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One Chance to Win

Page 10

by Hart, Romi

  I handed him the ice bag and watched as he gingerly placed it on his swollen hand. He regarded me dolefully. “Thank you.”

  I didn’t wait, I just went for it, “Mr. Fontaine, you’re making a huge mistake.”

  He looked up at me; his eyes were vacant. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes.”

  I shrugged, looking at his suits dangling from their hangers. “We all have. I made a mistake coming in here last time demanding things from Jasmine and your family without bothering to have a proper discussion with you first.”

  Jose’s eyes trailed down to the floor. He kicked a box of Louboutin shoes. “It doesn’t matter anymore. My children have lost respect for me. They don’t need me.” He looked up sadly. “In the end, you got what you wanted.”

  Shaking my head, I wanted to plead with him, but Jose continued. “I loved their mother so much.” He chuckled bitterly. “I thought she was happy being my partner in life and our business.” His eyes narrowed in recollection. “But, she just fell out of love with me. Said this life wasn’t enough for her.” He sighed. “Our family was just not enough for her.”

  Jose looked so defeated. “I’m sorry, but this is not what I wanted. I had no intention of breaking your family up. I just want to be with Jasmine. I just want her to be happy. That’s been my goal this entire time.”

  He let out a solemn sigh. “Well, nothing would make Jasmine happier than if I disappeared from their lives. Both my children don't want anything to do with me."

  “That isn’t true. They do. They need you.”

  “They don’t need me.” He took the ice pack off his hand. Flexing and extending his fingers, he winced in pain. “I can’t do anything right!” He put the ice pack back on his hand.

  I held my arms up. “You built this beautiful home.” I pointed to the right. “And your legendary oxen.”

  Jose pointed the other way. “The oxen are to the East from where we are.”

  I corrected my direction. “Yes. East. That way.”

  “The oxen are so much easier to raise than my own children. You know the basic rules for raising livestock and letting them go when it’s time to. But, my own kids, I don’t know when it’s time to let them go. Are they ready? I don’t know. What are the signs?” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “I’m not a father, but I coach toddlers in soccer. I love those kids. When a kid is ready to move up to the next level, I’ve got to let him move up, right? He can’t be ten years old playing soccer tots. I miss the kids that have left me, but inevitably it’s for their benefit.” I paused, hoping Jose wasn’t thinking I was an idiot for comparing coaching to being a father. “I’m just a coach, but you’re their father. You can let go a little at a time and be there whenever they need you.”

  Jose stared down at the array of shoes scattered about the floor. “They aren’t kids anymore. Jasmine is 21 and Joseph is 19.”

  Shaking my head, I chuckled. “I’m 21 and still need my parents. I talk to my parents all the time. It’s important to me to always have my parents support in everything I do. Jasmine and Joseph both need you, especially since their mother isn’t here.”

  Jose’s face winced at the mention of their mother, but he said nothing.

  I stood, extending my hand to Jose. “They need you.”

  Looking me in the eye, man to man, Jose shook my hand with his unhurt left hand. “Thank you.” He still looked deflated, but the anger had drained from his face.

  “I hope to see you again,” I said with urging in my voice.

  Jose nodded noncommittally. His face was impassive like a stone. I couldn’t tell if I’d changed his mind or not.

  Climbing through a jumbled mixture of Jose and his wife’s clothes, I walked out of the bedroom. I softly closed the door, hoping Jose seriously considered everything I said, but doubting he would listen to a kid like me for parenting advice. I wasn’t even a parent.

  I drove straight home from the Fontaine house. I couldn’t face Jasmine. She had never gotten over her mother’s absence. Her father was leaving town, and it was all my fault.

  Chapter 18


  Tears kept flooding down my face despite my best efforts to keep it together. With a grief-stricken face, Joseph moved about the kitchen continuing to prepare food. I was sure inside he felt as hopeless as I did, but he pushed on with his work to feed the packed restaurant. At that moment, I wasn’t as strong as he was. I was slowly breaking apart inside.

