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The Roman's Revenge

Page 18

by Caroline Storer

  Should she tell him, her mother had died in childbirth giving birth to her, and her father, eaten up with grief at the time, had refused to accept her? Would he offer her any sympathy if she told him, that for virtually all of her life she’d had no contact with him, having been raised by slaves, as if both her father, and her step-brother, had forgotten her very existence?

  It was only when she had become a commodity of sorts, to be bartered on the marriage stakes to the highest bidder, that they had become aware of her worth to them. And at the time it had been a bitter potion to swallow. She had been heartbroken when her father had told her she was to marry the elderly Senator Galvus, and no amount of begging, or pleading, had altered her father’s course of action at the time. She was expendable. To be used for his political gain and nothing more

  And what if history were to repeat itself? What if she did get pregnant – and being a healthy specimen of womanhood – there was no reason to suspect she wouldn't – and what if like her mother, she died in childbirth? Would he look after the baby – girl or boy – and Elisha as well?

  Livia curled both her fists and thumped them down on the feather filled mattress. Was she being selfish to think such thoughts? She realised with a jolt that she could already be pregnant. Metellus had used no protection – protection she knew existed - if the whispers of the women at the Baths were to be believed.

  The thought of Metellus's child growing inside her right now caused a warm glow to flow through her. There was no denying she had wanted Metellus last night with a primal longing, a need so intense she hadn’t been able to stop herself coming apart in his arms just as she had the first time they had made love.

  Livia sighed, swallowing the lump of emotion which seemed to have lodged itself deep inside her throat. There was no getting away from it, and she was only denying it to herself anyway, but she was still in love with Metellus. Deeply, irrevocably in love with her handsome husband. A husband who wanted her for only two reasons. Revenge, and the necessity of providing him with a son.

  The knock on the door distracted her out of her dark musings. She stiffened, thinking for a moment it was Metellus, but she realised he wouldn’t have knocked, he would have barged in without hesitation.

  “Enter,” she called out, relaxing somewhat when she saw the wet nurse enter the bedchamber. She held a crying Elisha in her arms, and getting out of bed, Livia wrapped the silk sheet around herself, and padded over to the older woman, “What ails her? Is she ill?”

  “I do not know, mistress, she has had some milk but still she cries.”

  Livia held out her arms and the wet nurse – Addie – handed her over. Immediately the baby stopped crying, and the tension inside Livia disappeared as she looked down at her. Elisha was looking up at her with wide brown eyes, and Livia smiled, before she looked over at Addie once more.

  “I think Elisha knows more than we give her credit for, don’t you little one?” she crooned, “She realises she’s in another strange place, and that I didn’t spend much time with her last evening. She needs time to settle into her new home, that’s all.” And as she rocked the baby, soothing her, she whispered, “Just like us all.”


  “Livia! Come, come, the food is ready. Sit down, join me, and keep an old woman company on such a glorious morning.”

  Livia smiled at Metellus’s mother, buoyed by her warm greeting. At least someone in this household didn’t seem to hold a grudge against her, or her family!

  “I’m sorry I am late. Elisha was fretting. I had to calm her down.”

  “Yes, yes, of course you must. I am so glad to have her here. It is so lovely to once again hold a babe in my arms.”

  “Has Metellus told-” Livia broke off, unsure what to say, just in case Metellus’s mother didn’t know all of the facts about Elisha.

  “Everything.” The whispered word was full of meaning and understanding, and Livia instantly relaxed.

  “I think it was so very brave of you to take her in, and look after her. It couldn’t have been easy.”

  Livia smiled, and laughed gently, “The word “brave” does not come into it, Antonia. I promised Elisha’s mother I would look after her as best I could.” Livia sighed, her shoulders slumping before she continued, “But you are right though. It wasn’t easy. There are those in Rome who believed the worst when I arrived back with a small child in my arms.”

  “Your father?”

  Livia shook her head, “No, not my father,” and she went on to tell Antonia about her father’s illness.

