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A Constant Attraction (Attraction #2)

Page 6

by A. J. Walters

  “Isabel, I can't not touch you any more. It's killing me. I need to touch you, please.”

  His hands and fingers vigorously comb through my hair and peering up I see his head roll back. I sense he is close, but I want more of him. I hear him curse and so release him from my hot mouth.

  Standing, I rest a finger against his lips and opening his mouth he takes it to suck on. I let him do this for a moment and then forcing him back towards the bed, causes Marc to lose his balance, falling backwards on to the mattress.

  I'm nervous about the proposition I am about to put to him, but extremely excited all at the same time.

  “I would like to try out something different. I've not done this before, so I hope you know that what I am about to suggest will test both of us. I will let you touch me again in a moment, but you need to trust me first.”

  “Isabel, I trust you with my life.”

  Marc intently watches me as I walk over to the dresser in our bedroom and pull out my favourite purple satin scarf. Turning back to him, I observe him do his trademark look, of cocking one eyebrow up while he sensually smirks at me. My stomach flips over in one swift movement. Damn! All it takes is 'The Look', how does he manage it? All of a sudden I feel nauseous and nervous. Come on Chambers, you can do this, man up woman! Okay, maybe not man up in this situation, but don't lose your bottle now.

  Hesitantly I make my way back over to him, kneeling on to the bed and before placing the scarf over his eyes, I lovingly kiss his warm smooth lips and linger there for a few seconds longer. This man is mine and I am his, what a moment to beseech.

  Marc holds the blindfold in position as I wrap it around him and tie a knot at the back, not too tight though...

  “How does that feel Marc? Not too uncomfortable?” An air of innocence and defencelessness suddenly radiates from around him. That's the only way I can describe it really.

  He touches the scarf to make sure it is firmly in place, “No, that's fine. You have done too good a job of it. Are sure you haven't done this before Ms Chambers?”

  The playfulness in his voice helps to put me at ease a little more.

  “No, I most certainly haven't Mr Sanders, but from where I am standing now, I can see this not being the last time we do this.”

  “Well that's a whole lot more than I can see at the moment, but I do like your way of thinking and certainly the idea of that. Maybe we could do it the other way round next time.”

  I really laugh at what he says and with his way with words, I don't feel nervous about this whatsoever now.

  “You not being able to see is the whole point Mr Sanders and I am coming around to your way of thinking as well.” Checking the blindfold one last time, I lean back on my heels. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready as I'll ever be sweetheart.”

  Even though he cannot see a thing, I sit him up and slowly undress in front of him. Helping him a bit, I allow him to undo my jeans and slide them down for me to step

  out of. I guide his hand to the tops of my thighs and let him skim his fingers over my skin, until he reaches my silk French knickers.

  “Why Ms Chambers, going by how wet these are, I can guess you have been enjoying this evening just as much as I have. So I think we need to dispose of them before they become too uncomfortable, don't you?”

  “Oh I definitely agree, I will let you do the honours Sir.”

  In a taunting manner, Marc gradually slides them down. As the elastic reaches my knees, he playfully kisses the apex at my thighs.

  I tug hard at his hair to bring his head back, “Now, now Mr Sanders. I believe it is me calling the shots here.”

  Once I am totally naked, I leave Marc for a few seconds to get what I require for what I have in store.

  “Lie back on the bed for me please Marc. Try and relax.”

  For the next fifteen minutes or so, I am both a participator and spectator in one of the most erotic moments of my entire life. I watch on as Marc writhes with each delicate touch I place on his stomach. I start by running the cold ice I got from the freezer down his abdomen and then with the change to butterfly kisses from my warm lips, he contracts every muscle. This is replaced again with drops of cool white wine, which I then graciously lap up with my tongue. It is an amazing sight and one I can most definitely get used to. I dispose of his trousers fully and straddling his thighs, I remove the blindfold. I cannot hold back from the inevitable for any longer.

  Bending at the waist, I whisper in his ear, “Make love to me Marc.”

  He sits us both up, fists his hands in the back of my hair and kisses me as though his life depended on it. His mouth is pressed hard against mine and the rough stubble upon his face, turns my skin red raw. Rolling me over, he takes control of me, of the situation. Nuzzling on each of my breasts, I bow and arch my back to increase the pleasure. He moves down my body; licking and tasting while teasing my nipples once more. For the rest of the night he doesn't hold back from indulging and pleasing me, he seems to feed on the sexual sounds escaping from deep within me. Writhing under his touch, I know I can't hold back for much longer. Watching him towering above me I say the words I have been wanting to say.

  “I love you Marc Sanders.”

  We're both breathing heavily from the exertion of our foreplay.

  “I love you too Isabel Chambers.”

  He delicately places a kiss upon my lips and gently slides into me. Wrapping my legs around him tightly, we connect as though we are one and I pull him deeper.

  I did it. I started with the control, then I lost it totally and utterly with him.


