Dream Keeper

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Dream Keeper Page 8

by Storm Savage

  “Ah, both my ladies have come back to life.” Blade smirked upon noticing Sage return to consciousness. “Tell me, my dears, how shall we resolve this dilemma? There appears to be some disagreement over which of you shall become bound to me.”

  “I never thought you’d stoop so low.” Sage scowled. “Isn’t having a harem of girlfriends enough for you? Must you take what is not meant to be yours and cause heartache? I’ve been sleeping with a coldhearted criminal all these years. I knew you were arrogant but this is way over the line…even for you.”

  “I never heard you complain in our bed. Why can’t you be happy staying with me? You know how bad I will look if you leave. I’ve already lost respect since that Nahtosha creature set Savaant above me. I won’t be humiliated by you as well.”

  “I stayed with you this long because I didn’t want the other males panting after my blood in search of immortality. Unlike you, Savaant deserves respect. He doesn’t possess females. They are not objects to him. Look at what you’ve done, taking up with the likes of Ciara. You don’t deserve a good woman.”

  “Any woman on this island would be thrilled to give me her bite.” He sneered. “You did!”

  “That was a long time ago when I was naïve.” Sage tilted her head to glance at his neck. “I don’t see any love-bites there now. I was your only fool but just once.”

  His face reddened and teeth clenched as he fumed at her taunt. “Do you really find me that offensive? Or do you have your eyes on someone else already?”

  While Blade and Sage argued, Angel stuffed her hands inside the robe pockets to check on her pomegranate. Their situation was not good and she knew they’d be on the run again if able to break free. Having no idea of where Blade had imprisoned them, she didn’t know when they’d have a chance to rest. Everything inside her wanted to break down and cry, but years of sucking it up had conditioned her well—as if she’d been training for this day all of her life.

  Tears tried forcing their way through when she discovered her thirst-quenching fruit had been knocked from safekeeping. She scanned the room, and sure enough, there lay her pomegranate near the door.

  Silly! Why am I so upset over a simple piece of fruit? Fruit! The last thing I ate was that peculiar fruit Blade had given me. We can try and grab some of those. Sudden recollection of feeling odd after eating it came rushing back. So that’s what he used to drug me.

  She recalled Blade’s jibe the first time they met, about how she’d hold out on Dunalino. More mysteries unraveled. Obviously he’d had way more in mind than anyone deemed possible and had gone to great lengths in his mission to steal the Senhora Do Sangue once found.

  They were still arguing with one another as a woman’s voice floated through her thoughts. An unexpected intrusion into her mind made her gasp.

  Savaant is the only man for you. We will not stop attacking until your true love is bound by your blood. Let no one come between you and your heart. Above all, Angel, guard your heart.

  Nahtosha’s abrupt interference startled her. She felt her pulse quicken but hid her expression behind a cold stare. If Blade suspected anything, he might try to steal into her mind.

  I will, Nahtosha.

  Confusion washed over her. Without the charmed clothes her telepathy hadn’t worked thus far. Savaant had been on her heart and in her mind since they parted. Yet he hadn’t found her. Since Sage and Blade were still going at it, Angel closed her eyes to clear her head. This was the first opportunity to meditate since her abduction.

  Reach out to him, Angel. Reach out to your heart.

  A brisk chill swept up her arms as Nahtosha willed her silent words from another realm.

  It must be getting close to dawn, she thought. The air felt suddenly damp and frosty inside the cabin. Strange cold, almost as if an unseen presence has entered the room.

  Instinctively Angel tucked her hands deep into the plush pockets of her robe, then shrugged to ward off the sharp chill. Something hard with slightly sharp edges touched the fingertips of one hand. Keeping her curiosity hidden, she pulled the tiny item from the seam of her pocket, thinking perhaps a jagged rock had become lodged inside. Not like that would happen, she mused. I’ve only been rolling around on the ground for the past twenty-four hours!

  As her hand closed around it, the sudden dawning of what she had found hit her. Without completely removing her hand from the fuzzy pouch, she stared down at a purple guitar pick in her palm. How did this get in here?

