The Cauldron of Fear
Page 3
Lore-circle Bonuses
Circle of Fire
+1 CS +2 EP
Circle of Light
0 CS +3 EP
Circle of Solaris
+1 CS +3 EP
Circle of the Spirit
+3 CS +3 EP
All bonus points that you acquire by completing a Lore-circle are additions to your basic COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores.
Improved Disciplines
As you rise through the higher levels of Magnakai training you will find that some of your skills will steadily improve. If you have reached the rank of Primate (four skills), Tutelary (five skills), or Principalin (six skills), you will now benefit from improvements to the following Magnakai Disciplines:
Animal Control
Primates with this Magnakai Discipline are able to repel an animal that is intent on harming them by blocking its sense of taste and smell. The level of success is dependent on the size and ferocity of the animal.
Primates with this skill have the ability to delay the effects of poisons, including venoms, that they may come into contact with. Although a Kai Primate with this skill is not able to neutralize a poison he is able to slow its effect, giving him more time to find an antidote or cure.
Primates with this skill have a greatly increased agility and are able to climb without the use of climbing aids, such as ropes, etc.
Primates with the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge will, by concentrating their psychic powers upon an object, be able to set up vibrations that may lead to the disruption or destruction of the object.
Primates with the skill of Nexus will be able to offer a far greater resistance than before to the effects of noxious gases and fumes.
Tutelaries are able to use defensive combat skills to great effect when fighting unarmed. When entering combat without a weapon, Tutelaries lose only 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL, instead of the usual 4 points.
Tutelaries are able to increase the effectiveness of their skill when hiding from an enemy by drawing the enemy's attention to a place other than that in which they are hiding. The effectiveness of this ability increases as a Kai Master rises in rank.
Tutelaries with this skill can detect an enemy ambush within 500 yards of their position unless their ENDURANCE score is low due to wounds sustained or lack of food.
Tutelaries with this skill develop mental defences against magical charms and hostile telepathy. These defences increase in strength as a Kai Master rises in rank.
Tutelaries who possess this Magnakai Discipline are able to recognize objects or creatures with magical skills or abilities. However, this improved Discipline can be negated if the creature or object is shielded from detection.
Animal Control
Principalins with this skill are able to call on a woodland animal (if nearby) to aid them, either in combat, or to act as a messenger or guide. The number of animals that can be summoned increases as a Kai Master rises in rank.
Principalins are able to mask any sounds made by their movements while using this skill.
Principalins with this Magnakai Discipline are able to intensify their eyesight at will, giving them telescopic vision.
Principalins using this skill in combat are able to confuse an enemy by planting seeds of doubt in its mind. The effectiveness of this ability increases as a Kai Master rises in rank.
Principalins with this ability can extinguish fires by force of will alone. The size of the fire, and the number that can be extinguished using Nexus increases as a Kai Master rises in rank.
The nature of any additional improvements and how they affect your Magnakai Disciplines will be noted in the Improved Disciplines section of future Lone Wolf books.
Magnakai Wisdom
Your search for the Lorestone of Tahou will be fraught with danger. The Darklords have launched a massive invasion into the freelands of Magnamund in a bid to take over the continent and thwart your Magnakai quest. Make notes as you progress through the story — they will be of great help in this and future adventures.
Many things that you find will help you during your adventure. Some Special Items will be of use in future Lone Wolf adventures and others may be red herrings of no real use at all, so be selective in what you decide to keep.
Choose your three Magnakai Disciplines with care, for a wise choice enables any player to complete the quest, no matter how weak his initial COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE points scores. Successful completion of previous Lone Wolf adventures, although an advantage, is not essential for the completion of this Magnakai adventure.
The future of Northern Magnamund now hinges on the success of this quest. May the spirit of your ancestors guide you on the path of the Magnakai.
Good luck!
A full moon lights the sky above Elzian on the evening you begin your journey to Tahou. Its ashen rays glimmer along the polished wooden outriggers that run the length of the hull of the Skyrider, and illuminate the crystal star ensign and the Sommlending flag as it flutters proudly from the mizzen-mast. The Elders of the High Council have gathered on the roof of their council chamber and, as you and Banedon climb the boarding ladder to the skyship, you pause to return their farewell salute. Bo'sun Nolrim, senior member of Banedon's crew of dwarves, welcomes you and his captain aboard. Surveying the craft, you notice that the Skyrider has changed very little since you were last aboard her, when you sailed the desert skies of Vassagonia in search of The Book of the Magnakai. The crew remember that voyage fondly and are justly proud of the part they played in the success of that perilous mission. ‘Take the helm, bo'sun, and set a course for Navasari!’ commands Banedon, as he leads you across the busy deck to his cabin at the prow.
