A Soldier for Suzie: A Military Romantic Comedy (Love will OUT Book 3)

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A Soldier for Suzie: A Military Romantic Comedy (Love will OUT Book 3) Page 12

by D. E. Haggerty

  Hailey looks over my shoulder. “Yes! More men!”

  Phoebe looks over my other shoulder. “Let’s see. They can’t all be bad.”

  “What’s going on?” Sid asks as he bellies up to the bar.

  I don’t want to answer him, but Hailey has no problem tattling. “Mrs. Langley sends these daily emails with dating profiles of men she thinks Suzie should date. We’re looking at the latest batch.”

  “What for?” he asks. “I thought you and Grayson were an item.”

  I groan. “Why does everyone keep saying that?”

  “Because you can’t deny chemistry.” Sid looks around. “Where is Grayson anyway?”

  I have no idea. I haven’t heard a peep from him since last week when Liz showed up.

  He clasps my shoulder. “I’m sure he’ll be back. Like I said, you can’t deny chemistry.” He whistles as he walks away; my eye lasers apparently having no effect on him whatsoever. I need to take them into maintenance for repair.

  I return my attention to my mom’s email. Looking at potential suitors my mom picked out beats thinking about Grayson and how he ghosted me every day of the week.

  Phoebe points to a guy in a suit who looks like he’s never drunk a beer in his life. “This one looks good.”

  “He looks like someone old Phoebe would date, not me.”

  She scrunches up her face. “Forget I said anything. Why don’t you tell your mom to stop sending you suggestions of who to date?”

  I snort. “Have you met my mother?”

  “Actually, no, I haven’t.”

  Oh yeah, I forgot. Phoebe is such an integrated part of my life, I sometimes don’t remember it’s been mere months since I met her for the first time.

  “You’re missing out,” Hailey says. “Mrs. Langley is a hoot. You think Suzie’s crazy? It’s inherited.”

  “When do I get to meet her?”

  Oh great. Another friend who’s going to love my mom just like all my other friends. It’s easy for them. Them she doesn’t try to embarrass. No, to my friends, my mom is sweet as sugar. Growing up, she was the mom who was always making cookies for all the kids on the block. The mom who let us hang around in the basement without too much adult supervision.

  Her daughter, on the other hand, she can’t help but embarrass her. When I was in high school, she’d remind me to take a condom with me whenever I went out. She couldn’t say something discreetly when we were alone. Oh no, my mom had to talk about condoms and safe sex in front of every-freaking-one. And I do mean everyone. Every single boyfriend I ever had got the ‘sex’ talk from Mom. Needless to say, I learned awful quick to stop bringing boyfriends around. Mom still hasn’t forgiven me.

  “She doesn’t come up to Wisconsin if there’s snow on the ground,” Hailey explains to Phoebe.

  “But Suzie grew up here.”

  “Yep. And when I finished my first year of college and it looked like I was ‘going to stick with it’, Mom told Dad they were moving to Arizona.”

  The door to the bar bangs open and everyone looks over to see who’s entering, although everyone isn’t too many people as it’s Monday and the place is practically empty except for us.

  A woman stands in the entryway looking nervous. She’s not too tall but definitely taller than me, although almost everyone is. She’s wrapped up for the cold making it nearly impossible to see what she looks like, although I do see dark brown hair peeking out of her woolen cap. Her eyes, the only part of her face visible between her hat and scarf, widen when she glances around and realizes everyone is looking at her.

  Sid stands and approaches her. “How can we help, sweet thing?”

  “Is he hitting on her? I thought he and Mary Ann were engaged,” I whisper to Hailey.

  Lenny, Barney, and Wally join us at the bar. “Nah, Mary Ann dumped his fat ass.”

  I tilt my head to study Sid’s backside. “I don’t think his ass is fat.”

  “How about I buy you one of those frou-frou drinks?” Sid asks the stranger who looks ready to bolt.

  Pops throws his towel on the bar and marches over. “Leave her alone,” he orders Sid before giving the woman his attention. “I’m Max. How can I help you?”

  “I didn’t know his name is Max. I thought everyone called him Pops,” Phoebe whispers.

