The Sheikh's Matchmaker Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 9)

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The Sheikh's Matchmaker Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 9) Page 4

by Cara Albany

  Finally, he nodded. "Okay. We can try," he said and sighed. Shahid took Aliyah in his arms and hugged her close. "Although I have to warn you I'm not going to find it easy being around you and hiding the fact that I want to have you all to myself," he murmured.

  Aliyah felt emotion sweep through her body in response to those last words. Shahid leaned his head closer and kissed her on the forehead, as if testing his own restraint.

  "I guess we should get back to the palace and start our little charade," he said.

  Aliyah nodded and wondered just what she had gotten herself into. Thinking that she could be around Shahid for the next few days and convince everyone there was nothing going on between them, seemed like an impossible task. Were they seriously thinking of carrying on a secret relationship in full view of everyone else? The more she thought about it, the more impossible it seemed. She wasn't sure she could trust herself to be around this incredible, tempting man. And, as far as Shahid was concerned, she'd already seen the strength of his feelings for her. Would he be able to contain himself?

  As they started to walk back toward the palace, she began to doubt whether it would be possible to resist the temptations of Shahid in the coming days.

  Chapter Four

  "You and Shahid were in the garden for a while," Nadyah said.

  "It wasn't that long," Aliyah said trying not to sound too defensive.

  "Azim told me you and Shahid are good friends," Lucy said.

  The three women were seated in one of the large sitting rooms of the palace. Azim and Shahid had left them a short while before, saying they had something to do in another part of the palace. The truth was probably that they didn't want to be around to listen to some girl talk.

  When Shahid and Aliyah had returned to the palace, they'd found Lucy seated next to Azim. Knowing looks had been exchanged between Aliyah and Nadyah, and between Shahid and Azim. She'd wondered what people had thought had gone on in the garden. It was as well they didn't know the truth, she'd told herself.

  Now the women were sharing tea in the cool room. Aliyah gazed across at Lucy. There was no doubting how much Azim loved Lucy, and Aliyah could see why. Not only was Lucy pretty, with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, but she had a razor sharp wit as well as an obviously good heart. Azim was a lucky man.

  Aliyah was very fond of Lucy although she'd only known the beautiful American woman a short time. The first time she'd met Lucy had been two years before, when Lucy and Azim had originally been together. Aliyah wasn't sure of the details of Lucy and Azim's first split, but she was glad everything had worked out.

  "So, tell me the details," Nadyah demanded with a grin.

  "There's nothing to tell,"Aliyah replied.

  Nadyah lifted a brow. "Are you telling me you spent some time alone in the garden with my brother and there's nothing you need to tell me?"

  Aliyah smiled and shrugged. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

  Nadyah frowned. "I'm not buying that, Aliyah. Not one bit."

  Nadyah turned to Lucy who was looking a little perplexed by the exchange. "My brother has a reputation, Lucy. You know what I mean. With the ladies."

  Lucy nodded. "Ah, I know what you mean," she said with a grin. "He is a very handsome man. Your parents must be real proud of him," Lucy said to Nadyah.

  Nadyah grunted. "They would be even more proud of him if he didn't get his name in the gossip columns as much as he does. My father is quite traditional."

  "Times have changed," Aliyah said.

  "I suppose they have," Nadyah replied. "But, that doesn't stop my father being more than a little disapproving of how Shahid behaves in public."

  Aliyah wondered if she really knew all she should know about the man who had kissed her in the garden only a short while before. She was aware of some of the stories to which Nadyah was referring. For a long time Shahid's image had been plastered across the society pages of the Qazhar media. She'd seen him plenty of times on TV, attending parties and social events, every time with a different woman on his arm. She was under no illusions about the man who had kissed her in the garden.

  Aliyah sipped some tea and placed her cup back on the table. "The way you're talking about your father's reaction to Shahid sounds familiar. I remember my own father being just like that when it came to my own brothers. Things turned out well though."

  Lucy laughed. "Azim was telling me all about your brothers. I'm glad I won't be the only American wife in Qazhar," she said.

  Nadyah shook her head. "American and English women seem to popular choices as brides in these parts." She lifted her cup, took a sip of tea and then continued. "Except maybe for Shahid, of course," she said glancing at Aliyah.

  "From what I hear from Azim, Shahid has been very popular with Qazhar women," Lucy said.

  Aliyah felt a jolt of emotion, and not a welcome one at that. At first she wasn't sure whether Lucy was referring to Aliyah or to someone else. But, right now, because of the need to appear disinterested in Shahid she wasn't able to press Lucy for more details. In an instant, Nadyah took on that job with obvious relish.

  "It's true that he's popular. There's no denying that. Is there Aliyah?" Nadyah said looking straight at Aliyah.

  "He's had quite a life these past few years," she admitted.

  Nadyah sighed. "Maybe it's time for him to be settling down." Nadyah's eyes flickered in Aliyah's direction.

  Aliyah tried to ensure her face was as impassive and unreadable as possible. "Shahid will never settle down," she said, finding it difficult to say the words with any real sense of conviction.

  "Really, you think so?" Lucy said. "I got the impression from Azim that Shahid's been under a bit of pressure from his father to choose a bride."

