Dream Keeper

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Dream Keeper Page 7

by Storm Savage

  “I’ll lie!”

  He laughed sadistically. “You can’t. You’re bound by blood to tell the truth—unless you want everyone on the island to know exactly what you are.”

  As if he’d thrown ice water on her, Sage slunk back against the wall. Blade loomed over her in a menacing stance.

  “Yes…I know all about your intent to leave me. Have you already persuaded Angel to take you in? Have you forgotten that your potent blood gave me telepathy? You did not do well hiding your thoughts. Would it be so bad bound to me? I am the bandleader after all.”

  Sage wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I could never willingly be bound to a man who whores around.” Then her tone of voice softened. “Even so, I can’t let you do this. Don’t take Angel away from her true love. Take me instead. I will stay with you if you let her go.”

  Angel stared wide-eyed, unsure of what to do. Should I stop her? No, she has more power. Savaant told me not to take matters into my own hands on Dunalino.

  Blade rubbed his chin meditatively as if considering Sage’s offer.

  “Hm, as inviting as that may be…your consent is too fucking late. I think I’d rather take her blood and steal Savaant’s esteemed position. No worries though, once Angel is mine, I will have both female blood-dragons in my bed. Now if you’ll just hang out there and wait your turn, I have some pure blood to drink.”

  In one sweeping step he reached Angel, lifted her off the floor and tossed her onto the bed. Then he pulled leather strips from his coat pockets and proceeded to bind her hands and feet. Her thrashing around was ineffective against him. Sage was right about his strength over them.

  “Like hell you do.” Sage snarled, and with lightning speed, flung herself at Blade before he finished securing the ties.

  “Sage, no!” Angel screamed, fearing for her new friend’s life.

  His howls of pain reverberated throughout the cabin, creating a terrifying sound. She watched in horror as the two wrestled for the upper hand. Sage had her teeth firmly latched on Blade’s neck as he swung wildly in an attempt to escape her paralyzing bite. Once he lay immobilized on the floor, she turned quickly to Angel.

  “Run! Angel, get the hell out of here!” She straddled Blade, standing guard so Angel could make an escape. “I will keep him down as long as I can, now go!”

  Chapter Eight

  Seizing Blade’s moment of weakness, Angel tore frantically with her teeth at the half-tied strips around her wrists until they broke free. Leaping off the bed, she raced out the door and pulled the robe tight around her as she ran. After blindly zigzagging and tripping through the thicket in the dark, she finally reached sandy ground. The open shoreline lay straight ahead. She sprinted down the water’s edge, silently praying she was running in the right direction.

  An unseen rock tripped her, sending her sprawling face down into the watery sand. Tears sprung to her eyes as she gripped her ankle. Sharp pain shot up her leg. Damn it! She tried walking but winced with pain as she realized her ankle must’ve suffered a mild sprain. Her pace slowed dramatically, yet she pushed on.

  Not long after her tumble, the sound of heavy breathing began to close in from behind. Terrified that it might be Blade gaining on her, she refused to look back and imagined she was merely hearing her own body panting for breath. But once again strong hands gripped her from behind and she felt herself being dragged backwards.

  “Don’t bother screaming. Nobody can hear you out here,” he told her when they merged back into the dense brush. He stopped to catch his breath and pushed her to the ground against a tree. “Bloody hell, where’d you learn to run so fast?” Blade stood over her as she sat huddled against a fruit tree, her arms wrapped around her knees.

  She glared up at him in a silent reply. The full moon hanging high in the night sky cast an ethereal glow over his tall, intimidating frame. I must’ve been insane to think he was ever the least bit likable!

  Silently she contemplated her situation, secretly scanning the area for a way out. The singing of night birds in the trees overhead muffled the whooshing sound of the ocean waves. Various fruits lay scattered on the ground, indicating that they were in a small orchard. She felt very far away from home and from Savaant.

