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Matthew's Mask [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 4

by Dennis, Josie

  He lifted her off her knees and pressed her down onto the bed. “I don’t care if he fucked you tonight,” he said, tearing off her drawers with even more haste than Matthew had displayed. “I have to feel your pussy wrapped around my cock, Posy.”

  “William,” she gasped as he spread her legs.

  “My cock.”

  He drove into her, and she arched beneath him. She was wet from what Matthew had done, but not from his seed. No, he’d come on her belly. She was wet with her own juices from loving William with her mouth and wanting him in her pussy.

  Thoughts scattered from her mind as he pounded within her. She was so tender, so sensitive, that she began to pulse around him. Clutching at his arms, she met his thrusts and climaxed. He groaned again and bent his head down to kiss her. She sucked at his tongue as she had his cock, and he shuddered. He came then, deep inside her as he exploded. It was like he was claiming her, but she couldn’t rouse any anger. It felt right, though she suspected it would have felt that way had Matthew done the same.

  He lifted his head and smiled down at her, a sweet smile she could almost believe was something like love.

  “Ah, Posy,” he said, his voice soft and tender.

  Tears burned in her eyes, but she blinked them away. “William.”

  He pulled out of her and straightened. “I should go.”

  She wanted him to stay, just as she’d wanted to curl up in Matthew’s arms in that comfortable chair. She didn’t deserve that from either one of her lovers, though. Instead of asking him to stay, she simply nodded. He kissed her again and quietly let himself out of the room.

  She rose on shaking legs and washed as she’d planned to do earlier. Dressed in her nightgown, her hair brushed and braided, she slid beneath her coverlet. She had two lovers now. They were the only men she’d ever been with, true. But she’d made love to both of them in the same night and reveled in every bit of pleasure they’d given her. She let the tears come at last.

  Oh, she was even worse than anyone at Hawksfell Manor believed.

  Chapter 5

  “Good morning, William,” Viscount Lindhurst said with a smile.

  William’s stomach churned as he arranged his lordship’s cufflinks on the low dresser. “Good morning, my lord.”

  He’d stepped into the room only to find the viscount closed in the bath. He’d straightened the room, but the huge bed hadn’t needed much attention. The sheets were barely rumpled. The man had no doubt slept like the dead after fucking Posy in the library.

  “What should I do today, William?” the viscount asked as he dropped his robe. “I find I’m at sixes and sevens here at the manor.”

  “I’m sure you can find an occupation, my lord.”

  William tried to keep his gaze on his lordship’s clothing, but he couldn’t help eyeing the man’s body as he helped him dress. He was big like the earl, both his body and his cock. Muscular and defined, his back and legs and ass were like a statue’s. Pity he was as big a rogue as all the Hawks were, excepting the earl.

  “I’m afraid I don’t know the area.” The viscount stepped into his pants. “Have you been to the village much?”

  William brushed his hands over his lordship’s firm buttocks as he adjusted his trousers. His palms tingled, and he fisted his hands. “There is no other place close, my lord.”

  The viscount held out first one sculpted arm then the other as William helped him into his shirt. “Do you go there often?”

  “I walk into the village on my half-day.”

  “Ah.” He held his chin up as William fastened the buttons of his collar.

  The viscount had a strong throat. Had Posy grabbed on to his neck as she came, like she sometimes did with him? He imagined his lordship’s big body pressing into her luscious one, his thick, long cock pounding into her pussy as she cried out with pleasure. He felt a flash of jealousy, along with a hint of arousal he couldn’t deny. How could he want a man—really want a man—especially one he should despise for taking Posy before he could even formulate a plan to spend his own future with her?

  The viscount was a beautiful man, though. The image of his body entangled with Posy’s perfect form made him ache. He dragged his eyes away and turned to reach for the man’s jacket.

  “But what do you do for amusement, William?” he asked.