  Aliyah's stomach twisted when she heard Lucy's words. She was sure her face had paled because she could feel the blood draining from her face. Nadyah looked at Aliyah and frowned.

  "There's always been rumors about Shahid," Nadyah said quickly to Lucy. "Every year there's been gossip about this woman or that woman. I think I know my brother pretty well. He's always been quite defiant when it comes to granting my father's wishes."

  Aliyah took another sip of tea and suddenly wanted the conversation to change subject. Could Shahid's motives for his behavior in the garden be as simple as that? His father had ordered him to marry? Could that explain the suddenness of Shahid's approach to Aliyah? She wasn't willing to believe that. Not after the way he had held her, the way he had spoken to her. The way he'd kissed her.

  Aliyah saw that Nadyah was looking at her, and there was concern on her friend's face. "Do you want more tea, Aliyah?" Nadyah asked reaching for the pot.

  Aliyah shook her head. "No. I'm fine for the moment," she replied. She really needed to change the subject.

  "So, Lucy," Aliyah said taking hold of herself. "How are the wedding plans coming along?"

  Lucy smiled. "I think everything will be ready." She rolled her eyes. "At least, I hope so."

  Nadyah rested a hand on Lucy's arm. "I'm sure everything will be just perfect. When are your parents arriving?"

  Lucy sighed. "They're due to arrive tomorrow."

  "They must be so excited," Aliyah said.

  Lucy cocked her head to one side. "My parents haven't been outside of the States before. This is going to be a real shock to the system for them."

  "I'm sure they'll love Qazhar," Aliyah said. "Everyone who comes here falls in love with the place."

  "Or just falls in love," Nadyah joked.

  All three women laughed at that.

  "My folks are small town people. That's all they've ever known. My father wanted me to be an accountant," Lucy said. She glanced from Aliyah to Nadyah. "Can you imagine that? Me as an accountant. Azim still thinks that's pretty funny," she explained with a grin.

  Aliyah thought about Lucy being cooped up in an office and dismissed the thought. Lucy's job until recently had involved documenting ancient heritage sites, like statues and carvings in some of th
e most isolated places in the region. When she had gotten into difficulty recently Azim had come to the rescue and had taken the opportunity to win Lucy's hand in marriage. Lucy loved excitement. In many ways she was the polar opposite of Aliyah, who had devoted so much of her adult life to family matters.

  And now there was the prospect of Shahid and everything he promised. Yet again, Aliyah wondered what kind of madness had taken hold of her, whether she was getting into something she shouldn't. Of course, she'd known Shahid for years. And of course she knew what kind of man he was. That was what had made his interest in her all the more surprising. A flickering doubt forced Aliyah to ask herself if she was sure his intentions were as he had stated to her. Was he actually serious about courting Aliyah?


  "So. What is this I hear about you and Aliyah?" Azim asked Shahid. They were by the fountain in the central courtyard and they had been talking for a while about wedding plans. Now, the subject had changed and Azim had just come straight out and asked Shahid about Aliyah. Why was everyone so interested in him and Aliyah all of a sudden? Had it been so obvious?

  Shahid shrugged. "There's nothing to say, Azim," he said. Azim's brows rose prompting Shahid to insist. "No, really. I don't know what you've been hearing but there's nothing going on."

  Azim didn't look convinced. Not one bit.

  "Really, Azim. You know me. Aliyah's not my type."

  Even as he said those words, Shahid knew that they were a lie. Aliyah was everything he would ever want in a woman.

  Shahid knew he had taken a bold step in the garden. Kissing Aliyah had been so exquisite, so delightful. And at the time, it had seemed like the right thing to do. The only thing to do. Something he'd been driven to do.

  He'd had a chance to think about their agreement to keep the reality of their relationship a secret from everyone, to pretend that there was nothing between them. At least until after the wedding. In the garden, he'd been sure he'd be able to keep his word and pretend Aliyah was nothing more than just a friend.

  But now he wasn't so sure he was going to be able to do that, after all. He could tell from the occasional remarks from Azim that it wasn't going to be so easy. Azim had always been able to see through any pretence that Shahid tried to put together. Being brothers, there was hardly anything they could hide from each other.

  But, Shahid knew he'd given Aliyah his word. If nothing else, Shahid was a man of his word. He would do whatever it took to honor the temporary commitment he'd given to Aliyah. Especially if it meant that after the wedding there might be a chance for him and Aliyah to share something he'd been wanting for a long time.

  "I know you two have known each other for ages," Azim said to Shahid dragging his attention back to the present. "Sometimes these thing creep up on you. Someone you thought was just a friend turns out to be much more than that."

  Shahid shook his head. "It's not like that at all, Azim. Aliyah's just a wonderful person. Everyone knows that."

  "Especially you, Shahid. I've seen the picture that was taken at the wedding," Azim said.

  Shahid groaned. "The picture. Nadyah told me about it."

  Azim smiled. "For someone you claim was just a friend, you and Aliyah looked pretty close."

  "It was a wedding, Azim," Shahid said. "You know what happens at weddings."

