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Torn Series: A Bundle Set 1 - 10

Page 129

by Pamela Ann

  Her question took me aback. I needed a second or two to process her question because Emma didn’t discuss anything about babies without getting emotional. “I thought you said we’d wait for a little bit?” I stopped stroking her hair, waiting for her response.

  “Yes, I did say that…” she whispered, trailing off.

  “You did, but you’re having a change of heart?”

  She started to shift, getting up to sit on her heels, looking at me hesitantly. “Not exactly…” She paused. “You see, I haven’t been taking my pills rigorously. I know we just got hitched, but it’s one of those things where I’m merely leaving it all to luck, you know?”

  Where was she heading with this? “What are you trying to tell me?” I was more than anxious, and it didn’t help that she was taking her time to say what she wanted to say.

  Then her eyes twinkled.

  What! “You’re…?” I gasped before my eyes dropped to her flat stomach then back to her face again. Shocked. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Nine weeks and counting,” she whispered, holding back a smile.

  She had been carrying out child this whole time? Holy fuck! I had no clue.

  Emma started frowning. “You’re not pissed, are you?”

  I looked at her in disbelief. Pissed? You have got to be joking. “I’m fucking stupendous, my love,” I gleefully yelled, picking her up in my arms and kissing her senseless. “We’re having a baby!”

  She grinned, loving the crazy reaction from me. “We are certainly going to have a mini-me soon.”

  “I fucking love you, Emma! Thank you.” I kissed her deeply. “Thank you for giving me the most wonderful Christmas present.” A family with our baby. “I can’t wait to see you swollen with my child, my love.”

  I would cater to her needs. I would be by her side every step of the way. It would be different this time. This time, I would be a part of every single kick, every appointment, baby shopping and exercises. Name it, and I would be fucking there.

  “Marry me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I already did. Twice.”

  My chest could combust with so much profound joy; I could barely manage to breathe. “Again. I want to marry you again. This time, I want the frills; the big church wedding and the five hundred guests. I want to give you the fairytale wedding.”

  She cupped my cheek, kissing me gently. “But we don’t need all the frills, babe. You already are my fairytale.”

  Sigh, I was becoming a sappy bastard, but fuck, this was the best thing in life. “Yes… but this time, our baby will be with us. I want to celebrate it with the wedding that you should’ve gotten—to celebrate love, life and new beginnings. I’m going to do this right, Emma. I’m going to be the best goddamned husband and father you’ll ever see.”

  “Best goddamned husband, huh?” She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows before kissing the tip of my nose. “I love that.”

  “That’s right.” Delicately placing her on the couch, I hovered above her. “I need to make love to my pregnant wife. I promise to be gentle.” The need to kiss her and worship her all night long was imperative.

  Emma bit her bottom lip, wickedly. “But I don’t want gentle.”

  My wife, the vixen. “I do love that you love it rough.” But I didn’t want to hurt the baby. “Are you sure that would be okay? I don’t want to hurt our little bundle of joy.”

  “It’ll be fine. The doctor said it was okay,” she urged, pulling my body close to hers.

  A deep, guttural groan came from me when I seated myself to the hilt inside of her, feeling like a king—the luckiest bastard in all the lands. As lovemaking went, it was the most emotional one we’d ever had, and when we came, I felt a sense of fulfillment. Contentment. Completion.

  Staring into my wife’s beautiful soul, my heart spoke, “Thank you for giving me my first Christmas.” It was unforgettable.

  I may not have had any relationship with my parents, but this—Emma, Gus and our new baby—was all I needed, all I lived for. The future was all that mattered. The past remained where it belonged, in the past.

  We had made new memories after all.

  Undivided we fell. Together we rose. No matter what tomorrow entailed, I was ready for it.




  ~ Bass + Emma ~


  (Torn Series #6)

  Pamela Ann


  (Torn Series)

  Copyright © 2014 by Pamela Ann

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without a written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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  “Fate brings two people together and it is love’s job to keep them together.”

  - Author Unknown


  Love …

  It’s such a grand emotion. It makes a rational person into a hapless, mumbling mess.

  I was struck with love. Not in the love at first sight, Romeo and Juliet kind of passion, though. I was more in tune with lusting after the man who had the knack of igniting my passions, the good and the bad.

  I wasn’t naïve. I knew what love was, and what I felt for him wasn’t love. Instead, it was lust in the purest form—raw and unhinged to the point of obliteration. Yet, even if it was potent, I managed to untangle myself from it all and walked away, never wanting to look back.

  However, fate intervened, punishing me for my reckless actions, seeking vengeance, unleashing its wrath as it fixed its wretched claws into me. The pressure and immediate change did me in. The veil that filtered everything for me was swept away, and I had no other choice except to accept it and face my demons, whether it challenged me to the point of lunacy or not. I stood my ground, though, proudly standing tall as I braved it out, unshielded and bared.

