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Declan Reede: The Untold Story (Complete Series)

Page 14

by Michelle Irwin

  “That was an unfortunate incident on the track.”

  Raising one eyebrow, I scoffed at her. “Unfortunate?”

  She stepped closer to me, brushing her hands through the front of my hair.

  With an eyebrow raised at the overfamiliar touch, I reached out and captured her wrist before lowering her hand back to her side.

  A sly, challenging smile lit her lips. “Well, it wasn’t exactly deliberate, was it? What else can it be called besides unfortunate?”

  There were a hundred other things I could have called it, but I wasn’t going to say them all. In fact, I was surprised how calm she was considering she’d lost a car in the tangle.

  “You’re not injured I hope?” she purred as she trailed her gaze over my body.

  Glancing down at my ankle, I shook my head. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “I assume Danny isn’t going to be very happy with you?”

  I barked a laugh. “That’s an understatement.”

  She chuckled again, another throaty sound which echoed into my cock. “Well, maybe it’s time you and I had a little chat about things?” She brushed her hand over my shoulder. “I like to give my boys extra-special attention.”

  I smirked at her. The attention she was lavishing on me certainly gave me something positive to concentrate on rather than the shit I was going to have to deal with back at Sinclair’s pits. Some of the dealings I’d had with her in the past were a little less than desirable, and I had no interest in joining her team, but there was something about having the undivided attention of a woman who clearly looked after herself. Something told me she’d be a firecracker in the sack too.

  “How about we have dinner sometime?” she said as she brushed her fingers through my hair again. “Talk about your future.”

  “I’m locked in with Sinclair for another year,” I said. Assuming he doesn’t fire my arse. “So I’m not sure what there is to talk about.”

  Another one of her throaty chuckles slipped past her lips. “Even if you’re locked in for twelve months, there’s plenty to discuss. I’d do almost anything to get you under me.”

  There was no missing or confusing the double entendre in her words. “Maybe it’s worth having that chat one day then.”

  She brushed her fingers over my cheek. “Later then.”

  I turned around to go back to the pits, but stopped when I saw Hazel Sinclair—sweet Hazel, Danny’s wife—staring wide-eyed at me in disbelief. When I gave her a wave to let her know I was okay, she frowned and turned away. It was a sign of the things I would be facing when I went back into the pits.

  Fuck that shit.


  INSTEAD OF REPORTING back to the pits to deal with the punishment I knew was coming, I fucked off. I climbed into my Monaro and drove straight back to Sydney.

  The press would probably have a fucking field day at my expense, especially the snooty brunette reporter I’d spurned during the midrace interview. I didn’t want to face them, or any of the drivers I’d taken out in my wreck. There were five of them who wanted my arse for the crash—Morgan more than any other. I just didn’t see the point in hanging around the track long enough to get grilled, beaten, and investigated.

  Or worse: fired.

  My weekend was over by that point anyway. There was no way the boys would get the twisted mess that used to be my car back on the track. Which meant I wouldn’t be getting back into the car for any reason, and unfortunately, neither would Morgan. I had little doubt he was already hunting down the pliers to follow through on his threat.

  Only bad things waited for me back at the pits. If Danny was going to give me the sack, it was going to be easier to deal with later—after everyone cooled off. Hopefully in a private meeting where my dirty laundry wouldn’t be aired all over the TV. I really didn’t need my shame to be any more public than it already had been. It was almost a certainty that I would cop a fine for my outburst at the top of the track after I’d crashed. Short of a summary dismissal by Sinclair, it really couldn’t get much worse for me.

  Besides, by the time I’d finished with the paramedics, I barely gave a flying fuck what else happened to me. I was so far beyond caring about anything. All I wanted to do was get wasted and get laid. It didn’t even have to be in that order.

  I drove straight home. Throughout my drive, my phone kept ringing, but I steadily ignored it, hitting the end button on the steering wheel. There was no way I wanted to talk to anyone. It didn’t matter who it was, they’d only destroy the little that remained of my sanity. When the caller still didn’t take the hint, I turned the phone off completely.