  The restaurant staff worked around where I sat on a stool in the kitchen. Whereas not an hour before, every eye was on me, no one would look at me now. I retreated to the buey cave to avoid everyone’s uncomfortable regard and to stop seeing my brother’s distressed face as he worked.

  In the cave, I sat in a small chair in the back corner. In the dim light, the hanging buey cast shadows, stretching across the walls and floor. I hung back in the shadows wishing they would swallow me whole.

  I needed to strategize my next move. Without a doubt, I planned on dropping out of school and devoting all my time to the restaurant. Without my father, there was no conceivable way the restaurant could go on if I was in school. Plus, Joseph wasn’t going to be able to keep up his current rigorous schedule. He needed more rest. I would need to spend every waking minute in the restaurant.

  The only problem was the buey. My father raised the buey on his own. He thought of it as his sole responsibility. Joseph and I had little to do with the oxen on the farm. It wasn’t for lack of interest. My father always said for us not to worry about the oxen. It was his job.

  A sinking feeling rushed around me. The number one thing that made our restaurant rise above the rest was the buey. Without our father, how would we manage? I regretted all the years I hadn’t insisted to my father he teach us his husbandry methods.

  My mind scrambled for a solution. But nothing came to me.

  Suddenly, the door opened, and my father appeared in the doorway. I sprang to my feet, in relief. He walked forward to me with his arms open. “Jasmine, I’m so sorry.”

  I ran into my father’s arms. “Dad, I’m sorry too. Thank God you came back.”

  He pulled away from me, gripping my shoulders with his hands. “Alex came to the house.”

  “He did?” Another rush of relief fell over me. I hadn’t lost Alex after all.

  “He made me see how foolish I’ve been. How selfish. For a young man, he’s wise. I’ve been so afraid of losing you and your brother.”

  “You won’t lose us, Dad.”

  “I see that now. Alex helped me realize that.” My dad looked at me thoughtfully. “He loves you. I can see that clearly. He loves you so much.”

  My shrunken heart began to rise and swell in my chest in joy. I took a deep breath. It was time to come clean with my dad. “Dad, I’ve been taking classes at UF. I’m majoring in Food Science.” Bracing myself for an explosive reaction, I squinted my eyes.

  Instead, my dad embraced me again. “Jasmine, I’m so proud of you!”

  “You are?” I asked hesitantly relieved.

  “Yes. You should have gone to school right away when you graduated from high school. You were valedictorian. I was selfish for not letting you go. This is wonderful news.”

  I felt myself opening up like a flower, petal by petal. “I’m learning so much, Dad. Things I can use to expand the business.” I’d never talked to my dad this freely since I was a little girl. “I’m taking Biochem, Intro to Food Science… And next semester, I want to take Animal Science Lab to learn about livestock.” Feeling more relaxed talking to my father, I decided to go for it. “I was actually hoping you could teach me about the oxen too.”

  My father smiled, a tear trickling down his face. “Yes. I’d love to teach you. I should have had you and your brother out there on the farm all this time.”

  I threw my arms around my father joyously. “This is great, Dad. I can’t wait.”

  “I want you to keep going to school. I’m going to hire a general manager to
free up your time so you can focus on your studies and have an easier schedule like Nia’s.”

  I was shocked. A new general manager?

  “Are you sure, Dad? A new GM?” I searched my dad’s face. He nodded sadly. “Yes. It’s time. Our old GM is not coming back for her job, and it’s time for me to accept that.”

  I hugged my dad tightly with tears welling in my eyes. I realized then that I hadn’t completely accepted my mother wasn’t coming back either. I held onto the idea that once she was done getting her degrees, she’d come back, but she was already done with her Ph.D. and we hadn’t heard from yet.

  “Do you think Joseph wants to go to school?” my dad asked.

  I nodded. “He hasn’t talked about it, but I think he would love the opportunity. He was the reason I started going. He encouraged me.”

