Chasing Perfect (Someday#4)

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Chasing Perfect (Someday#4) Page 19

by Melanie Shawn

  I could feel his cock throbbing and hardening as I moved my tongue in tandem with my hand. I loved it. I’d never taken drugs, but I couldn’t imagine that it was possible for the high to be much more powerful than what I was feeling in that moment.

  “Oh, fuck, Sandy…you’ve gotta stop. Baby, I’m gonna come…in your mouth if you make me feel any better than you’re making me feel right now.”

  I took a tiny break, just long enough to chuckle, “Well, if you don’t want that to happen, then you’d better be a little more mentally tough. Think about baseball stats or something, because I’ve just gotten started, and I have absolutely no fucking plans to stop.”

  With that, I slid my mouth over his plump tip, all the way down the shaft, until I had the entire thing engulfed in my hot, tight mouth. His hands flew to the back of my head, tangling powerfully in my hair. “Ah, fuck! Ah, Sandy! Damn, that feels good!”

  I held his straining length there for a moment, twitching and pulsing inside my mouth, and then slowly began to suck and move my tongue against it. I raised my head slowly, until just the tip was between my lips, and then plunged my head downward again. I kept pumping him like that, smoothly building up a rhythm that continually increased in speed until the overwhelming need to make love to him outweighed the fun that I was having.

  Finally, I lifted my head to start kissing my way back up his body. I loved the way my mouth had left his dick all shiny with saliva. It was a very powerful visual reminder that, just a few seconds ago, I’d been sucking him for all I was worth, and it was sexy as hell.

  Hunter sat up as I was running my tongue in little circles on his chest. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me forcefully back onto the bed. The rough control he exerted made me weak in the knees, and even wetter than I already was between the legs.

  He leaned down over me and kissed my neck. Between kisses, he whispered, “Sandy, you are the most incredible woman, person, in the world. I love you so much. I’ve only ever loved you. You are everything. My world. My heart. My life.”

  Tears sparkled in my eyes as I reveled in his kisses. As powerful as the sensations were that he was sending through my body, the ones he was sending through my soul were twice as strong. With every press of his lips against my skin, and every syllable of love he uttered, I felt the bond between us strengthening.

  His head reached my breasts and I moaned as I arched my back and thrust my chest forward. My nipples were hard pebbles of desire, and I wanted nothing more at that moment than to have the heat of Hunter’s mouth envelop them, and feel the flick of his tongue against their sensitivity.

  He didn’t disappoint. Lowering his head sensuously, he took first one and then the other in his hot mouth, sucking and kissing them in turn. “God, Sandy, you’re so beautiful. You’re so damn beautiful!” he moaned.

  My pussy ached a little bit more with each movement of his lips and tongue. I wanted to feel him inside me and couldn’t wait much longer. I felt like I was going to explode with need. I scrunched my hands into Hunter’s hair and pressed myself to him even more tightly. It seemed that I couldn’t get close enough to satisfy my need. It was an insatiable force that threatened to overtake me with sheer power.

  “Hunter, I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t,” I moaned. “I need you. Inside me. Please. I need to feel you. Now. Please!”

  “Oh, baby,” his voice was raspy and raw with need, letting me know that the intensity of his desire matched my own. “Hold that thought.”

  Hunter sat up with ninja quickness on the edge of the bed, opened the nightstand drawer, and took out a condom. As he unwrapped it with his teeth, I breathlessly teased, “Pretty confident, I guess, huh?”

  He smirked over his shoulder as he slid it on over his stiff cock. “Hopeful,” he corrected.

  He crawled back over to me on the bed, his sinewy muscles reminding me of the graceful power of a lion on the hunt. His eyes sparked with lust and he pushed my legs apart, positioning himself above me, and then he pushed into me, slow and steady, looking into my eyes the entire time. It was powerful. I could feel the energy building between us, connecting us, like a tangible, physical force.

