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Forever Lost

Page 20

by Laura Morgan

  “I don’t think you realize what you are asking of me. I’m very much used to fucking girls hard and deep. Saying no was never an option for any of them, but I never wanted that for you. I want to make love to you, but never force you. I want you to scream yes, but never tell me no. I want you to come for me over and over again, while I worship your body with mine,” he said, staring at her intently. “Do you think you could do that?”

  Cassie was on fire. She climbed up on the bed, her body going into overdrive at his powerful words. She raised her index finger, curling it so Victor came closer. When he reached her, she ran her fingertips over every inch of his brown skin she could reach. Her hand soon curled around his hard length, and she pulled him toward her, guiding him inside her already very wet cleft.

  “Yes, Victor. Yes.” Her voice was soft and quiet, and her lips trembled as she spoke the words. Cassie realized the place inside of her that had feelings for him was starting to expand, but she no longer cared. This was her life now, no matter what Leo had wanted for her, and for some reason this man adored her. In the time they’d been together he’d kept his word, and if this was second best, it was pretty damn good.


  Victor’s body was dripping with sweat, soaking Cassie as he leaned over her, but she didn’t seem to care. Sweat was pouring from her naked body, too, and the bed beneath them was drenched. The sun was rising in the sky outside, and they’d not stopped making love since they’d arrived at the house the night before. He came again, pressing himself into her still clenching body, and finally climbed off. Victor lay beside his panting wife, taking her hand in his as he started to doze, but she roused him when she climbed up to go to the bathroom.

  “I won’t be long, baby.” She ducked inside, but she left the door open, as though knowing he wanted to keep an eye on her.

  Part of him wanted to follow her, but he knew it was too much. She had nowhere to go, and he knew he had to learn to trust her. Cassie had done everything he’d ever asked, even though she hadn’t always wanted to. She’d thought she was fooling him with her fake affections, but he’d noticed the difference early on between the times she was genuinely responsive to his touch, and when she had forced herself to go along with it.

  He’d seen the terrified look that had swept across her face the day before as she entered the church. She had managed to hide it from everyone except him, but he’d understood her reasons, and hoped he would never see that look on her face again. He thought back to the last few months with a smile. Cassie truly had been everything he’d bargained for in New York. It still shocked him how addicted he was to her. Victor knew their marriage had been rushed, but he didn’t care. He wanted the security that having Cassie as his wife afforded him, and would never let her go.

  “Hurry up, I’m getting cold!” he called.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Cassie’s soft voice filtered in from the en-suite, and he grinned. Victor tried his best to be patient, imagining what she might be doing, while he listened to the running water and pulled the duvet up over his chilling flesh.

  While lying there, he thought back to the person he used to be before Luis gave him his knife and trained him to be a cold-hearted killer. Back when he was a boy, Victor had been a sensitive, loving soul. He’d been a mama’s boy in his childhood and respected women. He would never have believed back then he would’ve turned into a man who took young girls into sexual slavery, sold their virginities to the highest bidders, and delivered beatings to anyone who tried to defy him.

  He knew his men feared him, and he enjoyed it. After his initiations were over, Victor had gone on to kill his oldest friend, Carlos, because he had fallen in love with one of their girls. He’d hidden her from the other men to keep for himself. The fool had lost them countless hours of her service, so Luis had ordered Victor to torture him. When he’d confronted Carlos, he lied about the entire thing, trying in vain to cover up his wrongdoings, which only served to enrage Victor. In his anger, he’d killed him, and used it to send a warning to his other men. By that point in his life, Victor was far from the boy he’d once been, and he appreciated having the opportunity to offer his men a very poignant message, a message that was still whispered about to this day.

  “I nearly sent you a search party,” he teased when Cassie returned, and she rolled her eyes playfully. She smelled far better than he did, yet slid straight into his arms without hesitation and dirtied herself in his scent again without complaining. She snuggled into his hold, and he held her, the pair of them soon drifting off to a deep sleep.


