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Page 7

by S. Nelson

  Kena gave Braylen a death stare of sorts before shyly looking over at me, the uncertainty in her beautiful caramel-colored eyes undoing me. The need to assure her that everything would be fine overwhelmed me, a strong urge of protectiveness wrapping its warmth around me. I couldn’t explain it, and I didn’t think I wanted to; if I unraveled those feelings too much, they might float away and leave me in a place where I no longer wished to exist.

  Before my brain could filter my words, I opened my mouth and said, “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” I hadn’t meant to be so forward, but every syllable was the absolute truth. She smiled at me before looking back to Braylen.

  It was clear Kena was nervous, but did she realize I was as well?

  Hiding my emotions had been ingrained in me since I was a kid, my father’s constant hurtful words toughening me up faster than was deemed healthy. The only time I’d let my guard slip was when I’d met Sully. Like Kena, she’d elicited my protective side, and just like this situation, I couldn’t explain it.

  “Kinda heavy for a first date,” Braylen chuckled. “But I like it.” Kena hurriedly signed something again, embarrassment stealing over her skin like a cloak. If I had to guess why, I would have said it was because her sister referred to this as a date, something I wasn’t completely opposed to. Ignoring Kena, Braylen looked at me when she said, “I’m going to go check out when the band’s gonna start. Be back soon.” On her last word, she smiled at her sister before walking toward Kevin and his bandmates.

  I’d known Kevin for a few years, as we went to the same high school. He was slightly older than me, and while we weren’t technically friends, we’d been to a lot of the same functions—football games and parties, to be specific. I had no issues with him, and I wasn’t aware of any negativity he harbored toward me.

  I’d chosen not to wear my Knights Corruption cut to the bar that evening, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. Don’t get me wrong, the pride I felt toward my club would never waver, even though I still only held the title of prospect. Something I hoped changed in the near future. But we didn’t have the best reputation around the area, and I didn’t want to scare Kena off before she had the chance to get to know me.

  The silence between us was palpable, and a tad uncomfortable. I could speak to her, but she couldn’t reply—not in a way I understood, at least.

  Not yet.

  I vowed to rectify that soon, though.

  Hoping to rely on body language and common sense, I took a chance and started speaking. “You look beautiful, Kena,” I said, figuring it best to start off with an honest compliment.

  She blushed before bringing the pads of her fingers of her right hand to her chin, touching briefly before pulling them away. After the gesture, she looked surprised she’d done it, probably because she knew I didn’t know what it meant. But I could have guessed, given what I’d just said to her.

  “Does that mean ‘thank you?’” I asked, smiling when she emphatically nodded. “There’s hope for me yet, isn’t there?” I saw the quake of her chest, and her lips kicking up in a smile, realizing she was laughing, although not a single vibration of noise escaped. For the first time since I’d met her, her eyes lit up with a subtle hint of joy. Granted, this was only the second time I’d been in her presence, but she wore her emotions on her sleeve—which I found perfect since it made reading her moods much easier. And the more I got to know her, the easier it would become. I was sure of it.

  Because I wanted to find out more information about her relationship with Kevin, I decided to cut to the chase and simply ask her, a yes or no the only response necessary.

  “So, you and Kevin . . . Are you strictly friends?”

  She swiftly nodded.

  The bartender finally broke away from the chick he was fawning over and approached. I placed my order for a beer and for him to refill whatever it was Kena was drinking, before returning my full attention back to her.

  “Did you ever date him?”

  She shook her head.

  “Did he ever ask you out?”

  She briefly averted her gaze before looking me in the eyes again.

  She nodded.

  The air thickened around us as I prepared to ask my next intruding question, but I couldn’t help myself; I needed to know. Curiosity as well as ego propelled me forth.

  “Did you want to date him?” I intended to be casual but the more I engaged her, the more I wanted to know about the nature of their relationship.