  Bits and pieces of Blade’s thoughts came to her even amidst her panicky state. He wanted her bite now but without a proper witness, he’d have a difficult time proving the incident had taken place. And he was fully aware that her blood had matured. She felt his intense struggle to control his lust and it terrified her. No fear, she told herself.

  “C’mon, Angel baby,” he implored, desperation in his voice. “Just give me a little taste before joining with Savaant. Ease my agony.” He squatted down before her with a forced smile.

  Tears streaked her smudged face as she stared up at him. Secretly she clawed the earth until her right hand clutched a handful of sandy soil. Suddenly she whipped the grains in his face as he drew closer.

  “Go to hell!”

  “Fuck!” He stumbled back, tripped over the tangled vines, and plummeted backwards into the thicket. “You little bitch!”

  She sprang to her feet and took off running again, ignoring the pain in her ankle the best she could and ducking to prevent low branches from hitting her face. After a while she felt lost and slowed to a walk. Everything began to look the same and she failed to find her way back to the beach. Instead she had gone deeper into the trees to where she could no longer hear the soothing sound of ocean waves. Trudging along hopelessly, she eventually came face to face with Blade again. He obviously knew the location well to have taken a shortcut and block her path.

  “Look, Angel,” he said between heavy breaths. “I know you were using the stage clothes as your connection to Savaant. And I believe he used them to find you. I saw him wearing your precious keepsakes before I left. He cannot hear your silent cries for help now.”

  Apparently he was not conditioned for a moonlit marathon. She inwardly smiled at his lack of stamina. Had she not been lost and hurt, she’d have outrun him this time. His long hair hung in sweat-soaked strands and he panted for breath. Staring back into his cold green eyes, she didn’t flinch. His attempt to unnerve her seemed like a desperate ploy.

  Blade studied her face and saw raw determination drawn on those pretty features. He’d never wanted a woman more, nor seen a female with such heat. If she relents just a little, I will take my fill and stake my claim. All I need is a small window to tap into her fiery blood. She won’t even know what hit her!

  He had been keeping a sharp eye on his band mate. Savaant had been extremely guarded and withdrawn since returning from his search for answers. After hearing about Nahtosha and the tale surrounding her, Blade understood why. Yet his commanding nature refused to let him rest and attempts to learn additional details on the chosen one had been futile.

  The night he spied him in the restaurant with Angel, he knew she was the chosen one. Having felt her powerful sensual vibes and caught scent of her heightened sexuality, he had no doubt that she would become Dunalino’s First Lady of the Blood.

  Not until their flight to the island did he pick up on the stage clothes. Her excuse at the studio had been fair enough. However, when she walked onto their plane dressed in the same getup with only a different top underneath, he knew something existed between her and the clothes. Now he had successfully separated her from the supernatural connection she and Savaant shared. Without her charmed garments she’d have no luck reaching him telepathically.

  He seriously doubted Savaant could find them here. Blade had taken great lengths to build the cottage and keep its existence a secret. And now he was just one step away from achieving his goal and securing his quest for ultimate supremacy.

  Blade stared at her contemplatively. He sat down in front of her, letting his eyes drift over the soft swell of her creamy breasts, visible in the V-opening of her robe that had come loose.

  Slivers of moonlight cut through the treetops like glorious beams of light determined
to expose her skin. She pulled the terry fabric in tighter to block his view but refused to appease him by responding to his demands.

  Her silence infuriated him. Nevertheless, he knew the rite of passage better than she. If she wouldn’t surrender willingly, which surprised him considering his position in the band, he’d need to come up with a new plan. Never had a woman refused his advances before. This began to unsettle his ego.

  He decided to make another attempt to soften her. “C’mon, Angel, I’ve been the front man for three decades. All I want is my respect back. You can still be with Savaant after exchanging bites with me,” he lied, counting on the fact she didn’t know everything about the Senhora Do Sangue legend. “You’ve seen how many girlfriends I have. I’m not looking for another. I simply want to receive the same admiration that Savaant does. As his high lady, your acceptance will help the other men see me as his equal again. Let’s end this torment. Give me your bite and I will escort you safely back to your man.”

