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Vision Of Danger

Page 22

by Wendy Vella

  “I overheard his staff when I was visiting Wolf two days ago discussing the visit by the young miss. Do we think the young miss concerned could have been Miss Abernethy?”

  Silence greeted these words.

  “Why, one wonders, were you not wearing your earplugs,” Wolf gritted out.

  “I like to keep abreast of things, dear. Ensure no one is trying to poison my family members or cause them ill.”

  “The only ill I am subjected to is from you bloody lot!”

  “Harsh, when our every thought is only for your good health and happiness, cousin,” Dev drawled.

  He gave up then, because really, he could never get the better of all of them.

  “Perhaps, considering what has already occurred and how you feel about her, Wolf, you should set a man to follow her?” Dev added. “I am quite fond of Miss Abernethy now and have no wish to see her harmed.”

  Wolf remained silent.

  “He’s already done so.”

  “How do you know that?” He looked to Eden, who in reply tapped her ear.

  “You are a menace... all of you,” Wolf growled.

  “But adorable,” Cam said. “At least I am, as Em tells me constantly.”

  “How are your investigations going, James? Any luck finding your father’s man of affairs?” Wolf attempted to redirect the conversation instead of strangling Cam.

  “Nothing. Mr. Spriggot is investigating several avenues. The man rarely left my father’s side when I was young, as the late duke was always making amendments to things—like his will when someone angered him, which was often.”

  “Perhaps there is no wife?”

  “Perhaps, but I cannot discount it easily now the son has told us he saw a marriage certificate with my father’s name on it.”

  Apollo suddenly tossed his head and stopped. Pawing the ground, he was clearly unsettled.

  “Do you feel that?” Wolf asked his family as tension gripped him. He hoped Rose was safe.

  Chapter 28

  “There’s something in the air.” Cam sniffed. “Smoke,” he said softly.

  “Can you hear anything, Eden? Something has Apollo unsettled.”

  Wolf watched Eden pull out her earplugs and tried to rein in the panic that was settling over him. Was she in trouble again?

  “It is some distance away, but I hear loud voices... screams actually. Dear God, there is a fire!”

  As one they looked up, but it was Dev and Wolf who saw the smoke first.

  “There must be animals trapped somewhere, as Apollo is usually only like this if that is the case.”

  “But why are we feeling tense? Unless someone we know is in that fire?” Dev said, nudging his mount’s sides.

  “Let’s go!” Wolf was at his side in seconds, galloping toward London.

  By the time they’d arrived, Wolf was close to panic. His palms were sweating and his head felt light.


  “What?” Eden heard him.

  “Rose is in that fire!”

  “Christ, are you sure?”


  The others were soon informed, and their urgency climbed as Wolf leaned low over Apollo, urging him to go faster. They made it to Totts Street in minutes. Flames had engulfed one side of her building by the time they reached it.

  “It’ll be gutted in minutes!”

  Wolf didn’t acknowledge James’s words, as he was too busy dismounting. He ran to the lodging house, tension gripping him.

  “Captain Sinclair.” Miss Dodds was outside, looking scared. Her hands gripped his arm, face streaked with tears and dirt. “Rose is inside! She went back to find Mrs. Little and Amadeus, and I could not stop her!”

  “Wolf! You will not go inside!”

  Ignoring the roar from Dev, he ran before his family could stop him. The house would soon be a pile of cinders; he must move fast.

  “Rose!” Smoke caught in the back of his throat as he entered the lower floor, calling to her. “Rose!”

  No reply.


  He heard the yowl above just as he ripped off his jacket and wrapped it around his head. Flames licked at the first step, so he leaped and landed on the fourth. The smoke was making it hard to see, even for him. Taking the stairs two at a time, he reached the top and found the smoke thicker up there.

  “Rose!” His bellow was unanswered again. She had to be alive!

  His heart raced, his breathing choppy. Panic, plus the inability to haul in a large breath, was making him light-headed.


  Another yowl answered him. Dropping to his knees, he moved through the floor, checking for her.



  Her cry had him changing direction. Relief that she was alive had him silently vowing that this time he would not let her go.

  “Where are you?”

  Her cough was hacking, and Wolf knew he had to reach her now or she’d inhale more smoke and soon be unconscious.

  “Rose, guide me to you, sweetheart.” Wolf breathed into his coat.

  “W-Wolf.” She coughed again.

  Amadeus let out a loud yowl, and it was close this time. Seconds later he found her bent over the unconscious form of a woman. Hauling her upright, he pressed his face into her neck.

  “I-I’m all r-right.” She burrowed into him. “But Mrs. Little has hit her head and I cannot wake her.” Rose’s words were followed by several loud, hacking coughs.

  “I need you to direct us to the window now, sweetheart.” Wolf tore off his jacket and lowered it over her head. “Breathe through this.”

  Ripping off his necktie, Wolf wrapped it around his mouth and nose.

  He picked up the unconscious woman, and Rose gathered Amadeus in her arms.

  “The cat will follow me, Rose. Put him down!”

