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The Dreamer, Her Angel and the Stars

Page 15

by Linda S. North

  "Please, send her in. Oh, and do the necessary cancellations for the St. Thomas trip."

  "I'll take care of that right away, ma'am.

  Mrs. Belfort exited the room and a few seconds later an attractive dark skinned woman in a white medical uniform walked in carrying a bulky blue bag slung over one shoulder. In a low voice she said, "I'm Stephanie Robinson, Ariel Thorsen's nurse. Dr. Mendelson filled me in on the patient's condition."

  "I'm Kiernan O'Shay, Ariel's wife."

  "I hear congratulations are in order. I'm sorry this happened at such an important and happy time for you both." Stephanie's dark eyes reflected her sincerity.

  "Thank you. My only concern now is for Ariel's health."

  "Yes, of course, that's why I'm here." Stephanie put down the bag she was carrying and picked up Ariel's hand to monitor her pulse. After a minute, she set Ariel's hand back on the bed. "I'm going to set up the IV."

  Stephanie retrieved her bag, set it on the end of the bed, and opened it to remove a portable stand that she unfolded and placed on the floor at the head of the bed. Next, she took out an IV bag and a sealed, sterile package containing the necessary tubing and needle. "This has a glucose solution, as well as fortified nutrients, and medication to help her relax." She hung up the bag on the stand and attached the tubing and needle. "I'm going to wake her and tell her what I'm doing. I don't want her alarmed and dislodging the needle."

  Kiernan cringed when imagining a needle penetrating Ariel's skin. "A needle? God, that's so outdated and barbaric. Why not hook an infuser to the bag and place it on her arm?"

  "Infusers are for dermal use, and not for veins. The nutrients and medication will need to go through the veins, and needles are still the most effective way to administer them."

  "We can fly to the outer edges of the solar system, but can't find the cure for the common cold, most viruses, and we still use primitive medical instruments."

  Stephanie responded with an amused voice, not loud enough to wake her patient. "We did find the cure for diabetes, M.S, Alzheimer's, most cancers, and a host of other diseases. We use precision computer programs to do laser surgery on the brain and spine. I wouldn't call that primitive."

  "I suppose," Kiernan said grudgingly.

  Stephanie touched Ariel gently on the shoulder. "Ariel, wake up."

  Ariel opened unfocused eyes, suddenly surprised. "Mysha," she mumbled.

  Upon hearing Ariel say the name of her former girlfriend, Kiernan stiffened. She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to quell her disappointment. But she couldn't expect Ariel to forget Mysha. Ariel hadn't ended the relationship because she wanted to. She ended it because Kiernan forced her to.

  "I'm Stephanie, your nurse. I'm here to assist you during your illness. Dr. Mendelson has ordered an IV for you. You're going to feel a prick on your arm where I insert the needle."

  Stephanie retrieved a sterile-wipe from her bag, using it to clean the bend in Ariel's left arm. She tied a rubber tubing tourniquet right below the bend, found a suitable vein, inserted the needle, and made Ariel flinch. Stephanie taped the needle and part of the tubing to Ariel's arm to keep it from coming loose. She asked Ariel in a gentle voice, "Do you need me to get anything or do anything for you?"

  "No," Ariel said, her voice weak.

  "You let me know if you do. I'll be right here."

  "Yes, okay." Ariel shifted her position slightly and closed her eyes.

  Stephanie glanced at her wristwatch and watched Ariel's respiration for a minute before checking her wristwatch once more. To Kiernan she said in a subdued voice, "The main thing is for her to have plenty of rest and liquids. Tonight, we need her eating something light, such as clear broths, Jell-O, and clear liquids. She's to have no dairy products until her fever abates. I can remove the IV tomorrow night, if she eats and drinks enough." She withdrew a digital notebook from the pocket of her smock and handed it to Kiernan. "Here's a menu she needs to follow for the next couple of days."

  "I'll take it to my chef and instruct him to follow what's on here." An idea occurred to Kiernan. "When can she have visitors?"

  "I would wait at least a couple of days. Not because of contagion, but visitors do tend to overexcite a patient. Of course, having a loved one participate in her care is also important and helps in the recovery."

  Gazing tenderly at Ariel, Kiernan said, "I'll be here for her and help anyway I can."