Swiftly the lights of Elzian vanish as the Skyrider speeds into the night. A mile below, the jungle of Dessi and the barren peaks of the Xulun Mountains race past beneath the keel, but in the comforting warmth of Banedon's cabin you feel no sensation of movement; only the hum of the powerful engine indicates how rapidly you are travelling. Over a delicious meal of salt beef and spiced fruit, Banedon explains the purpose of your journey to Navasari, a city that lies over a hundred miles south of Tahou. ‘Our enemies are advancing across Magnamund like a tidal wave, destroying or carrying with them all in their path,’ says the blond-haired magician, pointing to a map of the continent that adorns the cabin wall. ‘Every day a new battle is being fought, and every day we lose another town or village to the Darklords. Before we venture into Tahou we must be sure that the city has not already fallen to Darklord Gnaag, lest we fly straight into a trap. I have many friends in Navasari, reliable friends, friends who are highly placed in the Senate of Anari. From them we will learn if the city still stands, and if it does, how long we can expect it to resist a Darklord assault.’
Mid-morning of the following day, the lookout catches a glimpse of Navasari as the Skyrider emerges from the Yajo Pass. Banedon takes control of the helm and steers the craft towards the east quarter of the city, landing it on the spacious roof of a magnificent, star-shaped building that overlooks the River Chah. A group of dignitaries, resplendent in high-necked robes of green and yellow silk, greet your arrival: these are some of the friends of whom Banedon spoke. Sadly they recount the grim course of events that has recently befallen their country. In the far north, the town of Resa was destroyed and its people massacred by an army of Giaks. Two days later, a similar attack was launched by a Vassagonian army against the town of Zila. They swept along the Anari Pass, burning and looting every village through which they rode, and giving no quarter to those who dared res
ist them. And three days ago, on the western border, a fierce battle was fought at the Slovian town of Lovka for control of the bridge across the River Churdas. Shortly before midnight the might of Darklord Gnaag's horde fell upon the beleaguered garrison. They fought bravely, but by the dawn of the following day, all that remained of the town and its defenders were an acre of scorched earth and a cart full of charred bones. The three enemy armies are now advancing towards Tahou. President Toltuda, the head of state, has ordered the evacuation of all women and children from the capital, and has begun strengthening the city's defences to increase its chances of withstanding the impending siege. When Banedon tells of your intention to go to Tahou, one of his friends offers a few words of caution. ‘It would be unwise to attempt a landing at the capital,’ he warns. ‘Heavy bolt throwers have been positioned on every rooftop and tower in case the city is attacked from the air. The Darklords captured Suentina in such a fashion and the Tahouese have learnt from their neighbour's misfortune. Skyships rarely visit Tahou, which makes it all the more likely that your craft would be mistaken for a hostile attacker.’
After long deliberation, you and Banedon decide to leave the Skyrider in Navasari and journey to Tahou by horse. Nolrim is left in charge of the craft and crew with instructions to wait here for your return. If Tahou is besieged and he has not received word from you after two weeks, he is to return to Dessi and report that your quest has failed.
Early next morning, you and Banedon climb into the saddles of two white Anarian steeds provided by his friends, and set off on your two-day ride to Tahou. Less than an hour after leaving Navasari you see a long line of wagons approaching. They are escorted by a troop of cavalry, and each one is crowded with women and children.
If you wish to stop and question these people, turn to 126.
If you wish to ride past them and press on with your journey, turn to 274.
You look upon the city of Tahou from the balcony of a tall tower, the spire of the Thalis Temple, situated at the heart of the Rainbow Park. It is noon, but there is no brightness in this day, for a grey blanket of smoke covers the sky. Below you lies a shattered city, its once proud buildings now seething infernos, its streets and squares choked with rubble. Hasty defences have been constructed where the city wall is holed or fallen, and the battlements to the north and east are covered with unburied dead.
Beyond the wall, the flats lie shrouded in a mist that curls like the smoke of a thousand campfires. Its thickness is unnatural and you sense at once that it has been conjured to hide the enemy. You leave the tower and make your own way through the burning streets towards the West District, where the fighting at the wall is fiercest. You pass the smouldering ruins of the Anarium and take a fire-swept street that leads to the West Gate. A building at the end of this street is being used as a shelter for the wounded. The roof has caught fire and a handful of soldiers are trying desperately to evacuate the wounded before it collapses.
If you wish to help these soldiers, turn to 342.
If you wish to continue towards the West Gate, turn to 179.
You leap from your hiding place like a tiger pouncing on its prey. Miraculously, the guard manages to parry your first blow, but he is awestruck by your skill with a blade. He retreats towards the strongroom as you press your attack.
