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By the Heart Bride: Gabe (Matchmaking A Marriage Book 3)

Page 8

by Joann Baker

“He’ll be lost without you, honey,” Cal assured his wife as he held the door open for her.

  Kristen laughed. “He’ll be ecstatic that I won’t be around to rearrange anything else.” She blew a kiss him a kiss and waved. “Thanks, Gramps. I’ll see you all later.”

  The door had barely closed behind her before Gabe pushed from the table. “Come on,” he urged his brother, “let’s get this day over with.”

  “But I wanted coffee,” Cal groused.

  “No time.” Gabe shot a look at his grandfathers. “Time’s a wasting.”

  Gabe figured the last night of rodeo festivities would be so busy he wouldn’t have too much time to think about Amelia. He’d been wrong. All through the day of working at the ranch and now, waiting for his turn at the bareback competition, she was his main thought. He’d caught himself scanning the crowd for her, wondering if she’d join the family to watch him ride as she had on a couple of other nights, but he hadn’t seen her with them. A line of people stood at the medical booth, and he figured she’d been plenty busy after several cowboys had flubbed their rides. So far, there’d been a broken nose, busted ribs and a bruised—if not broken—foot after a particularly ornery bull had stepped on a cowboy.

  If he didn’t get his mind on right, he’d be joining them. Securing his hand around the rawhide rope, he shifted his weight, settling onto the shifting animal beneath him before nodding his readiness. As the gate flew open, he promised himself that after this competition, he’d go to Amelia.


  Amelia looked away from the scene in the arena where Gabe was somehow sticking to another crazy animal throwing him around like a rag doll and trying its best to unseat him. Swallowing her heart, she looked at the cowboys in front of her, instantly taking note of the big man holding a bleeding Colby Benson. The roar of the crowd told her that Gabe had ended another great ride.

  “What happened?” Quickly she sat Colby in a chair, examining the cut over his left eye.

  “He was helping to load up some of the stock,” the big man began.

  “And a horse kicked me,” Colby finished. “Naola here saved my life.”

  “Well,” Amelia cleaned the wound, gently applying sterile butterfly strips and a bandage, “you’re going to need stitches. And a head CT.”

  “Fine,” Colby started to stand, “I’ll go to the ER as soon as my ride is over.”

  “Oh no,” Amelia pushed him back into the chair, “you aren’t riding tonight.”

  “I am.”

  When Colby again tried to stand, the big man grabbed his arm as he swayed. “Don’t worry, doc, I’ll get him to the hospital.” Despite token protests, Colby allowed the man he’d called Naola to lead him away.

  “Was that Benson?”

  Amelia jumped at the deep voice. She turned to find Gabe staring after the disappearing cowboys, giving her time to compose herself before his gaze captured hers. “Yes, it is. Colby apparently received a kick from an angry horse. His friend is taking him for some tests.”

  “I’ll be damned,” Gabe muttered.


  “Nothing,” Gabe shrugged, “it’s just that Benson doesn’t particularly like Naola. I’m surprised he’d go along so easily.”

  “He said Naola saved his life. If so, that’s a big deal.”

  “Sounds like Naola. He’s a rare breed.”

  Amelia didn’t know how to respond since she didn’t really know the big cowboy so she busied herself discarding the used gloves, placing them neatly in a container she’d brought for such purposes. She looked up to find Gabe watching her intently, a determined look on his rugged face.

  “The family is having a celebration for me after the rodeo is over. Will you come?”

  Speechless at the invitation, Amelia could only stare. Had she been kicked by a horse? Gabe was actually inviting her to go along with his family? With him?

  She should say no. Her head told her so.

  But her heart wasn’t listening. Whatever lay behind his invitation, Amelia wanted to believe—just for this night—that he’d made it because he really wanted to be with her. More than likely, though, his family had forced him into asking. Either way, she’d have one more memory of the only man who would forever hold her heart after she left Devil’s Spur.


  “The Sundowner. Do you know where that is?”

  Amelia had passed the popular juke-joint several times. “Yes, I do.”


  Still, he hesitated.