  “Oh,” Antonia said, once Livia had finished, “I did not realise he was ill. So if not him, then who?”

  Livia’s lips twisted in derision, “My half-brother, Flavius. It is he who has believed the worst. He, and all the gossips in Rome, think the child is mine.”

  Antonia laughed, a somewhat hollow sound as her eyes took on a faraway look. “Aye, I know too well the price which has to be paid if you fall foul of the gossips. It happened to me many years ago. It did not bother me so much, but Metellus…”

  As Antonia’s words trailed off, Livia went hot all over. How stupid of her to rake up the past, “I’m so sorry. I did not mean to offend-”

  “My dear Livia, you have not offended me, rest assured. I know of this revenge Metellus insists on pursuing. I do not agree with it, I never have, and I told him so in no uncertain terms last night. ”

  Antonia smiled, probably at the surprised look which must have appeared on Livia’s face, before she leaned across and patted her hand. “Eat now. You must be hungry. I’ll wager you had little food yesterday.”

  Livia didn’t see Metellus for the next two days.

  It was only when Antonia mentioned in passing, during the evening meal on the second day that Metellus was in Rome meeting with his uncle that she realised where he had gone.

  “Verenus needs to be watched you see,” Antonia elaborated, a smile on her face. “If he had his way, the villa would be twice the size Metellus wants. Verenus has such ostentatious ways. As one of the principal architects in Rome he likes to build big. But Metellus does not want too grand a villa.”

  It was obvious from the tone of Antonia’s conversation, that she thought Livia knew where Metellus was. Pride kept her quiet. She couldn’t bear to tell his mother that Metellus had left without telling her anything of his plans, or his whereabouts.

  But then why should he? He has told you quite clearly what your role is to be. You are to give him a son and nothing more.

  “Are you ill, Livia? You have gone quite pale.”

  Antonia’s words brought her back to the present. Smiling across at the older woman, noticing the frown of concern on her kind face, she shook her head, “No. No I am fine. I…I was just wondering when the villa will be completed, that is all.” The small lie tripped off her tongue as she tried to placate Antonia.

  “I believe we will find out soon enough. Didn’t Metellus tell you?” At Livia’s frown she continued, “We are to leave for Rome tomorrow morning to meet up with him and Verenus.”

  Livia blushed in mortification, “Oh. Oh, yes of course. How stupid of me. I am such a goose these days, I…I forgot all about it.”

  “You are not a goose, my dear. You have had a lot on your mind recently.”

  Livia looked away, picking up some fruit to occupy her whirling thoughts. She was to return to Rome? But she had only just left the city. Why did he want her to return to Rome so soon? Didn’t he realise she would be an easy target once more for the gossips? Shock held her still as her mind raced frantically. Was this part of his revenge, to parade her like some trophy? The ultimate prize in the downfall of her family? Surely he couldn’t be so cruel?

  Inwardly she seethed, as the questions she was asking of herself remained unanswered. Livia looked up to see Antonia watching her, a concerned look on her face. If Livia was petty enough to tell her what she suspected Metellus was up to, she knew his mother would be very annoyed with him. But even though it w
as nice to have an ally in Antonia, she was old enough to fight her own battles. So she kept her own council for now and said nothing.

  The next day Livia couldn’t control her nerves as she sat atop the wagon once more as it trundled its way back into the city. She hadn’t realised how anxious she was about the thought of returning to Rome, and having to live in Metellus’s new villa. It hadn’t helped either, when she had found out Metellus was building his new home in one of the most sought after areas of Rome. The Palatine Hill. And it was going to be a sumptuous villa by all accounts, if Antonia’s description of it was anything to go by.

  But she knew from experience he was taking a gamble. His desired place in Roman society could all come crashing down – metaphorically speaking – if the people – the patricians – in particular, deemed him - them - unsuitable. Wasn’t her own situation enough to warn him? Livia’s rapid descent into ruin, because they had thought she had given birth to a child, was testimony as to fickle nature of Rome’s elite.

