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Safeword: Quinacridone

Page 29

by Candace Blevins

  Cara could see Meg’s eyes losing focus as she leaned against her Master, who continued petting her and loving her with his large, strong hands and nimble fingers as he talked. “Travis and I would like to see our slaves together, as a matched set. Since we’ve taken the tape off your mouth I think I’d like to emphasize your lips instead of hiding them. Travis will do the honors while I turn his fuck-doll into a fuck-puppet. Do I need to restrain you?”

  Meg shook her head and Paul said, “Really? You’ll stay still for five injections into each lip? There’s no shame in knowing ahead of time you’ll need restraining, but if we have to stop to truss you it won’t be pleasant. Will you be able to remain still for the entire ten shots?”

  She dropped her head and shook it, and Paul turned her and tenderly placed a finger under her chin to raise it, his face kind as he said, “Good girl. Knowing your weaknesses can be a strength. I’m proud of you. Travis has a way to bind you so you’ll be as comfortable as possible. Do as he says and make me proud.”

  He kissed his slave on top of her bald head and handed her off to Travis before contemplating Cara a few seconds, nodding once, and stepping away with purpose.

  He carried a small folding table and duffel bag to a corner of the garage, glancing up as he positioned the table. Cara’s eyes followed his and noted a long wooden piece with multiple holes bolted to the ceiling.

  Paul withdrew a dozen or so bundles of various sizes of zip-strips from the duffel, arranging them shortest to longest. He pulled chains from the bag and secured them to the wooden beam on the ceiling, and finally returned to her, extracting the wire cutters from his pocket as he walked.

  He snipped the zip-ties holding her wrists to the spreader bar and said, “Come with me, little fuck-puppet.”

  Fuck puppet. The words echoed in her brain and morphed into a kinky grown-up Pinocchio story, igniting her libido until she was tempted to reach down and play with herself.

  Paul grasped her left bicep and firmly walked her to the chains he’d hung.

  “Travis tells me you can do the splits with your right leg forward, is that correct?”

  Cara nodded her head, thinking back to the yoga classes that’d made it possible, and of how Travis had bound her to two beams, one leg strapped to each, holding her in the splits with nothing below her torso and her arms tied over her head. He’d lost control in minutes, bellowing through his orgasm, and she’d been so proud of herself for breaking through his iron restraint.”

  “I like the look of arms pulled back but Travis tells me he hasn’t trained your shoulders to it, so today you’ll be posed with them out, looking even more like a puppet.”

  She didn’t think Paul meant anything by it, but his words still shot a dagger into her and made her feel inept.

  He looped a small zip-tie through the wide one still on her wrist, and poked it through a link on the dangling chain before threading and tightening. Her hand was fairly low — her thumb practically touched her forehead — and she looked at him, puzzled.

  “You’ll understand soon enough. Step this way, please.”

  He urged her away from the chain and placed his hand palm up in front of her waist. “Put your foot into my hand, please, little fuck-puppet.”

  Another of the wide strips was wrapped around her ankle before her foot was lifted into the air and zip-stripped to the chain.

  She found herself in the splits, but her body was horizontal and her legs vertical, with one foot on the ground and the other pointing straight up.

  Now, as she dangled from her wrist with her torso sideways, she understood her hand’s position.

  Paul efficiently secured a zip-tie to the chain’s links every few inches down her leg, distributing her weight so her ankle wasn’t bearing too much. He moved to her arm and did the same, relieving the tension on her wrist.

  Yard-long zip-ties were placed around her ribcage, one just under her breasts, and another above. Cara could no longer take deep breaths, as the ties held her rib cage together and didn’t allow it to flex. Shorter strips were situated between her breasts and at either side, forcing the longer straps together and painfully constricting her breasts. She looked down to see them squeezed impossibly small at the root, and ballooning out above the constriction from the harsh plastic strips. She tried to take a deep breath to deal with the pain, but her ribs wouldn’t expand to let the air in.

  Paul lifted her chin and circled three zip ties around her throat, with at least an inch of play and no danger of choking. Another three were wrapped around her forehead — snug, but not uncomfortably so.