  Looking hesitant, she finally nodded, just as my fingers brushed over hers on top of the bar. An electric jolt passed between us—literally. I shocked her and she pulled her hand back before giving me an innocent smile.

  Damnit! She had wanted to be with Kevin at some point. Did she still? I had to find out before I pursued this thing between us.

  “Why didn’t you, then? Be with him, I mean?” It wasn’t until she frowned that I realized she couldn’t answer me; I’d strayed off the path of simple yes and no questions. Reverting back, I changed my inquiry. “Do you still want to date him?”

  No time passed before she shook her head, placing her hand on my wrist before pulling back once she realized she’d touched me. She looked confused, like she didn’t understand her own reaction.

  Her response soothed me, and from the intensity in her eyes, I knew she was being truthful. For some reason, she’d wanted to take things beyond friendship with Kevin, but had chosen not to.

  Assuming, I pressed, “Was the reason why you chose not to be with him have anything to do with him being in Breakers?” Depending on her response, I might be in the same boat, once she finds out about my club.

  Another nod.

  Choosing not to rush things, and needing to save the information of my being involved with the Knights Corruption for another time, I offered a nod of my own before taking another pull of my beer. I dissuaded myself from interrogating her more about Kevin, not wanting to come off like an untrusting asshole.

  Moments passed before Braylen returned. While I wanted to spend more time alone with Kena, there were only so many questions I could ask before our encounter would turn even more awkward.

  “What are you two talkin’ about?” she asked, taking a healthy sip from her drink, eyeing me first before looking at her sister. Kena signed something, and Braylen glanced at me skeptically before speaking. “Jagger, let me ask you something.” This should be good. “My sister tells me you were asking her about her relationship with Kevin. Do you believe her when she tells you they’re just friends?” Placing her hand on her hip, she leaned in to her sister while waiting for my lips to part and answer.

  “Yeah.” I wanted to add “For now,” but thought wisely against it.

  “Good. Because the last thing Kena needs is some possessive ass trying to stake some kind of claim on her. Understand?”

  Kena shifted her feet, not sure who to look at.


  “Are you possessive and territorial?” she threw at me, taking me by complete surprise.

  “Not typically, no.”

  “What does that mean?” Kena’s hands worked feverishly, but Braylen wasn’t paying attention, her focus on me and me alone.

  “I haven’t met someone I’ve wanted to protect before. That’s what I meant.” I knew I’d stretched the truth a little when I’d answered. Sully popped into my mind, but I wasn’t about to bring her up, because I didn’t want the both of them getting the wrong idea. Besides, the way I felt toward Sully was completely different from the way I felt about Kena.

  Worlds apart.

  “I vouched for you, so don’t mess this up,” the feisty blonde said, taking a step back and finally turning toward Kena. Braylen shook her head and signed back to her sister. Whatever they were saying, they wanted to keep secret.

  Note to self: learn sign language as soon as possible.


  Finding a booth close to the stage with a perfect view of Kevin and hi
s band, I sat next to Jagger, Braylen sitting across from us. I’d become flustered when Jagger started asking about Kevin, but I didn’t want to lie. Yes, I’d been attracted enough to want to date the guitarist, but I decided against it because I didn’t want to have to deal with all the drama that came with his fans. Namely the brazen women fawning all over him. So instead, we’d remained friends, and it was the furthest our relationship would ever develop.

  I found nothing wrong with his questions on the subject, but apparently Braylen did. She liked Jagger, had encouraged me to give him a chance, but as soon as she found out he was asking about my feelings toward Kevin, the protective side of her busted through. And while she hadn’t been aggressive with Jagger, her tone indicated her seriousness. It both comforted and irritated me.

  I’d pleaded with her to let it go, and we had a mini argument of sorts. Thankfully it was quickly resolved, with me promising not to take things further with the fighter if I felt he was turning into a jealous freak.