  THE NEXT AFTERNOON, Stephanie gave Ariel a sponge bath and helped her dress in a clean, pink flannel nightgown she found in the dresser drawer. Ariel knew it was one Kiernan had purchased for her, but didn't mind, as wearing something fresh and clean felt wonderful. Most of yesterday and this morning, Ariel spent sleeping, only vaguely aware a doctor had visited. Kiernan visited a few times to see how she was doing and asking if she needed anything. Seeing as Ariel wasn't in the mood for company, she stayed only a few minutes each time.

  Mrs. Belfort entered the bedroom carrying a tray with Ariel's dinner and placed it on the rolling bedside tray by the bed. "Ricardo prepared you some of his 'fix you up' chicken noodle soup. He swears it will fix what ails you."

  Stephanie moved to Ariel's side. "Here, let me help you sit up." Stephanie moved an arm around her and assisted her to an upright position while Mrs. Belfort leaned the pillows against the headboard, so Stephanie could gently make Ariel more comfortable.

  Mrs. Belfort kindly said, "If there is anything else you want, please don't hesitate to have Stephanie buzz me. I'll get you whatever you need."

  "Thank you," Ariel said, as Mrs. Belfort patted her arm before leaving.

  Ariel took a spoon, her hand quavering slightly, and scooped a spoonful of the soup, dribbling some on the front of her gown. Stephanie gently removed the spoon from Ariel's hand, and said, "Here, let me do that for you."

  Dismayed by her clumsiness, Ariel said, "I'm sorry."

  "Oh, honey, there's nothing to be sorry for." Stephanie fed Ariel the soup, waiting patiently while Ariel consumed the spoonful before offering her more. The soup tasted delicious, and despite her illness, Ariel did feel hungry.

  Kiernan entered and stood on the opposite side of the bed from Stephanie. She asked warmly, "How are you doing?"

  Ariel was silent, hoping to discourage Kiernan from staying. Stephanie said, "If Ariel eats enough I'll remove her IV tonight."

  "That sounds like a good deal." Kiernan examined the contents of the bowl. "Chicken noodle soup? It looks good." She sniffed with exaggeration. "Mmm, and smells delicious. I hope Ricardo has more--I may want a bowl myself." Gazing over at Ariel, she asked, "Does it taste as good as it looks and smells?"

  Ariel nodded. After another spoonful, she said, "No more."

  "Would you like some apple juice?" Stephanie asked.

  "Yes, please."

  Stephanie reached for the glass of apple juice only to find Kiernan holding it. Kiernan said, "Why don't you take a break, Stephanie. I'll let you know when you can come back."

  After Stephanie left for dinner and a break, Kiernan held the glass with the straw up to Ariel's mouth, watching as she drank. Ariel drained the glass, and Kiernan placed it back on the tray. "Would you like some Jell-O?"

  Ariel didn't want Kiernan feeding her. She could try feeding herself, but Kiernan would probably make a fuss over her if she spilled any, and she didn't want Kiernan that close and touching her. She did want the Jell-O, though. "Yes," Ariel said in an almost inaudible voice.

  Kiernan brought a spoonful up to her mouth, watching as she ate. Ariel ate three more spoonfuls until finally she had enough, twisted her head away, and sighed tiredly. Kiernan rolled the bedside tray away from the bed, took the napkin off Ariel's lap, and gently wiped her mouth. She assisted Ariel in lying down and drew the covers over her. Brushing her hand soothingly over Ariel's forehead, she asked, "Is there anything I can get for you?"

  "I'm okay." Ariel wished Kiernan would leave her in peace.

  "If there is, you let me know."

l didn't reply. Feeling tired and drained, she let her eyelids close. She watched through half-closed eyelids as Kiernan sat in the chair by her bed, watching her as if she were some sick child. Ariel didn't like feeling helpless in front of Kiernan. As she drifted into sleep, someone tucked the covers around her shoulders, and softly stroked her forehead. Finally, the tread of light footsteps faded from her hearing along with consciousness as she slipped into sleep.

  ARIEL'S NIGHT WAS peaceful, leaving her feeling more rested and stronger the next morning, but still fatigued. She ate a light breakfast of coffee and wheat toast with a light spreading of grape jelly. Stephanie had removed her IV the previous night, for which she was grateful. Ariel refused to use the bedpan that morning, and Stephanie ensured she didn't topple over in a slow walk to the bathroom.