  “Not everyone.” I wink.

  “I-I-I saw the help wanted sign,” she manages to say.

  Pops grins. “You’re in the right place. I’m the owner. How about you come to my office and we’ll talk?”

  She bites her bottom lip as she glances up at Pops. Pops may be in his fifties, but he is a stone-cold fox. His gray hair doesn’t make him look old. No, it qualifies him as a silver fox. Like the rest of his former Army buddies, he’s tall and fit thanks to an uber strict workout regime. Trust me. The workout regime is worth it. Especially for all the women who come to the bar to pant after his muscles. And when he looks at you with those bright blue eyes? Stone. Cold. Fox.

  The woman’s eyes flare as she takes him in. Finally, she nods. Pops places a hand on the small of her back and escorts her to the hallway leading to his office.

  As soon as they’re out of hearing range, Lenny, Barney, and Wally break into laughter.

  “Ka-boom! I never thought I’d see the day the almighty Sid crashed and burned,” Lenny remarks as he wipes tears from his eyes.

  “Even in the sandbox, the man could pick up women,” Wally agrees.

  “Who knows if they were women, though? Anyone or thing could have been under those burkas,” Barney says and raises his hand toward me for a fist bump.

  I oblige because no one is talking about me and Grayson or the numerous dates my mother wants to set me up on. Anything to get the attention off me, I’m down with.

  “Fuckers,” Sid snarls before leaning over the bar and nabbing a bottle of whiskey.

  Hailey’s gaze lingers on the hallway where her dad and the lady disappeared. “Do you think Pops likes her? Maybe he’ll finally get over my mother.”

  Wally hangs an arm over her shoulders. “Kid, your pops got over your mom years ago.”

  “Yeah, right. That’s why he’s never had a serious relationship since her.”

  I bump her shoulder. “Maybe he did. Maybe he kept her his little secret.”

  Hailey’s nose wrinkles. “Yuck. My pops doesn’t have dirty little secrets.”

  “You don’t know everything about him.”

  “I’m done with this conversation,” she announces. “Who wants to play pool?”

  “I’m in.” Lenny looks at me. “As long as disaster isn’t playing. I think she broke one of Grayson’s ribs last time she played.”

  Damn Grayson. I can’t believe the big jerk ghosted me. It’s been a week. He should be over his hissy fit by now. The annoying voice in my head – aka Adult Suzie – reminds me I hurt him bad and betrayed him. For once, Adult Suzie is wrong. I would never betray anyone. Not after what Toby did to me.

  Chapter 22

  Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

  I take in Hailey’s outfit when she opens her door for me. “What are you wearing? I thought we were going out.” It’s Friday night and we’re gathering for a girl’s night out. And boy do I need a night out, especially since someone is still ghosting me.

  “This is my going out outfit.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, right.”

  As a kick-ass PI, Hailey lives in her ripped jeans and shitkicker boots. The one concession she makes when we go out is to change the shitkicker boots for a pair of knee-high leather boots. But right now, she’s dressed in skinny jeans, a shiny tank top, and a pair of strappy sandals.

  I point at her top. “You’re going to freeze.”

  I don’t bother remarking upon the shoes. Everyone who lives in Wisconsin and is no longer of college-age knows better than to wear any footwear other than boots when there’s a foot of snow on the ground.

  “I think she looks gorgeous,” Phoebe says.

e is the one who looks gorgeous. She doesn’t have to try much. The woman oozes sex appeal. She could wear a paper bag and men would fall at her feet. She’s currently wearing a black halter dress that hugs her curves. I’m going to spend the night beating men off with a stick.

  “Where are we going? And why didn’t anyone tell me to dress up?”

  I’m wearing skinny jeans and a top. Granted the top is kind of sexy. One shoulder and arm are completely bare while the other arm and shoulder are covered in lace. I look okay for a night at the bar, but I have a feeling we’re not going to a bar.

  “I thought we’d do something different tonight,” Hailey answers.

  Who does she think I am? Like I can’t read her like a book. “Try being evasive with someone who doesn’t know you. What are you up to?”

  Hailey bites her lip and looks away. She looks at her phone. “I think our Uber is here.”