  When Cassie awoke a few hours later, Victor was still fast asleep beside her, and all she could think about was that swimming pool down in the garden. She climbed out of bed, surprised she hadn’t woken him, and brushed her teeth before getting ready. After standing beside her sleeping husband for a moment, she gently shook him awake. Victor roused with a moan, and she quickly asked for his permission to go and use the pool.

  “Sí, sí,” he mumbled, before turning over and going back to sleep. Cassie thanked him and practically skipped down the stairs in the new bikini she’d found in a suitcase at the end of the bed, with a towel tucked under her arm.

  Thankfully, the pool was partially covered. Cassie dove straight in the deep end, grinning as she came up for air, and she then swam as many lengths as she possibly could. She enjoyed the workout, and feel of the cool water as it enveloped her otherwise hot body. She felt peaceful and carefree for the first time since she could remember.

  She had no idea how long she had been in the water, but when she eventually stopped her lengths, she floated on her back for a while, staring up at the clear blue sky through the netted roof, awash in contentment. Cassie loved this more than she would ever admit, and she basked in the blissful glow she felt resonating from deep within.

  A whiff of smoke disturbed her almost meditative session, and she pulled up to look around. Victor sat on one of the loungers, smoking a large cigar and watching her with a hard scowl.

  “Hey, baby,” she said, trying to sound calm, but she sensed he was angry. “You going to join me?” She swam over to the edge and peered up at her husband as best she could in the bright sunlight. He was wearing nothing but a robe, and he watched her for a few seconds with that same hard stare before finally answering.

  “No. But I would like you to explain why I woke up alone on the first day of our married life.” He calmly patted the lounger in front of him, indicating for her to come and sit with him. Cassie swallowed the lump in her throat and climbed up out of the water, trembling as she slowly stepped toward her husband, but it was not from the cold. If anything, the hot air dried her body within seconds of emerging from the cool water rather than give her a chill.

  “I woke you. I asked if I was allowed to come for a swim, and you said yes,” She mumbled her words, but she knew he could hear her clearly enough. Victor opened his legs and motioned for Cassie to sit between them, and she perched on the wooden chair’s edge. “Please believe me, baby. You said yes.” She knew she was pleading with him now, but his forced calm was making her feel uncomfortable, and she was desperate to make him see she hadn’t sneaked out.

  “Hmm. Now that you mention it, I do seem to remember telling you yes. Come here,” he replied, his voice slightly softer, and she climbed onto her knees between his open thighs. Cassie placed her hands on his cheeks and leaned in for a kiss, tasting the cigar on his lips, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was obtaining his forgiveness. She was telling the truth, he’d given her permission, but she also realized he’d been half asleep at the time, and hadn’t necessarily known what he’d said. She’d been so excited to have her swim and had rushed it, rather than stay and wait for him to wake up properly. Cassie let out a yelp as Victor wrapped his arms around her tightly, catching her by surprise, but she let herself fall onto his lap while their lips remained locked.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Victor. I promised. Did you worry?” she asked when
she could finally pull away, realizing how he must’ve panicked at finding her gone, and he didn’t reply. His expression told her she’d assumed correctly, though. Cassie knew she needed to make it up to him, so untied his robe and slid down to take his hard length in her mouth. Just like she had when she’d indulged in that threesome with Hanna and Jamie, she bent her body so her hips went as high as she could get them, while arching her back seductively to give her husband a good show.

  She slid her mouth up and down his hard-on, taking him as far as she could, and Victor groaned in appreciation. His hands ran over her back and hips as she moved, and when he came he pressed the back of her head into him. The move deepened the connection, and before he let go, he leaned forward and brought one hand down on her ass cheek in a slap so hard she would’ve cried out if she weren’t effectively gagged.