  William bit his tongue. I fuck Posy after you do. “This and that, my lord.” He held the jacket with tight hands as Lord Lindhurst shrugged his broad shoulders into it. He restrained from stroking those shoulders. What the devil was wrong with him this morning?

  The viscount brushed his thick, black hair back from his handsome face and stared into the mirror. “Well? Do I look like the brother of the Earl of Hawksfell?”

  “Too bloody much,” William said before he could stop himself.

  His lordship jerked, turning to face him. “What?”

  William’s cheeks flamed. “Nothing, my lord.”

  “No, William.” His dark Hawk eyes bore into him. “You said something.”

  “You look just like the earl.” He struggled to hold up his chin. “It’s no wonder she gave herself to you last night.”

  The viscount’s mouth dropped open. “Never say my brother was with Posy.”

  The possibility still bit at him, but he wouldn’t reveal that to the viscount. “I don’t know for certain, but it’s assumed as much.”

  The viscount was quiet for a moment. With that pensive expression on his face he was beyond compelling. William had to get out of there before he revealed that he could be as easily seduced as Posy had been at the inn last spring.

  “Will there be anything else, my lord?” he asked.

  The viscount’s brows drew together. “Actually, yes. I wondered about the girl myself, William.”

  William didn’t want to talk about Posy, not with the man who had her first. He thought about their interlude last night in her attic room. His lordship hadn’t had her last, though.

  “This isn’t a conversation we should have, my lord.”

  “Nonsense. My life at Lindhurst wasn’t so formal as it apparently is here at the manor. Tell me about her.”

  “Tell you about her? You had her last night!” William took in a calming breath. “You took her, and she probably sucked your cock like she did mine after.”

  The viscount’s eyes rounded. “You were with her last night?”

  William turned to stare out at the magnificent view of the grounds afforded through the leaded window. “I was waiting for her in her room in the attics. I didn’t know she’d been with you.”

  He heard the viscount step closer. “You’ve been with her before.”

  “Almost from when she first started at the manor.”

  “Four months ago,” the viscount said.

  “Yes, four months ago.” William fisted his hands again as he faced him. “I know you were with her first. At the inn.”

  “She told you?” He cocked a brow. “Hmm. Singular girl.”

  Singular? There was no woman like her! “You might have been with her first, but I was with her last.”

  The viscount shrugged. “Until tonight, I wager.”

  William turned to go. It was either that, or he would punch the viscount in his handsome Hawk face and lose his position. And any chance to have a future with Posy.

  “Wait,” his lordship said, grabbing onto his arm. “I don’t mean to use her, you know.”

  William snorted and pulled away. “Plan to make her your viscountess, then?”

  He laughed. “I think it might be a bit early to read the banns, don’t you?”

  William smiled a bit then schooled his expression. God, he didn’t want to like this man. “I’m sorry. It’s just that with Posy… I’ve never known a girl like her.”

  “It’s the same for me as well.” The viscount settled into a chair beside the small writing desk. “Last spring I’d drunk too much and flirted too hard with a pretty girl staying at the inn. I hadn’t known she was g
oing into service here the next day. Hell, I hadn’t known she was a virgin until I took her. I doubt any of that knowledge would have stopped me, in any event.”

  He thought of Posy’s confession last night. “She was telling the truth, then.”

  “You doubt her? That speaks toward your relationship, William.”

  William began to argue, but the bloody man was right. He leaned against the windowsill. “I know. She’s only been open with me, and yet I find myself seeing her with every footman and groom around every corner.”

  The viscount’s eyes looked troubled. “She really was with the earl? My brother?”

  William shrugged. “I believe so. Why wouldn’t she be? Nearly all the rest of us have been.”

  A spark of something lit in the viscount’s eyes. Surprise and speculation. It made him look devilishly handsome. Even more so than the earl. A lick of desire stroked over William’s body.

  “Never say you were with him?” he asked, his Hawk eyes sparkling.

  The viscount looked aroused, and William had to look away again. “You’re a Hawk, my lord. You know the way of things.”

