Turbulent Desires (Billionaire Aviators Book 2)
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What a fool she had been.
The music was blaring, the crowd in a near frenzy as they danced and drank and looked for a potential partner to take home for the night.
And Lindsey Helm was ready to go home—alone. Being out with the girls was nice and no one mentioned her absence or the attack or anything that would make her feel uncomfortable. However, she couldn’t change her outlook.
So much had changed for her in the past year. And even if she wanted to pretend she was still the same person, she wasn’t and never would be again. Maybe it also had to do with the fact that she was exhausted. A lack of sleep did mess with the brain and make it a lot harder to have a good time and truly let go.
Even though she was at the upscale club in Seattle with her coworkers, she still had a part of her that felt there was danger everywhere she looked. Lindsey knew exactly where every exit was located and she was ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.
It was nice to be out with her friends, but what she really wanted was to be in her pajamas with a bowl of ice cream while watching reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Cheesy? Yes. Fun? Definitely. There was just something about an immortal vampire that sent good feelings to all the right places, and Angel was one hell of a dark hero.
Shaking that thought away, she pushed her way to the bathroom, stood in line for a half hour, and then tried to make her way back through the nightclub. The noise and lights were beginning to give her a headache. She’d been out with the girls for two hours already. She could possibly get away from them without hurting anyone’s feelings.
She was disappointed that she didn’t have to work the next day. That would have given her a valid excuse. Maybe it would be better to just suffer through it this one time. The next time she came out, it would be easier and each time after that much easier.
Sighing, she plastered a smile on her face as she got closer to her table. The girls really were being so good to her. She didn’t want to ruin it.
“Are you enjoying the music, Lins?” Betty asked, her cheeks flushed from the heat and the amount of alcohol she’d consumed.
“Yes. It’s great. I’m so glad you included me,” Lindsey told her, hoping she sounded convincing.
“You know you’re always welcome,” Betty said.
The next hour went by in a blur, and then Lindsey finally saw her opportunity when one of the other nurses made her excuses to leave for the evening.
“I’d better go too,” Lins said with an exaggerated yawn. “My day started too early.”
There were a few protests, but no one seemed upset.
Lindsey quickly made her escape, reveling in her freedom as she neared the exit—that was, until she was grabbed from behind. Instant panic closed her throat as Lindsey’s body tensed. Every nightmare she’d faced in the past year flooded her. But this time Lindsey was more prepared. She’d taken a self-defense class. She wouldn’t ever be taken so easily again. Turning quickly, she raised her fists and got ready to strike.
But her muscles froze when she saw who had grabbed her. The immediate relief turned into frustration. She didn’t want to be relieved. She wanted to fight.
She was shaking from the boost of adrenaline before seeing it was only Maverick. Only Maverick. Ha! Those words just didn’t go together.
“I thought that was you, Lins,” he said with his mega-wattage bright smile.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. She hated that she didn’t want to rush past him, hated that she felt safer with him blocking the rest of the people from her protective bubble.
“I came down with some of the guys from the base, and I saw you walk past. You know I can’t let you get away so easily.”
Of course he couldn’t. She didn’t fully trust that it was a coincidence he was there. But she wasn’t going to call him out on it because if it was just an instance of wrong place wrong time, she would be embarrassed to have assumed he was following her.
Before she could say anything, someone passed behind her and pushed her into him. His arms automatically came around her, and her body responded automatically. And it didn’t respond in a negative way. She inhaled his sweet scent before letting out a sigh. She almost wished she’d feel her normal reaction of horror at being touched. Why did it have to be Maverick that made her feel safer?
“I’m on my way out,” she told him, back to being in a hurry to get out of there. She was afraid she might do something stupid if she didn’t leave, especially with how her head was currently buzzing from the liquor. She’d had enough of being stupid to last her a lifetime. She wasn’t going to do anything with Mav again. He was forbidden. She had to remember that.
“Why don’t you join me for a drink first?”
The purr in his tone, the heat in his eyes, and the flexing of his abs pressed against hers told her he was thinking about a lot more than just a drink. She wasn’t a naïve woman. She knew when a member of the male population had sex on the brain. It just so happened to be on their minds quite a lot, but Maverick was looking to score, and it appeared she’d just become the center of his target.
Tempted. She was so dang tempted. It shocked her to feel such a taboo emotion when all she’d felt was fear for a year.
Somehow, even in her muddled state, she managed to pull herself away. When he released her, she was a little disappointed, but it truly was for the best. She ran through all the reasons why she shouldn’t be with Maverick.
“I have a test I need to study for,” she said as she took a step back and then another. He followed her. “I really do have to go.” Her breathing was growing more and more shortened by the second.
When Mav set his mind to something, it was more than obvious he didn’t back down. She needed to tell him that it wasn’t going to happen with them. But for some reason she couldn’t get the words past her closed throat, so instead of being brave she decided once again to retreat. She spun around and practically ran from the club, not stopping until she was on the sidewalk.
