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Untamed (Wolf Lake)

Page 6

by Kohout, Jennifer

  "You can't cut yourself off from your pack," Roland admonished gently. "After your father is gone - "

  "I didn't cut myself off," Natasha told him. "My father severed the pack bond, they're all just...gone."

  "Shit," Roland swore and held her tighter. Dimitri really had gone over if he'd severed the bond with his young. A weaker wolf would have already gone feral at being cut loose like that. "But that doesn't mean you can't go back. When this is all over - "

  "It won't be the same," Natasha said with all of the sadness of a child realizing that life wasn't fair, that parents make mistakes and Santa Claus didn't exist. "Nothing will ever be the same again."

  No, Roland thought, it wouldn't and there were sometimes when you just couldn't go back.


  Sam found Maddie inside talking with a few of the other females, all of them young and single. She paused, watching as Maddie laughed at something one of the others said. She's starting to blossom.

  Young, shy and submissive, Maddie hadn't had many friends. Then Sam came along and the two of them had connected, quickly becoming inseparable. If anyone thought it strange, the most submissive pack member and the alpha female as friends, they were smart enough to keep their muzzles shut.

  Watching Maddie laugh with the others, feeling her friend's happiness along the pack bond, Sam felt a fissure of unease. Maddie is mine, she glowered at the group.

  Ours, her wolf corrected, surprising Sam.

  Heeding the need to reassure herself, Sam slipped up behind Maddie and wrapped her arms around her friend's waist. "Come run with me," she whispered.

  "I thought you were running with Nafarius," Maddie asked, eyeing Sam over her shoulder. Running with your mate was akin to date night, you didn't bring a friend.

  "He has better things to do," Sam said, nuzzling Maddie behind her ear.

  "I seriously doubt that," Maddie said. Something tentative was running down the pack bond from her alpha. Picking up on Sam's need, she leaned her head to the side, offering the alpha her throat.

  Sam responded with a soft growl, her wolf brushing along the surface. "He said something about too many mouths to feed to go frolicking in the woods."

  Maddie laughed. "He really used the word 'frolic'?"

  "No," Sam admitted, her lips curving into a smile against the tender skin of Maddie's throat. "But it paints a picture, doesn't it?"

  "It certainly does," Maddie said. Turning to Sam, she asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather wait and run with him?"

  "I love running with Nafarius," Sam said, taking Maddie's hand and tugging her outside. "But I want to run with you."

  Pleased, Maddie followed Sam across the busy clearing and into the trees. She could feel Sam, something wild and powerful swirling along the pack bond. She's becoming more alpha. The thought slid up Maddie's spine, female and wolf drawn to the power.

  Sam felt Maddie pulsing along the pack bond, the woman's desire more light and joy. Gods, she wanted to run, to chase down this female and play with her. The feeling, when it came, was so intense it nearly snatched the breath from Sam's chest.

  Sam struggled to get a grip. I'm not an animal, she thought and nearly laughed out loud. It wasn't that Sam hadn't wanted a woman before, she had and considered herself sexually flexible. But the desire to dominate was new, powerful...and hungry.

  Maddie stopped behind Sam, not surprised when the alpha turned, her green eyes bright with desire.

  "I want you," Sam said, without preamble. Already, her body had begun to warm, heat pooling in places that pulsed with desire.

  "I'm glad." Maddie's answer was swift. She had wanted Sam from the beginning, drawn both to the human and the alpha.

  "Are you sure?" Sam asked, letting the leash go on her desire and sending tendrils of it along the pack bond.

  Maddie felt Sam's power and desire wash over her, the bond with her alpha pulsing rich and dark. She tried to think of something to say but found her mouth had gone dry even as moisture pooled between her thighs. Speechless, Maddie settled for pulling her dress over her head, leaving herself naked and bare.

  Sam felt the pulse of desire kick up between her thighs.

  "God, you are beautiful," Sam whispered. Slowly, she reached out, brushing a thick lock of blonde hair back from Maddie's shoulder and exposing one perfectly pert breast.

  Maddie shifted closer, turning her body into Sam's touch. Cool, late morning air brushed fevered skin sending ripples across every inch of exposed flesh.