  Stephanie left for breakfast leaving Ariel at loose ends. She wished she hadn't forgotten to bring her IMP so she could check the messages. Then again, she wasn't up to hearing the calls Mysha probably left. She decided to watch the EM. "EM video on. Scroll at three-second intervals." The EM projected the 3-D images onto the far wall. She leaned against the headboard, watching the EM scroll through the channels, which mostly featured info-commercials, game shows, or outdoor adventures. The EM scrolled past a news channel, startling Ariel when she thought she heard her name. "EM--back two channels." She stared in shock at a picture of herself.

  "--mystery surrounding Kiernan O'Shay's marriage to Ariel Thorsen. What we know is Ms. Thorsen is a native of Tennessee, born and raised in East Ridge, right outside of Chattanooga, and is the daughter of--"

  In horrid fascination, she watched as portions of her life were there for the world to see. There were pictures of her in grammar school, high school, and in college, ones with friends and neighbors, and even pictures of her mother and father, as well as Seth and Leigh. Suddenly faint with shock, she didn't hear Kiernan come in, and jumped when she said, "It'll die down after a while."

  A wave of nausea and dizziness hit her, and she heaved, but didn't vomit. Kiernan pressed the call button and said, "Mrs. Belfort, tell Nurse Robinson to come up here right away--Ariel is nauseous." Placing her arms around Ariel, Kiernan said, "EM off." She leaned Ariel against the headboard and stroked her hair back from her forehead. "I'm sorry this has upset you. Believe me when I say you'll get used to this, and learn to ignore it."

  Ariel couldn't hold back her tears. She was hoping her family would escape publicity and scrutiny by the media. She should have known this would happen. Anything involving Kiernan O'Shay was news worthy. "My family--they--they--don't deserve this."

  "No, they don't. As I told you before, I'll do everything within my power to protect you and them."

  Ariel pulled away from Kiernan's arms, glaring at her accusingly, and harshly said, "I'll hold you responsible if anything happens to them."

  "I'll accept that responsibility," Kiernan responded sincerely.

  The sensation of the room tilting made her heave once again. This time she vomited into the clean bedpan Kiernan snatched from the floor by the bed, and held for her. When she finished, Kiernan helped her lie back on the pillows. Stephanie arrived and administered an infusion for nausea, which also served to calm her and make her drowsy. Kiernan left her bedside, returning with a wet washcloth, and carefully cleaned her face. Ariel watched Kiernan as she did this, seeing an expression of tenderness, her eyes soft and caring. This was the last thing she saw as she drifted into sleep.

  ARIEL WASN'T AS upset after she woke around lunchtime. She didn't have much of an appetite and had declined to eat until Stephanie threatened her by saying if she didn't eat, she would hook her back up to the IV.

  She managed to eat enough to satisfy Stephanie, spending the rest of the day in bed, listening to music, and trying to take her mind off the news story.

  In the evening, she finished dinner, and was dozing off when Kiernan came in with a book in her hands, and said to Stephanie, "I'll stay with Ariel, while you take a break, and have dinner."

  "Thank you," Stephanie said, before exiting the room.

  Kiernan walked around to the other side of the bed, took the chair, and pulled it close to the bed to where Ariel could see her. "I would like to share my favorite story with you. I guarantee it will make you feel better and get well faster. At least it did for me. My mothers would read it to me when I wasn't feeling well. Shall I read it to you?"

  Ariel almost declined, but she was curious, and something in Kiernan's voice made her forget for the moment her animosity. "Yes."

  Kiernan appeared pleased. "It's The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Have you ever read it?"


  "It was written over one hundred and fifty years ago. I think you'll like it. It's the story of a Prince who has adventures visiting different planets."

  Kiernan read, the sound of her voice soothing. Ariel closed her eyes, drifting between wakefulness and sleep, where the story painted wonderful pictures in her mind, and she lived the adventures of the Little Prince.

  "What is essential is invisible to the eye. It is only with the heart that you can see rightly," Kiernan read.

  Ariel found these words a key to a door. She used the key to crack the door open. The light within that shone through the crack was barely a sliver of brightness. In this sliver of light was Kiernan's voice, soft and soothing, not only to her ears, but also to her heart. Her hate for Kiernan was slipping from her. But what would replace it?