  Only then did I realize that, no matter what lies we told ourselves to keep our blissful ignorance, someday, somehow, the truth would never cease to find its way out. One way or the other, come hell or high water, every secret we kept hidden would become unveiled.

  Chapter 1


  “What time is he arriving?” Trista directed the question, hovering around the entrance to my bedroom, while I triple checked my make-up, making sure I looked extra hot and amazing.

  I had never meticulously primed myself this way for a man, but then again, the man in question wasn’t just any man. He was the ultimate package: dangerously handsome, downright romantic to the point that he would put Casanova out of commission, highly intelligent in and out of the business arena, crucially passionate, adored children, and the list just went on and on. While I, on the other hand, could be described with less impressive elements. Apart, of course, from my exceptional genetic attributes, most people would likely pin me as a rebel without cause or a cynical feminist who also happened to be a closet romance junkie. I’d say the majority would agree I was a major asshole to the highest order. Not that I wasn’t. In an odd way, I was proud to be labeled as such because no one dared mess with me. It had great perks, if one looked at it perceptively.

  Breaking from my reverie, I sent Trista a quick grin before tending back to myself. “I’m leaving in an hour to get him at Van Nuys airport; then we’re immediately heading to the hotel to check-in. Then, later tonight, we’re going to see you at Bass Cole’s birthday shindig.” Looking over my dress in the mirror, I frowned at Trista when I found her giving me weird glances. “Do you think th
is dress is fine? I’m not sure if I should go for sexy or sophisticated …”

  “How about both? You don’t want to be too boring, either, or you won’t be banging against the headboard at the fancy hotel you’re staying at tonight.” She smirked before winking at me.

  Yes. Headboard banging surely was a must. I was desperate for him, and I couldn’t wait to get my greedy hands on him. Living on separate continents was extreme work, what with the time difference and the essential details that his work demanded out of him. Add his family and extra social commitments, and it could get very tricky to schedule even a phone call that would last more than five minutes.

  He was always doing something, and as much as I loved him to bits, I felt the whiplash of our long distance relationship. Though, he had warned me about this when I had declined his offer for the umpteenth time to move to Athens and live with him. My life was here in Santa Barbara, however. My family and friends were within driving distance. Since Emma got married and moved in with Bass in their gorgeous home in Malibu, it was even more imperative that I cherish everyone I was close to … all except for Amber. That deceitful woman wasn’t a friend of mine.

  “Thanks, Tris!” I blew her a kiss before I strolled towards my walk-in closet, hoping to find the perfect dress to meet my boyfriend/ex-husband.

  Diverting my thoughts back to the much-anticipated festivities that evening with The Greek McHottie, my heart fluttered at the thought of him. The nickname brought innumerable memories of our summer in Greece when Trista and I had christened him the fond label. Dimitris was a dream come to life, and even though it took me quite a long time to realize he was the man I truly wanted, I intended to make-up for lost time by becoming the woman who truly deserved him. He was too good to me, and I was such a horrid bitch. Thank goodness I had enough sense to snap out of my idiocy and fought for him the only way I knew how. Hence, we’re about to celebrate our six-month anniversary.

  I was just about to reach for the engine colored red dress when I heard Trista say, “Well, I don’t want to be a stinker, but I think I should give you a heads up.”

  There was something in her voice that made me tense before spinning around with a curious look on my face. “Yeah? What’s it about?”

  “About your Greek God, what else. Well, I love Dimitris— I adore him to bits—but I don’t agree with this … or whatever this is about … unless of course, you’re fine with it. Then my opinion is null and void.” She almost looked pained before she strode towards me.

  The sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach wasn’t comforting at all. “Fuck, Tris, don’t keep me hanging like this, speak up or something!”

  She gave me an expression that said she was sorry for being the one to break the news, though she felt obligated to. Girl code and all that jazz.

  When she handed me her phone, I almost grappled it away from her, dying to know what in the world was bothering her so much that she would bring it to my attention …

  And then I saw it.


  “What the fuck do you think this is, Tris?” I whispered eerily, as if I didn’t have enough in me to answer the question myself.

  She appeared somber, apologetic. “I think he’s the only one who can answer that, babe. I’m not going to speculate about this, because I think so highly of him. Whatever this means, I’m sure he has a very good reason for it.”

  I’m sure he does, I thought as the all-too familiar sinking feeling in my stomach took root once more.

  Dimitris will have a good explanation for this, I tried reassuring myself, reminding myself I knew him, and I also knew this man loved me to no end. That knowledge should be enough to settle any doubts that were starting to sprout deep within.

  Hours later, I was on my way to the airport, driving along the 101 freeway as I tried to focus on the traffic ahead of me instead of the photo that had gone straight to my heart. It was of Dimitris coming out of his ex Claudine’s house in Athens. A house he bought her, according to the article. After the debacle that went on before, I was almost sure he bought the house to compensate for the lack of sensitivity in how he had broken things off with her after he and I had completely gotten back together.

