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Through the Mountains

Page 4

by Kelvin Teo

  "Have a seat," Peaches said, as she pulled another plate from the cupboard and set the fourth place.

  He was trying his hardest to figure a way out of this, but the smell of breakfast cooking on the stove overpowered him.

  The girls took a couple of seats next to each other and Danny took the seat that would put his back to the wall. A minute later. Peaches began putting the food on the table. Scrambled eggs, bacon, muffins and orange juice.

  Danny's concerns began to ease. How could there be anything to be scared of from a chubby, little lady that cooked what looked like an excellent breakfast?

  She sat down across from Ali and said, "Go ahead, help yourselves."

  Ali picked up the bowl of scrambled eggs and dished a good helping out and passed the bowl to Lizzie. As the plates began making their rounds of the table, the front door of the office slapped open and they could hear some heavy boots coming into the apartment.

  Danny looked up and saw Zeke and Ricky walk in.

  "What the hell's this, mama?" asked Zeke.

  "Watch your tone, young man," she said without even looking at him.

  "And what are we supposed to eat?"

  It was then the girls realized they may be eating the brother's breakfast and both of them felt a growing knot of fear in the stomachs.

  "Your breakfast is still on the stove," said Peaches. "Dish some up."

  "Where do you want us to eat?" asked Zeke, looking at the three sitting at his table.

  Peaches looked back over her shoulder.

  "You can either eat at the counter in front or take yours back to the garage. Makes no never mind to me."

  Danny wanted nothing more than to get up and grab the girls and hustle them out of the apartment, but he knew he'd have to go right past the brothers.

  Zeke shook his head and went to the stove and make a noisy show of plating up his breakfast and then stomping out of the apartment. A few seconds later, they heard the front door of the office slam closed and could hear him stomping through the gravel, heading back to the garage.

  Ricky made his plate with a lot less noise and fanfare. When he was finished, he stepped into the office, but didn't head out the door.

  "Sorry about that," said Peaches. "Zeke can get a little … how would I put it … anti-social."

  "We're really sorry to cause such a bother," said Lizzie.

  "Oh, pish tosh, young lady. Don't you worry your little head about it. He'll have forgotten all about it in ten minutes."

  The rest of breakfast was eaten quickly, with as little conversation as possible. Danny wanted to get done and herd the girls out of there. Something was clawing at the back of his mind and he didn't like it.

  As he looked around the room, he noticed a bunch of little knick-knacks on shelves and some of them were catching his eyes. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but they seemed to be something to which he should pay attention.

  After breakfast was finished and the girls attempted to help Peaches clean up, getting shooed away, they thanked her and left the office. Ricky was still sitting at the counter, picking at his food.

  As they walked past him, to the front door, it wasn't hard to see he couldn't take his eyes off Ali. For a time, Danny had begun to think Ricky was okay, the better of the two brothers. But, that feeling began to evaporate quickly as he saw him staring at the former cheerleader.

  When they got back to the room, the girls giggled softly at the sound of Clark snoring away. Ali, being the jumper of the group, ran across the room and pounced on Clark. It was a move she should have thought better of.


  Clark came awake, not knowing what was going on and brought the knife to her throat.

  "Clark!" yelled Danny.

  Clark's eyes began to focus and he shook his head. Looking up, he saw the point of his knife at Ali's throat and pulled it away.

  Ali crabbed back off him and off the bed. Her eyes were wide with terror, knowing she had come within inches of having her throat slashed.

  He rolled over and sat up, setting the knife on the bedside table. Rubbing his eyes, he stood up.

  "Sorry," he said matter-of-factly, as he headed into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Lizzie stepped over and put her arms around Ali from behind. She could feel her friend shaking and held her tight, hoping her knees weren't going to buckle.

  "Sorry?" Ali said softly. "He just about kills me and all he can say is, sorry?"