Strongroom Guard: COMBAT SKILL 13 ENDURANCE 22
If you win the combat in less than three rounds, turn to 117.
If you win but the combat lasts longer than three rounds, turn to 276.
The shock of the fall and the numbing chill of the icy black water conspire to sap your strength. You flail and flounder in the deep until you are gripped by cramp and can no longer resist your doom. Unconsciousness smothers your pain as you sink slowly to the bottom of the lake, weighed down by your equipment and the freezing water that now fills your lungs.
Your life and your quest end here.
You have answered the riddle correctly2 and Khmar displays his collection of valuables from which you may choose your winnings. You may take any two of the articles listed; they are all Backpack Items:
Silver Bowl
Vial of Gold Dust
Altar Cloth
Scroll of Honour
Jadin Anklets
If you already carry the maximum number of Backpack Items, you may discard two of them in favour of your prize.
Since you have displayed your intelligence so effectively, the plains farmers are now reluctant to continue gambling. Khmar and his sons gather up their winnings and bid you goodnight, and the farmers follow suit.
If you wish to talk with the tavern owner, turn to 268.
If you wish to order a meal, turn to 88.
If you decide to call it a day and retire to your room, turn to 156.
[2] This is the correct answer to Khmar's dagger riddle.
There is a faint click but the doors remain firmly closed.3 You press the lower three buttons at random in the hope of chancing on the correct combination, but the buttons lock into position and you cannot prise them up.
Turn to 207.
[3] This section corresponds to a partially correct combination for the pyramid lock.
You tie one end of the rope to the bottom rung and drop the rest into the darkness. Seconds later you hear it strike stone and you realize that you will not have too far to descend. As you climb down the rope, you pass through a layer of mist that glows with a curious blue-green luminescence. Twenty feet below the mist your feet touch firm ground. (Erase the Rope from your Action Chart.) Close to where you land lie the skeletal remains of a human body.
If you wish to examine the body, turn to 186.
If you wish to ignore it and investigate your surroundings, turn to 51.
‘Save your sympathy,’ he sneers, ‘ 'cause you're about to meet him face to face!’ Suddenly he lunges forward, a curved dagger gleaming in his hand. He flicks his wrist and the razor-sharp blade whips through an arc towards your throat.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, turn to 36.
If you do not possess this skill, pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 119.
If it is 4–9, turn to 260.
Your Arrow passes harmlessly beneath the creature's thrashing coils. There is no time to attempt a second shot. Quickly you shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon, as it makes its diving attack.
Turn to 82.
You are in combat with the Zakhan of Vassagonia. You cannot evade this combat and must fight him to the death.
He is immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge.
If you win the combat, turn to 350.
For countless hours you follow the great avenue as it bisects the heart of Zaaryx. The once-grand buildings that line this ancient thoroughfare are in varying states of decay: some are almost intact while others have disintegrated into little more than piles of black rubble. You try to keep track of time but it proves difficult in the perpetual half-light of this buried world. Twice you stop to sleep and eat before you near the centre of the city. (Erase 2 Meals from your Action Chart or lose 3 ENDURANCE points for each Meal missed. If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, you are able to forage for food from the wasteland of Zaaryx and therefore you do not need to make any deductions.) There you discover a great hall, its arched porticoes smooth and undamaged by time.
Illustration I—A group of reptilian creatures are stroking a large leathery egg and speaking in a low hissing language.
As you pass through one of these massive arches, you notice a group of reptilian creatures huddled at the top of a staircase that descends into darkness. They are stroking a large leathery egg and speaking to each other in a low hissing language.
/> If you wish to approach these creatures under cover of the pillars that line the hall, turn to 56.
If you wish to call out to them, turn to 349.
If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 171.
You draw an Arrow and take aim at a Giak's chest. He opens his yellow-fanged mouth to shriek for mercy, but his cry is cut short as your feathered shaft pierces his heart. The other Giak rolls away from the body of his partner and scrambles to his feet, desperate to escape a similar fate. ‘Aki-amaz!’ he whimpers, hysterically, as he scurries towards the shadows of an alley.
If you possess at least one more Arrow and wish to fire your Bow again, turn to 229.
If you decide to let the Giak escape, turn to 57.
You sift through the items heaped on the tables and disentangle the following, which could be useful:
Enough food for 3 Meals
Flask of Water
3 Arrows
If you wish to keep any of these items, be sure to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.
Turn to 181.
In the glare of your light you see the panel at the end of the passage loom into view. Damp green vines hang from the wall, and it is not until you are within a few feet of the panel that you realize that the vines are not vines at all: they are the tentacles of a Roctopus that is nesting in the damp masonry. (If your source of light is a Torch, remember to erase it from your Action Chart.)