  An hour later, the band was in full swing. While I tried to lose myself to their music, all my attention was geared toward the devilishly handsome guy to my left. Jagger wore a dark green, button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing the ink on his skin. And every time he moved his hand, I saw the muscles in his forearm twitch.

  Playing with the stem of my glass, I tried not to pay too much attention to him, but it was impossible. Every so often, he’d nudge my arm or brush my shoulder, asking if I was enjoying myself. My only response was a curt nod. I knew he gazed at me, and each time I turned my head to check, he would simply smile and occasionally lick his lips, which then made me think naughty thoughts.

  My imagination ran wild, picturing his naked body. Images of how he’d look hovering over me while he spread my legs, impaling me onto him until he filled me completely. I fantasized what his kiss would taste like. Was he aggressive or gentle, or a little bit of both? The thoughts shocked me, mainly because I’d never felt the touch of a man before. Yes, I’d kissed a few boys when I was younger, but because I shielded myself from normal dating situations, I’d never found myself in the position where I was thoroughly tempted to go all the way. Not that I didn’t think about it. Often. Because I did. Being a twenty-one-year-old virgin was a status I wanted to rid myself of, but not with just anyone. While I wanted to shed my innocence, I wanted it to mean as much to the person I’d chosen to give it to as it did me.

  Brushing my hand with his, Jagger called my focus when he leaned in close and asked, “Do you want another drink?” His warm breath danced over the side of my face and made me shiver. Finding the perfect opportunity to gaze at him openly, I turned toward him and we locked eyes. Gently shaking my head, I waited for him to speak again, to say anything that would keep me engaged so I didn’t have to look away.

  His hand lingered near mine and I didn’t pull away. I loved the contact more than I let on because I didn’t wish for him to view me as clingy. I had no idea what he thought of me, other than I believed he found me attractive.

  “Do you want some water instead?” Realizing I definitely should have some, I nodded. Since I blocked his exit, I shuffled to the edge of the booth and stood when I cleared the table. “Braylen, do you need another drink?” he politely asked, scooting the rest of the way out of the booth until he stood directly beside me, his hand resting on my lower back. The warmth from his touch instantly ignited my desire, and it was difficult to keep such a thing in check.

  But I managed.


  “Thanks, but this should be my last,” she responded, holding up her drink for him to see. “But I’ll take a water as well, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” He smiled at me before walking toward the bar.

  A second after I sat back down, my eyes following every move Jagger made, my sister burst in on my visual stalking.

  “Wow!” she exclaimed, hitting the top of the table with her hand. “You really like this one, don’t you?”

  Shrugging, I tried my best to play nonchalant, but she saw straight through me.

  “Don’t play coy with me, missy. I see the way you keep trying to sneak a peek at him. Even now, you can’t keep your eyes off him, probably staring at his ass. But hey, I don’t blame ya. He’s gorgeous. Plain and simple.”

  He’s certainly attractive, but I’m not gaga over him if that’s what you’re implying. So what if I’d told her a little white lie. I thought I was trying to convince myself more than her.

  “Uh-huh,” she mumbled, following my line of sight to Jagger, which only confirmed she knew I’d just fibbed. “Either way, it’s nice to see you having a good time for once.” Bringing the glass to her lips, she tipped it back and swallowed the rest of her drink.

  I have fun, I argued, my hands taking on the frustration my voice wouldn’t allow.


  When we go shopping or watch a movie. When we’re just hanging out.

  “That’s not the same thing, Kena, and you know it. All I’m saying is that it’s nice to see you interested in getting out there, putting your heart on the line, no matter the risk.”

  Whoa, slow down. Let’s not get crazy. I smiled at her assumption that I was diving headfirst into the thought of me with Jagger. It was only the second time I’d seen him, and although I wanted there to be more occasions of the same, I wasn’t naïve enough to think he’d break down all my walls with a few encounters.

