On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel] Page 22

by Sean Michael

  Chapter Forty Seven

  Rock still wasn't entirely happy with the situation, but for the sake of peace, he put it away. Rig seemed satisfied enough. He just couldn't help it—sooner or later this was going to bite Deuce in the ass, hard. If Gary died because of the AIDS, it was going to devastate Deuce.

  They'd just nearly lost Rig, and he didn't fucking wish that feeling on anyone.

  Especially someone he cared about.

  Aside from that, he had no problems with Gary. The kid had been in the Navy, but Rock wouldn't hold that against him.

  Half-time rolled around and he looked over to Dick. “You got munchies to bring out?"

  Dick looked back. “You going to give me a hand?"

  "I'll help, Dick.” Rig stood, heading for the kitchen. The man's jeans were still too loose, damn it.

  Rock started to growl about Rig helping out, but Dick put a hand on his arm. “There's not a whole lot left to do and I think he's starting to go a bit nuts with us not letting him do anything."

  Kid was probably right. “Call if you need help."

  "Yeah, okay.” Dick chuckled and leaned in to whisper. “Don't hassle the kids."

  Deuce rolled his eyes. “We're big boys, Uncle Richard. We can take him."

  Dick looked a little sheepish. “You weren't supposed to hear that."

  "Go help Uncle Alex make snacks. We're cool. I swear."

  "Okay, okay, I'm going.” Grinning, Dick headed out into the kitchen.

  He turned to Deuce and Gary as Dick disappeared, with his best eat the grunts for breakfast expression.

  Deuce just grinned at him. “Man, do they teach all the old guys that look? My DI was all about it."

  He arched an eyebrow. “I bet you didn't give your DI that kind of lip, though. And you'd better watch who you're calling old, kid. I could still take you.” Little shit. He reminded Rock of himself.

  "You know full well I didn't. I'm still alive, yeah?” Deuce chuckled, swatted him playfully. “And I still hump mud for a living, not weights."

  Rock laughed. “There's a lot less paperwork in mud humping."

  "I bet. Christ, they're talking about sending me to PLDC, making me an NCO, man."

  "No shit? Do I say congratulations or offer my condolences?” He held out his hand, though; all teasing aside, he was damned proud of Deuce.

  Deuce's hand slapped into it. “Just say congrats, I think. Whether or not I re-up, it'll be good for me."

  He shook Deuce's hand hard. “Well done, Deuce."

  "Thanks, Uncle Jimmy. You know it's all because of you, yeah?"

  And didn't that make him proud, too. Rig's brother was such a poor excuse for a man, he was glad that his attempt to be an example for Deuce had had such great results. “I may have showed you the way, but it's down to you, Robert. You made your own choices."

  "Yeah. Yeah, I did.” Deuce nodded, cheeks pink. “I wish Ma-Maw was here, man."

  Rock nodded. “Yeah, she and Jeremy would have been so proud of you. Rig's gonna be—have you told him?"

  "Not yet. I figured you would be the first one to tell."

  He patted Deuce on the back and then stood. “This deserves a toast. We've got something decent here somewhere. Rig! Where's that champagne at?"

  "Champagne? In the fridge? We celebrating?"

  "We are.” He went for the fridge, poking around behind a million leftovers. He grinned. “Grab some glasses and come on out."

  "Sure. Can you grab them, Pretty? My hands are full with queso and chips."

  "Leave that for now, come on. This is good news."

  "Yeah? Okay...” Of course, Rig brought the food along, Dick following behind with glasses. “What's up?"

  Deuce grinned. “I'm fixin’ to be an NCO."

  "That's awesome!” Dick grinned and nodded at him. “Open the champagne, Rock."

  "What do you think I'm doing over here?"

  "Woohoo!” Rig hooted, Gary clapped and Deuce just beamed.

  He finally got the cork to pop and he filled their glasses. “All right, all right. A little quiet now. Here's to you, Deuce. We're all really proud."

  "You know it, kiddo. Momma'd be busting her buttons."

  Deuce looked up at Rig, lips tight. “You think?"

  "I know. She'd be so proud."

  "That's what I told him. Jeremy, too. Drink up, this is the good stuff."

  They all drank, even Rig—which he wasn't sure was a good idea, but it'd already happened. Besides, it was a celebration. He didn't refill Rig's glass, though, when he topped everyone else up. Still smiling wide, he sat, helped himself to a chip and the queso.

