Book Read Free

Star Crossed

Page 7

by Laurel, Rhonda

  “As for your questions. Work is fine. John is still seeing that bitchy model Siobhan. Waiting on Jack to sign the divorce papers. Simple split. We had no combined assets or property. He’s stalling and mad because Chris and I are involved.”

  “I’d be mad too. Jack is a handsome man. I thought so when you sent me his picture. But Chris is off the charts gorgeous.” She laughed.

  “Almost too gorgeous, right?”

  “Some people are proud of the way they look and that self-confidence just adds an extra layer of handsome. And he’s very forthright about his penis.”

  Kate blushed. “You did an Internet search on him?”

  “Yes, I did. He’s an interesting man.”

  “And you know what? What you see is what you get. The things he hides are even better attributes than the superficial ones, but he doesn’t want anyone to know about those.”


  “Yes.” Kate played with her napkin. “Mom, do you think I did the right thing? Kicking Jack out and divorcing him?”

  “He cheated on you. And unfortunately you both work in industries where personal lives are public information. I wanted to send one of your brothers out there the minute I heard about that crap. Or at the very least, I wanted to kick him in the nuts.”

  “Would someone else have tried to reconcile? Did I give up too easily?”

  “Kate, you know how I feel about things like that. Your first reaction is usually the most honest. You don’t have time to filter in being rational and compromising. I didn’t raise you to be a doormat. What was your first reaction?”

  “First I cried and drank too much whiskey. Then I woke up and said I don’t need this shit and shifted into neutral.”

  “That is how you were feeling. Don’t feel bad about going into survival mode.”

  “I knew I could have called you but I just wanted…” Kate sighed. “To figure it out for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I adore each and every overprotecting person in my life, but I’ve never really fully experienced life.”

  “You wanted to feel the pain.”

  “Yes. How else will I know that I never wanted to go through it again? Sure, Daddy or Billie could have shot him. What would that have accomplished? Revenge is instant gratification on steroids. That wouldn’t have ultimately helped me. He didn’t try to kill me or assault me.”

  “But he did betray you. That’s an emotional assault.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “So if he beat you physically, you’d leave. Why would you stay if he beat you emotionally?”

  “Exactly. Jack and I talked about his family life. His dad was a womanizer. So one could say I walked into it with eyes wide open.”

  “You know, I’ve always been skeptical about you moving to California. You’ve always been my little girl. I never thought you could function on your own. But I knew if you stayed you’d just find some man, like your father or one of your brothers, who would boss you around but in a nice way. That’s all you know. People butting into your life and making decisions for you. But I see that the California air has done wonders for your soul. You will be fine. And I have no right or inclination to tell you what to do.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  They ate and talked about everything—for the first time as two adults.

  * * *

  The days she spent hanging out with Billie and Dominic were fun, but in the evenings she missed Chris. He called her every night to see how she was doing. He’d begun shooting the movie and all seemed to be going well. The shoots were in Los Angeles for the most part, so he didn’t have to leave for the time being. He told her Jack was being the consummate professional. He was back in the good graces of his agent, Stan, who was calling about possible future projects.

  The first day on set Chris didn’t know what to expect. Apparently Marvin raised some hell, and it was inferred that everyone should be on their best behavior. Who would have guessed the answer to his problem lived right next door to Kate? His day went well, and although he caught Jack giving him the evil eye a few times, they both relented and did their jobs.

  One of the actresses kept chatting him up and would give him long looks when she thought he wasn’t watching. Audra Hewitt was a knockout and a great scene-stealer, but he wasn’t touching her with a ten-foot pole. Everyone on set knew the deal with him, Jack, and Kate. And everyone also saw Audra salivating over him as though he were a juicy pork chop. But how was Audra thinking it would unfold if she got involved with him? She likely was trying to throw her hat into the scandalous ring as well. And what would Kate say? She would be hurt whether they were pretending or not. Jack would love for some crazy shit like that to happen. He may have even put Audra up to it.

  He decided to catch up on his reading during his breaks, so he perused the bookcase in Kate’s study and found she had some interesting reading habits. She had everything from medical books on psychosis to books about psychics. She had quite a few on the subject of angels, soul mates, and reincarnation. Funny, she didn’t give out that mystic vibe, but she seemed to be quite vested, book-wise, in these subjects.

  He looked forward to talking to Kate every night and hoped she liked the surprise he had for her when she returned. He even let Merlot stretch his legs with long walks on the beach a few times. It was amazing how the ocean air seemed to clear his head. Life seemed so simple and tranquil. No wonder Kate loved living there. The anxiety he once felt was draining away until a visitor popped up one night.

  Chris opened the door to find a stoic John Gray.

  “Hey, John. Kate’s in New York. This visit for me?”

  “I think we need to talk.”

  “Sure.” They both headed for the kitchen. He offered John a beer. He took it.

  “So.” John laughed. “I heard you tried to take Jack’s head off.”