  Sighing, she blocked all thoughts of what had happened to her out of her mind, and concentrated on soothing Elisha who was fretting.

  “Shall I take her?”

  Livia turned to where Antonia sat next to her, and smiled her thanks as she handed the baby over.

  Eventually, they pulled up outside a half-finished villa, and as Livia dismounted, her eyes widening as she took in the sheer size of the building. Antonia had not exaggerated the size of the place.

  “I never realised it would be so large. I thought-”

  “You thought I was just a poor humble merchant.”

  Livia gasped, turning to see Metellus standing behind them. Where on earth had he come from? Annoyed with him for sneaking up on them, and still cross with him for leaving her without saying where he was going, Livia firmed her chin and said, “That is not what I was going to say, Metellus. You seem to misjudge me all the time.”

  “Do I?” And before she could react to his words, he leaned forward, cupped her chin, and kissed her. The heat from his lips seared through her like a burning flame and Livia gasped into his mouth. But the kiss ended as quickly as it begun as Metellus stepped away from her. A brief smile played over his mouth before he murmured, “Welcome, wife. Welcome to your new home.”

  Livia bit down hard on her bottom lip, unsure what to say or do next, as an awkward silence fell between them. She felt hot colour flood her face as his eyes roamed over her, undressing her, as if he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and carry her to the nearest bed.

  Thankfully, the tension was broken, when Antonia asked, “Is Verenus here yet?”

  Metellus reluctantly pulled his eyes away from Livia’s, and answered his mother, “Yes, he is inside. Doing what he does best. Organising people.”

  Livia raised an eyebrow at the dry tone she heard in Metellus’s voice, and Antonia laughed, “Yes, that sounds like Verenus. I will go and find him. You show Livia around the villa, and we will all meet up later.” And with that, Antonia walked away from them both, still carrying Elisha, seemingly content to carry on looking after the baby.

  “Would you like to see the villa?”

  Livia looked away from Antonia's retreating back, to find Metellus watching her, a closed look on his face. She felt her heart jerk, before it started to beat a rapid tattoo against her breastbone as she remembered the last time he watched her…the night they had made love. And, as if he could read her mind, he smiled down at her and lifted his hand, stroking his finger over her still flushed cheeks. The caress was soft, gentle, and it awakened a multitude of emotions within her.

  “I like it when you blush, it makes me feel wanted.”

  Livia looked away, unsure why he was teasing her. This light hearted banter was alien to her, and she didn't quite know how to deal with it – or him – for that matter. But she had to acknowledge, it made a change from his normal acerbic nature.

  “The…the villa,” she stuttered, trying to focus on the matter in hand, “I would love to have a look around.”

  Metellus gave one of his enigmatic smiles, and after giving her a slight bow he said, “Of course, follow me. The majority of the building work is finished, apart from the kitchens and slave quarters. Then all that is needed is to paint both the inside and outside and furnish it.”

  As Metellus walked her through the impressive villa, she was amazed at the size and opulence of it; although, she was pleased to see, it didn’t appear as ostentatious as her own family villa.

  The rooms that had been finished were all tastefully done, and she was thankful for that, as she didn’t really see Metellus as the sort of man who demanded excess when it came to outdoing all the other wealthy families of Rome.

  Which was in complete contrast to how her father and Flavius were, she thought. Everything in the Drusii family villa had been about out-doing their friends and rivals, buying the latest statues, commissioning the most sought after artist to do a mural on a wall, all designed for maximum exposure so when anyone came to the villa they would see in an instant that the Drusii were one on the most affluent families in all of Rome, and a family to be reckoned with.

  “Do you like it?” He asked when they had entered the triclinium.

  Striving for neutrality she replied, in what she hoped was a normal tone, “What is there not to like. It is a magnificent villa, your uncle has done you proud. He is a very good architect.”

  “Do I detect a hint of reproach in your voice, Livia?”

  Livia looked at him from under her lashes, once again torn by her feelings for him. The twinkle in his eyes belied the dryness of his voice, and she felt a tug of emotion deep in the pit of her stomach.

