Book Read Free


Page 11

by S. Nelson

  The click of the door closing jostled me. I’d flinched, but Marek had been facing away from me so he hadn’t noticed. He strode toward his seat at the head of the table, never uttering a single word while he situated himself. Still locked into place, I remained quiet until the silence tore at me, threatening to undo my sanity if he didn’t speak soon. Pressing my luck where he was concerned, I opened my mouth and forced five words past my unsure lips. “Did I do something wrong?” I asked, fisting my hands and slowly unfurling them, over and over.

  “Sit.” He gestured toward a chair closer to him than my assigned seat at the far end of the oblong table.

  Hesitation briefly gripped me, but I dismissed my reluctance before it got the better of me and sat a few seats away from him. Drumming my fingers against the wood of the table did nothing but increase my jumpiness, never mind that the noise also served to irritate Marek. A quick pull of his brow and I’d stopped the incessant tapping. Laying my palm flat, I waited for him to speak, to finally find out why he’d called me in there by myself. It’d been a long time since Marek and I had been alone together.

  Not since he’d saved me from getting my ass jumped by four members of the Savage Reapers. But to be fair, I’d been the one to initially jump in and help him and Stone out when they were ambushed by a handful of our enemy’s club, not realizing who they were before I stuck my nose into their business.

  It seemed like forever ago, but it had only been two years since Marek had accepted me, bringing me into the club as a prospect with promises of money, loyalty and girls. And hey, what twenty-year-old guy would turn down such a proposition? I’d been undeniably grateful, humbled by his acceptance of me when all I’d received my whole life was rejection from the one person who should have been wired to love me unconditionally.

  My shitbag father.

  I’d learned the rules of the club quickly, thankful to have fallen upon the opportunity to finally belong somewhere. To be accepted by a group of men who emanated nothing but confidence, strength and smarts. Sure, they gave me shit from time to time, but that was all part of the ritual of belonging.

  While Marek had been the one to essentially save me from myself, giving my life a purpose, it was Stone I eventually gravitated toward. Something about the VP seemed familiar to me, and while I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what that had been, I welcomed his friendship with open fuckin’ arms. He became more like a big brother than anything, helping me with my fighting techniques and offering his advice, even when I hadn’t asked for it.

  Clearing his throat, Marek brought me out of my own head and back to our impromptu meeting. Jerking his head toward me, his gaze locked on me the entire time, he asked, “You good?”

  Inquiring if I was okay was his subtle way of finding out how I’d felt about everything that went down with Yanez earlier. Marek’s concern was masked with aloofness, although I’d been smart enough to read between the lines. Or between those two simple words.

  Was this his proverbial olive branch?

  If so, I’d take it, grab on with both hands if it meant slowly creeping my way out of the dog house.

  Many different words jumbled together inside my head, but for some reason none of them would leave my mouth. So instead, I simply nodded.

  Leaning forward, his elbows resting against the etched wood of the table, he scrutinized me for a few seconds before continuing to speak. “What I asked you to do was a bit more than I’d ever required from you before. More . . . gruesome than what you’re probably used to.” Roughly running his hands through his messy dark hair, he blew out a pained breath. “Hell, maybe not. I’ve no idea what you’ve seen before you came to be part of us. Either way, it’s a lot to deal with. I realize that. Just wanted to make sure you’re okay with everything.”

  This was the most he’d spoken to me without gritting his teeth, or looking at me like he’d wanted to kill me, in a long fucking time. Stunned stupid at first, I shook off the surprise and answered with the first thing that came to mind.

  “I’m fine. Nothing I can’t deal with.” What I didn’t divulge was that I’d probably have a nightmare or two over holding Yanez’s balls in my hands while Marek stole them from him.

  A few more seconds passed before he rose from his chair. “Okay then.” Walking toward the door, he shouted over his shoulder, “If you wanna sleep in Stone’s room, go right ahead. He went home already.”

  Another offering I’d gladly take, seeing as how I doubted I’d make it home in one piece if I dared to ride my bike with fatigue nipping at my heels.

