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Remy (Skin Walkers Book 10)

Page 13

by Susan Bliler

  “I’ve claimed her,” he spoke evenly. “I’ve collared her. All that’s left is for me to bind her, and if I did, there wouldn’t be anything anyone could do about it.”

  Mason snarled, shoving off the wall with a menacing growl. He was restrained by Conn.

  “But I won’t.” Remy looked straight at Mason. “If this was about hurting you, it’d be easy to do. It’d be done! I could have made her believe I wanted her, and used her as a weapon against you.”

  This time both Mason and Conn growled.

  “But I would never do that to Harlow. Because I love her! And because I love her, I’m going to do the one thing that proves I’m not out to use her.” He scanned Mason with condescending eyes. “I don’t give a fuck about hurting you. My only concern is that Harlow knows that what I feel for her is real. So, I’ll prove it.” He stalked to the door and shouldered Tyce aside. In the sitting room of his suite, Harlow was propped on the couch, Bishop crouching at her feet as he held a glass of water to her lips. When she looked up expectantly, it gutted him. She shoved Bishop’s hand aside like she expected him to go to her, which made walking away from her the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. He’d prove love by walking away from the only thing he’d ever valued in his entire life. He walked away from his heart.


  Harlow watched Remy walk out of the room, and it felt like he was ripping out her heart and taking it with him. Why was he leaving her? After his proclamation, and his blood oath…why?

  Mason entered the room, making a show of trying to rebutton his tattered shirt. “Harlow! Are you okay?”

  “What did you do?” she snapped.

  “What? What do mean, what did I do?”

  She shoved up off the couch, forcing Bishop back as she wobbled, then steadied herself. “To Remy! He was bleeding!”

  Mason was unamused. “I’m bleeding. Any concern for that?”

  “We were trying to clear things up! Why did you chase him off?” She turned for the door.

  “HARLOW! I forbid you to go after him.”

  Halfway to the door, she stalled, slowly turning to frown at her brother. “You forbid me? You. Forbid. Me?” She jabbed a finger in his direction, then just as quickly jerked her thumb back to jab it into her chest. “Were you ever going to tell me about Amanda, or were you satisfied letting me find out the hard way?”

  Mason paled.

  “Yeah! I know everything, and you know what else I know? That if Remy wanted you hurt, he had no better opportunity than to let David keep me and turn me over to the Megalya as he intended.”

  Utter shock took Mason’s features. “You were taken?”

  “Yeah, I was, and you know who saved me? You know who came for me? Remy! And it doesn’t make sense, does it? If he wanted to hurt me, he could’ve just let them keep me. If he wanted to hurt you, he could’ve just let them keep me. He didn’t do either of those! Instead, he came blazing in that damn hut and took me from them to bring me back here, back to you.” Her eyes turned imploring, “He’s a good man, Mason. Can’t you see that?”

  He snarled, “No!”

  Harlow opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out as she stared at her brother trying to formulate any response that would favor Remy in his eyes. It took her mere moments to realize there was nothing she could say that’d ever make Mason understand. Closing her mouth, she stared at him for long moments before giving him a sad smile then turning to head for the door.

  “Harlow!” Mason barked, and she stilled, turning back to look at him with sad eyes.

  “He’s my man, Mason.” Then, she was gone.

  Chapter 21

  Harlow raced to catch up to Remy, finding him just as he was about to go into the office she remembered as Monroe’s. “REMY!”

  He stilled, then turned to face her. “What are you doing?” He looked down the hall over her head as she approached. “Get back to Mason.”

  “Why?” she asked, stopping just in front of him.

  “He’ll keep you safe.”

  Harlow swallowed hard, then lifted a hand to grip the halo around her throat. “It’s no longer his responsibility.” She canted her head. “Is it?”

  Remy scrubbed a hand down his face with a harsh sigh before glancing over his shoulder at the raised voices on the other side of the door. “Look, I…”

  She held up her hands. “I know! I know this isn’t how you wanted it to happen.” She glanced at the door, flinching when something crashed against it and the arguing on the other side grew louder. “And I know there isn’t really time for this right now. You’ve got obligations, duties to attend, that are so much more significant than me.” She heaved her own sigh and dropped her shoulders. “But I want you to know, I’m here. I want you to know that I’ll be here when this mess is settled. I’m not a drama queen, and I’m not looking to draw this out. You won’t have to chase me. When you’re ready, when you have time, I’ll be here.”