  Chris laughed too. “It felt good. You hungry, man? I can order a pizza. There’s a football game coming on…”

  Chris and John ate pizza while watching the game and talked for hours. They had a lot in common, although the most important common denominator was Kate. John shared with him that he and Kate had been friends since childhood because he was a sickly kid and couldn’t keep up with the other kids. Kate would sit on his porch with him and talk to him about anything to keep his mind off feeling sorry for himself. They shared a love of music.

  “I love her and I promised her family I would take care of her when we moved here.”

  “Her family of gun-toting law enforcement officers.” Chris laughed.

  “They are all decent guys, including her dad. But to be honest, they aren’t the ones to worry about.”

  “Then who is?”

  John pointed to a photo on a wall.


  “That’s Kate’s cousin Billie. And she is the kind of trouble you don’t want to experience. Consider yourself forewarned.”

  Chris got up and took a closer look at the picture. “That’s remarkable. They could be identical twins.”

  “Well, they’re not. What really is remarkable is that they don’t think they look alike. Billie’s a cop in New York. She and Kate are more like sisters. You can tell the difference when they are together. Kate is warmer, friendlier. I would say I think Billie sleeps with her gun under her pillow if I thought she slept.”

  Chris paused for a moment. How could a man know her history and be such a vested party in her life and not feel anything for Kate? “Are you in love with her?”

  John smiled. “I learned a long time ago that there is something in me that couldn’t love a woman like Kate the way she needs to be loved.”

  “When we met I had an entirely different scenario playing in my head about the two of you.”

  “I’ll admit I like being the only man in her life. But it’s selfish to want her to be alone forever. She’s special, and I don’t want to see her get hurt again. She married Jack as a knee-jerk reaction to an argument we had. But I have a feeling this is different between t
he two of you.”

  Chris took a swig of his beer. “Why do you think that?”

  “Kate tells me about everything in her life, but she won’t talk about you.”

  “We have taken an odd approach to having a relationship.” Chris scratched his beard.

  “I saw that interview you did. You adore her. She needs someone who can love her without a bunch of bullshit attached to it.”

  “I’m working on it.” Chris smiled.

  “I’m glad we talked. Sorry if I was an ass when we met. I can’t take another Jack in her life.”

  “I hear that. Jack won’t be a problem anymore.”

  * * *

  Chris bid John farewell after one in the morning. He was getting ready for bed when Kate called.

  “Kate, what are you doing up so late? It’s four in the morning in New York.”

  “You didn’t call me. I thought something was wrong.”

  “Sorry about that. Was catching up with a friend of mine.”

  “No worries. But I still can’t sleep.” She sighed.

  “I have an old remedy for insomnia.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Hot. Sweaty. Sex.”

  “What a surprise.” She giggled.

  “Always works for me. But the next best thing is…” He went silent.


  “Get in bed and I’ll tell you.”

  “I think you’re trying to get me to have phone sex with you.”

  “I can slap myself if you want. Cause I know that’s what you’re thinking.” He laughed.

  “Well actually, I was thinking of a much more productive place I could place my hand.”

  Chris damn near dropped the phone.

  “Chris? You still with me?”

  “Sorry Chris Jr. and I were just giving each other a high five.”

  She laughed. “Good, I want the two of you to go to my bedroom and get comfortable.”

  Chris went to Kate’s room and waited for instructions.

  “Turn on my stereo on the bookcase and press number three.”

  When Chris pressed the number three, soft, sensual music eased out of the speakers.

  “I want you to take off all your clothes and get into my bed.”


  “How did you get undressed so fast?” She chuckled.

  “I could see where this was going when you called me at one in the morning.”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “No. When I’m horny I have X-ray vision. I’d rather have you here but I am afraid lying in your bed with your T-shirt will have to suffice.” Chris had fantastic dreams about her wearing that T-shirt every night this week. And each morning he woke up sweaty and frustrated. The damn thing smelled like her.

  “I love that T-shirt; it’s so comfortable.”

  “I love it too. I’ve been turning up the air conditioning so I could see your nipples against the thin cotton.”

  Kate giggled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’ve been turning it down so you’ll take your shirt off when you work out.”

  “Aren’t we two devious saboteurs?”

  “Looks like.”

  “Are you in bed?”


  “Close your eyes.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “A pair of black pajama shorts and a T-shirt that says ‘I’m a Pepper too.’”

  “We have to get you some sexier evening wear.” Chris laughed.

  “Look in my lingerie chest, second draw from the top.”

  Chris opened the chest drawer and thought he’d died and gone to Frederick’s of Hollywood heaven. Kate had negligees and teddy’s in there made of silk, satin, and lace. He opened the drawer below it and stumbled up on a navy blue corset with black lace cups.

  “Holy cow.” He ran a finger along the lace.

  “What did you find?”

  “A blue corset.”

  “I think I have a pair of thigh highs that go with that corset.”