  I’d meant to text Kena before I fell asleep, but as soon as my back hit the mattress I passed out cold, hoping the nightmares weren’t waiting for me in the shadows of darkness.


  It’d been four days since I’d last heard from Jagger, and I started to believe that he didn’t want to meet up after all. Maybe after some consideration, he thought I wasn’t worth the trouble. Why should he feel as if he had to explain anything to me? Sure, our attraction was strong—at least it was on my part—but maybe he viewed me as just another person who came across as demanding, eluding his advances until he justified himself. Perhaps he only wanted to get me into bed, and after thinking of all the work he’d have to put in, apologizing and trying to make me see things from his point of view, it was too much effort. He’d just move on to the next one; surely there wasn’t a shortage of women lining up to sleep with him.

  As the thought permeated my brain, I cringed. I hardly knew the guy, yet the thought of him having sex with someone tore at my heart in a big way.

  Braylen stopped asking me if I’d heard from him, the disappointed look on my face enough to tell her I’d been upset at his lack of communication.

  The day had passed by like the previous ones. I’d woken up, showered, gotten dressed and gone to the restaurant to work for the day, filling in for Kevin when he’d been late. Again. Thankfully, he hadn’t brought up the incident with Jagger. He’d done his friendly duty in warning me against him, but he didn’t bombard me with questions about the situation every time he saw me.

  When I dragged myself back home, I plopped my tired ass on the sofa, leaned my head back against the soft material and closed my eyes. Thoughts of Jagger infiltrated, but I shoved them aside because I refused to keep thinking about him when I clearly wasn’t on his mind. A weightlessness grabbed hold and started to pull me under. Wanting to take a quick nap, I gave in, but was quickly jostled back to reality when I heard my phone chime, indicating I’d received a text. Doing my best not to get my hopes up, thinking it was most likely Braylen messaging me, I reached over to the table near the couch where I’d thrown my purse. Rummaging through it, I pulled out my cell and stared at the screen.

  The message was from Jagger.

  Breath eluded me.

  My mind went blank.

  The heightened beat of my heart thrummed against my chest the more I stood there staring at the tiny device.

  After what seemed like hours, I swiped my phone open and read his message. For a full minute, my eyes stayed focused on the first word he’d written, fearing if I read the entire text I’d be disappointed in some way. Finally, I read it all, my heart leaping in my chest as I finished.

  Jagger: I hope you still want to meet up with me. You’re all I’ve thought about for the past few days.

  His blatant admission surprised me, although it thrilled me just the same.

  Kena: Yes. It’s only right to hear you out, give you the opportunity to explain yourself in person. I hope you don’t mind, but the only way Braylen would let me see you again is if I agreed to let her come with me.

  He texted back right away.

  Jagger: That’s absolutely fine with me. Although I’m confused as to why Braylen has any say over what you do. You’re grown.

  How did I explain my sister to him in a way that wouldn’t make him run for the hills? Braylen had always been there for me, sticking up for me and defending me growing up—and even as
an adult, the awful encounter with Marcus the most recent. She’d attack anyone without a second thought if she thought they posed a threat toward me. I loved her for it, although it was times like with Jagger when I wished she’d take a step back and let me handle my own business.

  Kena: She’s only concerned for me, that’s all.

  I decided to downplay her protectiveness; no need to scare him off too soon.

  Jagger: You’re lucky to have her watching out for you, then.

  An exhale of relief escaped that he understood and hadn’t tried to persuade me to come to meet him alone.

  Jagger: Where did you want to meet? Totally up to you. You tell me the time and place and I’ll be there.

  Well, he’s sure accommodating.

  Kena: Do you know where Neelan Park is?

  Jagger: Yes.

  I knew Braylen didn’t have work the next day, so the timing was perfect.

  Kena: Meet us tomorrow at noon by the picnic tables.

  Jagger: I’ll be there. Can’t wait to see you.