  Trying for a cool tone, in case he guessed her feelings towards him, she shrugged, a mere lift of her shoulders, “I may disappoint you with my response, but I have never been drawn into the subtleties of grandeur and wealth. To me a villa is a home, to be filled with love and laughter. A place where I would want to come home to every day. Not just a decorative shell to be paraded about in the pursuit of wealth and power.”

  She took a deep breath, before continuing, “That was the type of place I lived in before. Our villa was never a home. Never somewhere where I wanted to live. All it was to me was a place to eat and sleep in. Nothing more.”

  She stopped speaking when she saw a closed look come over his face. Perhaps she’d said too much? Been too honest. But her resolve hardened her. He had asked her what she thought hadn’t he? And if he didn’t like it, then so be it. She wasn’t going to lie. So she took another deep breath and ploughed on. “Is this to be our home Metellus, or is all this,” she waved her hand expansively to include the whole villa, “Just another piece of ammunition to aid in your overall plan for revenge against my family?” Her question did not sit well with him, if the angry flush of colour staining his sharp cheekbones was anything to go by.

  “You go too far, Livia,” he bit out finally. “Like I said to you the other night. As your husband, you will obey me, and do as I say. Do you understand? We were married in manu – you belong to me. Your family has no control over you anymore.”

  “I know, Metellus. That was not what I was implying. I merely asked if you intend to make this our home?”

  She saw him rake a hand through the crisp darkness of his thick hair, ruffling it, and Livia had to fight the uncontrollable urge to walk over to him and smooth it down. She resisted. Just.

  “Yes, it will be our home, Livia. Have no doubt on that score. As I said earlier, there is still some building works to be done to the rear of the villa, but I am confident we will be in residence in about a month or so. And until then, we are to be the guests at my uncle's villa here in Rome.”

  “But I thought we would return to your farm?” she asked anxiously, not sure if she was ready to remain in Rome right now.

  He shook his head, “No, it is too far away. I have too much work to do here. Supervising the building of the villa, not to mention my business holdings at Osti
a harbour makes it impossible to return to the farm any time soon. Besides, I only took you to the farm so you could meet my mother.”

  “And this will be our room,” Metellus said a short while later once they had continued on with their tour.

  Livia couldn't stop the ripple of awareness at the softness of his words. As she gazed around the empty room, she knew he was testing her, baiting her, as if he knew exactly the effect he was having on her already heightened senses. The cubica was massive, the largest of the sleeping rooms and intended to be the master bedroom.

  “Yes. So I see.” Her words were stilted, and she saw Metellus smile, as if she had amused him for some reason. Turning, she made to leave the room, but Metellus’s hand snaked out, grabbing hers, halting her movements. Desire pulsed inside her as she felt the heat, and strength, of his fingers as they meshed with hers.

  His eyes bored into her, demanding, and with a woman’s instinct she knew what he wanted.


  But her denial was futile. He was the hunter and she the hunted. He wanted her, she could see it in darkened depths of his eyes.

  “Yes,” he whispered, drawing her further into the room, his eyes never leaving hers as he led her over to the window at the rear of the room.

  Livia wasn’t quite sure what he was intending to do, so she was unprepared when he lifted her up, his large hands spanning the slimness of her waist, before he sat her on top of the wide window ledge. With his hands still wrapped around her waist, he pulled her forward until their mouths were in touching distance. She could smell his minty breath as his mouth hovered near hers.

  “Kiss me,” he breathed. “I've missed the pleasure of your mouth these past few days.”

  Livia's heart accelerated at his husky command, and unable to resist she leaned forward, and this time of her own inclination, she placed her mouth on his.

  It was as if he were testing her, waiting to see if she would make the first move and initiate the kiss. And when she did, his tongue snaked out and demanded entrance to the sweetness of her mouth. As one they groaned, as sensation after sensation flowed between them, both of them caught up in the heat of the moment. The kiss seemed to last an eternity as they both took, and gave, of each other.


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