  Chris’s heart began racing, imagining Kate prancing around her bedroom in the intimate treasures he found. He dug further into the drawer and found a blue sequined mask.

  “Kate, you dirty bird. These are accessories for a naughty playhouse.”

  “I take it you didn’t find the whip yet.”

  “So my dominatrix theory was correct?”

  Kate laughed. “Not even remotely. Some of those things are part of a costume I wore for a Halloween party one year. ”

  “Kate, Chris Jr. and I agree, this is torture to find all these things and you’re three thousand miles away. Why did you keep them?”

  “Curious I suppose. I wonder why people need visual aids like that for bedroom follies.”

  “Imagine lying on your bed, my body covering yours, and the only thing between us is a blue satin and lace.”

  * * *

  Kate turned out the light on the side table and leaned back into the pillows. The idea of Chris being in her bedroom, rummaging through her lingerie chest, felt sexy. If she were there, she would have been truly mortified, but with the distance between them it was OK to believe having sex with him was a good idea. Now, under the safe guise of a long-distance phone call, she could indulge in this fantasy safely tucked in the middle of their ruse.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Chris chuckled.

  “What did you find?”

  “I found one of my head shots in your lingerie chest.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “This is bound to be a good story. Spill it.”

  “I was in the process of putting all of Jack’s stuff in a garbage bag when I came across some papers he had laying on the living room table, and one of them was your head shot. You do look sinfully delicious in that picture.”

  “You know, these pictures always make me feel awkward. I can’t feel sexy on command.”

  “Trust me, you don’t have to summon up anything to be sexy. You just have that natural appeal.”

  “I don’t see it.”


  “I’ve been told flattering things my whole life. After a while those words mean nothing. After all, what is sexy?”

  “You lying in my bed naked, stroking Chris Jr. is sexy. That five o’clock shadow that feels so good against my skin is sexy. Having hot, impulsive sex against a ballet studio wall with you is sexy.”

  “You’ve made some really good points, Ms. Garrison.”



  “I would pleasure myself while looking at your picture.”



  “You have the real thing in the bedroom across from yours. Come home, Kate.”


  * * *

  Dominic shook his head as he watched his wife get ready for the airport. Kate hadn’t been gone an hour when Billie announced she was on her way to California.

  “Letting her grow up, eh?”


  “And how is that?”

  “This time she doesn’t know about my visit.” She smiled. “You know Jack Pierce should be six feet under by now.”

  “I agree.”

  “I’m just going to make sure he understands the importance of him becoming a better person and granting her a divorce in a short amount of time.”

  “You know, you should have been a life coach.” Dominic laughed.

  “Yes, I’m going to change Jack Pierce’s life in a matter of minutes and then be home in time for dinner with my husband.”

  “You’re going to have crazy jet lag, babe.”

  “Then I will be expecting a full body massage when I return.” Billie smiled and kissed her husband.

  * * *

  When Kate opened the door to her house, she could distinctly hear a sultry rhythm and blues song playing on her sound system. She wasn’t familiar with the artist but the lyrics coupled with a basic, yet decept
ively catchy rhythm, had a nice erotic undercurrent to it. She loved songs that went straight to the crotch without seeming obvious about it. The lyrics were a bit raunchy, but the singer had a nice sultry tone to her voice. But why was Chris listening to it? She didn’t peg him for a rhythm and blues guy, but maybe he had diverse tastes in music. She could also hear hammering. She walked toward the deck and found Chris out there, shirtless and sweaty. She wanted to say hello but the greeting was trapped somewhere down in her throat between the words damn and sexy. He must have felt her staring laser beams at his ass because he suddenly turned around.

  “Kate.” He grinned. “I thought I’d be finished before you got back.”

  “Who’s playing on the system? I like it.”

  “I was going to ask you. A messenger dropped it off from your office with a note from John saying to listen to it and get back to him as soon as possible.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Actually I do. Not my usual thing, but this is…”


  “Makes me feel like I want to make love to you for the rest of the afternoon.”

  “I think that’s the intention.” She smiled. “You did all this by yourself?”

  Kate couldn’t believe her eyes. The railing looked better than when she moved in two years ago.

  “Yep. Construction was one of my part-time gigs before I started acting full time.”

  He could have been speaking Portuguese for all she knew because all she could see were his lips moving and sweat rolling down his abs. Kate couldn’t formulate a thought in her brain. She stood there, hopefully not noticeably drooling like an idiot.

  “Earth to Kate?” Chris laughed.

  “Sorry.” She blushed. “Was thinking about you sexing me up for the rest of the afternoon.” Kate walked over and put her arms around his neck. The second she did it the sweat from his body soaked into her clothes. She didn’t care. She ran her hand down his head and pulled him closer to her.

  Chris relented without giving it a second thought and bent down to meet her halfway. The kiss started slow and tender as a thank you for rebuilding her railing, but as they both slipped out of reality, the intention turned passionate.


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