  “I know about the pain of solitary pleasure, William.”

  William glanced at him and saw remembered anguish on his face. It was gone in an instant, like a mask had dropped down to conceal it.

  “I also know that he used to fuck his staff,” he went on. “Before he met the countess, apparently.”


  “You pleasured him as well, I take it?”

  “Yes,” William said again. “I’ve been in the earl’s employ for nearly two years. Mr. Grantley made it quite clear what my duties would be when I was hired. It was no hardship, really.” A flush of remembered pleasure spread across his flesh. “I did my duty, regarding all matters. I rose to first footman, and I’m not ashamed to say I do an excellent job at the manor.”

  The viscount smiled, leaning back in his chair to drape an arm over the back of it. “Did you suck my brother’s cock, William?”

  William’s mouth dropped open. “My lord!”

  “My lord?” He laughed again. “Come, now. We’re discussing my brother’s passions. Hell, we’re talking about the girl we both just shared or very nearly. Call me Matthew.”

  “I couldn’t.”

  “You could.” He shifted, and William saw him wince as he adjusted the front of his trousers. “She sucked you, didn’t she? She put those full, red lips around your shaft and sucked you last night.”

  William bit back a groan. “She did.”

  “I licked her.” He held up a hand. “I’m sorry if that pains you, but it was beyond amazing for me. I’d tasted her last spring, of course. But only for a few moments before I rutted on her like a boy on his first pussy raid.”

  William thought about the untried girl she’d been then. “Did you hurt her?”

  “I don’t believe so.” The viscount rubbed his chin. “She didn’t seem to be in pain, and she came beneath me soon after.”

  Once again he pictured the man with his Posy. He saw her rising up to meet his every thrust, crying out her pleasure. “She’s very passionate,” was all William could say.

  “She’s bloody amazing. And last night…” He winced again and gave a shudder. “Her pussy is so tight. Tighter than any ass I’ve ever fucked. That’s certain.”

  William felt his body flame now. He could picture it, the viscount riding Posy in the library as she came again and again. He’d been in her pussy, in that flesh so tight and hot and wet. He’d tasted her, too. She was sweet like sugared flowers, were such a thing possible.

  “I’ve never had her ass, my lord,” he admitted.

  “My lord?” He laughed again. “My God, man! We’re talking about fucking and you still insist on addressing me so?”

  William flushed, but he smiled. “Matthew, then.”

  The viscount nodded. “Good. Now back to Posy’s ass.”

  William barked a laugh, and the other man smiled. Something seemed to shift between them. Something beyond their mutual desire for Posy. The viscount seemed hungry for companionship as much as sexual contact. How could that be? He was a bloody Hawk, after all.

  “What of you, William? Have you had any ass before?”

  The question should have shocked him, but he found himself answering. “No.” He thought about Matthew’s magnificent buttocks and felt his cock twitch and grow hard. Amazingly, he wouldn’t mind having him that way. And letting Matthew have him. “I’ve been had that way, though.”

  Matthew’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll bet you have.”

  Something passed between them, a heated spark of possibility. William’s cock was pounding now, as ready for release as it had been in Posy’s room. He straightened away from the window and walked toward the door again.

  “William, don’t go.”

  Matthew’s voice was harsh, a shade of pain in his words as he stood. William turned to find him standing rigid, his cock tenting his newly-pressed trousers. “My lord…”

  “William, call me Matthew,” he said again. He cupped his groin and bit his full lower lip. “All this talk has me randy as a goat.”

  “There are other staff who can serve you,” he said, staring at his long, graceful fingers tracing over the outline of his shaft. He suddenly wanted to see what that fine fabric was concealing.

  “I don’t want any other staff,” he said. “Posy is busy, about her duties no doubt.”

  William mirrored his actions, cupping his own cock as if he couldn’t control his hand. “No doubt.”

  He stepped closer and brought a hand to his cheek. “You’re very handsome, William. It’s no wonder Posy is all over you.”