  When he was fully inside me, he lowered his head and began kissing me again. As the kiss built in passion, so did his movements. He pulled out and thrust back in with increasing intensity, until it became too much to maintain the kiss. He broke away and supported himself on his arms above me as he furiously pumped in and out of me, and my hips bucked up to meet his every thrust.

  I loved watching his face as he fucked me. It was so intense, the concentration, and I could see his eyes flaring further as they landed on various body parts—on my sweat-slicked belly as my hips bucked, or my breasts as his thrusts made them bounce. It was hot as hell, but it was also another power rush. It was my body that was turning him on that much, and I couldn’t get enough of that knowledge.

  Finally, when he seemed as if he was about to come, he slowed down, and then stopped. Panting, he said, “I want to take you from behind. Will you do that? Will you get on all fours for me?”

  Damn, he could’ve said “Will you donate a kidney for me?” and I would’ve said yes…getting on all fours was something that sounded fun to me, as well, anyway! Of course I would!

  Without hesitation, I scrambled out from under him and flipped over onto my hands and knees, looking at him over my shoulder.

  “Oh, hell, yes,” he breathed, his voice raspy, and I felt my inner walls tighten up and get wetter at the rough, raw sound of his voice.

  He knelt behind me, grabbed my hips forcefully, and thrust into my waiting sex. God, it felt so good to have his hands grasping my hips with such strength and authority, pulling them firmly back to meet each thrust as he pumped into me over and over again.

  It felt so good that my arms weakened and collapsed, leaving me on my knees and elbows, my ass angled up into the air. To my surprise, since I hadn’t planned it that way, I found that the tilt actually made my inner walls feel amazing as Hunter thrust in and out, tightening me and offering more friction. I could feel his head hitting my g-spot (what I jokingly referred to as my “internal clit”) again and again.

  My fingers spread out reflexively and then fisted up, balling the sheets in my grasp as Hunter brought me closer and closer to coming. Still thrusting into me, he released his strong grip on my hips and leaned forward, sliding his hands up my slick skin to grasp my breasts.

  The sensation of his steel hard shaft moving inside of me, combined with the hot skin of his belly pressed against the length of my back, and his fingertips flicking my nipples…God, it was just about the most delicious feeling I had ever experienced.

  That was, until he slid one of his hands back down my belly and between my legs, working my clit furiously as he pumped in and out of me.

  Oh, fuck…I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this before I came. I did my best to maintain. I wanted to hold off on my orgasm until he came. I wanted us to come together any time it was possible. I wanted our orgasms to rock through us at the same time. It would be symbolic, like a way to celebrate our newly-confessed love, and newly-formed relationship, and if it could be accomplished through sheer force of will, then, by God, I was going to make it happen.

  I heard Hunter’s voice whisper in my ear. “I love you, Sandy. I love you so fucking much.”

  Well, that was the end of that plan. The instant his desperate declaration of love hit my ears, I was gone…rocketing off like a fireworks display.

  It felt so amazing, all of those intense feelings taking over my body at once, competing for my attention at first, but then combining into one great avalanche of pleasure. The best part, though, was the fact that—just one tiny instant before my orgasm reached my brain, blocking out both sound and my ability to reason—I heard Hunter groan as his body stiffened and we rode the crests of our climaxes together, just like I had wanted.

  The last thing I said before my consciousness devolved into brilli
ant white nothingness was, “I love you, too, Hunter. I love you so damn much.”

  Chapter 32


  I grasped Hunter’s hand as the plane’s engines rumbled beneath my feet. The small, earthquake-like tremors traveled up my legs and through my body until I felt like every inch of me was rattling along with the machinery. I squeezed my eyes shut to try to block out the fear I felt, but that backfired. Instead of creating a barrier between me and the fear, it only narrowed my world and made me focus on it more intently.

  I decided to try another strategy. I popped my eyes open and looked over at Hunter. Yes. That made more sense. Instead of focusing inward, where the fear originated, I would focus outward, on Hunter, who was the source of everything calm and peaceful.