  Even more amazing was that the small piece of plastic had managed to survive her lengthy ordeal. She turned it over and smiled. A rush of warmth spread over her and filled her soul.

  “Sav,” she whispered ever so faintly while reading his shortened signature on the back. Welcome memories of that night deluged her—the night he’d referred to his special guitar pick as a piece of his heart, chosen special just for her to strengthen the supernatural pathway between them.

  Her thoughts drifted deeper, bringing to mind the intensely passionate, wild lovemaking that followed their light conversation. She had jokingly referred to the keepsake as her Purple Heart. How she longed to share those precious moments with him again before everything became complicated.

  “Sav…my heart,” she murmured to herself, staring at his beautiful script and affectionately caressing the pick with her thumb. You gave me a piece of your heart to keep with me always. Now you have become my heart, Savaant. I miss you more than words can say. She closed her hand tightly around the one tangible connection to him. “My heart…”

  Yes, Angel, your heart. Nahtosha’s unspoken words infiltrated her mind again.

  Blade invaded her brief moment of escapism. “Well, Angel baby, looks like Sage has agreed to play martyr and seal herself to me in a blood-bite ritual.” He paused with an insolent grin, clearly pleased over his victory. “Unless you two lovelies would like to have another round.” He feigned a yawn, then delivered the checkmate. “But personally, I’ve grown tired of this back and forth. So…what do you say, babe? Can you live with Sage taking your place with me?”

  When Angel shook her head in defeat, Sage’s mouth dropped open and a speechless expression traversed her face.

  “No. I can’t live with that. I lived a lie for thirty years. I won’t live the rest of my life hiding behind another. You win, Blade.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned!” Blade’s face brightened with a triumphant smile. “Little Miss Innocent has integrity and guts. You’ll make a superb mate.”

  “Angel, no,” Sage said with tears running down her cheeks. “Let me handle him.”

  “I won’t let you be bound to him because of me.”

  The time had come for her to conquer past demons. Nahtosha hadn’t let her down yet and she had faith in her love.

  “This is the only way to ensure he doesn’t unleash my secret,” Sage cried in open despair. “I don’t want anyone else to know I’m a blood-dragon and you belong with Savaant. You shouldn’t be the one to suffer because I chose to bite Blade.”

  “Nobody should be forced to live under blackmail.” She slanted Sage a furtive look.

  “No, Angel, please…don’t.”

  Blade waved Sage off. “Stay out of this. She has made her decision.”

  Sage began struggling against the leather bindings. “I won’t be your witness. I won’t!”

  He grabbed her by the hair. “You will or everyone will find out what you are and there’ll be no place to hide. You’ll be a hunted woman if you stay on the island.”

  Sage slunk back in apparent defeat. He seemed to have sealed both ends.

  Angel gave a slight shake of her head before Blade turned back toward her.

  Trust me. She willed her thoughts to Sage and received a quizzical look in return. She braced herself for his approach with a silent prayer that she had not overestimated her instincts or the power of love.

  “Now…” Blade sighed with open desire, clearly aroused over what he planned to do. “If we can just get on with th
e formalities here. Once I’ve tasted your blood, Savaant’s power will be mine and you’ll be compelled by the legend to return my bite and become bound to the superior male for eternity…as my mate.” His eyes shone with iniquitous lust.

  The fact that he considered himself superior nauseated her. Yet she choked back the bile and stayed strong.

  When Blade slid onto the bed, she used years of self-discipline to remain focused. Saving Sage from a hellish fate was the brave thing to do. Years of cowering beneath Eric’s blackmail had left a bitter taste—a taste she wanted rid of once and for all.

  She’d never trusted anything more than the love between her and Savaant. And she hadn’t come this far to turn back to her old ways now.

  Relax… She told herself.

  She caught the smug expression on Blade’s face before he positioned himself behind her to keep Sage in his sights, making sure that she watched. Even though Angel had consented to his demands, he’d not released the chain binding her ankles but for some reason hadn’t bound her hands.

