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Storm On The Horizon, a paranormal Regency romance novella (Vallen)

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by Meredith Bond

  This was, naturally, just what Tatiana had hoped would happen. This was a good thing, she reminded herself yet again. This is what she had wanted. Wasn’t it?

  A man backed up, nearly stepping on her. “Beg your pardon,” he said, giving her a quick once over with his eyes. He narrowed his eyes at her, “Are you…?”

  Tatiana drew herself up. “Miss Tatiana Ashurst,” she replied, before he could finish.

  His eyebrows drew together, looking like he was thinking very hard about this. “Related to the beauty?”

  “Her twin sister.”

  “Younger?” he asked.

  Tatiana had barely given a nod of acknowledgment, when he turned his back on her and moved back toward the crowd surrounding Trina.

  Fury burned its way into the pit of Tatiana’s stomach. She looked up, contemplating the ceiling. Why were they not outside so that she could teach this dolt a lesson and call down a bolt of lightning?

  “You’re the beauty’s sister?” another man asked, pulling her attention back down.

  Tatiana nodded hesitantly.

  “Lord Marchness.” He gave her a slight bow.

  Tatiana curtseyed properly, her anger beginning to dissipate. Finally, a gentleman!

  “Could you introduce me?” he asked, his eyes sliding over to Trina and the crowd surrounding her.

  Tatiana could hear the anger inside of her blowing into a storm. Quickly, she tamped it down before the wind and lightning became a reality. For a second, the vision of wigs flying and a ballroom full of people being buffeted by a gale flashed across her mind’s eye. She shoved the vision aside and instead imagined the man before her as a toad. Why had she never developed that power? She knew it was possible. Power over fire and the weather was all well and good, but she needed some way to pinpoint her magic in order to smite one imbecile at a time. Perhaps she could set him on fire—just a little blaze, maybe on his coat tails.

  “Could you?” he asked again. “Would you?”

  “No, I will not.” She turned her back on him and took a step closer to her grandmother, giving the man the cut direct.

  Proud of herself for controlling her anger and doing the right thing, she allowed herself the pleasure of imagining the screams of shock and horror that would, if they had been outside, be surrounding her in a symphony of revenge. But no, bringing the wind inside had not been a good idea—she could admit that now. A torrential downpour, on the other hand... She would become as soaked as well as everyone else, it was true, but she didn’t really mind. These people deserved… ooh, she wanted to see fear in their eyes, terror on their faces. How dare these men treat her this way? Did they not realize that not only was she an extremely powerful Vallen—she was probably one of the most powerful in the country? In the world? Did they not know who she was? Who she was going to be? That she was descended from the great Morgan Le Fey, sister to the terrifying Nimu� who alone removed the Isle of Avalon from the world?

  “No, really, Miss, bad form.” Tatiana’s thoughts were broken into by a male voice—and a lovely scent of musk and something else… ink?

  Tatiana blinked, and found that not only had she turned back towards the flock of men around her sister, but had raised one arm with a vengeful finger pointed directly at Lord Marchness. Sparks of blue energy were dancing around the tip of her finger.

  The man who’d spoken to her gently took her hand and the sparks soothed away. It felt as if a warm blanket had been gently laid over her magic.

  Tatiana had to swallow, as possibly the most handsome man she had yet seen led her hand to his lips, bowing over it, as if they’d just been introduced. His dark blue coat set off to perfection pale blue eyes set deeply under golden eyebrows. A small smile placed a dimple just under sharp cheekbones. The temperature all around her had gone up about five degrees, but he didn’t seem to even notice.

  The kiss he placed on the back of her hand burned through her glove, sharper than any magic, and sent a wave of heat straight from her hand, up her arm, down to her toes. “I know you wouldn’t do anything inappropriate in a public setting such as this,” he said, his smile growing.

  Tatiana cleared her throat, inhaled his strongly masculine scent, and found her voice again. “No. No, of course not.” She made sure the heat all around them completely dissipated. Could she be any more ashamed of herself? Not only had she been angry that she was being treated in the exact way she had said she wanted to be treated, but she’d been caught when she’d been about to use magic against an innocent—albeit extremely rude—man.