  Lizzie led her over to the bed and had her sit down. Sitting down next to her, she kept her arm around Ali's shoulders, trying to help calm her down.

  Danny sat down on the bed across from them. He had no idea what to say to ease her fears. He looked over at the table and saw the knife sitting there. The black blade of the Bowie knife looked as wicked as any weapon he had ever seen.

  Just then, the door of the bathroom opened and Clark stepped back into the room, wiping his face off with a towel. He stepped between the three of them and reached for the knife, but Danny snatched it off the table.


  "What do you mean, what?" asked Danny. "You just about killed Ali with this thing."

  "I said I was sorry."

  "Sorry don't cut it, man!"

  "Oh come on! I was dreaming about an attack from those two brothers and she jumped on me. I thought the attack had come."

  "Give him back his knife," said Ali softly.

  "Ali?" said Danny, looking at her.

  "Give it to him," she said.

  As Danny handed it back to him, she looked at Clark and said, "You put that thing back in its holder and you keep it there unless it's a life or death situation."

  Clark took the knife and bent down and slid it into the sheath on his ankle. After pulling his jeans down over it, he stood up and looked at her.

  "I really am sorry, Ali. I would never want to hurt you."

  "Please be more careful with that thing," said Lizzie.

  "I promise," he said.

  He sat down on the bed next to Danny and asked, "So, what happened when you went searching for food?"

  Ali forced a smile and said, "You really should have come. Peaches fixed us a wonderful breakfast."

  Lizzie said, "Yes, she wears enough make up to coat five clowns, but she really is a sweet, old lady."

  "Good breakfast, huh?"

  "It was."

  "I say we still need to keep an eye on her as well as the brothers. She gave me the creeps when I got here last night."

  "Well," said Danny, "are we going to just sit here in the room or should we do something?"

  "Like what?" asked Lizzie.

  "How about a hike in the forest behind us?"

  They all looked at each other.

  "I'm game," said Ali.

  They all got their things together and headed out. As they walked past the doors of the garage, they could see Zeke giving them the eye. When they went around the side of the garage, they found Ricky out there, stacking some used tires.

  "Going for a hike, huh?"

  "Yeah," said Danny. "Thought we'd get some exercise while the van is being finished up."

  'Okay," said Ricky. "be careful out there. There's some wild animals up there."

  Danny could sense both girls tensing up.

  "Thanks for the heads up," said Clark as he ushered the girls on past the garage and up the trail.

  "What is that?"

  Danny stopped and looked at what Ali was pointing at. They had been hiking for about ten minutes and hadn't seen any sign of civilization since leaving the garage.

  "I don't know, Let's take a look."

  The four of them moved down off the trail toward a small clearing. Something appeared to be about five feet off the ground, near one of the trees.

  As they got closer, Ali let out a gasp and turned away. Nailed to the tree was the head of a wolf. Its tongue was hanging out and its eyes were a glassy black.

  What scared the most out of the four of them was the blood still ru
nning down the bark of the tree.

  Clark knelt down and pulled his knife. When Ali saw him do it, she moved to the other side of Danny.

  "Relax Ali," said Clark. "This isn't for you."

  "Who then? Or what?"

  "Well, it's definitely a who," said Danny.

  "How can you be so sure?" asked Clark.

  "I doubt a what would take the time to nail this head to the tree."

  Clark started scanning the area, looking for any sign they were being watched. He made sure to hold his knife out where anyone looking would see it and think twice about attacking them.

  "Let's get out of here," said Lizzie softly.

  "Agreed," said Danny as he turned to head back up to the trail.

  "Wait," said Clark.

  They stopped and looked at him as he walked toward another tree. He walked around to the other side and looked it up and down.

  "Oh, you gotta see this."

  "I don't know, Clark. Don't know if I can take another dead wolf," said Danny.

  'Oh, it isn't that. Come take a look."

  The three of them moved to where Clark was and Danny could feel the air get sucked out of his lungs. The girls were ready to bolt into the woods and it didn't matter which direction.