  Cassie threw herself back and stared at him angrily. She didn’t dare say a word, but a single tear betrayed her resolve and slipped down onto her cheek. That had hurt, badly, and she wanted nothing more than to lash out at Victor in retaliation. She knew better than that, so seethed inside, rubbing at her backside to soothe it. Victor just smiled triumphantly and sat back in his seat, covering himself and taking a long draw of his cigar.

  “You’ll burn in this sun. You should go and wait in the bedroom for me,” he told her, and Cassie shook her head, finally standing up to him just a little.

  “I didn’t do anything wrong!” she cried as another tear fell down her cheek. She stormed back in the house, grabbing a muffin and a coffee on her way upstairs in search of a shower. She most certainly was not going to the bedroom to wait for him.

  When she emerged from the shower, Cassie slipped into one of the stunning dresses Victor had packed for her and applied some makeup. She spent the entire time trembling in anticipation of Victor’s return, but he didn’t come upstairs. Instead he stayed in the sun by the pool, seemingly waiting for something, and she eventually went back out to his side. She sat on the lounger beside him, opening the umbrella to provide her with some shade, and sat back silently. Her whole body was stiff as she awaited his response to her outburst.

  “How’s your ass?” Victor eventually asked, turning to face Cassie with a sly grin. “When I get cheek from you, your cheek gets the punishment, simple. Be a good girl from now on and you won’t have to worry about it. But right now, I believe you owe me one more slap for the way you spoke to me.” He appeared to enjoy reminding her outbursts were not acceptable.

  Cassie hated the thought of him delivering another blow, but sensed he wanted her to go to him willingly. Victor clearly relished her timid submission. He watched with a satisfied smile as she stood and stepped over to him. She bent down so she was laid over his knee, and he lifted the dress up over her hips. Cassie’s face was close to the floor on the other side of the lounger, and she braced herself with her palms on the warm ground. She had no idea when he would strike, but knew it would be painful, and closed her eyes tightly in anticipation.

  When Victor’s hand came down, her nose almost hit the ground, having been forced downward with the blow. She screamed in agony, writhing against his hold, but he pinned her down. The hand he’d used to spank her rubbed the sore spot to soothe it, before he stuck two fingers inside her cleft. He was drawing on pleasure to accompany the pain he’d delivered, and it worked. Cassie stopped squirming, her body focusing instead on the activity between her thighs, and she soon came for him.

  When she sat back up, Cassie was in a whirlwind of emotion. She felt angry, yet afraid to infuriate her husband any further. She perched quietly, unable to sit on the lounger properly due to her stinging cheek, and Victor watched as tears she could not control slid down her face. Without a word, he pulled Cassie to her feet and up into his arms, kissing her before stepping forward. He jumped, sending them both straight into the deep end of the pool with a splash, rendering Cassie’s efforts to get ready for the day useless.

  “You’re such an arse,” Cassie said as she treaded water beside him, and Victor just shrugged and grinned. He pulled her over to him for another kiss, and she didn’t fight him.

  “I can’t bear to see you cry, so I threw you in the pool,” he said, stroking her face tenderly. “I have to own your tears as well as your smiles, you know?”

  Chapter 30

  Their one night turned into three when Victor informed his new wife he could spare a couple more. He seemed to enjoy having Cassie to himself away from the confines of the complex, and she had to admit she felt the same. In this tiny village, holed up in their home-away-from-home. Cassie loved it, even with his intrusive family stopping by unannounced more than once.

  She continued to be the perfect lover, acquiescent to his every desire, and knew it wasn’t an act. Cassie loved having freedom from her locked bedroom and wasn’t looking forward to heading back into captivity again.

  On their final night in the small town, Victor arranged to take his family out for dinner, all thirty of them. He booked the entire restaurant where they’d had their wedding reception. She’d overhead him on the phone earlier that afternoon, instructing the chef to give his guests whatever they wanted. He would cover the bill.

  “You’re very generous, baby.” She stroked his cheeks, running up through his dark brown hair while she kissed him, and he leaned into her touch as though savoring her compliment.