  As I locked my eyes onto him, I saw that he was looking at me, too. He had an encouraging smile on his face and his milk-chocolate eyes were warm and loving. I felt an immediate sense of relief wash over me. Even when I couldn’t find a calm center within myself, I could always draw on Hunter’s strength. He was my rock.

  “You’ll be fine, Sandcastle. Just keep squeezing my hand. Just focus on me.”

  The plane sped up as we moved down the runway. The force of the acceleration pushed me back in my seat. I kept my eyes fastened on Hunter’s through the entire lift-off. He squeezed my hand encouragingly and ran his thumb along my wrist. I was so glad he was there to get me through.

  The sensation of lifting off into the air reminded me of our last plane ride, barely a week ago, and how different our situation was on this return trip than it had been during that one. So much has happened between that flight and this one, so much has changed. I felt like a completely different person in many ways, and in a certain respect, I supposed that it was true. I was a new person now. I was Hunter’s girlfriend.

  Some things would never change, though. Like the fact that Hunter would always be there for me anytime I needed his strength to lean on. That was true before, and I knew that I could count on it to be true in the future. Hunter was, in the math terms that he liked to use so often, a constant. There were a lot of variables in life—where we would live, what kinds of jobs we would have, if we would get married eventually, if we would have kids…Basically, everything in life was a variable. It was all up in the air…except Hunter. He was the exception. He was the constant.

  As the plane leveled out, finding its cruising altitude, I turned to him. I realized something in that moment, something I had possibly known all along but had never trusted until this exact second. Either way, I felt an overwhelming compulsion to tell him about it, right then and there.

  “Hunter…” I began, an urgent note in my voice, at the same time he said, “Sandy…”

  We both laughed, but it wasn’t the carefree laughter of people who were just chuckling at a verbal gaffe. I had heard the serious tone in his voice when he said my name, and I was guessing that he had heard the gravity in mine. We were laughing to cut the tension…and it wasn’t what you might call 100% effective.

  He smiled. “You go first,” he said.

  I took a deep breath. All the laughter was gone from my voice when I spoke again, replaced with nothing but sincere earnestness. “I just realized something, Hunter. It hit me while the plane was taking off. All my life, I’ve dreamed of adventure. I’ve dreamed of some mystery man, some tall, dark, and handsome rich playboy-type who would whisk me away from my crappy Arcata life into some perfect dreamland. It was like an escape hatch. I could disappear there every time I couldn’t hack the real world.

  “But I see now that what we have…what you are…it’s so much more than that could ever be. That was nothing but a fairytale, and the fantasy pales in comparison to what reality with you is. So, basically, that’s a roundabout way of saying…if you need to settle down, if you need to stay in Arcata after college, I’m good with that. I’m really okay with it. Because being with you, loving you…that’s all the adventure and excitement I could ever need!”

  Hunter kissed me long and hard, in a way that made me wonder if he was touched by what I’d just said or if he was thinking about the Mile High Club. Maybe both.

  We pulled back and I was still a little bit breathless from the kiss when he touched my face with his fingertips and said tenderly, “That’s beautiful, Sandy, and it’s so funny that you would say that right now. Because I was just about to tell you the same thing. Or, my version of it, anyway.

  “I know I’ve always dreamt of living in Arcata, of settling down, of putting down roots. But, babe…if you need adventure, if you need to explore new horizons, then I will follow you into the unknown. Gladly.

  “Because you, Sandcastle, are all the home I will ever need. Anywhere you are is my home, because your heart is where my heart lives. It doesn’t matter where that home is, in terms of geography. The only thing that matters is you and me, and that we’re together. That’s home, and it’s all I need.”

  I kissed him back with every bit of passion he’d given to me after my speech. Euphoria filled my entire being, and it wasn’t only because of the epic kiss. It was because I realized that it didn’t really matter what the future held for me and Hunter. All those variables…hell, they were just noise. The important thing was that Hunter and I were together, and we put each other first. Now I knew that we always would. No matter what.