  “I hate this!” he snarled, then immediately regretted it when Harlow backed up a step, looking up at him uncertainly. “I don’t hate you. Never you, Harlow. I just hate what you…” He plowed a hand through his hair. “I hate what you do to me. I hate how I-I can’t think when I’m around you. I abandon all duty, because the only thing I care about is your safety and well-being. Hell, when I was afflicted, I put Shane in charge of the teams, so I could go after you. I didn’t give a damn about the Estate, or the Megalya, or the war raging here. My only thoughts were of you. And now, even now, with responsibility weighing on me more heavily than it ever has, I want nothing more than to take you back to my suite and show you that, in my eyes there is nothing, and never will be anything, more significant to me than you.” He reached for her, then faltered. “You scare me.”

  “Me?” she squeaked.

  “Yeah,” he chuffed a laugh, “you. You mean more to me than anyone ever has, more than I thought anyone, or anything, ever could. When I saw David take you,” he shook his head as disgust curled his lip. “And all I could do was lay there and watch. I hated myself for putting you in that position.” He leveled her with a look. “I never wanted you to be a Sentry, Harlow. Still don’t. And if I get my way, you’ll never see combat again.”

  She smiled weakly at his admission. “Again, I’m pretty sure you need my permission for something like that.”

  “I made you mine without your permission,” he smirked. “If that worked, there might be hope for me yet.”

  Her smile faded as she eyed him steadily. “It worked.”

  Remy’s smirk vanished as his eyes shot to hers in silent question.

  “I’m in this with you. I accept your vow, and I reciprocate. I know I don’t have time to go over how I’ve thought about nothing but you since that first night we were together, but once this war is settled…” She glanced to the side. “I’m not sure where my place is now. I think we agree I wasn’t cut out for soldiering, but I’d like to help defend the Estate.”

  Remy was shaking his head, a stern look on his face.

  “I’m gonna do my part, Commander. I’m going to pull my weight until things are right here again, and you’re gonna let me.” She reached out and grabbed his hand, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles.

  Looking down, Remy watched her stroke him before looking up and asking with a grin, “Oh yeah? And why would I do something like that?”

  She tilted her head. “What did you call yourself? After your vow, you called yourself something,” she tapped her chin then her eyes lit. “Oh yeah. Because you’re ever mine.”

  His grin faded and dark brows speared down. “I don’t know if I can fight this war knowing you’re in harm’s way, Harlow. How can I stay focused on what I need to do when all I really care about is whether you’re okay? I’d order you not to fight, but that halo around your neck trumps any stars or bars I carry. You’re my Commander now, but I’m asking. I want you to promise me that when I go, and I will have to go, that you’ll stick close to Mason, that you’ll keep yo
ur head down and your eyes open.” He tugged her arm, pulling her into his chest before wrapping his arms around her and burying his nose in her hair, breathing her in as she hugged him back. “It’d be my fucking luck to lose you now, and it’d be what I deserve, but I’m praying the Gods show mercy. If anything happened to you…”

  She pushed back to stare up at him. “Just know I feel the same. You come back to me, Commander McCabe. We have unfinished business.”

  “I’ll move heaven and Earth to make it so.”

  She smiled sadly, and couldn’t hide the tremble of her lip or the tears that flooded her eyes. Suddenly, the door was jerked open and a large Walker poked his head out.

  “King needs you now, Commander!”

  Remy pulled Harlow close, holding her tight as his lips sealed over hers. He kissed her hard, pouring all his heart and intention into it, praying she could feel with her heart what he couldn’t formulate with words. Harlow did the same. When he finally pulled back, he looked at her with worry.

  Clearing her throat, Harlow stepped back. “Get back on the clock, Commander.” She snapped to attention, saluting him before relaxing. “And just remember. I’m ever yours.”

  She turned quickly, knowing that if she didn’t leave now she’d beg him to stay, or to take her with him, and neither of those things would help Remy right now. So, she hurried down the hall, giving him the only thing she had to give a solider leaving for war. Something to fight for, and a promise to be here waiting for his return. Strong as she was, it didn’t help the ache in her chest, or the tears that slipped past her lids as she rushed to her suite.