  After I’d parked the Monaro beside my Prado, I called a taxi so that I could have a good night without worrying about any of my cars being left unattended in the city. The trek from the garage to my upstairs bedroom had never felt longer. Weariness weighted my limbs and made each step difficult. The only thing that kept me moving was the promise of a drink at the end of the effort.

  I jumped straight into the shower. Once the water was cascading around me, I thought about the accident and shuddered. I’d been in so many lately: six crashes from six starts. It wasn’t possible to grow accustomed to it though—at least, I hadn’t. Despite all of the safety precautions, there was always one instant where I wondered whether I would survive the impact. Somewhere between the brakes squealing and the metal crunching, my heart stopped beating. It only started again when I could feel my teeth aching and my brain swimming from the impact. As if reminded of the ache by the memory of the crash, my ankle niggled and my chest protested. I’d have to ice it before long, but that was something I could do later.

  My body trembled as the adrenaline that had carried me through the three-hour drive home wore off.

  I needed a drink.


  I couldn’t think of anything else that would get rid of the shakes or the memories. I didn’t bother washing my hair, it could go another day. I did wash my balls though, twice in fact, revelling in the fact that Morgan couldn’t get his rusty pliers near them as long as I avoided him. It was more a precaution though. I wanted to make sure they got some special attention tonight from some lucky chick. Between the need to let off steam and Paige Wood’s casual teasing, I needed to get off.

  As I washed off the soap, I debated a quick wank to alleviate the pressure before going out; something to tide me over until I could find some little cutie willing to fulfil my wishes. The issue was, there was only ever one image which could get me off that way, and I definitely didn’t want to be thinking about her just then. Not so soon after she’d caused me to crash. Again.

  Turning off the water, I shoved open the door and grabbed a towel from the rack nearby. While I was towelling off, I caught sight of my own reflection and scowled at myself in disgust.

  What have you become? You’re fucking pathetic.

  I threw the towel at the mirror, and turned to leave the room to find an outfit that was guaranteed to help me score. Black satin boxers were my staple item for a night out, and over the top I threw on a pair of slacks that did nothing to hide any boner I would have. I topped it off with a collared shirt that had sleeves easy enough to roll up to show off my arms—that always seemed to drive women crazy. I usually would have thrown on a team shirt, but I didn’t want to be reminded of the fact that I might no longer be part of Sinclair Racing.

  My solution to the whole situation was simple. I was going to do what I always did: hit the town, get absolutely shitfaced, and find some pussy to bury myself in. The problems would still be there in a day or two, but at least I could get some semblance of relief before I had to face them.

  The taxi arrived while I was still getting dressed, but I just waved at the driver through the window to let him know I was aware that he’d arrived and then finished what I was doing. He could wait five minutes; it wasn’t like he wasn’t getting paid after all. Before I left, I downed a shot of whiskey to get a jump on things, and then grab
bed a Corona from the fridge for the road.

  Within half an hour, I was being ushered into the VIP room of my favourite club, Firebird. I loved it more than most clubs because I felt at home there. The whole place was themed with a garage motif. The sign out front was a bonnet from a Firebird, complete with phoenix, secured to a chrome bumper in front of an old roller door. Inside was more of a typical nightclub, with an ambiance aimed at privacy and secret deeds. The music was always loud, the drinks were always flowing, and the women were always loose. It was the perfect place to disappear and satisfy my cravings for booze and a wet pussy to sink myself into.

  The VIP area was set up better than most I’d seen. Lining the edges of the space were six private booths, each with a set of black satin curtains that could be drawn for a little extra privacy. It meant I could take what I needed without having the hassle of bringing any girls back to my house. It certainly saved a taxi fare and awkward conversation in the morning.

  I secured my booth, ensuring I had one regardless of how many people were allowed past the velvet rope, and then ordered a drink. Once I was comfortable, I sat back to scope out the talent.