  I unpacked my clothes, piece by piece, into the dresser in my dorm room at Winship. I felt Hunter watching me. I recognized the cautious tension in his demeanor and knew he wanted to say something. I didn’t push, though, because, truth be told, I didn’t really want to get into anything heavy at that moment. I wanted to be happy, to enjoy the last few days of vacation before Hunter had to head back to school.

  Finally, though, I couldn’t stand the silence, and I caved. “What’s on your mind, babe?”

  He shrugged, but I knew from long experience that it didn’t mean there was nothing he wanted to say. The shrug was just a placeholder he used while he phrased what he was about to say. After a moment of silence, he said, “So, why did we come back to your dorm room instead of heading back to your house? I mean, classes don’t start for another couple of days, right?”

  Ah, got it. I saw the worried glint in Hunter’s eye and knew he must be concerned about my schedule, seeing the possibility of the time that we were supposed to have together fading away. That was easy enough to set straight.

  “Yeah, don’t worry, we still have two whole free days before you fly back, and I start school again. I just thought it would be better to come back here instead of going back to the house because I’d rather not have to see you know who.” At the last words, my mouth twisted into a grimace.

  Hunter barked out a small laugh. “Did you just say ‘you know who’? Is that how you’re referring to your joined at the hip, best friend, beloved twin now?”

  I snorted.

  “Come on, San,” he reasoned. “This vacation flakiness aside, she’s been your rock. She’s been there for you more times than you can count. Even if you are pissed, it’s just not worth it.”

  “Thanks, Hunter. I appreciate the support.”

  I whirled around at hearing Brandy’s voice at the door, my jaw dropping. Then, I turned on Hunter. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. “Did you tell her we were here? That’s pretty convenient timing, that we were just talking about her, and then she shows up.”

  Raising his hands in mock-surrender, Hunter shook his head. “Nope. Not me. I’m staying out of it.”

  I raised my eyebrows at Brandy as I crossed my arms in a defensive stance. “So? How’d you know where I was?”

  She smiled a small, enigmatic smile. “Twin telepathy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Give me a break.”

  “Fine. It was just logic. When you didn’t show up at the house, there were a limited number of possibilities as to where you might go, especially with all your luggage. I already ch
ecked at Hunter’s. You weren’t there. This was next on my list.”

  I nodded in grudging respect. “Where else was on the list?”

  Her smile broadened just the tiniest amount. “Nowhere. This was the last place. But I guess it was all I needed, huh?”

  I sighed. I couldn’t help it. I felt my anger melting. It was tougher to hold a grudge in person than from three thousand miles away. I just couldn’t manage to stay mad at her when she was right there in the room. We had too much history (or twinstory, as we called it) between us to hold a grudge any longer.

  She took a hesitant step forward. “Come on, San. You can’t stay mad at me forever. Right?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her, mulling it over. I considered letting her twist in the wind a while longer, even though I’d already decided to let it go. Ultimately, though, I just grinned and shrugged. “Fine. You win,” I teased. “Although, it occurs to me that this would’ve been the perfect time to ask for something I really wanted. I had you primed.”

  “Ha. Like what?”

  “The bed on the marginally larger side of the dorm room. More time on the shared car schedule. Dish duty for a month. Or, the bastion of blackmailers everywhere—emotional and otherwise—straight up cold, hard cash.”

  Brandy grinned weakly. “I probably would’ve caved on any or all of those.”

  “Great. Now you tell me. Anyway, I couldn’t stay mad at you when I’m bursting with ten thousand things to tell you about the trip!” My mind was already swimming with fun and creative ways I could tell her that Hunter and I were officially, Hunter and Sandy.

  “And I can’t wait to hear all of them. But, first—”

  Rather than any of the many clever and creative ways I’d come up with, instead I blurted out, “Hunter and I are a couple. It’s offish.”

  “A fish?”


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