The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War

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The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War Page 97

by David Halberstam

  and Willoughby

  McCarran, Pat

  McCarten, John

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McClellan, George

  McClure, Bob

  McCormick, Robert

  McCullough, David

  McDaniel, Terry

  McEachern, Joe

  McGee, Paul

  McGee, Tom

  McGee Hill; maps

  McKinley, William

  McKitch, John

  McLellan, David

  McMahon, Brien

  McMaster, H. R.

  McMullan, Patrick

  Melby, John

  Meszar, Frank

  Metts, John

  Mexican War

  Michaelis, John (Mike)

  Mikoyan, Anastas

  Milburn, Frank (Shrimp)

  Miles, Perry

  Miller, A. L.

  Miller, Herbert (Pappy)

  Miller, Merle

  Miller, Thomas

  Millikin, Jack, Jr.

  Millis, Walter

  Mitchell, James

  Moffett, Hugh

  Molotov, V. M.

  Monaghan, Seldon

  Monclar, Ralph

  Montcalm, Marquis de

  Moore, Bryant

  Moore, Hal

  Moriarty, Veale

  Moseley, George Van Horn

  Mougeot, James

  Mount McKinley 303

  Moyers, Bill

  Muccio, John

  Mueller, Harold

  Mueller, Paul

  Mundt, Karl E.

  Munoz, Frank

  Murphy, Charles

  Murphy, Jack

  Murray, Ray

  Myers, Robert

  Nathan, Andrew

  National Security Administration (NSA)

  National Security Council


  Nations, Kenneth

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

  Nehrling, Bob

  Nehru, Jawaharlal

  New Deal:

  effects of

  and elections

  opponents of

  New Republic, The

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Times

  Nicholson, Harry

  Nieh Yenrong

  Nimitz, Chester

  Nitze, Paul

  Nixon, Richard M.

  Norman, Richard

  Norstad, Lauris (Larry)

  North Korea:

  and China

  Communism in

  and Soviet Union

  totalitarianism of

  UN invasion of


  North Korean Air Force

  North Korean People’s Army:

  advancing south


  capabilities of

  decline of

  and Inchon

  night fighting of

  preparations by

  at Pusan Perimeter

  radio codes of

  retreating north


  sheer numbers of

  South Korea invaded by


  at Yongsan

  Oberdorfer, Don

  O’Dowd, Paul

  Operation Bluehearts

  Operation Killer

  Operation Little Switch

  Operation Manchu

  Operation Roundup

  Operation Thunderbolt

  Operation Wolfhound

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert

  Ormand, David

  Ormond, Robert

  OSS (Office of Strategic Services)

  Otis, Elwell

  Ottesen, Eugene

  Ouden, Marinus den

  Pace, Frank

  Paik Sun Yup

  Pak Hon Yong

  Palmer, Charles D.

  Panikkar, K. M.

  Partridge, Earl

  Patman, Wright

  Patton, George S., Jr.

  Payne, Robert

  Pearl Harbor attack

  Pearson, Drew

  Pedicone, Hank

  Pendergast, Tom

  Peng Dehuai

  Penrod, William

  People’s Republic of China, see China Peploe, George

  Perret, Geoffrey

  Pershing, John J. (Black Jack)

  Peterson, Phil

  Petillo, Carol Morris


  Arthur MacArthur in


  Douglas MacArthur in

  guerrilla warfare in

  Taft commission to

  as U.S. colony

  Phillips, Cabell

  Piazza, Gino

  Pietrasiewicz, Clement

  Polk, James

  Pork Chop Hill

  Pratt, Sherman

  Prine, John

  Puller, Lewis (Chesty)

  Pusan Perimeter

  bare-bones U.S. command at

  Davidson Line

  Eighth Army in


  and Naktong Bulge


  and Naktong River

  North Korean assault on

  turning point in



  chaos in

  early celebration in

  U.S. capture of

  Quezon, Manuel

  Rainer, Hewlett (Reb)

  Raybould, Dick

  Rayburn, Sam

  Read, Dillon

  Reece, B. Carroll

  Reedy, George

  Republican Party

  and Americanism

  anti-Communism in

  and China Lobby

  and Eisenhower

  internationalist wing of

  and isolationism

  and MacArthur

  midterm elections (1946)

  midterm elections (1950)

  nativists in

  presidential election (1952)

  right wing of

  and Truman

  Reston, James (Scotty)

  Rhee, Syngman

  in exile

  as Little Chiang

  as South Korean president

  unified Korea as goal of

  and U.S. support

  and war

  Rhoden, Berry

  Richardson, Bill

  Ridgway, Matthew B.

  army evaluation by

  and Central Corridor

  and Eighth Army command

  and expansion of war

  and Inchon

  and Joint Chiefs

  and MacArthur

  MacArthur replaced by

  and Marshall

  and onset of war

  successes of

  as supportive of subordinates

  and turning point

  in Vietnam

  in World War

  Ritter, Bruce

  Roberts, Roy

  Roberts, William Lynn

  Robinson, Ralph

  Rochnowski, Arthur

  Roh Tae Woo

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  charisma of

  and China

  death of

  and MacArthur

  and radio

  and social revolution

  transition to Truman from

  and war

  Roosevelt, James

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Root, Elihu

  Roper, Elmo

  Roshchin, N. V.