  There were three blondes, four brunettes, and a redhead. That meant my choices were instantly narrowed from eight to four. I couldn’t do brunettes. I’d tried, a few times actually, but I just . . . couldn’t. They’d all been absolutely fine pieces of arse too. It was just that every time I saw one of them sucking my cock, or bent over in front of me, I’d pictured Alyssa. And I couldn’t picture her as one of these skanks—as some random piece of tail to use, abuse, and recycle. She was special.

  The redhead and her blonde friend were dancing rather closely together on the dance floor. When she spotted me watching her, a smirk broke across her lips and their dancing grew even more risqué. I necked my beer and drank, all without taking my eyes off of the pair of them.

  The redhead grinned at me, winked and then starting kissing her friend, making certain that I saw every stroke of her tongue and every shift of her fingers over her friend’s cheeks, neck, boobs.

  Fuck me.

  I was definitely up for another threesome. The way they were behaving, I was sure I could fuck them both multiple times before the club closed. I called over the private bartender. He knew what they were drinking—one of the perks of the VIP room—so I ordered them each another drink, and a Corona and a double shot of whiskey for me. I downed the whiskey while he made their fruity-arse cocktails. Once I had our drinks in hand, I ambled over to the pair.

  “Hey, ladies,” I said, oozing every ounce of charm I could muster after my shitty-arse day. “I thought you might be thirsty after all that dancing.”

  I flipped them my wicked smile, the one that practically guaranteed I got lucky, as I openly gazed over their entwined bodies. They both giggled in response.

  This’ll be easier than I thought.

  The redhead moved closer to me. “You’re Declan Reede, aren’t you?”

  “The one and only. And tonight I’ll be your personal escort.”

  She giggled again, and it was clear she was already fucking wasted. I had the night in the bag; nothing could stop this score.

  “I’m Tillie, and this is Talia.” She indicated her blonde friend, who was kissing her way up Tillie’s throat. They continued to bump and grind against each other as we talked. What little doubt I’d had about how easy a score it was going to be was swept away by their movements. The sight of them practically dry humping one another had me hard and ready to go.

  “Well, Tillie, Talia, mind if I come between you?” I ensured I put extra emphasis in the right places to give them no doubt what my intentions were.

  They both giggled and downed the drinks I had brought them like the glasses contained nothing but water. I skulled my Corona just as quickly and then they each grabbed one of my hands and pulled me between them. Within minutes, we were a meld of hands, mouths, and gratuitous grinding. I didn’t think it was possible for me to get any harder.

  Breaking free momentarily, I signalled my bartender for another round of drinks.

  The two girls pressed themselves into me, and I was sandwiched between a wall of pussy and tits, fingers and tongues. It was my happy place, and I forgot about all the shit that had gone down on the track. I was even able to forget about Alyssa—almost.

  I brushed my hand along Tillie’s chest, gently at first, but when I got no negative reaction, I moved more deliberately. My fingers traced her nipples through the skimpy metallic shirt that barely covered her breasts. She moaned, so I captured her mouth with mine and her fiery red hair with my free hand. The position gave me enough control to push our way over to my booth, recessed in the dark wall. As soon as we reached our destination, I slid my hands up inside her dress, pushing it over her hips, and hooking my fingers into her panties. She reached for my zipper, pulling it down and pressing her hand over the front of my boxers.

  I was tangled with her when another pair of hands traced the muscles along my back before joining Tillie’s hand palming me over my underwear. I released Tillie’s mouth to look behind me and met Talia’s gaze as she leaned against my back.

  “I was feeling lonely,” she purred against my ear, as she moved her hand below Tillie’s to stroke my cock.

  “Don’t worry, baby, there’s plenty to go around,” I said as I reached behind me, grabbing Talia’s hair and guiding her head closer so that I could claim her lips to thank her for her help. The angle sent a sharp pain jolting through my side, but with the girls’ magic hands touching me, I was able to ignore it. Tillie’s fingers closed around my cloth-covered balls, drawing a moan of pleasure from me, which Talia kissed away with an open mouth and plenty of tongue.