  Sam swallowed against a rising desire. Not wanting to stop, she sunk her fingers into the base of Maddie's neck, pulling her close enough to taste the breath on her lips.

  Maddie stood motionless, afraid if she moved Sam would stop.

  "I can smell you," Sam said, brushing her lips across Maddie's mouth, drinking in her soft sigh of pleasure. "It makes me want to taste you, too."

  Maddie whimpered, a fresh rush of desire rippling up from her core. "Sam, please."

  Sam silenced Maddie with a kiss, sealing their lips together and slipping inside. Maddie was there to meet her, their tongues touching and tasting, swallowing each other's sighs as two distinct scents of pleasure perfumed the air.

  Sam fisted her hands into Maddie's hair, holding her still while she plundered. Maddie's desire flared along the pack bond, her small hands fluttering lightly before coming to rest on Sam's waist.

  Eventually, Sam broke the kiss, nipping lightly at Maddie's bottom lip before stepping away.

  Maddie watched her with wide eyes.

  "Shift," Sam ordered, her voice edged with power as a new energy slowly took shape. She could feel Maddie's wolf, knew that it was hers to summon.

  Maddie hesitated, desire warring with the need to obey her alpha.

  "We're not done," Sam promised, it took everything she had to hold back the tide of desire, knowing that something more lay at the end. "But I want to run."

  Heat arched between the two women, one light with desire, the other dark with power.

  Maddie dropped to her hands and knees, her body moving with lupine grace as she slowly crawled across the few feet that separated her from Sam. Pressing herself against her alpha's leg, she shifted.

  Sam watched as the gorgeous female morphed into a beautiful blonde wolf, her small body compact with power and strength.

  And all of it Sam's to do with as she pleased.

  Mine, Sam's wolf said, eager to run.

  Ours, Sam corrected.

  Maddie sat back, looking up expectantly at Sam.

  "I'll give you until I finish shifting," Sam said. "A head start before I come after you."

  Maddie brushed up against Sam, the message clear. Sam didn't need to chase her.

  Sam ran her hand over Maddie's head, trailing the fine line of one delicate ear before cupping her muzzle. "I will be disappointed if you give me anything less than your best."

  Maddie gave a soft bark of understanding. She was small and quick and she knew these woods. Turning, she trotted further down the path before looking back at Sam.

  Sam sensed Maddie's doubt through the pack bond and smiled. "If I can't catch you then I don't deserve to be alpha. Now, go."

  Maddie darted down the path. A second later, she was gone.

  Sam watched her go before slipping out of her jeans and pulling her t-shirt over her head. I hate this part! She was still learning how to shift without pain, the process foreign and strange. Inside, her wolf stared out at her with hungry eyes.

  "Stop trying to will it," Nafarius had said. "Surrender to it."

  Taking a deep breath, Sam let go of the only form she had ever known.

  Her body slowly began contorting, twisting into a new shape as muscles gained mass, joints dislocated and sharp canines erupted inside her newly formed muzzle.

  Fully in wolf form, Sam stretched, hearing her claws clicking on the rocks beneath her paws.

  Surrender to it, she thought with a huff. That shit still hurts.

  Lifting her
head, Sam sniffed the air and inwardly smiled. Maddie's desire blazed a clear trail, the scent stirring lightly on the breeze, and making her easy to follow.

  A few minutes later and Sam was already more than a mile away from where they had started. Maddie was moving quickly and covering a lot of ground. Picking up her pace in response, Sam stretched out her legs, enjoying a freedom that was unlike anything she had ever known. She wondered if Nafarius understood the true extent of the gift he had given her.

  Her paws eating up the distance, Sam was following Maddie south, moving away from the pack's den and deeper into Nafarius' territory when the trail ended abruptly.

  Backtracking, Sam sniffed around until she found where Maddie had left the trail, her scent taking a sharp left up a steep vertical climb.

  Sam eyed the steep ridge. You have got to be kidding me.

  Maddie was quick and nimble; her small body able to move in and around spaces the larger wolves couldn't go. Sam was by no means as large as Nafarius or Roland but she easily outweighed Maddie by twenty or thirty pounds. It was enough that it was going to take some serious effort to haul her cookies up the side of this mountain.

  Just then, the wind shifted and Sam caught Maddie's light, lingering scent. The tang of pheromones sent Sam up the side of the mountain, her back legs bunching beneath her and pushing her forward.

