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Forever Lost

Page 22

by Laura Morgan


  Leo lay on the bed curled in a tight ball, his head buried in his hands. He’d fallen into a deep sleep the night before, but had been forced awake shortly afterward when a series of loud groans disturbed him. When his groggy vision came back into focus, he’d seen Cassie on the TV screen. She was screaming and crying out for Victor, who was nestled between her thighs and servicing her so skillfully that her groans and cries of delight were almost deafening. He’d tried to turn the screen off or turn the volume down, but it was no use. Leo was left with no choice but to let his eyes wander over the display and take in the sight of his former lover. Cassie looked wonderful, her inhibitions clearly long forgotten, and she seemed much happier than Leo had ever thought she would after having spent the last few months with Victor.

  Leo could tell she’d been positioned so the hidden camera overhead would show her body perfectly to him. She was enjoying herself, and Victor was putting on one hell of a show. Leo knew he was doing all of this in the hope that her disgruntled ex was now watching them from a room on the other side of the large mansion, and Leo couldn't stop himself from falling into his host’s trap.

  He believed in that heart-wrenching moment that she was gone. She truly had chosen Victor over him, so Leo returned to the bed and pulled the covers over his head. He tried with all his might to block out the sound and resist the temptation to take his last looks at the woman who had stolen his heart, and then broken it into a million black pieces.

  Whether she knew it or not, Cassie had forever changed him. Leo was sure of it, but he also knew there was no going back to the man he was before her. By the next morning, he had decided to clean himself up and get on with his life. This time he would stay away from women completely, or else find himself someone who might make him feel the way Cassie had. Leo would settle for just a little bit of love in this awful world, and before he was even washed and dressed, he’d already made the decision to head home again after breakfast.

  Victor was a gracious host that morning, offering him coffee and cake, but he refused. Leo would never ask him about the live feed that had been pumped into his room the night before, and somehow knew Victor was not about to bring it up either. But each of them knew the matter had well and truly been laid to rest, and in a way Leo was glad. He gathered his things and called his driver, heading out, but he turned back to say a quick, forced farewell to Victor and thank him for the hospitality.

  “You’ve won, Victor. It’s time to call it even,” he said, needing to end this feud once and for all, and Victor smiled up at his once formidable foe.

  “Yes, you’re right. I have won. You said you have no siblings, but you and I are like rivaling brothers, Leo. Don’t you see?” Victor grinned, but Leo remained stoic. “Yes, we are even. And you’re right, this matter is now settled. I look forward to seeing you again, brother. Perhaps next time you won’t be using and will be sounder of mind so Cassie might consider joining us. I’m sorry she didn’t want to see you this time, but you know she cannot be around addicts.” He patted his arm gently, and Leo shook his head and climbed in the car. He waved to Victor before instructing his driver, Javier, to get him out of this hellhole.

  Chapter 33

  Victor waited until he had confirmation that Leo was airborne and bound for New York before he sent Grayson the message to bring Cassie down to him. He smiled at her from the dining table as she joined him. He could tell she was clearly still buzzing from the night before. Victor had made it his mission to pleasure her in every way he knew how, which happened to be many. He lowered his newspaper and motioned for her to join him in his seat rather than in one of her own, and his stunning wife climbed onto his lap without hesitation.

  She kissed every inch of his face, and he lapped it up.

  “I missed waking up to you this morning, baby,” she whispered, kissing his lips tenderly. “What can I do for you?” she asked, looking down at him while straddling his lap. He said nothing, however he ran his thumb over her soft lips, a sly smile curling at his own. Cassie didn’t need any other instructions. She slid down onto the floor and unzipped his chinos, before climbing between his legs and sliding his thick hardness into her mouth.

  “No. I don’t want to come in here,” he groaned after a few minutes, sensing his impending release. He pushed Cassie backward and offered her his hand, pulling his wife back up onto his lap. Victor grabbed her ass cheek hard and caressed it. “I want to come in here,” he told her, and Cassie shook her head.