  Right about eye-level was a pentagram in a circle, drawn on the tree in what appeared to be blood.

  "Probably the blood of the wolf," said Clark. "And that's not all."

  He pointed and they looked and saw the same symbol on at least a half a dozen other trees. Again, it looked to be fairly fresh.

  "Let's get the hell out of here," said Danny.

  There was no disagreement among them as they headed back up the hill toward the trail. They started back down the mountain, hoping to get back to the motel before noon.

  Danny hoped the radiator had showed up and the brothers would have the van finished by the time they got back.

  As they rounded the corner of the garage, his fears became apparent. The doors to the garage were closed and locked. Looking across the parking lot, he could see the tow truck was gone, along with the truck he had seen the brothers driving the day before.

  He looked through the oil-streaked windows of the garage and saw the van sitting there with parts laying all around it. As he turned around, he saw the maid's cart outside one of the rooms and Peaches going in and out of the room.

  He started walking toward the cart and the others followed.

  "Hi, Peaches. The boys aren't around right now?"

  She turned around with a sweet-as-sugar smile on her painted face and said, "Oh no, they got called down the mountain for some sort of accident."

  "Oh. Okay. Guess they'll finish up the van when they get back."

  "I 'spect so."

  He nodded and turned to the others and then motioned them back to their room. After they got the door locked, they sat down in their little group.

  "I think we can assume they won't get it finished today," said Clark.

  Danny shook his head.

  "I don't think we should assume anything right now. When they get back, it should take less than an hour to get the radiator put in and we can be gone."

  "And tell us, Danny, when you looked in the window of the garage, did you see a brand new, fresh radiator sitting in there?"

  'That doesn't mean it wasn't there."

  Clark still had his knife in his hands and he was twiddling it around.

  "Stop playing with that," said Lizzie.

  "Oh, c'mon," said Clark. "I ain't hurting anyone."

  He spun the knife on top of his fist and it caught the edge of his thumb and bounced off his hand. He made a grab for it and missed, sending it right at Ali. She cringed back away from it, but it hit her in the forearm.

  "Sorry, Ali," said Clark as he picked the knife off the floor.

  "Sorry?! Again with your sorry!" yelled Lizzie. "Look what you did."

  He looked at Ali's arm and there was a small stream of blood oozing from the cut the knife had made.

  "Oh shit," he said softly.

  "C'mon Ali," said Lizzie, standing up and leading her friend toward the bathroom.

  Danny was just shaking his head, looking down at the floor.

  Without taking his eyes off the floor, he said, "You really know how to screw things up, don't you?"

  "I said I was sorry."

  "Well, sorry don't cut it this time. Give me the knife."

  "What? No way man."

  "Clark, you obviously can't be trusted with it. Give it to me."

  "Give him the knife, Clark," came Lizzie's voice from the bathroom.

  They could hear the water running in the sink and could hear Ali wincing in pain when her arm was being cleaned.

  Danny held out his hand, not wanting to just grab the knife. He wanted Clark to give it up voluntarily.

  "Screw this," yelled Clark as he jumped up and stalked toward the door.

  "Where are you going?" asked Danny.

  "Away from this crap!"

  He flung the door open and stomped out into the late afternoon. Danny could hear him walking across the gravel parking lot and it sounded like he was heading for the garage.

  He stood up and walked over to the door and watched as Clark disappeared around the side of the garage, heading back up the hill.

  "Where did he go?"

  Danny turned around and saw Lizzie standing in the middle of the room, pressing a washcloth against Ali's forearm.

  "You okay, Ali?"

  She managed a weak smile and lifted the wash cloth and showed him. It was still bleeding.

  "It's a long ways from my heart. I should live."

  Danny laughed and said, "I'll go see if Peaches has some first aid supplies. Keep your arm covered until I get back."