  Paul had a relaxed rhythm of placing, re-situating, threading, and pulling; and after every four or five he’d extract cutters from his pocket and snip off the excess. His fingers went through the motions as if they’d done it a thousand times, and his practiced ease calmed her. Knowing he’d been Travis’ mentor, and had taught him most of what he knew, also helped.

  A high-pitched, keening wail echoed through the garage and Cara turned her head to see Travis giving Meg a shot in her upper lip. A row of eyebolts ran down the concrete on either side of her, and he’d bound her to a stool and then restrained torso, head, and limbs to the concrete wall behind her, with ropes threaded through the eyebolts. The effect made her look rather like the tongue of a shoe, or perhaps a human caught in a bizarre spider web.

  Travis had the needle in her lip and was slowly pushing the plunger, forcing the liquid into her flesh. He pulled it out and eased it back through her skin a half inch towards the middle, and pressed the plunger again. Meg’s pained sounds coincided with the liquid going in rather than the needle’s entrance and Cara looked at Paul, who smiled and said, “She’s fine. The saline burns a little — some people like the burn, some barely feel it, and others have trouble with it. She’s not quite so loud when I do her pussy lips, but when I inflate her breasts, and the lips on her face, we get these interesting noises.” His smile was kind, comforting. “Travis knows what he’s doing, and she’s got a safeword if she needs it.”

  Cara took a series of shallow breaths and nodded to him as she readied for whatever else he had planned. Meg’s pained cries had turned her on again and she knew she’d need to talk to Travis about whether he wanted to do this to her, too. The other woman’s lips were growing huge, turning her into a caricature of herself, and as Cara imagined lips, breasts, and pussy lips grotesquely swollen, her own sore pussy — currently stretched wide open to the warm air of the garage — ached to be filled.

  She also needed to pee, and as the feeling grew she both dreaded and looked forward to Travis forcing her to lose control of her bladder while their guests watched.

  Paul connected a long cable to the front of the multiple zip-ties around her throat and walked it to the wall before her, where he threaded it through an eyebolt embedded into the concrete wall. He strode back to her and deftly poked it through one of the empty holes in the wood above, and walked behind her. She aimed her head down and managed to look back, and watched him run it through another eyebolt in the wall behind her before returning to her and threading it through the back of the zip-ties at her forehead. Now she understood why he’d set her up in the corner.

  Several long zip-strips were wrapped around her hips and connected to smaller straps around her thighs, pulling the hip-ties down so they couldn’t ride up her torso. He made the same path with a long cable, running it from the front of the hip-ties, through an eyebolt in front of her, returning to her to go through the hole above, walking it to another eyebolt behind, and then completing the circle by attaching it to the back of her hip-ties.

  Paul walked to the wall before her and stood beside the cable running from the front of her collar, placing one hand on the cable as it entered the eyebolt, the other as it left. He pulled with one hand, then the other, and Cara realized doing so compelled her forward by her throat, then backwards by the back of her head. If someone had his dick in her mouth while another worked the ‘controls’, she’d trul
y be a fuck-puppet.

  Paul smiled. “Ah, I see you understand.” He stepped sideways and did the same with the other cable, moving her hips backwards and forwards.

  Travis stepped into view with Meg and Cara’s felt her eyes go wide as her stomach did flip-flops and her aching pussy and clit begged for touch.

  Paul moaned and said, “I have to feel those lips on my cock. I need a moment before we continue.”

  “Take your time; I need to talk to Cara.”

  Meg dropped to her knees in front of Paul at a motion of his hand, opening her mouth and holding her elbows behind her back. Her outrageously swollen lips circling the wide-open hole brought to mind a character in an X-rated anime drawing.

  Travis circled Cara once before stepping in front of her, looking down from inches away so she had to look straight up to see him. “Do you need to use the restroom, my little fuck-puppet?”