  As much as it pained me to admit the photo had caused a major let down in my enthusiasm in seeing him today, nothing would ever stop me from being with him. I had made a choice, and that choice was him, Dimitris Kosta. Therefore, these pesky reporters and their gossip columns could fucking go to hell. No one could stop me from being with him except him.

  Claudine had better hatch a better plan in trying to win him back because I would never leave him. I had been through the toughest of times without him in my life. It was one too many mistakes to have learned the hard way. Never again.

  Upon exiting the freeway, I took the familiar route that led me to the private airfield, and just like fate had planned it, his private jet halted after cruising the runway.

  My heart sped up as my eyes glued to the door unlatching from its pressure before it slowly started opening. Seconds later, God himself stood atop the stairway landing, gazing directly towards me. Mesmerized at the very sight of him, I saw him grin from ear to ear.

  I swiftly got out of my vehicle; eyes trained on him while he descended the stairs as fast as he could before he almost ran towards me. The moment he reached me, he didn’t wait a second before picking me up and giving me a quick whirl, laughing his deep, sexy laugh.

  “It’s been too long, agápi mou.”

  Yes, it had been way too long. “I missed you, too, Dimi,” I said breathlessly before losing myself in his kiss, savoring his love and happiness. It simply had the power to melt me and make me forget any lingering doubts. There was no question about it; it was still there, shared between us, well and very much alive as it pounded through our veins.

  “Woman, when are you going to move to Athens with me?” He beamed then kissed my nose and forehead. His eyes caressed my form, as if taking me in because he had missed me so. “I never thought it possible, but I think my love for you grows with each passing day.”

  This was what I needed—what he and I needed. The gossip and Claudine could take a backseat for the time being because I had better things to do with Dimitris that didn’t involve talking.


  “I don’t want to get out of bed. I’m sure Bass and Emma will understand our situation,” Dimitris grumbled on the back of my neck while his hand busied itself on my breasts, caressing and teasing with light, feathered strokes, going round and round, driving me into a tizzy.

  The thought of moving, let alone showering then getting ready to go to a party, almost gave me a headache. There were one too many things to do, and since I had little energy left, I was more prepared to sleep than party the night away.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and join the boys for dinner. You don’t want to be late for that. I’ll see you at the party.”

  Giving me a chaste kiss on the lips, he reluctantly left my side stark naked, well-muscled buns in amazing display, all for my lonesome enjoyment.

  I was biting my lip, lusting after him, when he made a remark without bothering to halt his steps. “Enjoy the view, yineka mou. You have a few hours to go until you’re bound to this hot body again,” he teased, his laughter trailing in the wake.

  “Hours that I’ll look forward to! Best you recharge your batteries, baby,” I quipped, loving the cute banter.

  Before shutting the door to the bathroom, he paused, throwing me a longing look that made my heart stop. “You look just beautiful like that …” he murmured, his voice deep with emotion. “Nothing compares to seeing you happy, Lindsey. This is my reason for living—seeing you smile.” There was a catch to his voice, causing me to somehow know he was referring to my past and the demons I’d been battling.

  I wasn’t sure what else to say; thus, instead of opening my mouth to respond to him, I simply ran towards him teary-eyed before clinging on to him, hugging him as if he was my lifeline. He most li
kely was. He had changed me … changed my life for the better.

  “You see mirrors of me—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and still you love me unconditionally.” The words barely escaped me, choked by everything I was feeling. “Thank you for simply being the kind of man you are.”

  He held me awhile, as if the rest of the world didn’t exist, as if it was only he and I that mattered. “You’re like a diamond with inclusions. Perfect on the outside, but once you look closer, specks of imperfection are evident. But, even with those imperfections, it’s still beautiful. It just takes a special kind of person to appreciate such beauty.” He pulled away, inches from my face. Bright blue eyes penetrated my dark ones, searing me into his soul. “Never thank me for loving you, Lindsey. You’re meant to be mine. It’s kismet, destiny that’s half yours and half mine. It’ll only be completed once those halves make as one—a whole. You’re here—with me—because this is what’s meant to be, so don’t ever thank me for that.”

  “You just say the best things sometimes. It never fails to make me cry,” I said in mock accusation, which made us share a good laugh. “God, what am I going to do with you?”

  He closed the gap once more before bestowing a kiss on my forehead. “Just keep loving me, that’s all.”

  The power of my love for him petrified me to the point where, sometimes, I questioned if it was right to feel such a potent emotion towards one person alone. It was so consuming most times I had considered it unhealthy at one point, and although I had acknowledged that, it still hadn’t stopped me from falling ceaselessly into the dark abyss of love.

  Knowing he truly felt deeply for me, I had no doubt in my mind I was the only one for him. I let the article slip in the back recess of my mind, hoping I might not have to question his love and loyalty someday. For now, I trusted him with my life, and that was all that mattered.


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