  Tatiana shrank down slightly. So much for her wonderful self-control. Thank goodness her mother hadn’t been here to see this. She would have been confined to her room for a week, just like the last time.

  The man’s eyes slid to the gentlemen surrounding her sister. “Even if they deserved it,” he added.

  “They do! You do not know how rude and, and…” She was just going to bury herself further if she went on, wasn’t she? She had been wrong. Wrong from the start. Tatiana should do nothing, say nothing. For once she would do the smart thing and keep her thoughts, and magic, to herself.

  “I can’t imagine how anyone could be rude to you,” the gentleman said, shaking his head in disbelief. “Some people are simply stupid. Single-minded. Clearly these fellows have gotten it into their minds that they must present themselves to… who is that, your sister? They will not rest until they have been out on the floor with her, proving themselves better than all the others clamoring for her attention. Please, do not take it personally. It’s more a matter of besting each other than anything else.”

  His voice played like silk over Tatiana’s skin. She could feel his words glide over her. She nearly sighed with the luscious feeling. “Are you using magic to seduce me, sir?”

  The man looked truly stricken, as if she had just slapped him. “I beg your pardon. I was not doing so intentionally.”

  Immediately, Tatiana was sorry for her words. He was being kind and generous and she had said something hurtful.

  He moved a step away from her.

  What was it? Why would he be angry if she knew he was using magic? She’d meant for her words to be light and teasing. Tatiana was thoroughly confused, and annoyed with herself. She took another small step closer to him.

  “No. It is fine. I mean, I don’t know if you were or not, it is just that you, you…” She didn’t know how to politely describe how good he’d made her feel, and was completely unsure of what, in this sort of situation, was appropriate. He was a stranger to her and yet he made her feel so good, so happy. Was it not magic? Could it have been something else?

  Now she was beginning to question her own abilities. No, she knew magic. She knew what it felt like. He may not have meant to use his magic to charm her, but she was certain his voice had been laden with it. Could he not know how powerful he is?

  The man cocked his head, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

  Tatiana swallowed hard. Putting all caution aside, she went for the direct approach. “You make me feel good. Happy. And you took away my anger, which was about to make me do something very inappropriate. Thank you,” she finished, hoping she didn’t sound weak.

  The smile returned to the gentleman’s face. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. And I do apologize for those oafs.”

  Tatiana gave a shrug, letting her previous anger fizzle out. “It’s all right. Trina deserves it. Honestly, I’m happy she’s getting so much attention.”

  “Trina? Is that your sister?”

  “Yes. Ekaterina Ashurst. Would you like me to introduce you?” Tatiana was shocked by the words coming from her own mouth. What was with her this evening? She didn’t want to introduce this man to Trina. She wanted him all for herself. Not that she could do anything more than have one pleasant evening in his company, a cruel voice in the back of her mind reminded her.

  “No. Thank you,” he said, with a smile that would warm any young woman on the coldest of days. “It was very
kind of you to offer, but I’m very happy here, speaking with you.”

  It was exactly the right thing to say—and sparked its own little fire within Tatiana.

  “But what am I doing? I beg your pardon! We have not been properly introduced,” he said, with sudden consternation. He looked about for a moment. “Is that your chaperone?” he said, indicating her grandmother just behind her.

  “My grandmother,” Tatiana nodded.

  The gentleman took a few steps over to Lady Ashurst and bowed. “I beg your pardon, madam. May I be so bold as to introduce myself?”

  He waited a moment for her nod of approval and then continued. “I am Christopher Vallentyn. May I beg the honor of an introduction to your granddaughter?”

  His name echoed in Tatiana’s mind. Vallentyn? She couldn’t believe someone would be so bold as to take on such a name. Her grandmother must have had heard of his family, though, since she didn’t even blink at his odd name. In fact, she seemed quite pleased with his attention.

  Tatiana watched with a little dismay as her grandmother turned toward the throng of gentlemen surrounding Trina, but Mr. Vallentyn stopped her.