  “Was there something else?” Amelia could barely breathe at the look on his face. The noise and events taking place around them faded into an annoying buzz.

  “Just this.”

  One long arm snaked out, pulling her against him. Amelia’s squeak of surprise was lost as his lips crashed down on hers, stealing the breath from her body. There was no hesitation, no first kiss awkwardness. There was only the same soul-stirring passion that had always erupted when they were together. Lifting her hand to the back of his head, she pulled him closer, kissing him with all the desire she’d been trying to deny ever since that day he’d walked out of the clinic when she’d walked in.

  Gabe pulled Amelia closer, relishing the feel of her plush body against his. She fit against him with remembered perfection, causing his heart rate to increase as if he were on the ride of his life. Other parts of his body had taken notice of her generous curves as well, and it took all of his willpower to set her away.

  “What…what was that for?”

  She looked as dazed as he felt but utterly cute and so damned tempting he had to fight himself not to pull her back into his arms. “Luck.”

  “You’ve done fine without me so far.”

  Gabe knew that she was talking about more than his standings in the rodeo. Hope sprang inside of him. Had she missed him? Thought about him through the years and wondered at the ‘what ifs’? He brushed back a strand of hair from her eyes, his fingers sinking into the silky softness, drawing her closer. “No, sweetheart, I really haven’t.” He was just bending his head again, determined to take another test when they were interrupted.

  “Hey, Romeo.”

  Gabe looked over his shoulder to see Ty Murphy, one of the rodeo clowns beckoning to him. “You’re lucky number seven in the next event. Better wear your chaps.”

  He followed Ty’s finger to the board showing the order of the saddle bronc riders. He’d drawn Lucky’s Revenge, a particularly bad-tempered nag with a penchant for biting.

  Looking at Amelia, he had so much he wanted to say. Now that he’d finally put away his pride, he realized that talking should have been something he’d done a long time ago. Like that day three years ago when another man had told him to get lost. Or, just a few months ago when she’d suddenly appeared out of the blue and reopened the old wounds that hadn’t completely healed. Hopefully, as Gramps had said, it wasn’t too late. Even if he didn’t get the answers he wanted.

  “I have to go, but I’ll see you later?”

  Amelia nodded, still reeling from the effects of his kiss.

  “We’ll talk.”

  The words sounded like a promise as he walked away. Amelia tried to quell the hope rising inside of her like a tide. He’d made a promise to her once before and look how that had ended. Still, she watched the last event with an eagerness she hadn’t experienced once during the last four days.

  When Gabe won both competitions and the award for All Around Cowboy, she wasn’t surprised and found herself cheering as loud as the rest of his family.

  “Hell of a ride, man.”

  Amelia smiled at Gabe’s quietly spoken ‘thanks’ to the passing cowboy, his tone indicating his uneasiness at being the center of attention.

  “Hey, Amelia, glad you could make it.”

  She smiled at Kristen’s words, waiting while the group of grinning cowboys passed before stepping up to the table where Gramps, Pops, Cal, Kristen and Gabe were sitting. Quickly, Gabe jumped up to hold a
chair for her. The action brought back memories of the times he’d performed the same act. And how those nights had ended.

  “I’m so glad you came,” Kristen smiled across the table. “Now I won’t be the only one dancing with these fine gentlemen.”

  “What she’s saying so nicely is that her feet won’t hurt so badly when the night is over.”

  “Oh, Pops,” Kristen chuckled, giving the old man a quick hug.

  “Well, I’m going to be the first one to dance with my beautiful wife,” Cal said, rising to his feet and taking his wife’s hand. “The rest of you lone rangers will just have to find your own gal.”

  Amelia nearly bolted from the chair to run as she met the look in Gabe’s dark eyes. Smoldering was the best word to describe it. The looked used to drive her crazy.

  It still did.

  As if sensing her edginess, Gabe turned his attention to his grandfathers. “What’s everybody drinking?”

  Gramps laughed while Pops snorted.

  “I’m having a beer,” Gramps grinned, nodding at Pops. “He’s having iced tea.”