“It’s much better out here. Not nearly as noisy or crowded.”
The sound of Maverick’s voice in the quiet of the evening air made her jump nearly a foot into the air.
“You didn’t need to follow me out,” she told him too breathily, wishing her head would quit spinning.
“I want to make sure you get home safe and sound,” he told her. “After all, we’re going in the same direction.” There was too much excitement in his gaze at those words.
“I’m hailing a cab. You really don’t need to leave so early,” she said with desperation. “Go back in with your friends.” She began walking away since there weren’t any cabs out front. She’d go to the corner and then keep on walking if she had to. Hell, she’d walk all night if it meant getting away from the man who tempted her so much.
She really should have known better, though. He was right at her side. She would bet money he wasn’t taking any of the pain meds he’d told her he was on. He didn’t need them. Pain wasn’t something he even thought about.
“Do you really think I would let you wander Seattle alone at nearly midnight? Not you, Lins,” Maverick said before reaching out and taking her hand.
She had to control her breathing. It wasn’t that he liked her. She was just a part of his family now—the best friend of his sister-in-law, to be more precise. Without her giving him permission to be her escort, he was doing it anyway.
She would’ve thought the cool air from outside would be enough to calm her nerves and ease the buzz she was feeling, but the touch of his fingers in her hand as she moved down the street hoping to find a cab—which were nonexistent at the moment—was making her feel even more drunk.
She was afraid if she didn’t get away from this man really soon, she would most certainly do something she would surely regret. When she finally spotted the bright yellow cab, she rushed to the curb, Mav not letting go of her fingers as he stayed practically glued to her.
sp; “How did you get down here?” she asked.
“My buddy picked me up,” he told her as the cab pulled over.
“Shouldn’t you go back in?” she said as he opened the door.
“Nope. They will figure it out.”
Of course they would figure it out. They would assume he’d found a girl to hook up with. It wasn’t unusual, or so she’d heard. The thought made her unusually sad. But it was just one more reason she couldn’t give in to how she felt about this man.
She wasn’t strong enough to have an affair with someone like Maverick Armstrong. Not anymore, she wasn’t.
Her fingers were trembling as she turned to tell him good-bye. But he followed her into the cab and gave the driver the address. He started the meter and they moved out into traffic.
Lindsey was silent as she turned and caught Maverick staring at her. The heat in his gaze had her throat tightening as she tried to suck in air. When his hand moved to her neck, the fire in his eyes only intensified. And then he was rubbing her cheek, and she was trying to remember all the reasons why this was such a bad, bad idea.
Her nipples hardened and her core grew wet and hot as she continued looking at Mav. She needed to pull away from him, scoot to the far edge of the seat, and forget this entire evening, but she couldn’t quite manage to do so.
“I should have done this months ago. I’ve given you too much time as it is.” That was her only warning before he pulled her tightly against his chest and then his head descended.
His kiss was exactly like she remembered from their one magical night together. It was full of confidence and ability, and any and all protests dried up as he turned the burning inside of her into a blazing inferno.
Somewhere in the back of Lindsey’s mind, she knew this needed to stop, but she couldn’t quite find the strength to pull away from him. His tongue learned her mouth, and she was just as greedy to reacquaint herself with him as she reached around his neck and clung to him.
Maverick’s hand slid across her hip, and then skimmed up her dress until he was squeezing her breast, making her nipples painfully erect as his palm brushed over the material. She wanted to be naked beneath him, feel his hands on bare skin. Everything else in her mind went blank except for this moment in the back of a cab with the only person who seemed to be able to reach her.
A crackling over the cab radio reminded Lindsey of exactly where she was. Mortified, she broke the connection of their kiss and pushed away from him just as they pulled up to the gate at Cooper’s driveway.
“I . . . uh . . . I . . .” She was at a total loss for words.
“Lindsey . . .” He began and then stopped. Regret seemed to shine in his eyes, but she wasn’t sure. He leaned over her and punched the code in for the gate to open. The cab driver said nothing as he made his way down the driveway.
Mav had him pull around to her cabin. Lindsey’s cheeks were burning. How much had the driver seen of what they’d been doing in his backseat? She didn’t even want to think about that.
Mav paid the driver and he turned around and left. Lindsey rushed to her front door, but her fingers were trembling too badly for her to be able to open it up. Mav took the keys from her and then the door was swinging open.
“I have to go,” she said as she tried pulling away from him.
“Invite me to come in with you,” he practically demanded as he tried to get close to her again.
“That’s so not going to happen,” she said, her head spinning as she fought with her desire for this man.
He frowned at her as he once again tried to get close. Damn, for one minute she wished she were someone else—someone who could do what she wanted and not live in fear of the consequences. She wished she could be reckless for just this one night. But she knew she couldn’t.
“Good night, Maverick. Thanks for getting me home.”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond, just slipped inside her door and quickly shut and locked it. Lindsey could swear she heard a thump against the wood—maybe his head hitting it, or maybe his fist—but then all was silent.