  Rig sat next to him, just leaning. “Hey, Blue."

  "Hey.” He put his arm around his Rabbit, tugged him close. “You doing okay?"

  "Yeah. The bubbly went to my head faster than usual."

  "You're turning into a cheap date,” he teased. It was that or fuss.

  "Yep.” Rig leaned, whispered into his ear. “Blowjob. Glass of bubbly. Quick midnight fuck. Any of those and I'm all yours.” Groaning softly at Rig's words, he shifted, his prick filling. It reminded him that half time usually meant any one of those things. Well, not the bubbly. “Want you, you know. Want to spend a whole fucking day touching and sucking and being together."

  Rig was going to drive him out of his fucking mind.

  "If you're not careful I'll put you over my shoulder and drag you off to the bedroom, guests be damned."

  "You won't. You have to watch football with your nephew.” Rig's tongue flicked in his ear, teasing him.

  "A man can only hold out from that mouth for so long, Rig.” He was growling a little now, getting looks from Gary.

  "Be good, Blue. The babies are watching.” Fuck, tipsy Rigger was cute as fuck.

  "I'll try my best, but you know you make me hotter than hell."

  "'s what I was made for."

  "You know it.” He didn't care who was watching, Rock pressed his lips to Rig's, the kiss soft and slow.

  The room was quiet when the kiss ended, Gary and Deuce gone, Dick standing and watching with a dazed, horny look on his face. He figured he should feel bad for driving them away, but between Rig and Dick's expressions, he just couldn't.

  "They went for a ‘nap',” murmured Dick.

  "Naps are good.” Rig slid into his lap, straddling him.

  He chuckled, hands sliding to Rig's ass. “Something tells me sleep's not what you're after."

  "Hmm?” Rig started kissing him, one long, slow kiss after another.

  "Nothing,” he muttered, opening up and letting Rig in deep.

  "We gonna do this here?” murmured Dick, already pulling Rig's t-shirt up over his head.

  "You think we should take it to the bedroom, Blue?"

  "Yeah, yeah we should.” Rock grabbed Rig's ass and stood, carrying Rig as they headed to the bedroom. “Don't want Deuce to feel like he can't come down out of his rooms when he's visiting."

  "Yeah. And then we can nap after you fuck me.” He did enjoy the bonus naps, now.

  "Gonna suck me while Rock does you?” Dick asked, closing the door behind him.

  "What if I want to get sucked while you do Rig?"

  "I do love it when you fight over me, boys."

  He chuckled. “There's my slut."

  Rig grinned against his lips, grey eyes laughing. “Yours."

  "You fucking know it.” He licked his way into Rig's mouth, the kiss quickly going hard and deep. Dick worked his magic, getting them all naked nice and quickly. “So you want my cock in your mouth or your ass, Rig? You take us how you want us."

  "I owe Dick a blow, man. I haven't had that pretty prick in my mouth."

  A low moan filled the air, and Dick nodded hard. “Yeah. Yeah, I want."

  Oh yeah, he could sympathize. He'd felt that way just the other day. “On your back or all fours, Rig?"

  "On my back.” Rig flushed a little. “It still pulls my incision when I'm bent over."

  His hand went
automatically to Rig's scar, barely touching. “Are you up to this?"

  "Hell, yes. Yeah. We just ... well, we have to work around the healing parts, yeah?"

  "Yeah. We'll be careful.” He met Dick's eyes, the kid just barely nodding. No more bending for Rig. Rig pushed into his arms, dragging him down into another kiss. He was careful not to press down onto Rig, but he dove into that kiss with as much enthusiasm as ever. Rig moaned, one leg wrapping around his hip. Rig's cock was filling, swelling against him. It felt amazing, having that reaction back.

  Dick slicked up his fingers for him, and when he went to slide one in, he found Dick already there. He pushed a finger in alongside Dick's, the two of them working together to stretch Rig out. Rig smiled against his lips, tongue sliding and rubbing against his. He smiled back, rubbing their noses together, laughing softly.

  Dick slid a second finger into Rig, fingers circling, making Rig buck up.

  "Mmm. My men. Fuck, yes.” That look did it for him, made him feel a thousand feet tall.

  "You ready for us, Rig? Ready to feel my cock inside you, fucking stretching you wide?"

  "I was born ready, Rocketman."

  He chuckled and settled on his knees between Rig's legs. Dick was hard as nails, the long prick curling up and leaking.

