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Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

Page 6

by West, La'Tonya

  It was Thursday afternoon and I was lying back on the sofa bored. I’d been in the house since I’d come home from the hospital and it was driving me crazy. During the day was the worst because everyone was at work so that left me with no one to talk to. Tremaine didn’t go in until the evening time but he would be sleep in the mornings and then after he got up he would help Lala with the kids. At least that is what he’d told me. I’d been enjoying getting to know him. I’d found that the two of us had a lot in common. He was a nice guy but I wasn’t trying to get all wrapped up into him or anyone else for that matter at this point. Like I’d said before, I was only interested in having a little fun…doing me. I’d played the role of the good girlfriend, who stayed home and took care of her man for years and all it had gotten me was lots of heartache and pain. The abuse that I’d suffered at the hands of Mello had changed something in me. It had caused me to put up a wall, a wall that would be hard for the next man to tear down. I had no plans of allowing anyone else to get close to my heart. I was ready to be selfish now and only care about me and what made me happy. As bad as it may sound, I didn’t have time to worry about other people’s feelings.

  My cell phone vibrated causing me to jump. I picked it up and pressed send. “Hello.”

  “Hey sexy. I was just calling to check on you.” Tremaine said groggily into the phone. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling fine. I’m still a little sore but other than that I’m fine.” I appreciated him taking out time to call and check on me. That was really nice of him. “You sound like you just woke up.”

  “Yeah, I did.” He yawned. “My daughter woke me up, screaming to the top of her lungs. I guess she just missed her daddy because she’s lying here on my chest quiet as a mouse now.”

  “Awww, isn’t that so sweet.” I giggled into the phone. He talked about his kids all of the time and I must admit that I was very impressed by that. “You are such a good dad.” I told him.

  “Thank you, I try.” He replied. “You can lay on daddy’s chest later if you like. It made my daughter feel better. It might have the same effect on you.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yep.” I knew that he was flirting and so I played along.

  “I’m a big girl though and it may take more than laying on daddy’s chest to make me feel better.”

  “Mmmm…well I think that I can provide whatever else that you might need to make you feel better.”

  I was about to reply when the doorbell rang. “Tremaine, let me see who this is at my door and then I will call you right back.”

  “Okay, that’s cool.”

  I hung up and rose slowly to go see who it was. On my way to answer it, it rang again. “I’m coming.” I yelled. I reached the door and looked out through the peephole and saw Corey standing on the other side. I unlocked the door and opened it. “Hey come on in.” I noticed that it was raining.

  “Hey.” He came inside carrying a white bag in his hand. The smell of food emitted from the bag and invaded my nostrils. “Nelle, told me to bring you this.” He said handing me the bag. “She was worried that you hadn’t eaten anything.”

  I shook my head laughing as I took the bag. Nelle had been treating me like I was a little kid ever since I’d gotten home from the hospital. “Thank you but you didn’t have to do this. I could’ve made me a sandwich or something.” I told him. “I’m going to take this in the kitchen but you can have a seat in the living room if you want.”

  “I guess, I could stay for a few minutes. I know that you must be bored to death sitting up in this house all day by yourself.” He laughed revealing a mouthful of perfect teeth. He had one of the sexiest smiles that I’d ever seen. “TV is alright but the same stuff comes on over and over and eventually you get tired of watching that too.”

  “You have no idea.” I went on in the kitchen and he went in the living room. I placed the bag of food on the counter and got my soda out of the refrigerator before going to join Corey in the living room. He was sitting on the love seat. I took my seat back on the sofa, where I’d been before he’d came. “So why aren’t you at work?” I took a sip of my soda and then placed it on the end table that sat next to the sofa. I grabbed my pack of Newports and lit one.

  “You know that I do roofing work. When it rains we don’t work. So they let me off early.” He answered leaning back and getting comfortable with his long legs stretched out in front of him.

  “Oh okay. Do you like doing that?” I inquired.

  “Yeah, I like being outdoors and I make good money. So yeah.” He nodded his head causing his shoulder length dreads to sway back and forth. He licked those full lips of his and traced his goat-tee with his fingers. Damn, Nelle is one lucky chic. I thought to myself. “Plus it’s a job.”

  “Yeah, you’re right about that.” I agreed eyeing him in his work uniform. He had on a long-sleeved dark blue shirt with the company logo on it that clung to his body showing of the outline of his hard chest and muscular arms. He was also wearing a pair of dark blue Dickies and some work boots. I couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like beneath those clothes. I took a long pull of my cigarette and released the smoke through my nose. I needed something stronger than a cigarette. I realized that I hadn’t smoked a blunt in almost two weeks.

  “Do you have anything good with you?” I asked Corey.

  A grin formed on his lips. “Girl c’mon now. You know who you are talking to? Of course I got something good.” He got up from the loveseat. “I’ll be right back.” He went outside and returned with a blunt stuck between his lips. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a lighter and fired it up. He hit it twice and began coughing and then passed it to me.

  “You must’ve already had this rolled.” I said as I took the blunt from him and took a toke.

