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Pete and Samantha's Guide to Sex in the Summertime - 2012

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by Peter Birch

  Title Page


  Summer 2012

  Presented by

  House of Erotica

  Publisher Information

  Pete and Samantha’s Guide to Seasonal Sex

  published in 2012 by Andrews UK Limited

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © Peter Birch and Samantha J Hall 2012

  The right of Peter Birch and Samantha J Hall to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Cover Designed by

  Nick Tiseo and Matt Bateman

  Welcome From The Editor!

  Hello and welcome to the summer edition of Pete and Samantha’s Guide To Sex. We have not had much of a summer so far this year here in the UK, so let’s hope this edition of the guide brings a little sunshine into your life!

  This season’s edition has some great articles on seasonal summer sexual issues, such as Sun Bathing in the Nude (that’s if we get any sun), then of course what happens when people do sweat and a discussion of that particular fetish.

  Plus - of course - we have a good selection of summer-based tales for you to savour as well.

  So, once again, welcome to this edition of our continuing erotic fantasy tour. Enjoy yourself, and we will see you again in the autumn!

  Nicky Raven - Editor

  About The Authors

  Peter Birch has been hopelessly addicted to sex his entire life but has made the best of what society at large sees as a problem. During the ‘eighties, while yuppies were sporting their filofaxes and talking into mobile phones the size of bricks, Peter and his girlfriend were experimenting with the joys of threesomes, dogging and spanking. In the caring ‘nineties he and his wife devoted their time to running sadomasochistic cabarets in London’s more specialised clubs. Finally realising that he needed to earn some money, he took to writing erotica, and has been at it ever since, becoming a prolific novelist, mainly under the Aishling Morgan name, writing guides to kinky sex and dabbling in journalism, which is where he met Sarah Berry.

  S.J Hall is an emerging writer from North London. She has a strong personal interest in BDSM and Fetish and over 8 years experience exploring the London Fetish scene. She has acquired a extensive range of knowledge and experience along the way which she very much enjoys putting to good use in her spare time. She organises Fetish parties and events for her local area and has spent time working as a professional spankee. When she is not penning dirty stories and articles she likes posing for the camera as an amateur fetish model, world cooking and haunting traditional British pubs with good company.


  Days are hot and nights are warm and sultry, or at least, they ought to be. Thoughts turn to the joys of outdoor sex, whether it’s a romantic adventure on a tropical beach, a roll in the hay, an evening’s dogging or a day spent admiring the nicely displayed figures of one’s preferred sex. Whatever your preference, we’re here to assist some juicy stories to turn your thoughts the right way and a few helpful hints for once you get down to business.

  We open with Samantha’s look at Social Nudity and how different people see the issue of going around without any clothes. Then there’s Confirmed Sighting, Peter’s story of the thrills and spills of dedicated voyeurism. In Sweat Baby, Sweat, Samantha examines the pros and cons of getting all steam up, while in Sneaky Peaks Peter asks how far it’s fair to go when you love to watch. Samantha’s story, Visible Excitement, visits some of the possibilities open to an invisible and very naughty girl, and we finish with Sex in the Sunshine, in which Peter draws on experience to provide ten top tips on sex in the great outdoors.

  Pete & Samantha x

  Sex In The Summer

  Social Nudity: Fetish, Fantasy Or Lifestyle?

  I remember my first experience of al-fresco nudity as an adult woman. I was sat sharing a drink with a photographer friend in a little countryside pub taking a well-earned break between shoots. At my request we had been taking some modern gothic snaps in a church ruin which he had agreed to shoot in return for a second set that he needed at a near-by lake. As we were chatting about the upcoming shoot he mentioned to me that he would like to do a series of action shots of me falling back into the water. Concerned about the practical implications of this, as he had neglected to advise me to bring a bathing suit or towels I asked him what he expected me to wear while plunging into an outdoor lake in broad daylight.

  ‘Well I was hoping nothing at all,’ he replied.

  If he had not been a trusted friend I may have finished my drink and made a swift exit. Instead I nervously swallowed the dregs of my wine and suggested he buy me another one...

  I am not naturally body confident. At an ample size 14 and hardly of fashion model height, I am not in the habit of getting my kit off in public or being photographed in any state of undress. What my friend was suggesting were not only nude photographs, but nude photographs, outdoors, in a place where anyone could come along. I wasn’t even sure if that was legal. Still, you only live once as I told myself (or the second glass of wine told me, I am not entirely sure) so I somewhat grudgingly got back into the car and allowed him to drive me to an abandoned chalk quarry which was secluded from human sight by banks and trees. This is not to say that it felt private by any means, the space the lake was situated in was vast with little cover save for the trees on the borders. If I remember correctly an office block could be seen in the far distance in one direction and the sound of cars carried from a nearby road. I don’t believe before then I had ever swum in an open body of natural water, never mind naked, so I was faced with not only taking my clothes off in front of my photographer friend and another friend who had come along to have a go on some of his more flashy equipment, but also the indignity of gingerly trying to ease myself into the water from the very slippery banks without a stitch of clothing on - with cameras pointed at me.