  Ignoring him, she clutched the feline closer. He had no time to argue; his family would be distressed, and likely was already preparing to enter the house.

  “Grab my shirt!” Wolf started coughing as the smoke hit his throat. He felt a small hand grip the back of his clothes.


  He followed her directions, and they made slow progress, but finally reached the window.

  He lifted the sash and urged Rose through, using his free hand to help her out into the fresh air.

  Following, he stepped through with Mrs. Little in his arms. It was no easy task for a man of his size, but he managed it by squeezing her to his body.


  He found his family below, faces clenched in fear.

  “Hurry, the building is about to collapse!” Dev roared.

  “Sit and slide down the roof, Rose. Hurry!”

  She did as he ordered, and seconds later he followed. Arriving at her side, he looked below.

  “Drop the cat now!”

  She did, and Max caught him in his jacket.

  “Lower the woman and we will catch her, Wolf!”

  He did as James asked and lowered Mrs. Little. His family caught the unconscious woman.

  “Hurry, now you, Rose!”

  Looking below, he saw James, Cam, and Dev, all with their hands linked, ready to catch her.

  “Over you go, Rose. They will catch you.”

  “I don’t want to leave you.”

  Her face was smudged with soot, hair everywhere, and she had to be terrified, but it was him she worried about.

  “I will follow.” He touched her cheek. “You need to do this for me now, love.”

  She did, easing herself over the edge. Wolf gripped her hands and lowered her.

  “Drop her!”

  It was possibly the hardest thing he’d ever done. Max and Cam caught her. Wolf was so relieved he took a moment to exhale

  “I hear the roof collapsing!”

  Eden’s words galvanized him into action; seconds later he was falling.

  Chapter 29

  Rose opened her eyes and had absolutely no idea
where she was.

  “How do you feel?”

  Essex Huntington’s face appeared above her.

  “Where am I?” Her voice was gruff.

  “In my house.”

  It came back in a painful rush then. The fire, and Wolf rescuing her.


  “Is well. His thigh is sore, but no damage was done. When we got you down, you fainted, which is likely due to shock and smoke inhalation. The roof collapsed but Wolf managed to jump free, and the men in our family broke his fall.”

  “The others?”

  “Miss Dodds is here, and the other residents have been housed in lodgings. When you had regained consciousness we brought you here so I could care for you.”

  “I don’t remember much after I fell from the roof.”

  “It was a terrible shock for you, so that is hardly surprising.”

  She wanted to see Wolf and check for herself he was well. Find him and tell him she loved him, because that thought had terrified her as she stood in the burning house. He would never know how she felt about him. Of course she couldn’t, but the urge was great.

  He’d asked her to marry him, but it had been honor talking, Rose knew. They’d done what they had, and guilt had driven his proposal, while for Rose guilt had made her plan to run. She’d thought it best to sever all contact; to do that she had to leave.

  “Drink this, it will soothe your throat.”

  A cup was pressed to her lips and she drank deep. The cool liquid was wonderful on her sore throat.

  “The lodging house is completely destroyed?”

  “I’m afraid so, dear, and while I understand you have lost all your possessions, I’m afraid it was not a fit place for you or anyone to live.”

  “And yet it was all we had... all many of us have.”

  All their possessions were gone. How would they cope? Where would they live? Rose battled down the panic. Surely the fact she and the others were alive was enough for now.

  She remembered hearing Wolf’s voice as she looked down at the unconscious form of Mrs. Little, wondering how she would get her out of the building. Rose’s fear for him had battled with relief that he would keep her safe.

  “Dev told me he was furious with Wolf,” Essie said. “Our cousin ran into that building knowing it would be ashes in minutes. He was determined to rescue you.”

  “It was courageous.”

  “And foolhardy, as he could have been harmed, and yet had he not then you may not have made it out.”

  “I owe him so much,” Rose whispered. “He has saved me so many times, I fear I will never be able to repay him.”

  “He felt your distress, Rose.”

  “I see,” Rose said, not seeing at all. She knew these people were capable of things she could only imagine, but to feel her… was it possible?

  “Our cousin is a brave man. But then the stories he has been telling us about his time fighting for his country have merely confirmed what we already knew.”

  “H-he has been telling you about that time?”

  “He has, and I’m not sure why now, but we are grateful for it, and would go so far as to say that whoever is responsible for his change has our undying gratitude.”

  Had he spoken to his family because she prompted him to?

  “You have several burns. This will help soothe them.” Essie held up a small pot of salve.

  She felt them then, the small stings of burning pain.

  “Is he.... Is Captain Sinclair all right?”

  Essie’s laugh sounded as if she was in pain.

  “One never knows with Wolf, as he has pain that we don’t see. He is definitely better, and getting more so each day, Rose, but there is still a bit to go before he is fully healed.”

  “I’m sure with the love of his family he will be whole again.”

  “Perhaps,” was all Essex said. “But I think there is more to it than that.”

  “Is she awake?”

  The whispered words had both women looking to the door, and there were Warwick and the twins.

  “Yes, and you may come in, but you will not raise your voices or annoy Miss Abernethy.”

