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Best Lesbian Erotica 2010

Page 20

by Kathleen Warnock

  Eyes open. A minute (or hours later) the harem coalesces and radiates. Ig is tying Simone’s wrist with clothesline. Nadya dons a leather ceinture and loudly slaps a paddle into her palm. She eyes Simone’s large bare thighs greedily. Her jagged incisors bare themselves. Arable wields a minicam while pleasuring herself. I stare into the black eye of the lens. I feel my body. A sizable plug still lodges in my anus.

  Did someone forget something? I ask.


  CHARLIE ANDERS blogs at, and runs the Writers with Drinks spoken word series. Her first novel, Choir Boy, won a Lambda Literary Award. Her writing has appeared in the McSweeney’s Joke Book of Book Jokes, Sex for America, Mother Jones, the Wall Street Journal and the San Francisco Chronicle.

  MOLLY BLOOM is a pseudonym for New York playwright, Theresa Diamond. Her plays, including most recently Waiting for the Show, have been presented in New York City venues including the Neighborhood Playhouse, the WOW Café Theater (Rose Toibin), Nuyorican Poets Café, Dixon Place, La Mama (Relationship) and Centered Margins at Chashama.

  After spending her formative years attending jubilees in the Arizona desert, BETTY BLUE left God at a truck stop on I-8 outside of Yuma. Her work has also appeared in Best Lesbian Love Stories, Tough Girls, Blood Sisters and More Five Minute Erotica. Find her at

  ELIZABETH CAGE’s has work has appeared in magazines such as Scarlet, Desire, Forum, For Women, In the Buff, The Hotspot, and the International Journal of Erotica, and anthologies Seriously Sexy 3, Satisfy Me, Ultimate Sins, Five Minute Fantasies, Sex and Submission, Sex and Seduction and Girl Fun 1. She lives in the United Kingdom.

  KELSY CHAUVIN is a writer based in Brooklyn, exploring all manner of themes, characters and real-life experiences for her stories and screenplays, be they tame or tawdry. Most of all, she finds inspiration in the subversive and the sensual—where the most exciting scenes happen. (

  COLLEEN C. DUNPHY was born and raised in Buffalo, NY, where she still lives with her pit bull, Oliver. Colleen holds a BS in philosophy and religious studies from Buffalo State College. She loves all things having to do with women, religion, photography, and writing. Other works can be viewed at:

  R. G. EMANUELLE is a writer and editor living in New York City. She recently returned to writing fiction and has many projects in the works, including coediting Skulls and Crossbones, an anthology of female pirate stories. R. G.’s blog,, is about food and all things culinary.

  HOLLY FARRIS is an Appalachian who has worked as an autopsy assistant, restaurant baker, and beekeeper. She has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Lockjaw, her first collection of short fiction, was a finalist for awards presented by Lambda Literary Foundation and the Golden Crown Literary Society.

  GALA FUR, a Sorbonne-educated journalist, speaks six languages. She has for many years contributed to French magazines and her signature is familiar to readers of the Parisian erotic press. Two of her books have been translated into English as Confessions of a Left-Bank Dominatrix (Blue Moon Books). She lives in Paris.

  TOBI HILL-MEYER is your average multiracial, pansexual, transracially inseminated queerspawn, genderqueer, transdyke, colonized mestiza, pornographer, activist, writer. She’s board cochair of COLAGE, a national organization for children, youth and adults with LGBTQ parents. She always finds time to get away from identity theory and politics in order to work in the garden.

  STELLA WATTS KELLEY is a poet, freelance writer and writing teacher whose articles and nonfiction narratives have appeared in numerous publications. “In the Sauna” is her first published work of fiction.

  The editor of The Sweetest Kiss and Where the Girls Are, D. L. KING also publishes the review site, Erotica Revealed. Find her stories in Girl Crazy, Broadly Bound, Best Women’s Erotica 2009, Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 8 and Best Lesbian Erotica 2008, among others. She’s published two novels.

  DANI M. ( has just returned from bartending her way around the Southern Hemisphere with her suitcase, guitar and pen. After two years of living in and loving Australia, she’s home in her native Dublin to play at being a grownup! This is her first published work of erotic fiction.

  ANAIS MORTEN lives in Germany and works as a teacher. Her publishing experiences include contributions to lesbian and gay anthologies and three novels published in Germany, one cowritten with Kymberlyn Reed.

  NATT NIGHTLY is a genderqueer, semipassing, androgen of faith, and all-around Boy who writes, thinks, dreams, and is absolutely fascinated by sex. His earliest perversions came straight from the Good Book, informing lust long before he got anywhere near his first erotica. Natt shares his exploits, and the growing pains of a radical political awareness at nattnightly.

  KYMBERLYN REED lives in Los Angeles and works as an editor. She’s contributed to various lesbian and gay anthologies and has cowritten a novel with Anais Morten.