  He guessed she’d never done it before, and the look she gave him had him thinking she hated the very idea of anal sex. She seemed to have no desire to even try, so tried to climb back down to the floor, making him want it even more.

  Cassie bent to take Victor’s still rock-hard cock into her mouth, but he pulled her toward him again. “Do this and you’ll be rewarded, Cassie. I promise I’ll make it good,” he told her, brushing her cheek affectionately. He pushed his chair back and reached out his hand, pulling her up to stand before him. Cassie nodded but whimpered when he stood and turned her around, pushing her forward so she pressed her torso down onto the table. She tilted her hips back, opening herself up to Victor in an obvious effort to please him, and it worked.


  Victor surprised Cassie by sliding inside her wet cleft first, coating himself in her juices before pulling out and pushing inside the other opening with a satisfied growl before he began to move slowly.

  She didn’t hate it as much as she thought she would, the sensation being almost enjoyable, but afterward it felt strange and sore, in a way she did hate. “You’ll get used to it, baby.” Victor clearly enjoyed teasing her. He grinned when she made her way back in from the bathroom and sat down opposite him with a wince.

  “What’s my reward?” she asked, desperate to find out, and also eager to take her mind off the strange soreness between her cheeks. Victor stared at her for a moment, softening only when she dropped her eyes from his hard stare. He leaned forward and placed a cell phone on the table between them.

  Cassie peered down at it, unsure what to do at first. It had been so long since she had used one. Victor laughed, evidently sensing her hesitation, and he leaned forward, grabbing the cell back again. She went to protest, but he held up a hand to stop her. He unlocked the screen and dialed the New York international code, looking up at Cassie questioningly. She quickly gave him Hanna’s number, trembling as he hit the call button and handed it over with a satisfied smile.

  She realized then just how much control Victor had over her. Even with his permission, she was still terrified of talking to Hanna, especially with him watching over her like a hawk.

  “Hello?” answered a voice on the other end, sounding confused by the unknown number and the silence that followed. “Hello? Is this some kinda stalker pervert? ‘Cos I’m not interested.” Hanna insisted, sounding angry.

  “Hey, sweetie,” Cassie whispered, holding the handset up to her ear as a tear slid down her cheek. “You get properly engaged to that drug-dealer boyfriend of yours yet?”

  “Fuck me! Cassie, where are you? Are you okay?” Hanna fired questions at her quickly. “Did you manage to sneak a phone away from that monster? I’ll call in whoever I need to and get you outta there, sweetie. Please tell me you’re still in one piece?”

  “Han, calm down,” she replied, looking across at Victor. She could tell he’d heard every word of her best friend’s rant. “No need to call in the heavies, I’m fine. Victor gave me the phone. He’s been taking wonderful care of me,” she added, and he seemed placated, for now. Victor grabbed his paper and began perusing it again, his attention off Cassie for a short while. She was glad he wasn’t staring at her anymore, willing to let her talk in relative privacy, but she knew he would be listening in.

  “Are you serious? I’ve been so worried about you. What have you been doing?” Hanna asked, her tone softer now, and Cassie relaxed.

  “Nothing too much really, just me and Victor being togeth
er and getting to know one another. He really is taking good care of me, Hanna.” She took a deep breath and looked down at the wedding ring on her finger. “We got married.”

  “You what? Jesus, Cassie. What the fuck were you thinking? Don’t you see he’s controlling you? Even now I can tell you aren’t yourself. You’ve probably got that Stockholm syndrome thing! Let me guess, he’s being all nice and loving, just as long as you do everything he says?” Hanna huffed loudly.

  “Don’t be like that, Han. I may not be the same old me anymore, but I gave that person up willingly to keep you all safe. I’m happy, and Victor is the one making me that way, just like he promised. I don’t wanna argue with you. Please, let’s just move on from this and catch up like old times. I haven’t got long,” Cassie pleaded, catching Victor’s gaze on her again from the corner of her eye, but she continued looking down at her hands.