  Sam crested the steep ridge, scrambling over loose dirt only to find herself staring down a sheer drop into a deep basin. There, standing at the bottom, was a small, blonde wolf.

  Launching herself from the ledge, Sam jumped over deadwood and darted around bushes, the bottom of the basin rushing up to meet her. Seeing Sam coming, Maddie spun on her back legs and took off running.

  Sam hit the bottom of the basin but didn't stop. Heart pounding, she poured everything she had into cutting across open ground, determined to catch her prey before Maddie disappeared back into the forest.

  Maddie could feel Sam coming for her, a powerful force streaking across the wilderness. She hadn't wanted to run, and already considered herself caught. But the chase was exhilarating, and Maddie was high on adrenaline at finding herself prey instead of the predator.

  Sam closed the distance just as Maddie made it to the trees. With a last burst of strength, she launched herself, knocking Maddie off her feet and sending them both tumbling to the ground.

  Sam shifted and came up laughing, her body covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  "You caught me," Maddie said, breathless from their run.

  "Now I get to have my way with you?" Sam asked, her body quickly cooling.

  "I really wish you would," Maddie huffed with a hint of exasperation, making Sam laugh.

  Sam turned her head. Maddie lay on the grass beside her, one arm above her head, the other resting lightly on her stomach. Laughter lit her eyes, laughter and a very clear invitation.

  Rolling over slowly, Sam crawled to cover Maddie, her body seeking out and settling between the female's thighs. Maddie opened up for her, lifting her knees to Sam's hips, and cradling her alpha between her legs. Sam sighed and sunk deeper.


  The thought came unbidden, Sam realizing that Maddie was home to her in much the same way Nafarius was.

  Maddie moaned as Sam settled between her legs. Generous hips pushed her thighs wide, exposing her to the cool air before Sam was there, pressing herself up against Maddie's core.

  "I love your curves," Maddie murmured, running her hands up Sam's arms and over her shoulders.

  "You can have them," Sam said, dipping her head to nibble at the tender skin along Maddie's jaw.

  "I plan to," Maddie said, tipping her head back and exposing her neck.

  Sam laughed as she took the vulnerable skin of Maddie's throat between her teeth. She had thought to tease, to nip and nibble along the delicate column of Maddie's neck. But something shifted inside, something dark and sweet that had her biting down, the need to anchor Maddie in place suddenly riding Sam hard.

  Maddie hissed in a breath as Sam bit down, her body arching up off the ground in pain tinted pleasure. Sam growled, her wolf straining as Maddie pressed their bodies firmly together. Maddie responded, knowing the mating hold was instinctual, and surrendered to Sam's need to dominate and conquer.

  Mine. Sam's wolf brushed at her inner barriers, trying to get close to Maddie.

  Ours, Sam reminded and thrust her hips.

  Maddie's fingers clenched at Sam's arms, her body taunt as she strained and shuddered. She could feel Sam's wolf, the animal's fur brushing up against the pack bond. Her own animal responded, moving closer.

  When Sam lifted her head, it was to find Maddie watching her with blue eyes rimmed with gold. "I can feel her," Sam whispered, bending her head to brush her nose along Maddie's jaw. "I can smell her. I can smell you, too," she said.

  Maddie whimpered. Desire was flooding almost too fast for her to handle. Sam, pressed as she was between her thighs, was a source of pleasure Maddie longed to touch. While inside, her wolf paced, rubbing along the pack bond with sensual heat.

  Sam felt all that desire swirling into the perfect storm and knew that she wasn't going to be able to hold on much longer. Her body hummed with desire, the need to touch and taste rolling over her as she lowered her head and captured Maddie's nipple.

  "Oh, god," Maddie moaned, arching her back and pressing her breast more firmly against Sam's mouth.

  Sam used her teeth and tongue to tug at the hard peak, sucking it deep into her mouth before biting down gently. At the same time, she plucked at Maddie's other nipple, pinching the tip and rolling it between her fingers.

  Maddie moved restlessly, her breasts swelling with pleasure. Hooking her foot along the back of Sam's thigh, she pulled her alpha into her body.