  “Casualties?” Remy asked, standing in Monroe’s office as the dust slowly settled. Numbers were coming in even as patrols were being implemented to guard the destroyed portions of the Estate’s main gate. Some Walkers scattered in the wind, getting females and children off the Estate and to safety. Recker was unaccounted for, and that made little sense because he’d been with the teams when they’d defeated the Megalya and saved Harlow. Worse, Ash and his daughter, Harper were missing as well.

  Remy paced back and forth, trying to get back into Commander mode, to tamp down the elation soaring through him at Harlow’s proclamation. She’d claimed him back, and the first chance he got he’d make love to her like she deserved. He longed to tell her how much he loved her while buried deep inside of her, but it’d have to wait. He needed to make sure she was safe above all else, and that meant dealing with the Megalya and the attack on the Estate.

  Flicking his glance to the empty seat at the Dominant’s desk, he lifted dark eyes to where King sat propped on the edge of Monroe’s desk. Remy could feel the agitation and anger rolling off the Chief of Security.

  “No deaths,” King bit out, unfolding himself from the desk to pace to the large window, looking out over the damaged Estate. “Aside from Recker, Ash and his daughter Harper, one vet tech, Sofia, and a teacher, Thea, are unaccounted for as well. But I’m more concerned about two others.”

  King turned, frowning over his shoulder. “Witnesses saw the Megalya take a Keeper and one of your female Sentries.”

  Remy’s brows shot down as his gut tightened. “Who?”

  “Rohm and Nyree. We know for sure they were taken, and right now they are our priority. I can’t tell you how pissed Fatal is.”

  Hissing a low curse, Remy’s eyes shot to King. That wasn’t all. He could tell by King’s rigid posture that there was more. “What else?”

  Turning, King sighed heavily. “The Domina was injured.”

  Fear knotted Remy’s stomach. If anything happened to Eden StoneCrow, Monroe would rain hell down on the Megalya and whoever else had aided in the attack. He was almost afraid to ask. “How bad? Will she live?”

  King nodded. “It’s a head injury, but she’ll live.”

  Remy wanted to relax, but King’s deepening scowl prevented it.

  Lifting dark eyes, King pinned Remy with a deep frown. “Her memory is gone.”


  Shaking his head, King scrubbed a hand down his suddenly exhausted features. “Our Domina doesn’t remember us. She doesn’t remember her own children. She doesn’t know Monroe.” His eyes turned sad. “The Domina is lost, and Jenny’s not sure when, or if, her memory will return. The Domina may never come back.”

  Remy was speechless. He didn’t want to even imagine Harlow forgetting who he was to her. “Monroe?” He finally asked.

  “What do you think?” King snorted. “He can’t even attempt to jog her memory, because Jenny thinks it’s too soon. Worse, she fears Eden discovering the existence of Walkers could be damaging to her fragile mind.” He lowered his chin. “Some of her children haven’t learned to control their shifts yet, so Jenny’s asked Monroe to keep them away. The Dominant has lost his Angel, and if she doesn’t come back to him…” He shook his head sadly.

  Remy didn’t need to hear the words. He knew what this meant. Eden was Monroe’s world, and without her, the Dominant would be lost in his fury. He would seek revenge with all that he had. The Skin Walker’s quiet existence he’d so painstakingly created at StoneCrow was in jeopardy, and the one person on Earth who had any control over Monroe no longer remembered him. Remy prayed Eden’s memory returned, and soon. With a missing Keeper and Sentry, decisions needed to be made. His gaze flicked to King. “What of Rohm and Nyree? What’s our plan?”

  “Fatal wants to track them, but I can’t allow it. The Soul Sentries are not soldiers. One of their own has been taken, and he could care less that the public is unaware of our existence. He wants to go hunting with all guns blazing. He’ll put us all in jeopardy, and I can’t let that happen, but I can’t handle all of this.” He absently waved his hand toward the window.

  The repairs that needed to be made were the least of their worries. The Megalya now knew where the Skin Walkers dwelled. Changes would need to be made, and soon. They were exposed and vulnerable. Add to that the number of wounded, the missing Walkers and Keeper, and the distraught Dominant…

  “Tyce just arrived with Conn and his men.” King released a relieved breath. “The women and children will be moved to Apex until we can properly secure the Estate. Tyce will act as Interim Dominant until Monroe directs otherwise. Two teams are going out within the hour to search for Nyree and Rohm, but I won’t be with them because I’ve got the luxury of getting Tyce up to speed and explaining to Fatal and his Keepers why they won’t be permitted to accompany the search teams.” He chuffed a humorless laugh. “Think I should expect resistance?” he asked sarcastically.