  Kiernan finished the story and closed the book. For a while, she watched Ariel sleep. She reminded her of a sleeping angel. Silently, she rose from her chair and gently tucked the covers around Ariel's shoulder. On impulse, she leaned over to leave a soft kiss on the pale brow, and walked quietly from the room.

  Not asleep yet, Ariel felt the caress of lips against her forehead. The caress slipped into the crack in the door and entered the light. The door shut, and Ariel lost the key as sleep claimed her.

  THE NEXT MORNING, Ariel said goodbye to Stephanie. She was now strong enough to bathe and dress without assistance, though still feeling drained of energy. During breakfast, Kiernan dropped by for a visit, but soon left, apparently sensing Ariel wasn't in the mood to talk.

  Before lunch, Ariel showered and washed her hair, feeling a whole lot better. She decided she wanted to dress today, go out to her sitting room, get online, download some music, and maybe search for some interesting novels to download into her e-book. At this time, her checking account contained enough funds to cover her purchases. Much to her irritation, her money would soon run out and she would need to use funds from the account Kiernan set up for her.

  She walked into her closet, reached for a pair of her well-worn jeans, and stopped as her hand stroked the pair of tailored jeans next to them. Why not? she thought. She'd eventually have to wear them. After removing the jeans from the hanger and draping them over her arm, she surveyed the casual blouses and knit pullovers, selecting a pink pullover blouse. Carefully scrutinizing the various pairs of shoes in the shoe rack, she decided on a navy pair of slip-on canvas shoes.

  Back in her bedroom she opened the sock drawer and found a pink pair of crew socks. Next, she opened the underwear drawer and hesitated. The intimacy of Kiernan picking out these items brought a nervous flutter to her stomach, reminding her of a certain stipulation in the agreement. She chose a pair of panties and a bra she'd brought with her. After dressing, she checked her appearance in the mirror, admiring how the tailored jeans made her legs appear longer. As she walked out into the sitting room, there was a knock at the main door.

  "Come in."

  The door opened, and two excited tow-headed ten year olds descended on her. "Ariel!" They both hugged her and giggled excitedly. She held them close, looking up at the door as her mother entered. "Mom," Ariel said with delight.

  Joanna closed the distance and swept her into her arms, after a moment separating only enough to touch her palm to Ariel's forehead. "Should you be out of bed, sweetheart?"r />
  "I'm feeling better. Besides, bed is boring."

  "We've come to visit and have lunch with you," Leigh said excitedly.

  A rustling sound at the door caught Ariel's attention. She peered up to see Kiernan standing in the doorway with a strange expression on her face. Kiernan backed out of the door and shut it, leaving before Ariel could say a word.

  KIERNAN GAZED ACROSS the dinner table at Ariel, who was paying more attention to her dessert than the conversation Kiernan was trying to engage her in. The wedding had been ten days ago and despite Kiernan's repeated invitations, this was the first time since the wedding night that Ariel dined in the dining room instead of taking meals in her suite. Tonight, Kiernan had practically ordered Ariel to dine with her, telling her that since she was feeling better, she expected to see Ariel at the dinner table every night. Ariel fixed a 'balky' stare on her, not saying anything. Kiernan hadn't thought she would show for dinner and was both surprised and pleased when she showed up on time and took her seat.

  Kiernan had also suggested for the past few days that she take breakfast with her, but Ariel slept in, missing breakfast, and after she was up she would go to the kitchen, have a bowl of cereal, toast, coffee, and juice. Ricardo kept Kiernan advised about what Ariel ate during the day and informed Kiernan he had offered to fix her an omelet or something else, but Ariel always declined.

  Lunch was the same story. Kiernan would invite Ariel but she refused, taking lunch in her suite instead. Much to Kiernan's chagrin, Ariel stayed mostly in her suite, and the times Kiernan paid her a visit, she was reading or online. Kiernan kept trying to strike up conversations, but Ariel made only cursory comments and avoided her, but Kiernan wasn't going to give up.

  Rain was falling, and the forecast was for rain all day so Kiernan couldn't show Ariel the grounds and take her up to Deer Falls and the old apple orchard as she planned. If it was good weather the next day, she would insist Ariel go with her.


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