  For a moment he felt a glimmer of hope as an expression of mixed emotion flitted through her sultry eyes. He waited expectantly, feeling optimistic about his ability to charm even the most contrary wench.

  “No,” she finally replied. “You’re lying.”

  “Fine, bitch, have it your way. I’m going back to the villa.” He turned to go, putting his backup plan into play. “Sage will have to do. Guess I’ll take her up on her offer. Better to have one blood-dragon in my lair than none.”

  “She won’t stay with you! I will set her free!”

  Whipping around, he glared at her with clenched teeth. “Yeah…she will. Once she gives me her bite as part of a ritual she cannot back out…she will be bound to me by blood and there will be no sanctuary for her. I’ll make sure of it. No woman of mine is going to disgrace me.”

  “You can’t just leave me here in the dark!”

  “I can do what I please.” He started walking away, then glanced back with a smirk. “I’m not lost.”

  She glanced around nervously. “I’m coming with you.”

  Blade let out a heavy frustrated sigh. Big blue eyes stared up at him. At that moment he understood how Savaant had fallen head over heels for the naïve beauty. She possessed a natural sex appeal unlike the polished women in their group. He could almost visualize her sashaying through flowery fields in her bare feet, her golden hair gleaming in the hot sun, sweat shimmering on her flawless skin. What she lacked in glamour didn’t make her any less appealing than the most refined women he’d known.

  His desire to taste her grew to almost unbearable heights. Just in case her pure heart won’t allow her to betray Savaant even to save Sage…a little something extra might be a good idea.

  “Here,” he said, bending down to grab a handful of fruit. He offered her several small oval-shaped, reddish-pink fruits fallen from a nearby tree. “This will help your thirst until we get back. C’mon then.”

  “I still have some pomegranates in my robe pocket.” She reached in and discovered that all the fruits had fallen out except one. In all the commotion she wasn’t surprised. At least I have one.

  Blade shrugged. “Suit yourself. These Island Apples are much more palatable though.”

  She hesitantly accepted the fruit and waited for him to bite into one before tasting her own. Saving her pomegranate seemed like a wise thing to do in case she and Sage broke free again, so she decided to eat the fruit he offered. Angel had no idea how far they were from home or when they’d find more fruit.

  Tagging along behind him while munching on the strangely sweet snack, she racked her brain for a solution.

  Juice from the peculiar apple quenched her thirst, so after finishing the first one she began eating the second, slightly puzzled over his softening demeanor. Nevertheless, helping Sage had become her top priority and she had to return with him. Once back together they could figure out a way to escape Blade and find their path back home.

  They had been walking for what seemed like a long time to Angel when she began to feel strange. “I need to rest,” she said. “I feel…” With a soft thump she slumped to the sandy ground barely able to stay awake.

  Blade lifted her into his arms and swiftly carried her back to his cabin. She wanted to cry for help or fight him but she felt drugged. He laid her on the bed and untied the soft white robe, fanning it out around her like an alter cloth. In her distorted state of mind she knew what was happening but couldn’t control it.

  Everything was happening in slow motion. She felt aware yet detached.

  After bolting and chaining the door he sat on the bed beside her and stared with lust-filled eyes. She managed to turn her head and look around through heavy eyes. Sage lay unconscious, curled up on the rug a few feet away. Angel tried to speak but couldn’t. Did Blade slip me something?

  Little by little she lost track of time. Soon she became completely disoriented as a euphoric sensation inundated her. At first she fought it, knowing something had gone wrong. Despite her efforts, whatever she had taken to induce the high overpowered her and forced her surrender. She relaxed as her body sank into the mattress.

  “Silly country girl,” he muttered. “You’re no match for me,” Blade said quietly. Sometime later he spoke again. “Angel baby, wake up. How are you feeling?”


  Slowly he knelt beside her on the bed and lowered his head, speaking very softly. “I’m going to bite you now, Angel. This is what you want…to be my Senhora Do Sangue…to protect Sage. Will you receive me?” He caressed her arms.