  “I don’t think one beer’s gonna kill me.” He looked at Amelia, a sly smile on his face. “Is it, doc?”

  Glad to focus on something other than Gabe’s sudden turnabout, going from basically ignoring her to actually seeking her out, she smiled at the older man across the table. “As a doctor, I have to say no to the beer.” She caved at his crestfallen expression. “But since it’s a celebration, I don’t believe one will really do any lasting harm.”

  “Where’s that waitress?” Pops craned his neck, looking through the crowd.

  “As long as you drink plenty of water after,” Amelia admonished quickly.

  “I’ll drink a gallon of water if I can have just one beer,” Pops promised, smiling broadly as the waitress appeared.

  “What do you want, Millie?”

  Amelia’s heart tripped at the familiar nickname. Gabe, still looking at her grinned, as if he knew exactly what the sound of the nickname did to her. “I’ll have a coke, please. I’m on call,” she clarified as all three men stared at her.

  “Beer for me,” Gabe nodded.

  “Bring two more,” Cal huffed, seating Kristen before taking the chair beside her.

  “Boot-scooting getting to be too much for you, old man?” Gabe laughed at his brother’s groan.

  “He’s paying,” Cal told the waitress as she turned to take their order to the bar.

  Gabe laughed again. As the two brothers continued to rib one another good-naturedly, with Gramps and Pops throwing a word in occasionally and Kristen staunchly defending her husband at every turn, Amelia settled back and watched the family interaction. From the first time she’d met them, she’d felt a kinship, a feeling of having found a place where she could belong.

  But they’re not yours, the familiar voice countered.

  Maybe not, she responded silently, but for tonight, I’m going to pretend.

  “Hey, Gabe,” one of the cowboys near the mechanical bull yelled, “come see if you can master this ride.”

  Gabe slapped his empty mug onto the table, a wide grin splitting his face. Grabbing Amelia by the hand, he dragged her along with him, the crowd that had gathered parting to make way for them.

  “Let me show you how this is done, gentlemen,” he crooned, stepping toward the roped off area. Turning back, he grabbed Amelia, placing a quick, scalding kiss on her lips. “For luck,” he murmured, taking in her surprised expression. “And to keep these ya-hoos at bay.” The last was whispered in her ear, making her shiver at his possessive tone.

  Amelia blinked, blindsided at the heat generated by a simple touch of his lips to hers.

  Not so simple, the irritating little voice uttered.

  No, nothing about Gabe had ever been simple. The man was a whirlwind, a force of nature. For anyone who couldn’t see beneath his commanding presence, he appeared to be all bravado and swagger. But Amelia had seen the man beneath the façade. Had known him intimately. The depth of emotions to which Gabe was capable was boundless. She’d been swept away by the fire and had her wings singed for the privilege.

  But God help her, she didn’t have the strength to walk away. Not when her body yearned for the remembered feel of his. Not when she felt more alive than she’d felt in ten years.

  Not when the heat felt so damn good.

  At the end of the eight-second ride, she cheered along with everyone else as Gabe, grinning like the cocky cowboy everyone had warned her against, came sauntering back to her for a celebratory kiss. This time, however, he lingered.

  Lifting the cowboy hat from his head, he angled his lips over hers, taking her in a no-holds-barred kiss that clearly said he’d performed the act many times before and was intimately familiar with the woman he held.

  He was staking his claim.

  Amid catcalls and slaps on the back, Gabe lifted his head, staring down at her as though something about the kiss had taken him by surprise. The look passed quickly, leaving her wondering if she’d imagined it as he accepted the hearty congratulations being heaped upon him. As several other cowboys vowed to beat the automated animal, Gabe turned to her once again, his laser-like look making her feel as though she were the only one he saw in the crowded bar.

  “Dance with me, Millie?”

  As it always had, his deep voice sent goosebumps rising on her skin. The ever-present awareness of his maleness hit her on a primal level as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor, taking her silence for acquiescence. When his strong arms closed around her, drawing her close to his rock-solid body, she leaned into him, following his lead as they swayed to the slow tempo of the heartbreaking love song being played by the country-western band.