  “We don’t annoy people,” Warwick said, approaching the bed.

  “Hello, Warwick.”

  “Rose, are you feeling better?”

  “Much, thank you.”

  “We are going to read to you,” Dorrie said, going around the other side of the bed and climbing up.

  “Did you ask first?” Essie demanded, exasperation clear in her voice.

  “Please may we read to you, Rose?” Somer followed her sister.

  “I would like that, but first I need to get dressed, as I will be leaving soon.”

  “Why are you leaving?” Essie questioned her.

  “I—We cannot stay here. I must see about finding lodgings for myself and Miss Dodds.”

  “I can see she means a great deal to you, as you do to her, and she has been telling us all about how kind you have been to her since arriving from Edinburgh.”

  “Kitty has become my friend.”

  “It has not been easy on you coming to London after living your entire life in Scotland, I am sure.”

  “W-we are planning to move from London, and the fire will now expedite that, Mrs. Huntington.”

  “Oh no, surely not.” Somer looked upset. “We do not want you to go.”

  “But I must.”

  “Do not overtax Miss Abernethy today, please,” Essie said, “she needs her rest. There is enough room here for both you and Miss Dodds for now. You will stay until you are strong enough to leave.”

  “Oh no—”

  “I shall return shortly, and you three remember what I said.”

  Essex Huntington left the room before Rose could utter another word. She heard her talking to someone, and the deep rumble had her tensing.


  His eyes were on her as he walked into the room, stopping only when he reached the side of her bed.

  “We’re keeping Rose company,” Dorrie said.

  “What good young adults you are.”

  She saw a bandage on his hand, and a burn on his forehead, and hated that he’d suffered in any way because of her.


  “Captain Sinclair.” Rose nodded. She’d wondered how she would feel if ever they met again, especially now she knew her feelings for him. Her heart seemed to fill her chest, and the need to touch him had her hands clenching around the bedcovers.

  Don’t be pathetic.

  “How do you feel?” He touched her hand, a fleeting brush that had her fingers clenching tighter.

  “I must thank you again.”

  “That does not answer my question.” His smile lit those magnificent eyes.

  The man made her knees wobble, and Rose must remember that. If he persisted in insisting she marry him, she would weaken.

  “I am well, thank you.”

  “And yet Essie told me you have burns, and your throat is raw. Rest, she said, is vital for your recovery.”

  “And you?” Their eyes caught and held. “Should you not be resting also?”

  “I wanted to see you.”

  Rose knew the children were listening avidly to every word, and were for once silent.

  “I—ah, I am just about to hear a story, Captain.”

  He leaned closer, and Rose had nowhere to go as his hands braced on either side of her body. His face was now inches from hers.

  “I will return, Rose, and when I do we will talk, you and I.”

  The deep words were whispered so only she heard them.


  “Yes.” He kissed her, causing the twins to titter. “Don’t move from this bed.”

  Rose had lost the power of speech so she simply watched as he kissed the girls and ruffled Warwick’s hair.

  “Behave, my heathens.”

  And then he was gone, taking her heart with him.

  “He likes you.”

�Warwick, we are not to upset Rose with questions,” Somer said.

  “I didn’t ask a question.”

  Somer waved her hand at him, which Rose interpreted to mean “be quiet.”

  “Now, Rose, I will begin the story.”

  She lay there listening to the sweet, young voice and could think of nothing but Wolf Sinclair. He’d been so gentle with her, and his kiss made her want to weep. If she wasn’t diligent he may slip under her guard and allow her to believe, and that would be good for nobody.

  Chapter 30

  Wolf had insisted on riding home with Rose in his arms the night of the fire, even though he was coughing and his body one large ache. He’d nearly lost her, and that terrified him. Holding her had reassured him she was safe. He would ensure that was the case from here on in. She was his now, even if she had not realized that yet.

  His feelings for her were fierce, and it had taken the fire to make him see that clearly. He loved Rose with all his heart, and knew she loved him back. Her eyes had shown him that as he’d entered her room yesterday. The longing had him wanting to throw back the covers and take her in his arms. Only the fact that his cousins were seated on her bed had stopped him.

  “A missive has arrived, Captain Sinclair.”

  “Thank you, Milton.” Wolf took the note his butler handed him and lowered Hep to the floor. For some reason when they were inside the house he insisted on being carried everywhere.

  Scanning the words, he read the summons from James. He was called to a meeting in his study in an hour.

  Once he was dressed, he left the house with Hep and walked to the Huntington residence to see Rose. He would tell her that he loved her and cared nothing about the difference between them, only that she consents to being his wife.

  “She is sleeping, Wolf.” Essie came out the front door as he arrived. “I do not want her wakened, as she needs the rest.”

  “Could I not just—”

  “No, as you will likely kiss her or touch her cheek, and that will wake her—”

  “I won’t,” he lied, knowing he would touch her, and yes, likely kiss her. Just the thought had his body stirring.

  “You will. Now off with you, and we shall walk to Eden and James’s, as no doubt you have been summoned also.”

  “Very well, but you are not stopping me when I return.”


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