  It was probably the indignity that got me over my nerves. The struggle to negotiate the stony lake bed, the repeated back-flops into the water so that my friend could try again and again to get the perfect ‘splash as girl hits water shot’ which milliseconds after the splash had me floundering around trying to get the water out of my eyes. Modesty quickly became a secondary issue and I was surprised how easily the self-consciousness of being nude in a public setting stopped bothering me. It bothered me so little in fact we decided to explore the limits of the situation and do an interesting set of photos involving the abundant chalk mud the area offered but that is another story...

  I found the day surprisingly enjoyable and was intrigued by the experience of nudity in a natural setting. The human body is in certain contexts considered obscene, embarrassing, inappropriate, yet I had felt relaxed and comfortable. I wondered what reaction we would have gotten if a dog walker had come along, Shock? Disgust? Arousal? Amusement? How would I feel if I was on a nature walk and found myself confronted by a woman wand
ering around entirely in the buff chatting to her friends or messing about in the water. Would the presence of people with cameras make me more comfortable with it or less? What if I had just been there and fancied a naked swim, would I have enjoyed to situation for its own sake, without a goal or purpose? Is there any reason I shouldn’t?

  I have always been vaguely aware of the nudism movement, although my visions of such people are probably directly out of bad 70s art shots, but I didn’t know a lot about the modern nudist movement. Inspired by my experience at the lake I made contact with several people who consider themselves to be nudists and I was intrigued by the range of attitudes and viewpoints people had. I found out quickly there is no such thing as ‘nudism’ as a single movement and that people’s motivations for engaging in nudism, and how and when they do, can be very different. The only thing that every person I spoke to seemed to agree on was that by definition, nudism involved social nudity, being naked around other people, who may or may not be clothed themselves. While for some this was simply a matter of convenience, in that they preferred to be without clothes and appreciate spaces where they can do normal things such as socialise without having to wear clothes, for others the appeal was the presence of other people in itself. One of the most striking splits between viewpoints appears to be between sexual and non-sexual nudists.

  ‘Galen’ who has been involved with nudism for most of his life, and the nudist community from his early twenties told me:

  ‘The nudist movement is kind of undergoing a split right now - on one side are the old school ‘no sex allowed’ nudists, whereas a number of nudist clubs are reaching out to attract younger and more sexually alternative nudists. There’s been quite some controversy among nudists as clubs have started rejecting AANR ‘family friendly’ affiliation, and marketing to swingers and kinksters (who are younger, more numerous, and spend more money)’

  ‘HAIjeff’- a retired IT worker considers nudism to be a primarily non-sexual activity, simply the practice of being socially nude, at home or at a club or the beach. He explained

  ‘Humans are sexual beings, so I have to think that EVERYTHING has a sexual element. For me, being nude in public does not engender sexual feelings beyond those I might feel anyway; eg, “Look at that attractive person.” People who associate nudity with sex need to realize that they are two completely different things. Just because you see my body or I see yours, does not mean we have to engage in sex.’

  On the other side of the split is ‘Ricky’ who experiences nudism as sexual.

  ‘Yes, there is a sexual element for me, and I think a lot of others. When a young good looking women is next to you in a pool, fully nude, that’s all I think about. I also get a thrill out of getting an erection in front of others there.’

  ‘Ricky’ is joined in this viewpoint by ‘Rcurious’ who first discovered nudism in the context of something he and his wife found to be a turn on. He told me about his early experiences:

  ‘I occasionally went to a nudist beach when I lived in Australia. I found the place when I cruised up the coast in my boat with my wife. We walked along the beach and looked like the typical non sexual nudists, but we were both turned on and felt the tension. She was less comfortable with it, and our future visits, I would walk along the beach and she would stay on board, but we would have sex on the boat when I returned. I found the whole thing an amazing turn on and returned by car by myself a few times. I think even the non-sexual nudists experience a thrill, but my sex drive was going crazy when I went and I was not the only one.’