  My cock strained to escape and hide away deep within one of these girls, but Tillie’s hand began working miracles even through the silky material as Talia held my face, running her tongue along mine. As Tillie stroked my cock, I felt her shift, drawing my attention to her. I watched as she sat up further, bringing her face to my stomach. She teased me through the cotton of my shirt, and ran her tongue between the buttons.

  With one hand, I teased her nipples thought her shirt as I closed my eyes and relished the sweet ache of their combined touches. A flash of light erupted. For a fraction of a second, the world behind my eyelids shifted from black to red.


  My eyes snapped open just in time to be assaulted by another flash. And another. I pushed backward away from Tillie, knocking Talia to her arse as I did. I swung around just in time to see the filthy pap jump over the barrier and leave the club.

  After helping Talia up, I made my excuses to leave the two women. Zipping up my pants as I moved, I gave chase to the pap even though it was too late. My ankle protested every step, and by the time I reached the door, I could barely stand on it. My night was ruined. The mood was officially killed and I needed to get ice on my injury more than anything else. One thing I liked about the club was its discretion, and yet they’d allowed a photographer in to capture the moment.

  See if they’ll get my fucking business again.

  There was no doubt I’d soon be featured in Gossip Weekly again.

  It was just what I fucking needed after the shit of the race meeting. One more incident for Danny Sinclair to nail me over. I didn’t even want to imagine what he might have to say about it all. In pain, and ready for sleep, I gave up on the idea of an easy screw and headed home.


  AFTER I GOT home, I camped out on the couch to assess my shitty-arsed weekend. With a cold beer in my hand, I tried to ignore the ghost of Alyssa dancing just behind my eyes. It was proving hard though, especially when I was inside my own head trying to concentrate on anything except the ache in my ankle and the pain that was blossoming steadily over my side.

  I couldn’t help but wonder how things had slid so out of control so fast. One thing was clear, Danny would demand some answers when I saw him next, and I knew I’d better have
some damn good ones if I wanted to stay on the team.

  I sighed. Maybe the first step to moving on was working out where my life had started to go wrong. The problem was that nothing had changed. Not really. I knew that—was acutely aware of it. The reality was before I’d seen Alyssa again, I was fine. After seeing her with the new man in her life, I was fucked. But the sighting hadn’t changed a single goddamned thing.

  When I’d first left Brisbane, I’d realised Alyssa was going to date again—so that hadn’t changed. I hadn’t said anything to her when I saw her—so that hadn’t changed. I hadn’t made any embarrassing cock-ups or done something which would sear myself into her memory or her into mine. Nothing. There was no fundamental shift or cosmic U-turn which had occurred. I still felt the same as I always had, only now she was there whenever I closed my eyes. Fresher in my mind maybe, and sexier than ever.

  It wasn’t like I wanted Alyssa back in my life though. Not really. She might have been the subject of my fantasies on the rare occasions I jerked off, but that wasn’t a sign of anything serious. Neither was it new. It had been that way ever since I’d left her. There was logic in that though. She’d been the one woman who’d had something of a semipermanent role in my sex life when we were younger, during my formative years at that. With my revolving bedroom door and buffet of choices, I never had time to study any of the women long enough to actually remember faces or specific details. That was all it was, I was certain of it.

  Besides, I doubted there were many red-blooded men who wouldn’t fantasise about Alyssa if they’d seen her naked. Especially the way she’d bloomed in the last four years. I swallowed hard just thinking about it. Some things hadn’t changed though: she still had the ideal girl-next-door look, clearly still didn’t slather her face with inches of make-up, and I was certain still had just enough snark in her personality to guarantee a wild night in bed.

  Is she wild in bed? My palm slid down to caress my cock before I’d given it a thought. I bet she is.


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