  “And you,” William said softly. “She’s all over you.”

  Matthew must have heard something in his voice, for his eyes showed his concern. “I won’t take her away from you. You have my word.”

  “The word of a Hawk?”

  He frowned. “Has my brother ever lied to you?”

  “No, but your father…”

  Matthew stroked William’s cheek. “My father was undoubtedly as much a reprobate as my uncle. I hope Lord Hawksfell and I will not be painted with the same brush.”

  William stared into his eyes as his mouth came close. “No, you’re very different. You’re different from the earl as well.”

  Matthew smiled and kissed him then. His lips were firm and warm, his hands the same as they cupped his ass. He moaned, and William caught his passions. Their tongues tangled, and his heart began to pound. This was like nothing he’d ever experienced. To think that he could feel passion for the man who was essentially his rival for Posy’s affections? It was astounding.

  Yes, he’d pleased the earl, but there was none of this tenderness then. Matthew seemed to know what William needed. He fell to his knees and quickly unfastened his trousers.

  “Matthew,” William gasped as he freed his cock.

  “God, your cock is beautiful.” He stroked it, long and reverently. “No wonder Posy likes to suck it.”

  He closed his mouth over the head and began to suck. William braced his legs apart and closed his eyes, feeling every kiss and caress to his soul.

  “You taste incredible,” Matthew said as he ran his tongue up his shaft. “Sweet cream.”

  Matthew’s mouth sucked at him. His tongue swirled over his cock’s swollen head. William began to thrust against his tongue.

  “Come, William,” Matthew said, nibbling at the sensitive spot under the head. “Come for me.”

  His lips closed around the head again, and William surrendered, coming hard into Matthew’s mouth. He barely managed to stay upright as his orgasm hit. When he opened his eyes, he found Matthew standing in front of him. He released his own cock and stroked it. “Will you please me, William?”

  William looked at this man he hadn’t truly expected. At this Hawk who had Posy and just now gave him so much pleasure he nearly cried with it.

  “Yes,” he said.
br />   Chapter 6

  Matthew watched William’s lovely brown eyes as they slowly came back into focus. He was handsome, as a good footman should be. There was something more to him, though. He’d seen the love he had for Posy. How he hadn’t punched him square in the face, Matthew didn’t know. He did know that he wanted this man. As much as he’d wanted Posy last night.

  He’d sucked on his cock so hard he’d felt William’s orgasm almost like his own. His own cock pounded against his hand in protest. Almost like his own.

  “I want to fuck you, William,” he admitted.

  William licked his lips. He really had very fine lips. “I think there is a cream here…”

  He went into the dressing room, and Matthew could hear him rifling through the drawers. In a few moments he was standing before him, a jar held in his hands.

  “Another Hawk stayed here a few weeks ago. I’d noticed that he’d left this behind when I was readying the room for you.”

  He handed the jar to Matthew, who opened it and sniffed at the cream inside. “Honey.” He grinned at William. “Imagine this in Posy’s ass. God, imagine when we both take her?”

  “Both of us?” William’s expression showed his worry. “You can’t mean that we’ll share her?”

  “We can talk about this later.” Matthew waved the jar at him. “I need to have you now.”

  William’s pupils dilated, and Matthew felt another punch of lust for him. It was like last night in the library, a driving need to connect he’d never experienced before last spring. Maybe it was because they both desired Posy like food, water, or air. Maybe it was because William was so bloody beautiful he almost came just imagining taking him. He wouldn’t worry about this now. He’d sucked him. He’d tasted his release and now wanted to come inside him.

  “Can I fuck your ass, William?”

  William eyed his cock then nodded. Matthew didn’t flatter himself. He knew his equipment was as impressive as William’s own. He kissed his mouth again then turned him toward the desk. Cupping his ass, he found his skin firm and strong.

  “You’re hiding a fine physique beneath this uniform,” he said.


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