  He could see the apprehension in their eyes at the thought of him leaving them alone in the room.

  "Hey, I'll be right outside."

  Lizzie gave a weak nod and he stepped out of the room, leaving the door open. He wanted to be able to hear them if they called for help.

  Peaches had moved another room further away and then it occurred to him, "Why is she cleaning all these rooms if there were only two that were usable?"

  That thought evaporated as he stepped over to her cart and she came out of the room.

  "What can I get you, sweetheart?"

  "Do you have any first aid supplies? We've had a small accident and one of the girls is bleeding."

  "Oh dear, I think I better take a look," she said as she started walking toward their room.

  "We just need a bandage and some white tape."

  "Let me take a look."

  She walked into the room and the girls were sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn't hesitate and went right to Ali and bent down to look at the wound. As she did, she clicked her tongue a couple of times.

  "This may leave a scar. That's not good."

  "Oh," said Ali, "I think I'll be able to survive a small scar."

  "Is this the only scar you have?"

  "Uh, yeah."

  Peaches turned to Danny and said, "There is a small first aid kit on the bottom rack of the cart. Could you be a dear and fetch it please?"

  As he returned with the kit, he heard Peaches say, "Hopefully it won't leave a scar. A little lamb such as yourself, should remain perfect."

  Ali cocked her head, thinking that was a strange thing to say.

  Peaches looked at Lizzie and asked, "How about you, darling. Any scars on you?"

  "Oh yeah, plenty. Rough life as a tomboy, I guess."

  "Oh, such a pity."

  She saw Danny had returned and took the kit from him and opened it up. First thing she did was pull out a tube of ointment and rubbed some on Ali's wound. Then, after blowing on it, giving Ali the heebie-jeebies, she pulled a gauze bandage out and pressed it to the wound.

  "Hold that there, sweetie," said Peaches.

  As Ali held the bandage, Peaches cut some strips from a roll of white tape and then taped
the bandage down.

  "There, that should take care of it. We'll take a look at it later this evening."

  "Actually, we're hoping to be on the road this evening," said Danny. "But, thank you for helping her."

  "Oh, think nothing of it," she said as she packed up the kit and headed for the door. "By the way, I wouldn't get your hopes up about leaving tonight. The boys may be quite some time at the accident."

  Danny let out a long sigh, resigning himself to the fact they might be staying in the motel for another night.

  After she left, he went over and closed the door. Sitting down, he looked at the two girls.

  "How's the arm, Ali?"

  "It's okay. Quit asking."

  "I'm sorry, I'm just concerned. And a little pissed at Clark for doing what he did."

  "Take it easy on Clark," she said. "I mean, it's Clark we're talking about."

  "That's no excuse for hurting you like that."

  Ali smiled and then leaned over and bumped shoulders with Lizzie.

  "I think he likes me."

  Lizzie laughed and said, "Danny? Danny likes all women. He's a lady's man."

  "So, lady's man. What are we going to do now?"

  "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm a bit tired. I'm going to lay down and take a nap."

  He stood up and stripped off his jeans and pulled on a pair of shorts and laid down on the bed. Closing his eyes, he said, "If they don't have the van done first thing in the morning, I'm jogging to the convenience store and making a phone call."

  He heard the girls getting out of their jeans, so he kept his eyes closed. What he didn't expect was feeling the bed jostling as the two of them crawled onto it, on each side of him.

  Ali reached up and turned off the light and the two of them curled up next to him. He put an arm around each one, holding them close and promising himself he wouldn't let anything happen to them.


  The light streaming in the window cast a beam right into Danny’s eyes and he squinted, trying to figure out what was going on. Feeling an unfamiliar weight on his body, he looked down and saw the heads of two young women. They were sleeping contently and he closed his eyes, and remembered how they came to be sleeping next to him.

  He looked over at the other bed and realized it was completely empty. As in, Clark hadn’t returned during the night and that started to worry him.


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