  “I meant your other granddaughter.” He nodded toward Tatiana.

  Relief and happiness surged within her, and it was clear that her grandmother was even more pleased with Mr. Vallentyn when her smile broadened, deepening the creases in her soft cheeks.

  “Oh! Naturally.” She turned toward Tatiana. “Mr. Vallentyn, Miss Tatiana Ashurst, the younger of my two granddaughters here tonight.”

  Mr. Vallentyn bowed over Tatiana’s hand as she curtseyed. This time he didn’t kiss it, but instead kept his pale blue, smiling gaze steady on her own. “It is an honor to meet you, Miss Tatiana.”

  “And you, sir,” Tatiana said, doing her best to keep her voice neutral and polite—when instead she was tugged by the urge to titter and giggle like an idiot. Never in her life had she felt this way. How ridiculous!

  One small part of her heart rejoiced at having met such a charming man. Another part wept.

  She could never have anything more than this extremely short time with him. On the other hand, she reminded herself, she had promised her sister that tonight she would dance and have as much fun as she possibly could. Here was opportunity smiling at her. So she gave her chin a lift and smiled right back.

  Tatiana lost track of Trina after that. She was too busy being completely charmed by Mr. Vallentyn. After he had escorted her in to the light dinner provided and then had danced a second dance with her, he turned to her saying, “I must apologize, Miss Tatiana. If I continue to stay here I know I will do something frightful like ask you to dance a third time, or continue to hang about you in a most inappropriate manner. Do say that you’ll excuse me for the evening…and that you’ll meet me tomorrow—no, I beg your pardon, the day after tomorrow—in the park?”

  Sad as she was to see him go, she understood his reasoning. He truly was a proper gentleman. “I would be most happy to meet you in the park, Mr. Vallentyn. Shall we say at one before the throng of society descends?”

  “Excellent idea. I’ll see you there on Tuesday, at the main gate, at one.” He bowed and kissed her hand once again before turning and joining a man who was frowning hard at Tatiana.

  Tatiana shrugged and turned back to her sister. Trina was accepting a glass of lemonade from one of her many admirers, while the next one hovered about waiting his turn to dance with her. Well, there was no doubt the night could be called a success.

  She had two weeks, Tatiana reminded herself. Two weeks to spend with the charming Mr. Vallentyn.

  She did her best to make her sigh as silent as possible.

  “Christopher, remember what we were speaking of earlier this evening,” Lord Durrington said in a warning tone as Kit approached him.

  He took his father’s arm and led him out of the ballroom. “I remember. I remember what you said earlier this evening, and yesterday evening, and the week before.”

  “Don’t be rude,” his father snapped. “It doesn’t become you.”

  Kit found it surprisingly easy to ignore his father’s anger. “What do you say to spending the rest of the evening at Brooke’s? I’m feeling lucky tonight, and I believe Browlington just got paid his quarterly allowance.”

  “That boy has entirely too much money,” his father agreed reluctantly, as they headed out the door.

  Kit popped his head into his father’s study. “I’m off, sir.” He backed right out again, hoping to be able to escape quickly.

  “Christopher!” his father’s voice slipped through the closing door. Damn!

  Kit put his head back into the room. If he walked in fully, he knew he would be caught.

  “Where are you going?” his father asked, pointedly looking at the clock on the mantle. Twelve-thirty. Luckily, Kit had left plenty of time to get to his one o’clock appointment with Miss Tatiana—just in case his father had caught him.

  “To the park. I should return within the hour.” He pulled out of the room again.

  “Stop acting like a damned jack-in-the-box and come in here,” his father called out from his favorite chair by the fire.

  Kit took a deep breath. No, there was no way out.

  “Sir?” Kit asked, stepping into the room.

  “If you are meeting that young lady you encountered the other night, you can stop wasting your time right now. I didn’t have a chance to tell you, but I’ve learned a few things about her —as well as the other one to whom I told you to introduce yourself.”