  Now all I had to do was make sure Braylen hadn’t changed her mind. I fired off a quick text letting her know that Jagger had contacted me and we were going to meet him tomorrow. I gave her the time and place, although she’d insisted on the park initially. Either way, happiness danced in my heart I’d see Jagger again.

  Would it be for the last time?

  A single bead of sweat trickled down my back under the blaring sun. Thank heavens I chose to wear a tank top and shorts, or I probably would’ve passed out by now. The temperature had already reached the mid-eighties and it was barely noon.

  Braylen and I patiently waited by the designated area for Jagger to show up. We’d decided to arrive a few minutes early; somehow my sister had convinced me we’d have the upper hand if we were there first. Because I hadn’t felt like arguing, I just agreed with her.

  Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was exactly noon. While we’d been waiting for the past fifteen minutes, Jagger wasn’t technically late. Not yet, at least. Huffing beside me, Braylen rolled her eyes when I turned my head toward her.

  Hey, you’re the one who insisted on coming with me. My own frustration escaped, and if I had to sit in this heat for much longer, I feared my mood would switch from tolerable to volatile. I didn’t do well with the hot weather, becoming ornery rather quickly.

  “You know damn well I wasn’t gonna let you come alone, so just let it go,” she argued, taking a swig from her icy bottle of water. Just as I raised my hands to respond, I caught a glimpse of two men walking briskly toward us. Even though a vast amount of space separated us from them, I knew one of them was Jagger.

  The closer they moved, the more anxious I became. Excited to lay eyes on him was second to the nerves gripping me from the inside. I believed Braylen’s presence, along with whomever he’d brought with him, made for a very tense meeting. Flustered at what would happen in the next few moments, I closed my eyes and willed my erratic heart to stop its furious pounding. But all the will I could muster didn’t matter.

  My sister had finally noticed our visitors, hopping up from the picnic bench before I could beg her not to embarrass me. I followed behind, walking up to meet Jagger and his friend. Both guys looked quite menacing from afar, but up close I could see the vulnerability in Jagger’s expression. His friend, on the other hand, looked like he would rather be anyplace but there with us. Both wore a leather vest with patches all over. I assumed it had something to do with their club, and because Jagger had worn it to meet me, he was essentially introducing me to that part of his life. While I appreciated the small gesture, I was sure my sister did not.

  Finally standing before us, Jagger reached for my hand and pulled me close, kissing my cheek before stepping back.

  “Nice to see you again, Kena,” he greeted, his amber eyes glistening with appreciation. Turning toward my sister, his smile faltered slightly when he said, “Hi, Braylen. Thanks for letting Kena come and see me today.”

  “Uh-huh,” she responded, tilting her head to the side while her hands found their way to her hips. She could be quite intimidating when she wanted to be, to men and women alike. “Who’s this?” she asked, pointing toward Jagger’s buddy.

  “Oh, sorry. This is Ryder. He’s one of my brothers.”

  “Didn’t know you had a brother. Then again, we didn’t know a lot about you, Jagger,” she gritted, his name sounding like acid on her tongue. “Like you killing someone, or belonging to a gang.”

  Oh Lord. If I didn’t shut her down she’d haul me away before he ever had the chance to explain.

  “First off, sweetheart,” Ryder chastised, stepping closer until he towered over my sister, “you don’t know anything about him. Or me, for that matter. So I’d suggest you keep your mouth shut and let these two talk.”

  For once in my life, someone had rendered my sister speechless. Her cheeks flushed, her eyes popping wide in astonishment that someone had the balls to talk to her like that. I would’ve laughed if I hadn’t feared the whole situation was on the verge of blowing up in my face.

  Before Braylen could respond, Jagger opened his mouth and apologized for his friend’s behavior. “Braylen, you’ll have to forgive my friend here. You see, he’s just sticking up for me, like you are for your sister.” The words sounded sincere, but the smirk on Jagger’s face told me they were anything but.

  Reaching out, I grabbed hold of my sister’s arm, jerking her to the side before she made our encounter any more awkward. Turning her fully toward me, I let my hands do the talking.