  No fear! She repeated the words Savaant had given over and over in her mind, clutching the tiny piece of plastic with all her strength until it cut into her palm. A rush of heat raced up her arm as the pick drew blood from the cut. Though Blade now had his hands in her hair and lips at her neck, she fought back the vile taste of fear.

  Suddenly another voice flooded her mind. Mon Coeur. Reach out to me! I hear you.

  Savaant! You are so close. I have a piece of your heart in my hand. She closed her eyes to focus and tighten their connection.

  No, my love, you hold my whole heart in your hand.

  Savaant…my heart!

  She felt Blade’s teeth at her neck preparing to bite down.

  “Prepare for the hottest bite you’ve ever had,” Blade said with utter arrogance.

  “I do believe she’s already had that.”

  Everyone’s head sprang up.

  “Savaant!” Angel flung herself off the bed and out of Blade’s reach to prevent him from making a fast grab for her neck. She pulled to her knees, scooted to Sage, then immediately tore the leather bindings from Sage’s hands and feet. They couldn’t release her chained ankles despite their frantic efforts, so both crouched against the wall clinging to one another as the two men faced off.

  In two long strides Savaant reached the bed, clutched Blade around the neck with one hand and hurled him to the floor with impressive force. He turned his head sharply and made a quick visual once over of her disheveled appearance. She saw the sadness touch his face, then shock when he saw Sage beside her.

  “Sage! What are you doing here?”

  “I followed him to your house that night. When I saw Ciara sneaking off with Angel, I went after them so we wouldn’t lose track of her.”

  “You’ve done well.”

  Angel’s blood raced at the sight of him. Standing tall and dominant—dressed in the same white outfit she’d gazed at on the night of winning those very clothes. Surprisingly calm despite his open rage, he stood over Blade, who appeared shell-shocked. He had been caught in the act with guilt painted all over his face.

  “I knew you’d make a power play but never expected you to use such a heavy hand.” Savaant’s voice carried supreme confidence and self-control. “What you put these two ladies through is unforgivable.”

  “So what are you going to do about it? You can’t kick me out of my own band!” Blade’s excessive contempt made him appear even weaker. The man didn’t possess a shred of dignity.

  Savaant didn’t answer straight away. He held Blade on the floor with a booted foot on his chest while obviously contemplating the best course of action. She wondered if Blade would fight back. An act of violence toward Dunalino’s leader would surely ban Blade from the island forever.

  Will he go easier on Blade because of their long-term relationship in the band? She knew he must be furious. Yet, his amazing strength of character hid it well. He’d killed Trey with the power of his mind. What punishment will Blade suffer?

  Savaant pressed his boot harder into Blade’s chest. The lines on his face were taut with unmistakable fury.

  “I should crush you right here. You went after my woman and attempted to steal leadership of an island that I purchased. Your twisted lust for power has gone too far this time.”

  “How’d you find us here anyway?” A fleeting shadow of confusion crossed Blade’s face. “You have the clothes.” He turned scrutinizing eyes on her. “She has nothing. I know you used the old rags to find her.”

  “My woman has more than you think.” Savaant glowered at him. “You are not in a position to ask questions so shut the fuck up! The only question here is what manner of punishment to use on your pathetic soul.”

  Sage trembled beside Angel as they maintained their safe distance.

  “Let me have him, Savaant.” Sage licked her lips.

  Blade’s eyes widened with terror. “No! Not that bitch! Let me leave the island and never come back—anything but that.” He visibly shuddered.

  Savaant turned his head toward Sage while keeping an eye on Blade. “What do you have in mind?”

  “He is the only other one who knows of my status as female blood-dragon. Until I am under Angel’s protection, we cannot let word of this spread. With your help I can get him under control and keep him…stable.” A wicked grin touched her pretty lips. “Until you and Angel consummate your bond.”

  Savaant nodded meditatively. “Has he fed on you today?”

  “No.” Sage shook her head. “He hasn’t had me since our last day in LA.”