  “Okay, but you tell him if he hurts you, I’ll be down there to talk to him with a brick, and then remind him of his promises to you with a swift kick in the balls,” Hanna replied, making Cassie laugh.

  “I will,” she said. “So, come on. Tell me what I’m missing,” she insisted, desperately wanting to know how Hanna was doing.

  “You’re right, Jamie and I are properly engaged now. I’m outta the game for good, and he’s moved into the apartment. We’ve boxed up all of your stuff, but we’ll keep it safe for you. Don’t you worry, sweetie.” Hanna seemed like she needed her to know they hadn’t forgotten about her, and she was glad. Cassie was pleased they were getting on with their lives, the lives she’d kept safe by leaving. Another tear fell down her cheek as she thought back to that terrible day at Leo’s home.

  “I’m so happy for you both. So, when’s the wedding?” Cassie wiped her cheek in an attempt to hide her tears, but Victor had already seen and was watching her again.

  “Not for a while. We’ll have to wait until the baby’s born first,” Hanna replied, her smile so very clear in her tone, and Cassie broke down in irrepressible tears at her best friend’s wonderful news. “Don’t be so soppy. You’ll set me off, and trust me, you don’t wanna hear a pregnant woman have an emotional breakdown!”

  “Hanna, you are just the most wonderful person. You and Jamie are going to make amazing parents. I love you.” Cassie watched as Victor stretched out his hand toward her in blatant expectation of having the phone back. “I have to go, sweetie. I’ll speak to you when I can, but in the meantime look after yourself, and that wonderful baby. Say hi to Jamie for me, love you.”

  “Thanks, Cassie. You look after yourself, too, and stay safe. Love you,” Hanna replied, hanging up the phone.

  Cassie handed the cell to Victor. She smiled across at him, so grateful for his gesture. It had been lovely talking with Hanna. Her heart was full of pure love and emotion, thanks to her friend’s wonderful news, and hearing her voice had been amazing.

  The tears still fell, even though the call was over. For some reason she couldn't control them, but Cassie didn’t fight the wave of emotion, and Victor didn’t seem fazed. He flicked through the paper some more, but then stood.

  He walked around to the other side of the table, where he lifted Cassie into his arms and carried her out to the garden. She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling tired after her tears, and wondered where they were going. She braced herself when they reached the pool’s edge, realizing at once what he was about to do, but this time Victor didn’t jump in to soak them both, he just threw her in.

  When she broke the surface of the water, Cassie laughed. It was a genuine, happy laugh, and Victor soon joined in.

  “I told you I can’t stand to see you cry.” He sat on a lounger and watched as she lay back in the cool water to bask in the sunshine, her dress billowing beneath her in the water, but she didn’t care.


  A few weeks later, an invitation arrived in the mail. It was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sanchez. Inside was a lavishly decorated and embossed white card, announcing they’d been invited to Leonardo Solomon’s birthday celebration. He was holding a masquerade ball at his home to celebrate his thirtieth birthday, and had also included a handwritten note. Leo informed Victor he was now clean and sober, just in case Mrs. Sanchez still had her reservations about the party.

  He sneered at the note, crumpling it up and throwing it in the trash. He kept the card, staring at it while wondering whether Cassie could be trusted to accompany him to New York. This would surely be the biggest test of her loyalty to date, and part of him hated the idea of her being anywhere near Leo. The other part wanted to see for himself what her reaction to her ex would be. For now, though, he would wait and see. They still had a while to reply, and he was enjoying the good life far too much to complicate things.

  Victor hid the card in his desk, locking the drawer shut. He then wandered off in search of his wife. He found her lying in a shady spot by the pool, her stunning body on display in her tiny bikini. Only his most trusted men would see her, and they all knew never to take a lingering glance, or else risk losing a treacherous eye to his jealousy.