  Our Uber? Now, I know she’s up to no good. We haven’t used a taxi since we were in college and couldn’t control our alcohol use. I cross my arms over my chest and wait.

  Phoebe can’t stand the pressure long. “We’re going to a strip club.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “A strip club? Why are we going to a strip club? And why does she know, and I don’t?”

  Why in the world does Hailey want to go to a strip club now? She’s never shown any interest before. Oh sure, she’s gone to one for work, but she is not dressed for work.

  Hold on. Friday night. Two weeks after her bachelorette party. I nearly slap myself when I connect the dots.

  “Tonight is Aiden’s bachelor party, isn’t it?” Hailey blushes and looks away. A dead giveaway I am right. “You’re letting him go to a strip club?”

  I’m surprised. Hailey doesn’t put up with shit from anyone and definitely not from her fiancé.

  “I told him it was his last night of freedom. As long as his dick stays in his pants, I’m good.”

  Yeah, right. “Which is why you’re now dressed up to go to a strip club?”

  “I may have overestimated how okay I was with the scenario of my future husband drooling over big breasted women.” She circles her chest. “I can’t compete.”

  “Are you serious? Even if you weren’t gorgeous – which FYI you are – Aiden loves you. He would never cheat on you. Not least of all because you’d chop his balls off and then feed them to the dogs.”

  “You’re wasting your time,” Phoebe tells me.

  “Trust me, I know. I’ve spent thirty-one years telling her she’s gorgeous, and she still doesn’t believe me.”

  “You couldn’t speak at birth, you know,” Hailey grumbles.

  I look around. “Where are Leroy and Lola anyway?”

  Hailey snickers. “I crated them up. Lola attacked Phoebe the minute she walked in,” she whisper-shouts as if Phoebe doesn’t know Lola was dry humping her leg.

  A car outside honks its horn. “And now our Uber really is here.”

  Fifteen minutes later, we’re sitting in an Uber looking up at the building housing the strip club. “Are you sure you want to go in there?” It doesn’t look as sleazy as I expected. It’s a black wooden structure with no windows. And, in case the name doesn’t give it away – Larry Flynt’s Gentlemen’s Club – there’s a red lantern.

  “We’re going in,” Hailey says, opens her door, and marches out. I run to catch up with her.

  Phoebe grasps my hand. “We need to stick together,” she whispers.

  What does she think? Men are going to mistake her for the entertainment? I look over at her. It’s a definite possibility. Bodyguard Suzie to the rescue.

  The bouncer doesn’t blink twice at three women walking into a strip club. He’s probably seen it all. We pay our cover charge and walk inside. Huh. It’s not what I expected. Yes, there’s a large stage with several poles on it, but it almost looks classy. The tables have comfy club chairs and the wooden accents everywhere give it – dare I say? – charm.

  Hailey scans the half-empty room. “I don’t see them anywhere. Can you check to make sure this is the club Ryker was talking about?”

  Phoebe digs her phone out. “There’s a message from Ryker. Plans changed. New address.” She looks up. “I guess they went to a different strip club.”

  “I’ll order an Uber.” Hailey marches out of the place without a backward glance. Phoebe sprints after her.

  I linger. The woman on the pole is super flexible and her breasts are perky despite her hanging upside down. I look down at my chest. I may be better endowed than Hailey but perky? I shake my head and follow the girls outside.

  “Are you sure this is the right address?” I ask when we arrive at our next destination courtesy of Ryker. The place looks like a plain old bar.

  Hailey studies the place. “Maybe they have a special stripper night?”

  My assumption we’re in the wrong place is confirmed as soon as we walk into the bar. There is no stripping going on here unless the college kids get raunchy and start taking their clothes off. Heaven save me from drunk college students.

  “Why are we in a college bar?” Phoebe asks.

  I look around and spot a table where Aiden, Ryker, and a couple of men I assume are Aiden’s colleagues are sitting. “That’s why?” I point.

  When we arrive at the table, Aiden and Ryker are exchanging money.

  “Hi, Princess,” Ryker says and hauls Phoebe into his lap. He nuzzles her nape. “Thanks for winning me fifty bucks.”