  "Oh ... Look at that.” Rig moaned, licked his lips.

  "All for you.” Dick palmed his erection, jacked it.

  "Uh-huh. All for me.” Those grey eyes were fucking focused. Cockhound.

  "Don't you want a little foreplay first, man?” Rock chuckled as they both gave him a look that said “no fucking way."

  "Foreplay. Who are you and what did you do with my marine?"

  "Since when is ‘I haven't had that pretty prick in my mouth’ not foreplay?” Dick asked.

  He just grinned at them both. “Sluts."

  "Yep.” Rig just beamed. “Y'all's."

  "Puts me in pretty good company.” Dick slid his thumb across his slit, spreading the liquid there. “How do you want me, Rig?"

  "Come here and fuck my mouth, Pretty.” Rig stretched, reached for Dick. Dick made a sweet noise, and straddled Rig's head, facing him so he could watch as that long prick was slowly fed into Rig's mouth. Rig took Dick, so easy, so eager. That was the hottest fucking thing. Dick's eyes shut, a look of bliss on his face. He started making those porno noises, groaning and moaning.

  That was Rock's signal to slide into that fine, tight ass. Eyes on Rig's mouth and Dick's cock, he pushed in all the way, that ass holding him so tight. Both his men groaned, Rig squeezing around him, sucking hard at the kid's long prick.

  He moved slowly, waiting until Dick's eyes opened. “Together,” he murmured, and Dick nodded, hips starting to move to his rhythm.

  Rig rocked, sliding on the bed, pushing between their cocks. There were only two things missing, and he took care of one by grabbing Dick's head and tugging him forward until their mouths met in a long, wet kiss. His other hand wrapped around Rig's prick, letting Rig's own movements drive that heat along his palm.

  Fucking perfect.

  Dick was damn near sobbing into his lips and he knew what the kid was feeling, knew how good that mouth was around his cock. He didn't figure Dick was going to last much longer and he sped his thrusts, urging Rig on. Sure enough, Dick cried out into his mouth, body shuddering. Rig swallowed hard, a dull flush climbing up the flat belly. Dick's movements became shallow, just the tip of his prick continuing to slide in and out of Rig's mouth. Rock took another kiss, tongue tangling with Dick's.

  He could feel Rig getting close, feel the way that long body shook. He let his thumb rub across the tip, pressing against Rig's slit as he slammed into Rig's body. “Come on, Rabbit. Give it to me."

  Just like it was meant to be, Rig gave it up, bucking and moaning underneath him, sweet as you please. He rode it out, and when Rig's body loosened, he started moving again, thrusting hard toward his own climax. It came over him in a rush and he roared as he came, filling Rig in long pulses.

  Fuck, yes.

  "Mmm. My men.” Rig looked purely happy.

  He and Dick settled where they belonged, on either side of Rig.

  He stroked Rig's belly and then Dick's, and then closed his eyes and napped.

  Chapter Forty Eight

  Rock couldn't believe it was fucking December, already.

  December and turning chilly out there, making it nice to be inside with the fire going and everyone relaxing and him napping a little, like a man should on a Sunday afternoon.

  Rig was cozy under a blanket, head on his thighs. He was a lucky fucking man that he still had this, that things had turned out as they had and the skinny asshole lying on him was still alive. He grunted, punctuating the thought.

  Dick cleared his throat, and Rock cracked one eye open to see the kid bouncing on his heels, looking like the cat that got the cream.

  "Look what I have.” Dick held something small up, the thing catching the light.

  "What is that?” He frowned, stared over. Fuck him. That was Rig's nipple ring. The sorry son of a bitch had had to take it out and they just ... Well, they hadn't worried about it.

  "Nurse gave it to me at the hospital. I've been keeping it for the right time.” Dick came over, squeezing in next to him, one hand going to stroke Rig's curls. “Do you think it's the right time yet?"

  "Fuck yes. It's time we had our Rabbit back.” The words just pushed out of him, his cock growing hard in his sweats and bumping Rig's cheek.

  Rig was waking up, nice and slow, cheek rubbing against his prick. “Mmm. Hey."

  He spread his legs some, hips moving to press his cock more firmly against Rig. “Hey, yourself."

  Rig hummed and stretched for him, a warm smile on that face. It still made his heart beat too fast, thinking that they might have lost this, lost Rig. Dick pressed against him and he banished the thought. They were all here, all three of them and they had a job to do.