  “Then he has begun to weaken. Ciara’s blood does not carry your power.”

  “So how about it, Savaant? Can I keep him as my pet for a few days? After all this running around I’ve worked up an appetite.” Sage stood up, then sauntered over to the two men. “After the ceremony we can ship him away.”

  Angel observed closely—utterly captivated by the scene unfolding before her. Blade looked up at Sage. His cool, green eyes lacked the brazen arrogance she had seen in them just a few minutes ago. The previous egotism was gone and in its place, dread.

  “C’mon, man,” Blade pleaded. “Just let me leave Dunalino. I know I broke the rules, so I’ll accept my banishment from the island. It will be bad enough living in LA without the band and women to bite. Please don’t let her bite me again.”

  “Shut up!” Savaant’s eyes flashed with rage. “You have no say!”

  Sage laughed triumphantly. “He actually said please.”

  Savaant gave her a consenting nod while pinning Blade to the floor with a heavy boot as he began to squirm. Sage dropped to her knees with ravenous eyes. After a short tussle she managed to secure his hands with the same leather straps he’d used on her.

  With a smoldering look Savaant disintegrated the chain binding Angel’s ankles, then beckoned for her with an outstretched hand. She rushed into his arms, pressing her face to his bare chest. Taking a deep breath, she filled her senses with his inviting scent, then closed her eyes.

  He pulled her close, yet simultaneously kept Blade restrained with his boot. Blade proved to be no match for Savaant’s impressive might—no match at all.

  Poor Sage. Angel sighed. Blade had used her blood to enhance his power in a failed attempt to defeat Savaant in a grab for full leadership. No doubt he’d have forced Savaant into exile and taken all the women for himself. She felt no sympathy for Blade. Nor did it bother her that Savaant and Sage showed no mercy on his wretched soul.

  With a gentle hand, he turned her face away from the couple on the floor. “My woman should never have to watch something like this.” He kissed the top of her head. “Angel, I’ve missed you so. I wasted no time in searching for you. I’m sorry it took me too long and that you had to suffer.”

  “I’m not angry. He was more cunning than we thought and had planned this out for quite some time. I’m just relieved we didn’t let him win.”

  “Never, my love. He’ll never
be a threat to you again.”

  Angel jumped when Blade let out a howl. Chills scattered over her skin at his hair-raising screams. Yet she didn’t look down. Savaant’s protective embrace made her feel safe once again. Her decision to take a strong stand and trust her heart had spared Sage from a horrid fate.

  She could hear Blade thrashing around on the floor and the sound of Sage sucking his blood. His wailing began to settle into faint whimpering as her venom took effect.

  “I’ve got him, now,” said Sage. “Take Angel home.”

  Chapter Ten

  “How are doing, my love?” Savaant offered her a cup of tea as she sat snuggled on his sofa wrapped in a soft blanket.

  Evening was upon them and the exhilarating scent of fresh salt air rode a breeze coming through the open sliding glass doors. Golden rays of sunlight created a brilliant display across a sky streaked with beautiful shades of pink and blue. Sunset on Dunalino was breathtaking.

  She smiled up at him as he perched on the edge of a cushion to face her. Once they’d left the cabin, he’d whisked her home to his elegant domicile the immortal way. She hadn’t experienced any further queasiness over the bizarre manner of traveling since he’d given her the coffee bean during her first experience traveling with him.

  Following their return home, they had enjoyed a luxurious bath and light breakfast before retiring to the couch for the afternoon.

  “I’m okay. Much better now that I’m home with you.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Sage. We didn’t want to overburden you with excessive details. Until our blood is sealed there was always the risk that Blade could’ve intercepted your thoughts. I had no idea he already knew about Sage’s intent to leave his sorry ass. He’d obviously been using her blood to enhance his telepathic strength.”

  “I understand.” She reached up to touch the shiny blond hair she loved so much. “You told me in the beginning that I’d receive information as needed. She did a noble thing by coming for me. She thinks fast. Will she be okay?”

  “Oh, yeah. All she needed was a bit of help subduing Blade.”


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