  Before Braylen and I could continue our conversation, Jagger sauntered back over with our waters in hand. He’d also gotten himself another beer. He didn’t appear inebriated in the least, even though I’d witnessed him put away at least four of them. It should have alarmed me, but his actions and words hadn’t been anything shy of respectful, so I pushed the thoughts from my mind as soon as they appeared.

  I slid into the booth, allowing him to take the seat near the edge. Bringing the cool liquid to my lips, I swallowed a few sips before placing it on the table. Thank you, I signed, hoping he remembered what it meant.

  He smiled. “How do you sign “you’re welcome?”” he asked, never taking his eyes off me.

  I brought the pads of my fingers to my chin, like before, and then pulled them away.

  “I thought that was “thank you”,” he said, rather confused, glancing back and forth between me and Braylen.

  “It is. You can use the same simple gesture to reply after someone signs “thank you,”” Braylen explained. “It’s similar to when people say “aloha” for hello and goodbye.”

  Jagger thought Braylen’s clarification was amusing, the corners of his full lips kicking up into a breathtaking smile.

  “I guess that’s easy enough,” he chuckled, bringing his fingers to his chin and forming the gesture. “Did I do it right?” he asked, uncertainty scouring his face as he looked at me afterward. A simple nod from me and he relaxed, reaching for my hand and giving it a small squeeze.

  His touch warmed me. I liked him, but I didn’t really know him. I wanted more than anything to see him again, but I also didn’t want to appear desperate. My battling feelings drove me crazy.

  When he withdrew his hand, I had to resist appearing distraught. To distract myself I ran my fingers up and down my glass of water, the condensation making the pads of my fingers slippery.

  “So,” Jagger blurted suddenly, “are you two going anywhere afterward?”

  I shook my head, all the while silently pleading with my sister to back me up. While I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Jagger, it was emotionally draining. I needed the rest of the night to decompress, maybe talk it out with my sister back at home.

  “It’s been a long day, so we’re just gonna head on home in a few minutes,” Braylen affirmed, tapping her fingers against the wood of the table. Every once in a while she’d turn her attention to the band, trying to give Jagger and me some privacy, even though we were all sitting together.

  Ten minutes later, we rose from the booth and started walking toward t
he exit. I glanced back over my shoulder to make eye contact with Kevin, trying to let him know that we were leaving. Initially we’d told him we’d stay until the end, but Braylen was right; it’d been a long day and while I wanted to spend more time with Jagger, I was tired. Kevin acknowledged our good-bye with a jerk of his head, but when his eyes fell on the guy walking behind us—my “date,” of sorts—a frown painted his expression. I wasn’t sure why, though. Maybe he thought we’d picked up some random guy, or maybe he thought we were leaving because he’d been bothering us. I wasn’t sure, and right then I didn’t have enough energy to care.

  Even though the warmth of the night air was soothing, a shiver shot through me at the close proximity of Jagger’s body to mine. There was certainly a connection between us, but would it move past that evening? I figured only time would tell.

  “Well, I had a great time,” he stated, reaching for my hand once more. Holding it tight, he gave me a sultry smile. “Thanks for inviting me.” I hadn’t revealed that it was in fact Braylen who had invited him, but I guessed none of that mattered now.

  A fleeting moment passed when I thought he was going to lean in and kiss me. My heart leapt in anticipation, but that was quickly squelched when Jagger’s eyes darted past my sister and me and locked on someone behind us.

  “Fuck,” I heard him grumble. I tugged on my hand, still clasped tightly in his, but he ignored me. Instead, he shoved me behind him in one quick move, my sister standing close by me. Jagger shielded the both of us, and I had no idea why.

  Until a man stood two feet from him and shouted, “This is payback for killing my brother.” As his words nestled deep in my brain, the man pulled a gun from his waistband and pointed it at Jagger’s head.


  Everything happened in a split second. I went from thanking Kena for inviting me out to shielding her and Braylen from Snake, his gun pointed right in my goddamn face.

  There was no getting out of this without someone hitting the ground. And that someone wasn’t gonna be me.


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