  “You’ve got a great little brother,” my dad said with pride. He looked up at the buey. “It’s settled then. There are going to be some changes around here. First one, Alex is welcome here anytime.”

  I squeezed my arms around my dad again. “Thank you, Dad.”

  “He earned my respect today. Thank him for me when you see him.”

  I smiled. “I will.”

  He gently pushed me to the door. “It’s okay. Go to him. He’s part of the family now.”

  I turned back to my father, hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Dad. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Jasmine.” He pulled away from me. “Now, get out of here. Alex is waiting for you.”

  Ecstatically happy, I drove to Alex’s apartment, trying not to speed. My knuckles rapped on his door swiftly. I couldn’t wait to see him. When Alex opened it, I kissed him on the lips before he had a chance to say anything.

  My happiness swirled around me. I couldn’t contain it. “My dad came back to the restaurant. He said you went to our house to talk to him.”

  He nodded and led me inside. “I did.”

  “I don’t know what you said, but you convinced him to stay. He even supports my decision to go to college.”

  “You told him about school?”

  I nodded. “Yes. And he’s proud of me for going. He also said he respects you for what you did today. We don’t have to sneak around anymore. You’re welcome anytime.” I beamed, words of joy flying out of my mouth.

  Alex picked me up and spun me around the living room. “I’m so happy, Jasmine!”

  As he lifted me up, I looked down at his grinning face. “I love you, Alex. I want to move in with you if you still want me to.”

  “Yes!” Alex put me down and kissed me. “Of course, I do. Nothing would make me happier than to have you here with me.” He scooped me up in his arms, carrying me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed, brushing strands of hair out of my face. “I would love for you to move in here. You sure?”

  I smiled at him happily. “I’m sure.”

  Alex kissed me passionately, pulling off my clothes. When I was fully naked, he pulled away from me and took a long look at my body. He smiled admiringly. “You’re so beautiful, Jasmine.” The way he looked at me, I felt so beautiful. Alex made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

  I sat up to pull Alex’s shirt off. I ran my hands down his muscular arms and chest. “You’re beautiful, too.” Alex’s body was strong and perfectly sculpted.

  He laid me back down while swiftly yanking down his pants. I smoothed my hands down his strapping back to his toned ass. Alex kissed my neck sending a tingle down my spine. When he pushed a finger inside my cunt, I gasped in delight.

  He nestled his thumb on my clit, moving it in a circular motion. His mouth found mine. His tongue danced in my mouth, tasting me. Within moments, an orgasm shook through me. Moaning, I clenched Alex’s ass with my hands.

  When my shuddering stopped, all I wanted was Alex inside me. Quickly, I grabbed a condom lying next to us. Grabbing Alex's cock, I slipped the condom down on his shaft. With a determined hand, I shoved him inside me. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I squeezed my pussy tightly around his dick.

  Surprised by the rapidity and resolve in my actions, he gasped in pleasure. “Jasmine!” Rocking my hips back and forth against him, I watched as his face contorted in bliss. I loved seeing him enjoying himself. Alex pushed into me hard and deep. Grabbing onto his ass, I pulled him into me, plunging his dick deeper inside. With a few rocking motions of my hips, I felt my pussy shudder again forcefully. The orgasm erupted inside of me, leaving me breathless and dizzy.

  Alex’s groans grew strained as he thrust faster. I could feel his body tensing until he groaned loudly. Relaxing his body completely, he collapsed down on the bed next to me.

  We were both drenched in sweat and breathless. Alex put his arm around me. “I like when you take control.”

  I blushed. “I just couldn’t stop myself.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “With me, I don’t want you to ever feel restrained. I want you to feel at home here.” He squeezed me close to him. “Because this is our home now.”

  I kissed him on the cheek. “Our home.” Exhaling a long slow breath, I closed my eyes resting my head on Alex’s chest. I loved the sound of that: our home.

  At least for now, he and I had found our happy ending.