  Barry, who lives with his Mistress as a full time slave has an entirely different perspective on social nudity. In his chosen lifestyle, he owns no clothes himself and is kept naked by his Mistress as close to 24/7 as possible as a symbol of his status in the household. His Mistress owns the few clothes he does have and gives them to him if they are having guests over that might be uncomfortable with him being naked or if he needs to be outside the house in a situation where he is unable to be nude. Barry and his Mistress live with two other people who are not involved at all in the lifestyle but are accepting of him being naked most of the time. Barry and his Mistress aspire to have Barry naked at all times, and sometimes have even gotten away with keeping Barry nude in semi-public situations, such as a trip to a fast food drive through which caused the girl serving some amusement but no obvious offence. They have not always been so lucky in pushing public boundaries, on one occasion while driving naked he was spotted by a jogger who responded by producing her mobile phone and Barry assumes dialling the police, however he did not stick around to find out if he was correct!

  While it was clear to me that this group of nudists all arrived at very different conclusions about the place of social nudity in their lives I was curious about how they had begun to explore it in the first place and what had motivated them to do so. For Barry the slave it had begun early in life. He told me the story of how he had first discovered he enjoyed being naked around others

  “My first experience with being naked that I can remember was as a child. I cannot remember the age but I remember that my three female cousins on my father’s side came to our hose for a visit. This was something that happened often but this time we were in my room playing and the cousin that was closest to my age, I think 2 years older, started playing house and we were playing sleeping and as part of going to bed I took all my clothes off. She just watched me, when I went to put on my bed clothes, she said not to and to stay that way. We got into the bed. I thought we were going to get into separate beds like on TV. But she got into the same bed with me. Nothing else happened but I remember how great it felt to be naked in front of a female. From that time on it was always in my thoughts and whenever I played with other girls in the neighbourhood and played doctor. I insisted on being the patient and would always get naked for the examination.”

  ‘Galen’ also found his interest in Nudism first emerged in his childhood, and continued to into his adolescence but it was still a long time before he felt comfortable enough to be nude in front of other people.

  “I became a secret nudist as a kid, about age 9, when I realized that there was no point in wearing clothes when I was out exploring the (large, unused, undeveloped) forest next to my house. As a toddler, I’d always enjoyed it when my German grandma had let me run around bare around bath time, and when I finally got brave enough to go bare out in the woods, I loved the freedom and sensuality of it. As adolescence hit, obviously the sensuality became more sexual in nature, but even after relieving any immediate sexual urges, I still hated it when I finally had to put on clothes again.

  Going bare really was (and still is) a matter of comfort for me. Since I got my own apartment at age 18 (almost 33 years ago), I’ve always gone bare at home, save when I have guests. In fact, the first thing I do when I get home is to get undressed, and putting clothes back on is always the LAST thing I do before going out. And from the conversations I’ve had with other nudists, this is a fairly common thing for lifestyle nudists - we just flat out prefer being nude, and only wearing clothes when we have to.

  But for all that I’ve always enjoyed going bare, it was totally a secret for many years. I hated the idea of being seen nude by others; in 10 years of going bare outside for hours every day, nobody had any idea I was doing this - not parents, not friends, and I never got caught. Even in college, when my roommate stole my clothes once when I was in the shower, I was totally embarrassed and totally livid.

  That changed in my 20’s, when I started attending clothing-optional pagan events. Going nude in the pool was pretty much the norm, and I had no problem stripping off in front of others when they were nude, too. But away from the pool, most people wore clothing - though they weren’t shy about changing in public, and there were a few people who liked going bare (or ‘skyclad’, as pagans often call it) as much as possible. For a long time, I envied the bravery of those folk - willing to go
bare when most people where dressed. Eventually, I decided ‘to hell with it’, and just took the plunge and joined them. It was scary. And once I realized that nobody was pointing at me and laughing, or turning away, or being shocked in the least, it was great!”

  Several people I spoke to mentioned how it affected their own body image, most finding the experience of social nudism helped them to feel more comfortable with how they looked. Galen pointed out that a lot of images of ‘nude’ bodies we are exposed are from media sources that can digitally alter images to conform to a very rigid standard of perfection and often only models, actors and actresses who fit a certain body type are successful. He told me that this is an attraction when choosing to attend nudist events and a significant factor in what keeps people involved in the nudist lifestyle throughout their lives.

  “Because everyone is nude, and everything is visible, and nobody has perfect bodies like in the media, and nobody is hitting on anybody, the nudity quickly ceases to be arousing or embarrassing, and soon becomes totally natural. Going to a club that has outdoor facilities is even more wonderful - even friends of mine who don’t go nude at home say that now that they’ve experienced the joys of skinny dipping, they hate having to wear a bathing suit at non-nudist pools. Sometimes I find it hard to wrap my head around the fact some people actually want to wear clothes!”

  HAIjeff even said that for him, this is the main appeal of social nudity.

  “Freedom and equality. You’re not the -est anything. Not the biggest, smallest, hairiest, fattest, skinniest, etc. Nudism has affected the way I view my own any other people’s bodies through the realization that we’re all different and the same at the same time, I stopped worrying and started enjoying.”


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