  “I always keep something rolled.” He was still coughing. By now he’d taken a seat on the couch next to me. “Nelle told me that you fucks with Tre now.” He eyed me waiting for my response.

  I took another toke of the blunt before passing it back to him. “We talk but I wouldn’t say that I fuck with him. I mean, he’s cool but I’m not on it like that.”

  “I feel you.”

  “After all that I have been through with Mello. I am taking some time for me to do the things that I want to do. To explore and experience new things.” I eyed him licking my lips.

  “Ain’t nothing wrong with that, you should. Not only that but you know how Tre gets down. I don’t have anything to do with your business but there is no need in investing too much of yourself into someone like him. He’s a player. Always have been.” He warned handing me the blunt back but I declined. He leaned forward and put it out in the ashtray.

  “I appreciate you being concerned but trust me there’s no need. I can handle Tremaine.” I giggled feeling the effects of the weed. I’d become relax and was feeling quite bold. “Can I ask you a question, just between you and me?”

  “Yeah sure but first can I have something to drink? My mouth is dry as fuck.”

  “You can go in the kitchen and get something if you want. Help yourself.” I told him.

  He started laughing. “Man, I don’t feel like getting up. Shit, I’m at yo’ crib. Where’s the hospitality?” He licked those full lips again. I hadn’t had any dick in over two months and the sight of him licking his lips sent electric currents throughout my body. I felt the area between my legs become drenched. I knew I was wrong for lusting after my cousin’s husband but Corey was one fine mothafucka and always had been. I’d been telling myself for years that I shouldn’t look at him the way that I did but I couldn’t help it. As fucked up as it may seem, Mello had been the main reason why I never tried anything with Corey. There had been a period in time where Corey wasn’t with Nelle, he was fucking with this white chic named Amy. That would’ve been the perfect time for me to make my move. It wasn’t like I wanted to be his woman, I just wanted to sample the goods but I knew that if I ever cheated on Mello, he would kil
l my ass. So I only watched from a distance, not only Corey but any other man that I found attractive. Cheating was not an option with Mello but now that he was gone I felt like a different woman. Like the shackles had finally been removed and I was free to do anything that I wanted and that included Corey.

  I looked at him looking like a chocolate god, as much as I wanted to be selfish and not give a damn about anyone’s feelings. I did care about Nelle. She’d always had my back no matter what and I knew that I would be dead ass wrong for fucking Corey behind her back. Why do I have to have a fuckin’ conscience? I wondered to myself.

  Corey was snapping his fingers in front of my face, which caused me to snap back to reality. “My bad, I was thinking about something.” I told him.

  “Yeah, I see. Are you going to get me something to drink before I die?” He asked.

  “Yeah…my bad.” I replied getting up. “What do you want? I have some soda, some Kool-Aid…”

  “Man, it don’t even matter. I don’t care what you bring me.”

  I went into the kitchen and poured him a glass of Kool-Aid and brought it back to him. “Here you go.” I handed him the glass and then took my seat back where I’d been sitting before.

  He drank half of the Kool-Aid before taking the glass from his mouth. “Damn that hit the spot.” He said taking another sip. “So what was it that you wanted to ask me?”

  Nelle crossed my mind and I shook my head. “Nothing…it wasn’t important.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” My mouth was saying that I was sure but my pussy was screaming something totally different. I wasn’t sure of how long my conscience would win this battle but it had won this round.


  I sat on the other end of the sofa typing the last chapter of Confessions of a Side Chic 2 and trying to ignore Tre as he made plans to get together with his new little friend later on that evening. He’d been talking to this chic named Mina everyday on the phone for the past two weeks. I didn’t know her that well but I knew of her. I knew that she owned the hair salon in town and had a baby with this crazy nigga named Mello. I’d heard that Mello had flipped out and whooped her ass a few weeks before. I’d also heard that he’d violated his probation because he wasn’t supposed to get into any more trouble. That meant that he would be gone for a minute and it also explained why she was all up on Tre now. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Damn shame her babydaddy ain’t been locked up a month yet and she already trying to lay her funky ass up with my babydaddy! Triflin’ bitch! Something about her must’ve been very interesting because Tre seemed unable to get enough of her ass. Every time that I turned around he was on the phone with her or leaving to go see her. I knew that I shouldn’t be concerned with who he talked to on the phone or who he spent his time with because he and I weren’t anything more than friends but the reason why I was is because after being under the same roof with him for a while my feelings had started to change for him. I was starting to want more than a friendship again. Maybe my feelings weren’t changing maybe they’d been there all along and I’d just been trying to ignore them. I think him almost dying had a lot to do with it as well. Whatever the case, I didn’t like the thought of the next bitch being all booed up with my babydaddy!

  I’d come to the conclusion that it was time for me to take my red ass back to Danville. There was no way I was about to sit around and watch while Tre moved on with this chic right in my face! He was doing fine now and he’d even gone back to work so there was no need in me sticking around. I needed to leave before I said or did the wrong thing and landed myself in a bad position. Things were good between us now and I didn’t want to complicate them or make things awkward between us if he wasn’t feeling me in the same way that I was feeling him. His actions hadn’t indicated in any way that he was. He was still on some strictly friendship type stuff with me. We would chill and watch TV together and talk for hours but he hadn’t tried to make any moves on me at all. He still slept in the living room on the sofa every night and I slept in the bedroom with the girls. I knew Tre, if he’d been the least bit interested in getting with me in any kind of way. He would’ve been made a move but he hadn’t so that told me a lot.