  “How are Lilly and Mahkya?”

  A genuine smile finally touched King’s lips. “I thank the Gods they were at Apex visiting Aries. My family is safe.”

  Remy nodded, relieved to hear the news. “What can I do?”

  “You’ve just found your Angel. I hate to take you from her, but we need you.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Recker told me.”

  Remy lifted his chin. “You can count on me.” While he wasn’t looking forward to being away from Harlow, he’d do whatever he needed to ensure she was protected.

  “Then you’ll lead one of the teams in the search for Rohm and Nyree.” King lifted uncertain eyes. “Harlow is trained, so if you want she can…”

  “No.” Remy cut him off. “She’s been taken once. They won’t get a second chance. My Angel will assist with escorting the women and children to Apex. She is done with battle.”

  The corner of King’s mouth lifted. “Does she know that?”

  Smirking, Remy shook his head. “She will.”

  King’s gaze suddenly fixed on the wall, and he didn’t blink for long moments before finally turning to Remy. “Form your team. You’ve got the pick of the litter. Every Walker male who is able has volunteered for duty and is chomping at the bit to go on this mission. I highly suggest you take RedKnife; we don’t know what we’ll be facing out there.”

  Remy jerked his he
ad in a nod and turned for the door.

  “Remy!” King’s words halted him. “One more thing.”

  Remy turned to scowl at him.

  “Someone fed intel to the Megalya on our location.” His expression darkened dangerously. “Monroe got a call just before the attack. There is a traitor in this house. From here on out, trust Walkers and Angels only! I’ll work on finding the spy and try to get Monroe’s head back in the game. God’s willing, Eden comes back to him and soon. You bring home our missing Sentry and Fatal’s Keeper.”

  Bile rose in Remy’s belly at the thought of someone in their midst betraying them. The news had him afraid to leave Harlow, but it couldn’t be helped. Two of their own were missing, and with the devastation that plagued StoneCrow, every Walker needed to pull his weight. He’d find Nyree and Rohm, and if King hadn’t found the traitor by the time he returned, he’d aid in the hunt. Someone would pay for betraying the Skin Walkers. Anger thrummed through him, and for the briefest of seconds, there was a flash of pity. Had it only been a kidnapping and damage to the Estate, it might have gone easier on the traitor, but the damage to Eden StoneCrow had sealed the poor fucker’s fate. Monroe was the last creature on the face of the fucking Earth that Remy would ever want to make an enemy of. Someone’s life was about to come to a horrifyingly painful conclusion.

  As he exited Monroe’s office, he nodded at York, Marko, and Baymac. Hell, Bellis StCroix was with them, and that was scary. The highly reclusive and rarely seen Walker was known only to a handful, and even fewer were aware that he was a private assassin for Monroe and Tyce, called on to perform the most dangerous and heinous of missions. Some Walkers believed that his dark deeds had marred his soul, and that was what caused his ink-black skin and even darker eyes. Even Remy had a hard time not staring at the Walker on the rare occasions he caught a glimpse of Bellis.

  They passed Remy as they headed in to meet with King. These were Tyce’s Walkers, just in from Apex, and all wore solemn expressions. No doubt the result of the carnage they would have witnessed coming in. A gaping hole had been blown in the main gate, and the guard houses were now non-existent. The gymnasium and parking garage beside the main estate house were destroyed, and part of the wing that housed the school had suffered damage. Trees had been felled, bullet casings riddled the grounds, and blood stained everywhere. Many Skin Walkers had bled, but nowhere near the number of Megalya who’d paid with their lives for breaching the Skin Walker domain. Remy intended to make the Megalya regret ever having attempted to take his Angel, and he knew the carnage would be savage. He hadn’t yet bound Harlow to him, he was still afflicted, and there were adverse side effects to letting an affliction linger, side effects he intended on taking out on the Megalya. Sure, they’d bled some, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted more, needed more, and blood would flow in rivers – Megalya blood. The battle was just beginning.


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