  Ross, Charlie

  Rovere, Richard

  Rowley, Arden

  Rowny, Ed

  Ruffner, Nick

  Rupertus, William

  Rusk, Dean

  Russ, Martin

  Russell, George

  Russell, Richard

  Russia, see Soviet Union

  Russo-Japanese War (1904)

  Salazar, Antonio

  Salinger, Pierre

  Salisbury, Harrison

  Saltonstall, Leverett

  Saturday Evening Post, The

; Scateni, Rudolph

  Schlesinger, Arthur

  Scott, Hugh

  Scowcroft, Brent

  Sebald, William


  capture and recapture of

  street fighting in

  U.S. Marine drive to; map

  Sevareid, Eric

  Shang Yue

  Shen Zhihua

  Shepherd, Lem

  Sheridan, Philip H.

  Sherman, Forrest

  Sherrod, Robert

  Sherwood, Robert

  Shi Zhe

  Shoemaker, Harold

  Short, Dewey

  Shtykov, Terenti

  Sigur, Gaston

  Simmons, Edwin

  Simms, Clemmie

  Singlaub, Jack

  Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895)

  Skeldon, Jim

  Sloane, Charles (Chin)

  Smith, Alexander

  Smith, Brad

  Smith, Jacob (Hell-roaring Jake)

  Smith, Lynn

  Smith, O. P.

  Smith, Robert

  Smith, Walter Bedell

  Smith, Willard

  Snyder, John W.

  Soong, T. V.

  Sorenson, Ted

  South Korea:

  Americans evacuated from

  corruption in

  economic success of

  governance of

  MacArthur’s lack of interest in

  modernization of

  North Korean invasion of; map

  omitted from U.S. defense perimeter

  U.S. advisers to

  U.S. promises to

  U.S. visitors to

  South Korean army (ROKs):

  advancing north

  collapse of


  leadership of


  in Pyongyang

  unprepared for battle

  at Unsan

  U.S. intelligence reports on

  at Wonju

  at Wonsan

  Soviet Union:

  air cover promise reneged by

  atomic weapons of

  and China

  in Cold War

  Communist model of

  expansionism of

  and Korean War

  and Mao

  and North Korea

  Red Army

  and Russian Revolution

  totalitarianism of

  weapons supplied by

  in World War

  Spanier, John

  Spanish-American War (1898)

  Spence, Jonathan

  Stai, Mel

  Stalin, Joseph

  and China

  crimes of

  and cult of personality

  death of

  and Kim

  and Korean War

  and Mao

  megalomania of

  and power

  and Truman

  Stanley, George

  Stassen, Harold

  Stephens, Dick

  Stevenson, Adlai E.

  Stewart, George

  Stilwell, Joseph (Vinegar Joe)

  and Chiang

  death of

  and MacArthur

  Stratemeyer, George

  Stratton, William

  Struble, Arthur

  Stryker, Joe

  Stuart, John Leighton

  Stueck, William

  Sullivan, John

  Sung Shih-lun

  Sun Yat-sen

  Sutherland, Richard

  Swift, Carleton

  Taft, Robert A.

  Taft, William Howard


  army of

  Chiang’s government in

  U.S. aid to

  U.S. protection of

  Takahashi, Gene

  Tannenwald, Ted

  Tarkenton, Clint

  Taylor, Maxwell

  Taylor, Ronnie

  Teller, Edward

  Thomas, J. Parnell

  Thompson, Percy

  Thompson, Reginald

  Thorpe, Jake

  Thurmond, Strom


  Tito (Josip Broz)

  Tokyo headquarters:

  denial of responsibility in

  intelligence activities in

  overconfidence in

  overstaffing of

  politics of

  removed from reality

  troubleshooting team sent to

  Train, Bill

  Treacy, Edgar

  Trudeau, Art

  Truman, Bess Wallace

  Truman, Harry:

  background of

  and budgets

  career ups and downs of

  and China

  and Cold War

  constraints on

  decision to enter war

  and expansion of war

  “Give ’em hell, Harry,”

  and history

  and Inchon

  and MacArthur

  and 1948 election

  political opponents of

  and the presidency

  public image of

  as senator

  and Stalin

  transition from Roosevelt to

  Wake Island meeting

  in World War

  Truman, Margaret

  Truman administration:

  and China

  and Cold War

  and expansion of war

  failure to act

  lack of public support for

  and MacArthur

  and McCarthyism

  and onset of war

  political opponents of

  State Department

  as uneasy about the war

  Truman Doctrine

  Truscott, Lucian

  Tuchman, Barbara

  Tugwell, Rexford

  Twain, Mark

  Twin Tunnels

  ; maps

  Tydings, Millard

  Tyner, Joe

  Tyrrell, Stanley


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