  Cara nodded and he said, “I don’t know how long we’ll keep you in this position, but I don’t intend to let you go until you’ve pissed yourself. As Paul told Meg, it’s gonna happen, so why delay the inevitable?” He pressed her stomach, knowing exactly where to cause the most discomfort, and then glanced at her hand, saying, “Give me one click please, so I’m sure you can still get to it.”

  Cara pushed it once, the sound merging with the wet noises coming from Meg’s mouth and throat as Paul fucked her face.

  Travis observed them a few seconds and turned back to Cara. “Her eye makeup is running, so if we’re to have a matched set I need to make yours run, too.” He looked at her once more before striding to the large table, selecting some items, and returning.

  “If I’m going to make you cry, it’s time to take the tape off,” he said, as he lifted a corner and pulled. “I’ll put the Jennings gag in, and if you say any words we’ll chopstick your tongue. Fuck-puppets don’t talk.”

  Thankfully, the tape didn’t hurt coming off, but then the Jennings gag went in and Cara knew it was only a matter of time before drool ran in a stream from her mouth to the floor. She glanced down, saw the tarp, was reminded of her need to pee, and tightened her muscles.

  Travis showed her the homemade Loopy made from telephone wire, and Cara shook her head no, begging him with her eyes to please not use it.

  “Fuck-puppets don’t have opinions, do they? I want to see my doll’s makeup running, and I’m pretty sure this’ll do the trick.”

  He stepped below her legs and swung, hitting the inside of the thigh stretched towards the ceiling. The next stroke landed in the corresponding spot on the leg supporting her weight, and he quickly alternated, making up a horrid little rhyme and striking on the last word of each line:

  Eenie Meenie Miney MO

  Catch a Fuck-Puppet by the TOE

  If she hollers, give-her another BLOW

  Do it until you make her skin GLOW

  Until her face shows all kinds of WOE

  And maybe a little like a well-used HOLE.

  We’ll make sure she knows who’s in conTROL

  Cara was howling by the second strike, dancing and writhing on the leg bearing her weight, but there was no way to escape the vicious lashing.

  He flailed her inner thighs until Cara was bawling — well past the point of crying. He finally kneeled in front of her face, stroking her topmost cheek where there was no moisture, his eyes hard as he looked into hers. “Such a good fuck-puppet. I can’t wait to see Meg fist you, especially now with your legs marked so pretty.

  Cara had been conditioned to go deep when the other Travis took over, and today was no different. She wanted him to hurt her, use her, and enjoy her body however it pleased him.

  He looked at her free hand and said, “That won’t do. Hmmmm.” And walked to the table with the zip-ties, choosing several sizes before returning.

  He manipulated her free hand without looking at her, attaching her wrist to the plastic ties passing through her cleavage, and situating her hand over one of her distended breasts. He scissored her pointer and bird fingers around the nipple and she gasped in pain as he snugged them together with small zip-ties, forcing her fingers to pinch her own nipple. Larger strips were passed under the torso straps and around her hand, imprisoning it into place.

  Paul had stepped closer to watch and he said, “Does my heart proud to see you’ve learned so much. A good fuck-puppet should have everything posed, and that’s a touch of genius. Are we ready to get started with Meg? I have the nitrile gloves and kneepads on her. You did great on her lips, by the way.”

  “Thanks, I love the noises she makes. Let’s see if the fuck-puppet needs to relieve herself before Meg begins, shall we?”

  Paul moved behind her and placed his palm on her lower abdomen, pressing gently as Travis leaned over her. “Okay fuck-puppet, if you’re going to leak it makes no difference to us if you do it now or later, but you’re about to be fisted by our dear Meg and this could take a while, so now’s your last chance to release without someone’s face in your pussy.”

  Travis’ face was cold, his eyes merciless, and Cara knew nothing short of using her clicker or saying her safeword would change his mind. She tried to relax and go, but it wouldn’t come out. She closed her eyes, imagined sitting on the toilet, struggled to remember what it felt like to let go; but though she tried, nothing came out.

  Paul’s hand pushed gently into her abdomen, his voice kind as he said, “I think she’s trying, but her body isn’t cooperating.”