  Please don’t embarrass me. I’m begging you. Just ignore his friend and let Jagger and me have a few minutes alone. She stared at me with her mouth agape, probably still stunned into silence from what Ryder had just said. Please, I begged.

  “If you think for one second I’m gonna hang back with that ass Jagger calls a friend while you two traipse off, letting him fill your head with God knows what, you’re outta your mind.”

  “Well, nobody wants to be alone with you either,” Ryder snickered, crossing his arms over his chest in a defensive stance. For some reason, his willingness to engage my sister—or better yet, enrage my sister—amused me. He had every right to defend his friend, even if he came off as aggressive doing it. Looking the man up and down, I decided that I kind of liked him. Short dark hair neatly adorned his head, while a shadow of a beard painted his face. He was tall; if I had to guess he was just over six feet. Well-built and handsome made him a catch for any woman. Well, anyone except my sister. She apparently didn’t like his mouth, although those lips of his could certainly entice any woman out of her panties.

  Oh my God! What is wrong with me, I thought, thankful no one could read my mind.

  Clearing his throat, Jagger brought me back to our uncomfortable little standoff, his eyes silently apologizing for his friend’s retort. He moved a step closer, and when Braylen made a move to step in front of me, I pulled her backward with more force than I thought I had in me. Seizing her arm, I dragged her away until we had some privacy.

  I love you, but if you don’t let me talk to Jagger alone for a few minutes, I swear I’ll make you regret it. I don’t know how, but I’ll think of something. I mean it, Braylen. You have to back off and let me handle this.

  For the second time that day, my sister was at a loss for words. I’d never been so forceful with her before, but right then I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t allow her to run my life, making my decisions for me, even if she only did it out of love. Concerned or not, she had to let me live my own life without always interfering.

  “Fine, but don’t come crawling to me when he breaks your heart. Or worse, gets you killed because of whatever he’s mixed up in.”

  Well, if I’m dead I won’t really be complaining much, I signed quickly, more to get her goat than anything, showing her how ridiculous she sounded.

  “Not funny,” she replied, walking back toward the two guys waiting on us. Brushing past the both of them, sh
e planted herself on the picnic bench, crossing her arms over her chest and mirroring Ryder. When I glanced over at him, I saw a hint of a smile lift the corners of his lips. Clearly my sister amused him, even if he gave off the impression she annoyed him. The wheels of my mind started spinning, thinking that if I could somehow hook the two of them up, maybe she would leave Jagger and me alone.

  I knew I’d gotten ahead of myself, but a girl could dream, couldn’t she?


  Warm breath fanned across my ear and sent a shiver of delight pulsing through me. “They’d make one helluva couple, don’t ya think?” His raspy voice unraveled the last thread of restraint I held close. If I turned my face an inch to the left, Jagger’s lips would brush over mine, and although I wanted that more than anything, it wasn’t going to be in front of the two brooding people standing close by.

  Feeling brazen after threatening my sister to cool it, I grasped Jagger’s hand and led him toward a secluded area of the park not far from where we stood. Needing to be away from prying eyes, he readily followed, tightening his hold in mine the further we walked. When two enormous oak trees finally shaded us, I removed my hand from his and took a reluctant step back. My boldness slipped when I found myself alone with him, a sudden shyness wrapping around me and strangling me. I wished I could be more like other girls my age, throwing caution to the wind and just going for it, whatever the situation may be. But sadly, I didn’t fall into that category.

  Staring down at my shuffling feet, I startled when Jagger’s fingers lifted my chin, his eyes boring into mine in the most intimate of ways. Tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, his hand lingered near my face, almost as if he wanted to stroke my cheek. But he didn’t, instead choosing to break the connection right away.

  “Thanks again for agreeing to hear me out. I’d hate for you to think of me as someone I’m not,” he said, biting his bottom lip in sudden nervousness. I found his uneasiness slightly endearing, rendering him the opposite of his big-bad-biker persona. There was much more than met the eye with Jagger, and I only hoped I’d have the opportunity to find out what.


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