  His English-accented words floated over her. Thoughts of Savaant, then Sage, filled her mind. Yes, I must protect Sage. Angel felt deliriously happy.

  “Yes…” She barely breathed the words. “I will receive you. We must protect Sage.”

  He nibbled softly on her skin, seeking a spot to take her blood. “Yes…” he whispered. “She’s finally mine.”

  His words came and went in a foggy instant.

  Suddenly his head jerked back and he fell off the bed, then doubled over on the floor. Peering over the edge of the bed in slow motion she wondered what had happened. Sage leapt to Angel’s side.

  “Wake up! Wake the hell up!” Sage shook her vigorously while Blade writhed in pain. “Angel, please wake up!”

  Looking up, she felt dazed and confused and smiled at Sage with heavy eyes. I must protect Sage. She glanced at the floor again and watched as Blade struggled to crawl toward the bed. Nothing felt real, like she was watching a movie. Strange. Her thoughts scattered.

  “Ouch! That hurts!” she shouted when a sharp pain shot across her cheek. Suddenly the thick cloud began to lift and she realized that Sage had just given her a hard smack.

  Blade managed to stand up but looked unsteady. “I can’t believe they wore off already. They should’ve lasted for hours.”

  “You drugged her, too?” Sage shouted. “You’re a beast!”

  His thoughts came to Angel as her mind cleared.

  She has so much fucking power. I must have her!

  He turned viciously toward Sage. “You tricked me, bitch. That shot I gave you should’ve knocked you out.” With a hard shove he pushed her out of his way, then threw himself onto the bed, pinning Angel.

  Sage was not easily daunted. Her third attack carried astounding force as she bit into his jugular vein. He jackknifed off the bed with lightning speed and they crashed to the floor. While he rolled about clutching his neck, Angel, now fully alert, bolted from the bed and raced to the door. She fumbled with the chain but in her panic couldn’t seem to pull it away.

  As her anger rose, she saw the metal latch begin to melt and the chain fall away. Images of Savaant disintegrating a gun and a bloody shirt flashed through her mind. I belong to him!

  “No way! You aren’t getting out.” Blade fought back the obvious pain and lunged for her, scooping up the chain at the same time.

  Sage pounced from behind, fighting to get another stronghold on his neck—clearly determined to
take him down for the long haul this time. While fighting her off with one hand, he made a grab for Angel with the other.

  She went down on the floor as he caught hold of her foot. Kicking furiously, she refused to give in. But Blade was strong, very strong. In spite of the nasty, visibly painful bites from a tenacious Sage still clinging to his back, he managed to pick Angel up, drop her on the bed and chain her feet together while sitting on her. Then he whipped around and flung Sage against the wall. Angel watched horror-stricken as Sage slid to the floor unconscious.

  “There,” he panted while giving the secured chains a hard tug. “Melt that…bitch.” The fact that in her anger she’d generated enough heat to liquefy steel clearly astounded him. “You give new definition to fiery vamp.”

  Yanking the robe back around her, she stared at him through narrowed eyes. Her body smoldered with rage. Using brisk motions she found the belt and tied her robe closed, pulling the collar up close to cover her skin. I can’t believe I’ve gone through all this, wearing a robe yet!

  “If it takes all night,” he panted. “I will find a way to make you mine and of your own accord.” He stood back, wringing his hands as the muscles in his jaw twitched.

  Angel kept her eyes on him, watching his every move. A chill crept up her spine until the hairs of her neck stiffened as she realized how close she had been to losing her place with Savaant. The sheer notion of eternity bound to Blade made her skin crawl.

  Chapter Nine

  The brief reprieve allowed her adrenaline to subside. Her thoughts began coming together and she couldn’t believe that Blade had drugged her and Sage. Her gaze shifted to Sage who, bruised and battered, began to stir. Angel prayed he would not hurt her again. She recalled his mention of a shot given to Sage. But couldn’t remember what method of sedation he’d used on her. His actions were insane.


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