  “Fifty bucks?” I ask. “What did you bet about? And why wasn’t I in on it?”

  Aiden snags Hailey’s hand and drags her down to sit next to him. “Ryker said you girls would be here within thirty minutes. I figured you’d want to stay at the strip club and check it out.”

  I raise my hand. “I wanted to stay.”

  The two men I don’t know chuckle. I hold out my hand. “I’m Suzie.”

  “Sam,” says the man who shakes my hand. “And this is Trey.”

  Sam stands and finds a chair for me. I sit with them as Hailey and Phoebe are now pre-occupied with their men.

  “Some bachelor party this ended up being.” I point my thumb toward the couples.

  Sam chuckles. “It’s fine. My wife wouldn’t let me out unless I promised we were having a tame guy’s night out.”

  Trey grunts and I interpret this to mean ‘same here’.

  “Are you Suzie the brewer?” Sam asks.

  I smile. Whoa. What? I’m smiling now when someone asks me about my brewing? It’s looking more and more like I’m ready to take the next step and make this beer thing a business. My stomach warms with excitement. Suzie the brewer is going to be epic!

  “I am. I recently finished up a batch of Session IPA. It’s a …”

  My words trail off when I notice Grayson walking in our direction. He’s back. My heartbeat quickens and tingles break out across my body. He’s back and he’s here.

  I beam up at him, but he walks past me like I don’t exist and takes a seat next to Trey. I try to catch his attention but he angles his seat so his back is to me. Ouch. My eyes itch and I have to blink furiously to stop the tears from falling.

  Sam pats my hand. His hand is about twice the size of mine and his patting feels like blunt force trauma but it’s sweet. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’m fine.” I sniff and force thoughts of Grayson into a box in my mind. A box I shut and seal with a lock. For good measure, I wrap a chain around it. “Now, where was I?”

  Like the idiot I am, I try several times throughout the night to gain Grayson’s attention, but he ignores me like a pro. He laughs and jokes with Phoebe and Hailey, but whenever I try to enter the conversation, he suddenly has to use the restroom. If he really did need the restroom as many times as he’s left the table, I’d be worried about his prostate.

  I give up and go home around midnight. There’s no need to torture myself with Grayson’s presence. I know a lost cause when I see one. Time to move on. And no, I’m not crying at the though
t of moving on. I have dirt in my eye is all.

  Chapter 23

  I’m not addicted to beer. We’re just in a committed relationship.

  I’m dragging on Saturday morning as I clean the brew shack. Unfortunately, I’m not dragging because I have a hangover, since girl’s night out last night was a complete and total bust. Not only did we not have a girl’s night out since we joined the boys, but Grayson pretended I was invisible.

  If I really were invisible it would be beyond cool. I’m not above sneaking into bathrooms and closets to scare the fudge out of people. And just think how cops would freak out if they saw my car driving down the road without a driver. But I’m not invisible. I’m plain old Suzie. A little crazy, a little klutzy, and apparently also forgettable.

  Ugh! Why am I thinking about Grayson? If he can easily forget about me, I should give him the same treatment. Step one – delete his information from my phone. Before I can change my mind, I take my phone out of my back pocket and find Grayson’s contact information. My thumb hovers over the delete contact button for a second before I force myself to move.

  There! I feel better already. I decide to turn on some music. Music will improve my mood. I put on my 80s music playlist and Duran Duran starts singing about a wolf. I hum and tumble over made up words as I wipe down the tables. Don’t judge. No one knows the words to Hungry Like the Wolf!

  When someone starts banging on the door, I ignore it. If Hailey wants in, she can pick the stupid lock. Although this time I did engage the deadbolt. She’s the one who said she wants a challenge.

  The banging continues. Fine. I’ll switch off the music and open the door, but I do not have to pretend to be happy about it. I yank open the door. “Hailey—” Shit. It’s not Hailey. “What do you want?”

  I don’t wait for his answer but retreat into the building and grab a broom. I start sweeping as if I haven’t a care in the world. Good thing no one can see how much my hands are shaking. Despite what an ass he was last night, Little Susan sits up and pays attention. There may also be some swooning and talk of how he came for us. Little Susan needs to get a life.


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