  She had no idea why he’d left her all those years ago. She had no idea why he was dancing with her now as though the time apart had never happened or why he’d changed his mind about keeping his distance. All she did know was that in his arms was where she wanted to be. Right or wrong didn’t matter. At least not right now.

  At some point, before she left, she vowed she would know why he’d ended things between them the way he had. But not tonight. This was time she would give herself. Another memory to store away and keep.

  When one song ended, blending quickly into another, then another, Amelia forgot that the rest of the family was at the table, that music and laughter and swaying bodies surged around them. Her world consisted of Gabe, and at that moment, everything she needed was found in his arms.

  Ask him, the irritating voice whispered.

  Tomorrow, she promised. For just this night she wanted to pretend that Gabe wanted her and no one else. That things wouldn’t be weird in the light of day.


  “Mmm.” The sound vibrated in her ear where her head lay against his chest.

  “Take me home.”

  When the breath stalled in his chest, she wondered fleetingly if she’d misread the signals he’d been sending with the slow slide of his hands and the insistent rhythm of his body against hers. Lifting her head, she looked into eyes that reflected exactly what she was feeling.

  Without a word, Gabe again clasped Amelia’s hand in his, heading for the door faster than an eight-second ride. She had a fleeting impression of stunned looks on both Cal and Kristen’s faces while Gramps and Pops wore extremely pleased expressions.

  She had no time to think on the short ride to her house; no time to change her mind even if she’d wanted to. Gabe drove with one hand on the wheel and the other…on her. She didn’t want to think about how he’d managed to become so adept at such moves.


  BY THE TIME they’d made it inside the house and closed the door, the tension between them was thick enough to cut. They stood in the small living room, facing one another like adversaries. Gabe stared at her for a long moment, and the look in his eyes once again held her a willing prisoner, sealing her resolution to have this night with him.

  His lip
s curved upward into a slow smile that pierced her heart and traveled straight to her soul. She stood motionless as he reached out and touched her cheek, one long finger trailing slowly over her smooth skin to the tip of her chin. Her breath stilled when he leaned closer, brushing his lips lightly across hers. The slight contact sent shivers and tingles spiraling through her body, leaving her weak with remembered longing.

  The simple contact stole her breath. She felt as if she was standing on the edge of a precipice, waiting to dive headlong into freefall. The worry of impact seemed far away as the dizzying emotions surged through her.

  It had been so long. “Gabe…”

  The look in his eyes as his head descended was nothing compared to the savagery of his kiss. His arms locked around her, holding her so close to his hardness that she could barely breathe. It didn’t matter as long as she was in his arms. Amelia’s feelings mirrored his in intensity. The kiss was evidence of pent-up desires and frustrations too long denied. For what seemed like an eternity, they devoured one another with mouths and hands.

  Gabe pulled back slightly, breaking the electrifying contact, and Amelia moaned her displeasure. When she tried to pull his mouth back to hers, he resisted. Her eyes opened, attempting to focus past the desire clouding her brain. “What’s wrong?”

  His breathing was heavy in the silence and Amelia could tell that he was fighting the strong desire to take her to bed. Had he changed his mind?

  “I know we need to talk, honey, but I’ll be damned if I can manage a coherent sentence right now. So is it alright if we talk…after?”

  Amelia’s relief was visible. He still wanted her. If he hadn’t said so in those few words, the hard ridge branding her stomach was all the evidence she needed. She wiggled against him, heady with power at his tortured groan.

  “Talking after seems like a plan,” she agreed breathlessly. Taking his hand, she led him down the hallway to her bedroom. Her comment was casual, but happiness rushed inside her. Maybe, just maybe, this would be a second chance for them.

  The bright green comforter with its sunflower designs and matching pillowcases looked suddenly frilly in Gabe’s imposing presence as did the delicate nightstands and chest. Luckily, the king-sized bed was sturdy, she thought, as Gabe gently picked her up and laid her on it. The coolness of the comforter was in stark contrast to the heat of Gabe’s body as he followed her down, covering her from chest to toes, the delicious bits in between nestling comfortably into her softness.


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