  Strolling across the moody and sophisticated restaurant, I casually take my seat again opposite a puzzled looking Stefano. I am eagerly awaiting for him to enquire as to why I am grinning like a Cheshire Cat, as I will not be able to hold in the news I have just received from Mario, as I was getting into the chauffeur driven car, for much longer. Almost straight away I signal for a waiter to come over to our table.

  The young, well groomed boy bows his head briefly as he reaches us.

  “Yes madame. What may I get for you?” he says it nervously, so it makes me wonder whether he is a new employee.

  “Si. May we have a bottle of your finest Champagne? And if you could pour it our for Dr Acerbi and myself as well please...?” I purposely pause to allow him time to tell me his name.

  “Oh er! Nicholas Ma'am. My name is Nicholas.” He stands tall again, holding his hands behind his back. Even though he is trying to show composure, by the way his arms are moving, I expect he's fidgeting with his bitten down nails and scrawny fingers, uncomfortably. I do get a thrill out of seeing a man, however old, quaking and quivering in front of me. Intimidation is a powerful tool to behold.

  Sitting up straighter against the high backed chair, I am aware that the posture elongates my body, so that now Nicholas' eyes flicker between my smooth, crème neck and slightly exposed rounded breasts. Stefano knows exactly what game I am playing and am not surprised when I feel the touch of his leather shoe, out of view from other diners. Against my leg, it send tingles shooting up my calf, as it drifts slowly up. I expect that this public show is turning him on.

  The emotionally powerful classical music being played in the background, gives an air of tension around us and I am wondering what is going through, poor young Nicholas' mind. I inwardly laugh to myself, I suppose I had better put the blessed boy out of his misery.

  “Thank you Nicholas. I would very much appreciate it if you could do that for me please.”

  “Yes, erm! Certainly Madame, Ma'am.”

  He turns to go and I notice that his hands are so tightly clenched together, behind his back, I can see each individual pale finger clamped shut and the blood has rushed to the tips. Foolish boy.

  “You are a very naughty woman Emelie. How can you tease and taunt such a young boy like that? He's such an innocent looking type and you almost ate him whole, like a starved wolf.” Stefano continues to rub his foot up
and down, up and down along my shin.

  “You know how much fun it can be Stefano, playing games. Aren't you playing one with me right now?” I nonchalantly sip on the glass of iced mineral water which was already decanted when we arrived.

  “Let's be honest here my darling. When was the last time you showed me anywhere near the attention you have this evening? You have hardly been near me in months, let alone shared the same bed as me, and this; the compliments, the seduction techniques, there has to be a reason behind it all. I know you all too well and there is always a reason behind you putting on the charm offensive. I'd have thought that after all of these years being together my beloved, you'd have learnt that you should never take me for being a simple woman, it will come back to bite you very hard in the ass otherwise.”

  Stefano throws his head back and roars with the most deep, yet cold and calculated laughter. It's enough to send chills charging down anyone's spine. It leaves a wake of darkened air and aura around us, and everything else in the room.

  “Emelie, my darling. I don't play games, I never have. Playing games, means that you are giving your opponent a chance of winning. What's the point of me doing that, when I am out to win and believe me, I will win. Thinking anything less, means that all of this is worthless and pointless. I have put too much into everything and gone too far to think differently. Losing just isn't an option with me my dear.”

  He reaches out with the grey stumps that are his fingers and grasps at the cut glass crystal that holds the fiery, amber liquid of a single malt whisky he bought at the bar. In one swift movement he knocks the two finger measurement back and I watch him recoil slightly as the flaming nectar makes its way down his throat. All of the time, he is observing me with his small hazel eyes. They are sharp enough to pierce anyone's heart, anyone's soul and not leave a trace of remorse. That single act alone was a warning to me, I know it. Stefano has never been one to mess with or take for granted, hence another reason why I have had enough. The hold he has upon people, possessions and me is suffocating.

  A steely silence has taken over for a few minutes and I find it hard these days to really know what he is thinking in those moments. I need to get back my train of thought, the plan must still go ahead or else I can see my life imploding around me.

  Glancing over Stefano's shoulder, I see Nicholas hesitantly returning with our Champagne. As he reaches the table, I can hear the ice cubes and bottle, clanking and rattling against the solid silver cooler bucket. The boy must be a wreck with nerves, as this must be a real test for him. So I am eager to see how he goes on with the popping of the cork and pouring the bubbles in our glasses, without any spillage.

  All eyes are on him as he performs his duty, which can only be making him feel even more anxious than before. Positioning the bucket on it's stand next to us, he carefully takes out the bottle. Just for a brief second, I catch him looking down at my chest, causing his cheeks to turn a bright crimson colour at having been caught.

  “Come on Nicholas, I am sure you have done this plenty of times before, why should this time be any different?” I furtively smile at Stefano, who is sat back in his chair enjoying the spectacle that is going on before him.