  Sam shifted against Maddie and felt wet heat scalding the front of her body. Drawn by the heady scent of desire, Sam relinquished her hold on Maddie's breasts and moved down between the woman's thighs.

  "No, wait...I want," Maddie's protests were cut short as Sam shoulder her thighs apart and buried her nose in Maddie's curls. "Oh, god, Sam. I want to touch you."

  "My turn first," Sam said, enjoying the view of Maddie spread out before her. Naked and flushed in the grass, her blonde nether-curls protected pale pink lips that glistened in the sun.

  Gently, Sam spread Maddie's folds revealing her clitoris, the small nub throbbing with desire.

  "You smell good," Sam whispered huskily, smiling when Maddie whimpered with need. "I bet you taste even better," she added, lowering her head.

  Sam's first taste of Maddie burst across her tongue. Creamy and buttery, she was reminded of caramels and honey, sticky treats that were best licked from dripping chins.

  Maddie cried out, her body bucking against Sam's mouth as she licked at Maddie's core. Wrapping her arms around Maddie's hips, Sam held her immobile, using her tongue to trace her outer lips and search out her passage. Finding her core, Sam thrust her tongue inside, feeling Maddie's passage clamp down on her tongue.

  "Sam, please," Maddie begged.

  Sam replaced her tongue with her fingers, sliding two of them inside and pressing into Maddie's g-spot.

  "Yes, Sam...more, please, I need more." Maddie's body tightened, desire curling in her belly and hardening her nipples.

  Sam thrust with her fingers, picking up a rhythm that had Maddie rocking her hips. At the same time, Sam lowered her head, circling Maddie's clit with her tongue before once again suckling it deep into her mouth. Pulling hard, Sam let Maddie feel the edge of her teeth, growling low in her chest as a fresh wave of desire perfumed the air.

  Maddie felt her alpha's teeth, her growl vibrating against her clit and reached for the orgasm that was just out of reach.

  "This one is for me," Sam said, feeling Maddie balanced on the brink.

  Maddie clutched at the ground beneath her, her body straining. "Sam, please."

  "Come for me," Sam growled, sliding a third finger inside and thrusting hard. Re
capturing her clit, Sam suckled the tender bit into her mouth, pulling it against the flat of her tongue.

  "Yes!" Maddie shattered, her body straining off the ground, suspended as muscles contracted in rippling pleasure.

  Sam watched as Maddie threw back her head and came, her body clamping down around Sam's fingers, and her clit throbbed hard in her mouth. Gently, she played out the orgasm, making sure Maddie felt every ripple of pleasure until she collapsed, her body spent.

  Maddie became aware slowly. Opening her eyes, she looked down the length of her body to find Sam watching her. "Hi," she said a bit sheepishly.

  "Hi," Sam said. Crawling back up Maddie's body, she brushed a tender kiss across the woman's lips.

  "I can taste myself," Maddie said, licking at Sam's lips.

  Sam groaned, and sunk them both into a deeper kiss.

  Maddie wrapped herself around Sam and tried rolling her alpha onto her back.

  Sam broke the kiss, pinning Maddie to the ground. "What do you think you are you doing?"

  "It's my turn," Maddie said, untangling herself from Sam.

  Sam felt her body throb, her wolf brushing along the pack bond.

  Maddie succeeded in scooting herself out from under Sam, but her attempts at nudging her alpha onto her back went unheeded. Frowning, she asked, "You don't want - ?"

  "Oh, I want," Sam said, her voice low and husky. She could feel Maddie's sudden uncertainty and reached out to reassure her. Wrapping her hand around Maddie's neck, she drew her in for a slow, sensual kiss. "But it's time to get back." Sam rose to her feet, pulling Maddie up with her. "It's getting late and I can feel Nafarius' concern for us both."

  At Sam's words, Maddie became aware of a distant buzzing along the pack bond. She'd been so focused on Sam that she hadn't sensed Nafarius' agitation.

  Instinctively, Maddie reached out to her alpha, sending him reassurance that she was okay through the bond. The buzzing continued for a time before settling down to a dull hum, Sam surely having done the same check-in through the mate bond.

  "Come on," Sam said, taking Maddie's hand and walking them back the way they had come in. Reaching the steep wall she'd charged down, Sam paused. "Please tell me you know of another way out of here."


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