  “Yeah, I’m going to go and see my little men and maybe take them out for some ice cream or something and then after that I will be through to kick it with you. I was thinking that I could stop by the Red Box and pick up a couple of movies for us to watch.” Tre spoke into the phone. He was quiet for a few seconds and then he replied. “Okay that will work. Is there anything specific that you would like to see?” I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. He was looking in the other direction so he didn’t notice. “Alright then, I’ll see you around 6:30 or 7:00.” He ended the call and turned his attention to me. “What are you down there doing? Besides keeping a bunch of noise, clicking those keys, while I am trying to talk on the phone.”

  “If the noise that I am making was bothering you then you should’ve taken your conversation elsewhere!” I snapped and then instantly regretted how it had come out. I really hadn’t meant to say it with so much force but I was feeling some type of way about him sitting right in my face talking to ol’ girl! I mean damn had he even taken time out to think of how that shit might make me feel?

  “Damn…my bad!” He laughed holding up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t mean any harm! I was just playing with you. I see somebody is in a bad mood today.”

  I saved my document and then closed my laptop. “Nah, I apologize. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. I’m just a little bit on edge trying to wrap up this book…that’s all.” I half lied. I was ready to get my book done and I felt a little pressure wondering if everyone was going to like it as much as they had the first part but I was mostly frustrated because of my feelings for Tre. My phone vibrated, I leaned over and picked it up off of the coffee table. Reggie’s name was flashing on the screen. I didn’t feel like talking to him at the moment so I pressed ignore. He and I still talked almost every day. We’d become really close friends but he wanted more. He’d expressed to me that he really liked me and wanted the chance to get to know me better but I’d told him that I had too much going on in my life at the present time to try and start a relationship with anyone. He’d told me that he understood but he still brought it up each time that we talked. Every time that he brought it up, I’d change the subject.

  “Well why don’t you just take a break from writing and relax for a little while and then go back to it.” Tre suggested. “I mean, it’s not like you have a set deadline that you have to meet or anything.”

  “Yeah…I guess you’re right.” He was sitting on the other end of the sofa with no shirt on. I felt like he was torturing me. My eyes roamed over his bare chest and I felt my juices start to flow. Damn, I had to get out of that house from around him and quickly! My eyes moved up to those full lips of his that I missed kissing so much. I saw his mouth moving but I had no idea what he was saying. At the moment flashes of the last time that he and I had made love were playing in my head.

  “Lala…Lala…did you hear what I just said?” He called to me tearing me away from the images in my head.

  “H-huh?” I stuttered blinking trying to blink away the images of his naked body that were in my head. “What did you say?”

  “I asked what your plans were for today.”

  “I’ll probably swing by and see my parents.” I decided that now would be a good time to tell him that I was planning to leave. “The girls and I are leaving this Friday coming up.”

  I couldn’t quite read his expression. I knew that it wasn’t excitement so that was a good thing. He was quiet for a few seconds and then he replied. “Damn, I’m going to miss having my babies here with me but I understand that you have to go back home. I knew that this was only a temporary thing but it still doesn’t make it any easier.”

  I know it may sound stupid but I was a little hurt by the fact that he didn’t say he was going to miss me too.
That further confirmed that it was time for me to go. “It’s not like they aren’t coming back. We’ll be back down here for a visit before you know it.”

  “Yeah but that won’t be the same as me waking up with them here every day like they are now.”

  “I feel you.”

  He got up from the sofa and walked down the hall in the direction of the bedroom. I watched until he went into the bedroom then I got up and placed my laptop on the sofa and picked up my phone from the coffee table. I needed some fresh air so I went outside onto the front porch. I took a seat on the porch swing, lying my phone down beside me and looked out across the yard. My feelings for Tre were beginning to drive me crazy because I was still thinking about the fact that he hadn’t said anything about missing me. I almost felt like crying. I picked my phone back up and dialed Nisey’s number. It rang a few times before she picked up.

  “Hello.” She answered in a groggy voice.

  “Hey girl, did I wake you?” I asked hoping that I hadn’t. I didn’t want to be waking her or anybody else just to talk about my drama. Just because it was important to me I knew that didn’t mean that it was important to everyone else.

  “Yeah, you did but it’s alright. I needed to get my tail up anyways because Evan will be waking up from his nap soon. I need to put my dinner on the stove before he wakes up. That child is so spoiled that I can’t put him down long enough to get anything done.” She replied and then I heard her cough. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing…” I let out a sigh and looked out across the yard again. I started to get emotional and tears filled my eyes.

  “Are you sure? You sound a little funny?” I could hear the concern in her voice. “Don’t be lying to me, Lala. Now tell me what’s going on? Is it that heffa Kisha again? Girl, you need to stop playing with her and beat the brakes off her ass!”


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