  The loud pop of the cork makes me and a few other diners jump, as I certainly wasn't expecting him to achieve the task so quickly. An excited and victorious smile appears on the young man's face and secretly I am proud of him. He stepped up to the challenge, of what I can only describe us as being, rather demanding patrons in the restaurant. I can envisage him going far and not letting anything discourage or put him off what he has to do, with time that is.

  As he pours the Champagne into my glass first, I delicately hold still his shaking hand, by placing mine on top of it.

  “Well done Nicholas, you have done a fine job and we will make sure you are rewarded well at the end of our meal, won't we darling?”

  Nicholas gulps as he turns to Stefano awaiting his reply.

  “Sì, Congratulazioni giovane.”

  Going by the look up on the poor boys face, the wide eyes and blank expression, he hasn't a clue what Stefano has just said to him. This is exactly what Stefano wanted. Even though he has just congratulated him in Italian, he still has the upper hand.

  “Thank you Sir. Thank you Madame. Enjoy your meal.” Nicholas tips his head to signal his departure and then makes a hasty retreat to the kitchen.

  “Well you have been looking like the cat that got the cream, this evening Emelie. I noticed it as soon as we got in here. Is there any particular reason for your distinct pleasure in something?”

  “Once I tell you what I know mio caro, well you may feel the same.”

  I pause for dramatic effect to build up the anticipation of what I already know.

  “I had Mario look into Ms Chambers background today and I must say he did out do himself with the information he found out. It seems that poor Isabel had a horrific time of it some years ago.”

  Stefano leans in, resting his elbows on the table and begins to stroke his dry bottom lip.

  “And yet you take pleasure in knowing this mia tesoro.” His voice is low and I almost see his ears prick up and I can tell instantly he is eager to know more.

  “Ms Chambers was once, I won't say happily married, as it seems that wasn't case. The man she was married to is currently serving time in prison and how can I say this? He is feeling rather hard done by, by what happened, as it was Isabel's statement and testimony that sent put him away for quite a few years. He has lost all parental responsibility to his two sons, lost several years of his life and his future, well...what future. He will have this prison record hanging over him for the rest of his life, no one will want to employ the bastardo.”

  “Why do you have such an interest in Isabel Chambers all of a sudden? It is Marc Sanders who is trying to spoil everything and put a stop to the work we have done. She surely is just an innocent bystander to all of this.”

  “Marc is in love with her Stefano, I've seen it in his eyes, the way he looks at her. If it is we fail to get to him to pull out from what he's doing through his father and brother, then maybe we can get to deal with him through Isabel.”

  Stefano sits quietly and contemplates. I sense he likes the information and idea I have just put over to him, even if his featureless expression isn't telling me anything. He takes a thoughtful sip of his drink, the silence gives us both time to consider everything.

  “You have obviously been a lot more observant than I have Emelie, but if what you are saying is true, I like it. We will have to see if we can get a visiting order in place, just in case all else fails.”

  For the continuation of the evening we discuss the agenda for the morning and Stefano puts the wheels in motion for our plan B, should it need to be put into action. I leisurely sit back and intently watch him on the phone, while inside I am feeling positive about tomorrow and beyond. I let him put everything into place, he can do all of the donkey work and I will hopefully reap the rewards of it. Yes, tomorrow is a big day for both of us, particularly for me! We need to make sure everything goes as it should do and I say we, as my darling husband will be the temporary foundations for my future, very temporary foundations. So I leave Stefano to it, making all of the arrangements, speaking with Mario, undoubtedly involving some of the other men he has on his pay role. I just need to make sure that I remember as much of it as possible, as tonight, the short term plan is going to be what I need to concentrate on the most. If that fails, then I can kiss goodbye to the future I have panned out in front of me. Making sure that that doesn't happen, I excuse myself to visit the ladies wash room. I know it is starting to get late but I have one final and very important phone call to make.

  Dialling the number I feel an air of excitement building around me and the adrenalin rush is just starting to kick in. It takes a few rings before the phone is answered and the drowsy sounding voice on the other end, makes the hairs on my the back of my neck stand to attention. He may well be trying to ruin my f
uture, but Marc's hedonistic tone still does things to me.

  “What is it Emelie?” The shushed manner in which he asks the question, leads me to believe that he is not alone in bed.

  “There has been a change to the plan. I need you to bring the money tonight. You have two hours to get it together and personally deliver it to our room. If you cannot do that well then you had better prepare for the downfall of it, which won't just involve your father and brother. I think Isabel's ex-husband would like to have his say in the matter as well.”

  Ending the call immediately means I don't give him an opportunity to argue or play any delay tactics. For this to work properly, it has to go my way or no way.

  Getting back to the table Stefano takes my hand as I walk around him to my seat.

  “Everything is in order. This time tomorrow we will be safely back in Italy to start the rest of lives together again. This time in three months I can see us standing out on the veranda toasting to our success, as the name Acerbi is shared around the globe. We will be hailed heroes in the medical world.”


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