  6 months later:

  “Thanks for coming with me, Jas.” I ran my arm around her shoulders as we stepped onto the Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. My cousin, Ryan had been sought after by scouts to attend the college for his mad baseball skills.

  Being a senior in high school, he was in need of a little brotherly advice. Since he had no brothers, I was called in by my aunt Carmen to help her son make a good choice when picking the college that would be best for him. For not only his baseball career but also for his academic one.

  Jasmine was the first to see my cousin as he made a B-line for us. “Hi, Ryan.” She waved at him.

  He hurried to us, looking nervous. “Hey, guys. Glad you could make it.” He shook my hand then gave Jasmine a hug. “I’m a wreck.”

  “I know the feeling,” I agreed. “When I was checking colleges who were interested in me when I was a senior in high school, I had Dad to help me make a good decision. Unfortunately for you, your father isn’t around to do that. I’m happy to be of help, cousin.”

  His smile was broad as he nodded. “Well, he’s very busy back in Argentina. Since his father passed away last month, he’s been inundated with settling his estate. He and all the rest of his brood of siblings seem to squabble over every last thing my grandfather had.”

  “Which was a lot,” I added as we started heading to the coaches office for the meeting that had been scheduled earlier in the week. “Your grandfather was a wealthy man. Leaving no will behind and having fifteen children hasn’t left your father, the oldest of them all, an easy task. I’m happy to help you anyway.”

  Jasmine gushed over my cousin, “Ryan, you’re such a talented pitcher that any university will be lucky to get you. You have to keep that in mind when they pitch you their offer. I just wish UF would step up and take some interest in you. Then you’d be with us.”

  Ryan nodded. “Yeah, I know. But them winning the College World Series this year has them being picky as all get out. LSU is a great school for baseball players too. And maybe with my help, we could win next year’s title.”

  “If you’re going to dream, dream big, Cuz,” I said as I patted him on the back.

  After a great meeting with the coaching staff, Ryan and I both agreed the college in Baton Rouge would be ideal for him. Not only was he given a full scholarship, but he was given the rare opportunity to play for their team as a starter even as a freshman. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. My cousin, Ryan Romero, would be pitching for the LSU Tigers next season.

  My aunt was overjoyed with the news that her oldest child and only son was going to be a Tiger for LSU’s baseball team. And my help with the rising star w
as greatly appreciated by my family.

  Jasmine was also highly impressed with me and later that night, after Ryan had left to head back to his home in Miami, she and I stayed in Baton Rouge for the night.

  I had something I wanted to ask her and I wanted it to be special.

  Her dark hair shone in the twinkling lights. Taking her to Roux 61 — a Baton Rouge legend — for what I hoped would be a special night she’d never forget, we were holding hands as we listened to the singer on stage. A guy I’d talked to in secret only moments before he took the stage.

  Beaux Atkins proved to be a pretty cool guy and was all types of happy to help me out with my special request. The song over, he gave me a nod and a smile. A thing that had Jasmine looking at me with wonder in her eyes. “You know him?”

  “Kinda,” I admitted.

  Beaux took the mic in his hand as he came toward us. Jasmine’s expression went from wonder to ‘what the fuck’ in an instant. “Alex? What’s happening?”

  “Hi there, Jasmine,” Beaux greeted her. “How was your dinner?”

  The spotlight that had followed him grew to include her in it. She went pale then blushed. “Good. Thank you.”

  “How’d you like my performance, Jasmine?” he asked her as I took the chance to move out of my seat as he had her full attention and the spotlight on her had it impossible for her to see what I was doing.

  Pulling the ring out of my pocket. I fought back the nerves that were brewing inside of me.

  Was I really about to do this?

  Jasmine’s voice wobbled as she answered the singer, “It was great. I loved it.”

  "Good, good," he said and handed the mic to me, and the spotlight grew to incorporate Jasmine and me, leaving him in the dark.

  Jasmine’s eyes went to me, and when she saw that I was on one knee in front of her, her hands flew to cover her mouth, and her eyes glistened.


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