  He growled a little. “Something's missing, you know."

  "Mmm? What? Dick's right here.” Rig reached out, patted the kid's leg.

  "Thanks for noticing.” Dick's eyes danced, his hand stroking over Rig's shoulders.

  Rock rolled his eyes. “Not someone—something."

  "Oh.” He could tell Rig was confused, but too busy touching to care.

  "How many rings do we have?” he asked.

  "Oh, wait, we need to be shirtless to count.” He couldn't always count on the kid to be right there in the naked department.

  "Count what? Are y'all speaking English?” Rig chuckled, licking his abs as they came into view. Rig was cute all sleep-addled like that. Not to mention the ab-licking was pretty fucking nice.

  Dick got them all topless, and then leaned to whisper into Rig's ear. “Try his nipple ring."

  Rig's hum vibrated against his belly, mouth moving up, just like that, heading for his nipple. Oh, fuck that felt good.

  Groaning, he slid his hand through Rig's curls, not guiding so much as holding, stroking Rig's scalp. That hot little tongue slipped in between the ring and his flesh, the tip teasing his nipple, driving him crazy.

  "Fuck!” He held Rig in place, legs spreading as his cock pushed hard against his sweats. Rock felt Rig's chuckle, electricity shooting up his spine as Rig sucked.

  "That's one,” murmured Dick. “You should count the next one now."

  "Count all you want, kid. Rig's just fine right where he is."

  Rig nodded, hand sliding up Dick's belly, mouth still working as those long fingers headed toward Dick's nipple. The kid started making noises before Rig had even touched that little ring. He knew how Dick felt. Fuck, every time Rig blinked, those long eyelashes tickled his skin. Dick's fingers crept over and rubbed at his prick, so he returned the favor. Shit, how had things gotten so hot so fast?

  "That's ... that's t-two,” stuttered Dick.

  "Mine's gone. I can't find it.” Rig tugged his ring, just a little.

  "I told you something was missin
g.” He grinned smugly down at Rig. He knew his Rabbit would eventually get it.

  Rig's head tilted, grey eyes glittering. “Do y'all have it?"

  Dick held open his hand, the little ring sitting in his palm.

  "Oh. Oh, fucking cool. You think it'll go back in?"

  "It will."

  Dick nodded. “Hopefully."

  He elbowed Dick. “It will."

  Rig leaned back, tugging his shirt off. “I want it back."

  "You fucking know it."

  Dick moved to the other side of the couch, sitting back and opening his arms. “Lean against me while Rock puts it back in."

  Mmm ... yeah, that would work. Rig damn near whimpered, cock straining against those jeans.

  "Naked.” He cleared his throat, fingers rubbing along the bulge in Rig's jeans. “I want you naked."

  "Uh-huh. Anything.” Rig tugged his jeans off, wiggling, bouncing for him. Dick's fingers slid around to play over that skinny stomach, rub over Rig's hips. Fuck. Look how hard Rig was, how that cock was full and red-tipped, throbbing against Rig's belly. Bending, he kissed the tip, flicked his tongue across it.

  "Rock.” Rig's hips rolled, bucking up as his Rabbit tried to get more.

  "Oh, I think we need to take care of a little something first.” Dick's fingers slid up to flick at Rig's bare nipples.

  Rig reached down, grabbed Dick's wrist. “Oh, man. Sensitive."

  "Just wait ‘til Rock puts that ring back in. I'm going to drive you crazy."

  "We both are.” Rock rubbed the ring against Rig's right nipple. That little bit of flesh went tight, hard, just begging for it. He looked up, met those grey eyes. “You remember when we got these?"

  "Fuck, yes. I creamed my jeans."

  "I should have left them on you so you could cream them this time, too.” Bending, he flicked his tongue across the hard little bit of flesh.

  "Blue.” Rig jerked, almost sitting up. “Fuck. Blue."

  "You ready, Rabbit?"

  "Fuck, yes. Make me y'all's again."

  He met Dick's eyes, then Rig's again, and nodded. “Ours."

  His fingers pinched Rig's nipple, and he set the ring against the little hole on the side. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Dick grab Rig's cock, and he pushed the ring into Rig's flesh. Rig's cry rang out, sharp and sweet, spunk spraying over Rig's belly. Dick bucked, pushing Rig up against him, and he closed the ring, pressed a kiss to the nipple before running his fingers through Rig's come.


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