us, yeah?"

  "I love him, Uncle Jim, and he loves me. That's what matters."

  Rock shook his head. “Fuck, you both are so damned young. We're we ever that young, Rig?"

  "Yeah. Yeah, Rock. If you remember, I headed across country to follow a man that could kick my ass, didn't know I was coming and hadn't shown any interest in a long-term fuckbuddy."

  "Crazy fucker,” murmured Rock, eyes on Rig. Dick breathed a sigh of relief. He could tell Rock still didn't think it was right, but he was doing to let it be.

  "You know it. You can't help who you love, yeah? And the good Lord gives us what time we have.” Rig just held Rock's eyes.

  Rock grunted, nodded.

  "The important thing is to appreciate the time you do have,” Gary said quietly. “Love the people you love the best you can."

  "You know it. Now, enough fucking drama, yeah? Let's go watch football.” Jesus, Deuce was becoming Rock in his old age.

  Rock grinned suddenly. “Yeah, you got the right idea, Deuce."

  It felt good to laugh, and then to argue over who was going to pay the bill and who was going to win the game.

  Normal shit.

  Dick approved.


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