She stood there a while before almost sleepwalking to her bedroom to lie down, too tired to even change. She didn’t sleep well, though, not when her thoughts were filled with a sexy beast of a man who could have been there right then keeping her warm, who could make her forget her traumas of the previous year—who could make her feel whole again, if that were even possible.
It wasn’t worth it. She had to convince herself it was all in her head. If she let go of the tight fist of control she had on herself, she was afraid she would break. She was afraid she would never be the same again.
Maverick would make her feel better for the night—but then he would be gone. She was afraid that if she let him open her up, and then he didn’t truly like what he saw, she would see a monster in her reflection.
That couldn’t happen. She wouldn’t let it happen.
It was a perfect morning, the sun warm, the breeze gentle. Mav would much rather be here at his brother’s place than the empty shell of a home he’d taken possession of thinking it would make him more responsible—or more of the man his father wanted him to be.
He hated it there. Hollow, it was. Empty. Lonely. He would never admit that to a single soul. He was pissed the thoughts were even going through his head. Sipping on his cup of coffee, Mav turned and then lost his air.
It took a lot for him to lose his breath, but lose it he did as he watched Lindsey’s long dark hair blow freely in the breeze while she walked barefoot along the beach. Damn, she was a vision in her summer dress, looking free and innocent as she watched a flock of seagulls fly by.
If Mav were being honest with himself, he would have to admit that he’d had a crush on Lindsey from the first moment they’d met, and time hadn’t seemed to dull his infatuation. If anything, time had only made it grow stronger.
Before the horrific attack she’d dealt with a year earlier, he’d chased her harder than he’d ever chased a woman, trying like hell to gain her attention. Then in a weak moment at his brother’s wedding, she’d finally succumbed to him. He’d thought one night would be enough to quench his thirst.
He’d been so very, very wrong. One night had been nothing more than a tease—and he wanted the entire package now. But then the attack had happened, leaving her vulnerable—making him feel like a monster for continuing to pursue her.
And yes, he wanted her back in his bed, but he also wanted to see her happy. He’d never cared enough about a woman to feel responsible for her happiness, but it seemed that all bets were off when it came to Lindsey Helm.
She was just so vulnerable. His protective instincts had taken over. Maverick knew a thing or two about trauma. And one thing he knew for certain was that it wasn’t good for a person to dwell on it. It would only fester to the point that a person might give up on living.
He’d seen it with fellow soldiers, and he’d had to deal with it after he’d been captured. That thought almost sent him through his own spiral, so he quickly shook his head and pushed it away.
The point was that he knew how important it was to heal. And if he could control his libido long enough, he might just be able to help this woman. Damn! He was sounding like a sissy even in his own head.
A smile overtook his mouth. He was sure if he helped her heal she would be back to that vibrant woman who could match him barb for barb. The fireworks would once again ignite. His smile turned up a few watts. He was back from nearly starring in a Hallmark movie, thank goodness.
“I’m beginning to think you enjoy staying here far more for the view than for my pleasant company,” Cooper said with a laugh as his brother followed the direction of Mav’s gaze.
He had to admit that his hulk of a brother looked pretty domesticated while cuddling his three-month-old tiny son against his chest. Both Nick and Mav were in love with the little tot. It was amazing to Mav that he could care so much for a tiny human who did nothing but eat,
spit up, and poop all the time. But love the kid, he did.
“Yeah, the view around here has certainly improved in the last couple years,” Mav told Cooper as he shook off thoughts of babies and took a sip of his coffee while he watched Lindsey.
“Well, then, why in the heck haven’t you done something about it?” Sherman grumbled from his spot beneath the umbrella.
“What?” Both brothers turned and looked at Sherman, who was giving Maverick a nasty look.
“If you’re so dang infatuated with the girl, then stop acting like a baby and go and talk to her,” Sherman said. “Or are you afraid she’s too good for you?” he goaded.
“Uncle Sherman!” Maverick said, his mouth hanging open. All the boys were used to their uncle saying whatever was on his mind, but he was going over the top at the moment.
“She’s not just any girl,” Mav told him.
“Plus, she’s broken right now. He needs to be careful,” Cooper warned.
“I would never hurt Lindsey,” Mav said, slightly offended.
“Of course you wouldn’t hurt her,” Sherman grumbled. Both boys ignored him.
“I don’t think you would do it maliciously, but if anyone could hurt her, it would be you,” Cooper said.
“I’m not going to hurt her. Matter of fact, I plan on helping her so this place isn’t so dang depressing,” Mav said.
“Now you’re talking,” Sherman said. “I knew you couldn’t help but take care of a woman in distress.”
“Help her how?” Cooper asked with suspicion.
“Not in the way you’re thinking,” Mav growled. Though, in reality, he wouldn’t mind bedding Lindsey again—not at all. But that wasn’t the objective of his mission. And he wasn’t going to say anything like that in front of his uncle. He was likely to get boxed in the ears if he did.
“Just know I’m going to be keeping an eye on you,” Cooper warned.