  Cara tried to use the pressure of Paul’s hand to help her go, but it was no use. She clenched her hands into fists in frustration, but the hand strapped to her breast squeezed her nipple even harder and sent a sudden shockwave of pain through her system. She howled in anger and frustration, lifting her supporting foot off the ground briefly and stomping petulantly.

  Paul chuckled and caressed her stomach in small circles a few times before stepping away from her. “Quite a little spitfire you have. I like her.”

  Travis didn’t say anything, his eyes still hard, and Cara wished she could prostrate herself before him to show respect to the sadist.

  Paul had placed Meg several feet away, kneeling, and now he retrieved her and had her kneel beside Cara, so close one of her knee pads grazed the foot bearing Cara’s weight.

  “Let’s get your hands lubed. Use care but don’t go too slow; she’s taken Travis’ huge paw recently so she’s stretched and should have no problems with your small fist. Once you’re in I’ll want your mouth on her clit but you can do it before it’s required, if you wish.” He caressed her shoulder and said, “Cara’s never orgasmed from another woman’s touch, so you’ll be the first. Have fun with her sweetheart, I can’t wait to see her submit to your touch. Her climaxes are quite spectacular, like she loses who she is while her body takes over.”

  He glanced up at Travis and looked back at his slave. “Travis’ alter-ego seems to be in attendance, and he’ll have a rubber flogger, with free rein to use it if you proceed too slowly.”

  Fingers probed Cara’s pussy, and she tried to pull away but there was nowhere to go. Paul stepped behind her and felt her upper hand. “It’s probably time to put her arm in a different position.”

  He grabbed several long zip-ties and began circling her torso loosely, with several inches of free space. He added a half dozen and looped them together in another strap, along with the ones around her abdomen and hips, finally linking the master loop to the chain running down her arm.

  Meg’s fingers kept up their inexorable progress and Paul pulled the wire cutters from his pocket and cut the straps connecting Cara’s upper arm to the chain, redistributing her weight to the multiple ties around her torso. He moved her arm around, had her make a fist and wiggle her fingers, and finally slid it under the loose straps he’d added to her torso. The zip-ties were snugged down to assure she couldn’t pull her arm loose, and he trimmed the excess and stepped back.

  The earlier arrangement had been more comfortable, but she appreciated him giving her
arm a break.

  Cara was sure Meg had all four fingers in her, stretching her, and it felt good...but peculiar. She had a completely different technique than the men, and her hands were smaller, more graceful as they caressed, soothed, and pushed into her. Cara found herself involuntarily moving her hips, craving more, but mortified she wanted it.

  After trying to pee with no success, Cara had relaxed and stopped stressing about it. Her need was uncomfortable but not yet painful, more like a throbbing background rhythm for the symphony of sensory input she was receiving from the bondage, Meg’s hand stretching and pushing, her own hand on her breast, and the added spice of objectification.

  Travis walked towards her with the rubber flogger and swatted her uncovered breast. She attempted to jerk away, and Meg pushed harder as Cara’s pussy muscles spasmed and twitched in reaction to the pain.

  She heard the sounds of the flogger again and realized he’d stepped behind Meg and was lashing her shoulders. Meg’s hands moved in reaction to each strike, and Cara groaned and tilted her pelvis forward. She wanted to come so damned bad, but it wasn’t enough to get her off.

  Travis tossed the flogger and stepped to her face, unbuttoned his khakis, slowly pushed the zipper down, and reached in to pull his cock out.

  The head was shiny and had released a few drops of precum, and she stuck her tongue out, anxious to give him an outlet for what looked like a painful erection.

  He stepped closer and rubbed the tip across her tongue, teasing her with it but not putting it in yet.

  “Paul, would you mind doing the honors and making my fuck-puppet work?”

  She saw him walking to the wall in her peripheral vision, and a few seconds later the strands on the back of her head carried her away from Travis’ cock, then pressure on her collar pulled her towards him again.

  Travis drove into her mouth as she was dragged forward onto him and the dual motions initiated a strong gag reflex as his cock shoved into her throat.


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