  Kit came further into the room, curious despite himself. He did not like this room. The busts of the most influential politicians of the past fifty years lining the walls made him nervous. He felt as if he were being watched—and judged, and found seriously wanting. It was just a silly fear from his childhood, he knew; the busts were marble, they couldn’t do or think anything. But that didn’t stop his imagination from running rampant.

  “You should have listened to me and introduced yourself to the popular girl. There were so many men around her for a reason.” His father paused, waiting for Kit to ask the requisite question.

  Deliberately, Kit stayed silent.

  Lord Durrington frowned, but went on. “That young lady is the daughter of Baron Ashurst, and he has bestowed in extremely generous marriage portion on her. The other one, with whom you wasted your time, is her younger sister—who will have nothing. Nothing! He’s not giving her a penny,” his father said with an odd air of satisfaction.

  “But why would a man do that?” Kit asked. “They’re twins. Why wouldn’t he split the money equally between the two of them?”

  His father shook his head. “It seems as if the younger has not actually been presented. She’s not making her come-out. Only the elder is doing so. There are whispers that the younger is either already engaged and only here to see her sister well-launched, or that her parents are in the expectation of an offer for her but refused hear it until the elder is settled.

  “The point is, this young woman you’re so interested in is not only ineligible, she’s not even on the market for a husband. So stop wasting your time with her.”

  Tatiana already had a beau? Kit thought back to the way she behaved the other night when her sister was receiving so much attention. No, it couldn’t be right. She hadn’t acted as if she was already engaged. She had been hurt at being cut by the gentlemen surrounding her sister. A woman who was secure in the affections of another wouldn’t have behaved that way, Kit was certain of it.

  But then that still left the question—why would her parents allow one daughter to make her come-out and not the other? Perhaps he could find out this afternoon.

  “You certainly found out a lot about these two girls in a very short time, sir.”

  Lord Durrington frowned harder. “I needed to, since you are making absolutely no effort on your own behalf. I’ve gone from being an up-and-coming Member of Parliament to matchmaker.”

  Kit stifled his lau
ghter. “No need to be so, sir. Truly, I am more than happy to…”

  “You are more than happy to waste your time chasing after ineligible… Ah, wait now. Are you… could you possibly be that intelligent?” There was clearly something odd going through his father’s mind, as he leaned back in his chair and put his hand to his chin.


  “You wouldn’t be deliberately becoming close to the younger so that you would stand a stronger chance at the elder, now, would you? No.” His father dropped his hand and sighed heavily. “No. You aren’t nearly that smart.”

  Kit frowned. “I am not that devious.”

  A smile lit up his father’s face at the thought. “But I am.” He waved his hand at Kit. “Go on then. Off to your assignation with young Miss Whatsername. But when it comes down to it, Kit, it’s the elder you are going to offer for.”

  Kit just stood and watched his father chuckle at his own cleverness. But he wasn’t going to get caught up in his father’s scheme—it was just not right.

  On the other hand, if this made it so that his father didn’t mind him spending time with Tatiana, he would hold on to it—for now. He gave a quick nod of his head and left his father’s study.

  Miss Tatiana, how lovely you look today,” Kit said, dismounting from his horse and handing the reins over to his groom. He hadn’t known whether Tatiana would be walking or riding, so he’d come prepared to do both. Now that it was clear that he wouldn’t need his horse, he signaled to the groom to take him home.

  “Thank you, Mr. Vallentyn. You don’t mind walking, do you?” she asked, watching the animal being led away.

  “Not at all. It is a fine day for a walk.” He could say that because he wore a thick wool coat with his leather breeches and riding boots. He just hoped that Tatiana would be as warm in her little spencer. The military-red short-waisted jacket didn’t look like it could keep very much of her warm, if at all. It was extremely becoming, though, showing off her fine figure.

  “… If a bit chilly.” She laughed and nodded. “I’ll tell you a little secret.” She stepped closer to him so that only he could hear. Still, he had to bend down a touch to catch her words. “I’ve called upon a pocket of warm air to stay close so that I don’t feel the cold so severely.”


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