  STELLA SANDBERG is a Swedish writer of queer historical romance and pulp fiction pastiches. She is previously published with lesbian erotica in Where the Girls Are (Cleis Press, 2009), Working Girls (Torquere Press, 2008) and Island Girls (Alyson Books, 2008). She has a website:

  ALEX TUCCI resides in the wild Virginia suburbs of Washington D.C. She has been writing for as long as she can remember. Poetry is her first love, but she has started writing short stories in recent years, mostly on dares and challenges. This is her first published story.

  SOPHIA VALENTI is a writer and editor who lives and works in New York City. Her erotica has appeared in the Cleis Press anthologies Afternoon Delight, Playing with Fire and Pleasure Bound. Whisper sweet nothings to her at

  After enduring a dull nine to five job in a cubicle for several years, VANESSA VAUGHN decided to pursue writing full time. Some of the things that turn her on include: tattoos, burlesque, any woman from a Warchowski brothers movie, tennis skirts, gold bullion, and Stephen Colbert—in no particular order. Visit her on the web at

  MAGGIE VENESS’s short stories may be irreverent, erotic, cynical, poignant, quirky or raw, but they are always engaging. Currently at work on a short-story collection, she lives on the sunny coast of northern NSW, Australia. Her fiction has been published in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

  NICOLE WOLFE is a writer of erotica and short fiction from northern Indiana. She enjoys cult films, travel, and good music. Her stories are at least somewhat inspired by real-life events or conversations. She prefers to let her readers guess how much of each story is fantasy and how much really happened.

  ALLISON WONDERLAND is a cliterary elitist, governor of Grammarville, priestess of ProcrastiNation. Her nonsexual preferences consist of commas, carnivals, and cotton candy. Allison has contributed to numerous anthologies, including Hurts So Good: Unrestrained Erotica, Best Lesbian Romance 2009, I Do: An Anthology in Support of Marriage Equality. See what she’s up to at


  KATHLEEN WARNOCK is a playwright and editor. Her erotica has appeared (under the name Kyle Walker) in Best Lesbian Erotica, A Woman’s Touch and Friction 7. Her other fiction, essays and reviews have been seen in ROCKRGRL, BUST, Ms., Metal Maidens, It’s Only Rock And Roll, Gargoyle, American Book Review, New Directions for Women and the liner notes for the Joan Jett CD Unfinished Business. Her plays have been produced in New York, the United Kingdom and regionally. Rock the Line was produced by Emerging Artists Theatre in New York and won the Robert Chesley Award for Emerging Playwright, and the John Golden Award for Playwriting. She is Ambassador of Love for the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival.

  BETTY is a five-piece pop rock alternative band from New York City, fronted by Amy Ziff, Alyson Palmer and Elizabeth Ziff. Friends since an unfortunate incarceration, fierce Elizabeth (vocals, guitar), funky Alyson (vocals, bass) and fun
ny Amy (vocals, cello) began performing as BETTY in the late ’80s. In the fall of ’87, the women relocated to New York City and dove into the independent music scene. Their debut album was Hello, BETTY! and other full-length albums include Limboland, betty3, and Carnival. BETTY’s turned up on TV, from MTV to the Food Network. They wrote, performed and produced the theme song for the HBO series, “Real Sex.” Their independent films include their own I Remember BETTY, Seal Tricks and the all-Chinese First We Take Manhattan. BETTY fights fiercely for causes in which they believe: equal rights, finding cures for breast cancer and AIDS, Planned Parenthood, the Pro-Choice movement, an end to sexual violence and everybody’s inalienable right to dance naked in the streets.

  In 2000, BETTY began collaborating with Michael Greif, director of Rent, on a theatrical piece with music. That show became BETTY RULES, which ran for seven months Off-Broadway before heading out on tour. The hit Showtime series, The L Word featured a theme song written by BETTY and band members appeared both individually and collectively in several episodes. Elizabeth Ziff signed on as the show’s Musical Composer, and eventually became a writer and co-executive producer of the series. Their latest CD, Bright & Dark debuted in September, 2009. For more, go to

  Copyright © 2010 by Kathleen Warnock. Introduction copyright © 2010 by BETTY.

  All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in newspaper, magazine, radio, or television reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published in the United States by Cleis Press Inc.,

  P.O. Box 14697, San Francisco, California 94114

  eISBN : 978-1-573-44533-7

  “Uppercasing” by Charlie Anders first appeared in Fucking Daphne: Mostly True Stories and Fictions (Seal Press, 2008); “The Purple Gloves” by Gala Fur, translated from the French by Noël Burch, first appeared in In/Soumises; “Tasting Chantal” by D. L. King first appeared in Girl Crazy: Coming Out Stories (Cleis, 2009); “The Kitchen Light” by Nicole Wolfe first appeared on; “Flick Chicks” by Allison Wonderland first appeared in Hurts So Good: Unrestrained Erotica (Cleis, 2008).




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