  The pair joined his family, and they all settled down to a delicious feast. Everyone chatted loudly and spoke with their mouths full. The women criticized each other’s dress sense and choice of hairstyle, and the men talked sports and cars. The din of conversation and laughter was intense, all of them so incredibly loud, but Cassie felt at ease and happy in their company. She was just about managing to follow the discussions, but was still unable to talk back much. Victor’s mother and cousins tried to ask her where she was from, and how she and Victor had met. Despite their best efforts, hardly any back and forth happened between the women, but she wondered if part of him liked it that she couldn't talk with them too openly.

  “Meet at England?” one girl asked. She’d been introduced to her at the wedding as Victor’s youngest cousin, Gabriela. He’d told Cassie she’d never left his village, but had done well at school, and knew her geography well.

  “No,” Cassie replied, smiling at her kindly. “New York, America.”

  “Wow, good?” Gabriela asked, and Cassie couldn’t be sure what she was asking, so she just nodded and told her yes. Gabriela then stood and tried to get Cassie to join her, making wild hand gestures toward a small area where she seemed intent on dancing in. Cassie looked back at Victor, silently asking his permission, and he nodded but leaned in close to whisper into her ear.

  “I’ll have my eyes on you at all times. You stay where I can see you,” he instructed, and she nodded in understanding. Cassie jumped up and joined the excited young woman on the floor, where she tried in vain to learn some salsa dancing techniques.

  Mama Sanchez had seemingly caught their moment of interaction, and Cassie saw as she asked her son why his wife needed permission to dance, but he shooed his mother away. She presumed he was telling his mother it was none of her business, but even Cassie could see the tension in him.

  She ignored it, though, leaving his family issues for Victor to sort out, and tried desperately to pick up the moves Gabriela was teaching her. Instead, her ineptitude on the dance floor shone bright and she guessed she must look awkward and tense. Some other girls joined them and assisted in her teachings, all of whom couldn't help but laugh along with Cassie when she laughed at her lack of skill. They weren’t mean about it. They were kind and fussed over their new family member affectionately. When she finally started to get some of the hip swings right, Gabriela clapped, making Cassie smile, and she carried on, pleased with herself for having mastered at least one of the moves. When she flopped back down in her seat beside Victor, he pulled his panting wife close, leaning in to whisper in her ear again.

  “I’m the en
vy of every man here,” he said, running his lips across her jaw. “Even when you were dancing like a crazy person they couldn't help but watch.” He laughed, and Cassie jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow in protest. “When you learned to swing your hips, the world fell away and we were all captivated by you. I want to see you dance like that again soon, but next time just for me,” he told her, grinning sexily.

  Cassie bit down on her bottom lip, feeling hot and bothered by his sensual words, and Victor knew it. He soon made their excuses and the pair left, eager to get back to their honeymoon home.


  The next morning Victor sat at his laptop, sending a few emails, while Cassie lay asleep in the bed. Her naked body lay sprawled across the sheets, on full show, her body issues now thankfully long forgotten. He opened up a new email, unable to control himself, and added Leo’s address to the top bar. He couldn't resist including a few photographs from his and Cassie’s wedding day to the mail. Victor chose the most stunning shots in which she was peering up at him lovingly, and then attached them with a smirk. He hovered over the message box before writing:

  Dear Leo,

  I hope you are keeping well, old friend? As you will see by the attached pictures, I am very well, and have been taking excellent care of my new acquaintance. I look forward to seeing you again, and am sure the whole unfortunate incident will be put behind us by the time of our next meeting.

  Kind regards,


  With a satisfied smile he hit send and locked down the laptop. He stashed it out of sight, just in case Cassie ever grew curious, and joined her on the bed. Victor roused his wife by laying kisses across her back and pressing his body into hers. She sighed and stretched, pushing back into him, spurring his hard-on to grow heavier.


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