  Grayson was sitting beside her, as always. He had a Spanish novel in his hands, and was reading her one line at a time. Together they were telling the story, he paused at the end of each sentence for her to repeat it in Spanish, and then translate into English. She was doing pretty well, only struggling over the odd word here and there, and Grayson was proving to be a good teacher.

  Her art supplies were beside her on the table, the stunning array of colored pastel or grey penciled drawings each portraying just a snippet of her talent. Victor lifted each one to admire while he listened to her saying the lines back to her tutor. He came across his own portrait and stared intently at the face she’d chosen to portray. It made him happy to see she’d chosen his seductive smile and bright eyes, rather than his smoldering stare or stern expression he knew he’d often shown her.

  “That’s who I’ve seen every day since I came here. I think I might even love him,” Cassie said, and at first Victor thought she was still reciting the story. He soon realized she was no longer translating the book with Grayson, but looking up at her husband from her lounger. It was the first time she’d ever made him feel she might genuinely love him. It was the one thing she’d told him she could never do, and Victor grinned down at her adoringly.

  “I like when he’s around too. Maybe together we can try and keep him here so you can be sure whether you love him,” Victor replied thoughtfully. He slid the picture back down on the table and then joined Cassie on the lounger. She didn’t resist at all as he pulled her close and began kissing her, savoring her taste and the feel of her half-naked body against his suited frame.

  After one last kiss, he stood and headed off to gather his men for another of their meetings. Grayson carried on reading once Victor had finished his passionate moment with his wife, nodding to his boss in respect as he left.

  Just before he reached the door, Victor turned back. He considered calling off his meeting, wondering whether to take Cassie out shopping in the city for the afternoon instead. He paused, deciding to listen in on their conversation after hearing her voice drift over from where they were still lounging. His men could wait five more minutes, and then he’d surprise her.

  “Do you like working for him, GG. Being my nanny?” Cassie asked her guard. He ignored her at first, re-reading the same line of their story again, but she didn’t play along. Grayson eventually lowered the book and scowled at her, but nodded and shrugged.

  “I have no life away from Mr. Sanchez. No family of my own, and no friends outside of this complex. He’s been good to me. He took me off the street when I was an idiot teenager with a chip on my shoulder, always looking for a fight and a swift buck. He trained me, took me into his employment, and I’ve never looked back. There’s nothing I enjoy better than spending my days with you, and making sure you’re safe, Cassie.”

  She laughed, seeming to assume he must’ve been joking, but he seemed since
re, and Victor caught her smile as she basked in his kind words. “I was never any good with drugs or whores, not my style. But protection I am good at, and he knows he can trust me never to take advantage of my closeness to you.” Grayson stared off into nowhere thoughtfully. His assumptions were right, Grayson was the only person in this entire complex he would’ve ever trusted with her safety and virtue.

  “Because you’re gay?” Cassie asked, one eyebrow raised, and he nodded.

  “Yep, I’d be crushing on him before I’d be making eyes at you,” he replied, grinning widely, and they both started laughing.

  “Clever girl,” Victor whispered before heading into the house in search of Eduardo.

  Chapter 34

  More weeks passed in which Cassie seemed to be doing everything she could to keep Victor satisfied, and in return he did the same with her. They were blissfully happy, each of them surprised by it. She utterly captivated him, and Victor never wanted their happy bubble to pop.

  The morning before Leo’s party, he summoned Grayson to his office, watching the man who’d grown close with his wife during her time here with suspicion. He understood his chosen protector had no desire for his wife’s attention sexually; however, their bond had developed into a connection far stronger than just business. At times, Victor wondered if he should replace Grayson, but there really was no one else he trusted not to take advantage of his beautiful captive.

  “Hey, Chicano.” He greeted Grayson in a relaxed way, even though he felt far from composed. His mind was racing, still unsure of the best approach, but he set the plans in motion anyway.


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