  "I'm about to find out," Azim said with a grin.

  Shahid laughed and punched his brother playfully on the arm. "Another one down."

  Azim looked at Shahid. "And one brother left standing," he said.

  Shahid rolled his eyes. "Don't start on that again."

  "Maybe it's time, Shahid. You know what father thinks."

  Shahid sighed. "I certainly do. Father has made his views pretty clear."

  "He's only trying to think of your best interests, Shahid."

  "I know. But, sometimes he's not exactly diplomatic the way he talks about marriage. For him it's all about tradition and honor."

  "At least he hasn't tried to pick a bride for you," Azim said.

  Shahid nodded. "I suppose you're right. That would've been disastrous."

  Shahid shivered at the thought of an arrange marriage. They still took place amongst Qazhar families, especially when there were strong ties between tribes. But, Shahid felt he was of another generation. Marriages of convenience weren't for him. He had been used to an entirely different kind of life these past years, and he knew, deep down, that a bride chosen for him wouldn't be something he could have in his life.

  "We're of a different generation, Azim," Shahid said evenly. "Why can't father understand that?"

  Azim smiled. "He means well. Shahid. And mother is also thinking about what's best for you. You know that, don't you?"

  Shahid nodded. "I do. The last thing I'd want to do is shame the family."

  Azim laughed. "You've been pushing the edge on that one, don't you think?"

  "What are you talking about?" Shahid demanded.

  "Don't you think in the last few years you've been just a bit wild?" Azim asked.

  Shahid shrugged. "No worse than any of my friends."

  Azim nodded sagely. "We might be brothers, but we've always had different ideas of life, I guess."

  Shahid took Azim by the shoulders. "You've done pretty well, Azim. You're about to marry an amazing, beautiful woman. Lucy is really special."

  Azim nodded. "She is, isn't she?"

  "I'm so happy for you," Shahid said.

  "Thanks, brother. That means a lot to me." Azim frowned at Shahid. "But it doesn't get you off the hook. You still haven't given me an answer about you and Aliyah," he added quickly changing the tone of the conversation.

  Shahid groaned, realizing his effort at diverting Azim's attention had failed miserably. "We're just good friends. That's all there is to it. Why can't you believe me?"

  Azim shook his head. "I know you too well." He sighed. "Never mind. If you insist, then I suppose I have to take your word." Azim narrowed his eyes and peered at Shahid. "For the moment, at least."

  Had his brother guessed? Had Azim read Shahid's mind? He thought about Aliyah's insistence that nothing distract attention from the happy couple about to be married in a few days. Shahid knew Aliyah was right. They'd have to maintain the pretence. At least for the time being.

  Chapter Five

  Because she had been brought out to Azim's palace earlier that morning, Aliyah was just about to ask Nadyah if she could drive her home when Shahid and Azim appeared at the door to the sitting room.

  "Shahid. You're just the person I'm looking for," Nadyah said standing up. "I was just thinking that it's getting late and Aliyah needs to be getting back home. Could you drive her home?" Nadyah asked in such a way as to make it impossible for Shahid to refuse.

  Aliyah saw Shahid glance at her as if seeking permission. Or was it that he wanted to gauge her reaction to Nadyah's suggestion? Had her friend had this in mind the whole time, Aliyah asked herself. She'd wondered why Nadyah had gone to all that trouble to come and collect her this morning. Now she knew why. Maybe Nadyah was trying to replace Aliyah as the Qazhar matchmaker, Aliyah told herself.

  "What do you think, Aliyah?" Nadyah asked. "That would be nice, wouldn't it? You and Shahid can get a chance to catch up. Mmm?" Nadyah said her eyes filled with mischievous intent. There was no stopping her friend, Aliyah concluded.

  Lucy went to Azim's side and they both looked expectantly from Aliyah to Shahid.

  "If Shahid doesn't mind, then I guess I can't possibly say no, can I?" Aliyah said.

  Shahid was trying his best to be as casual and noncommittal as possible, and doing a pretty bad job as far as Aliyah was concerned. She was certain the others could see the flash of delight that appeared on his face when Nadyah had made the suggestion. But he was obviously determined to keep up the pretence.

  "Sure, Aliyah. I have to be back in town for the evening anyway," he said nonchalantly. "I'd be delighted to take you home."

  Aliyah stood and glanced at Nady
ah. Her friend's lips were fixed in a tight, barely contained smile. Nadyah's eyes were bright with excitement.

  "Well, that's that then," Aliyah said looking straight at Nadyah. "How can I refuse such a generous offer?"

  Aliyah looked toward Shahid. "As long as I'm not putting you to any trouble, Shahid. I know how busy you are."

  Even as she said the words, Aliyah knew they sounded hollow and utterly unconvincing. Usually she was good at pretending, but with Shahid it was so very different. Every time he looked at her she felt a rush of emotion. Were her traitorous reactions so obvious to the others?

  Aliyah said her goodbyes to everyone and followed Shahid as he led her through the palace and to his red sport scar which was parked in front of the palace steps.

  She halted at the top of the steps and looked at Shahid. "That went well, don't you think?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I don't they guessed. Did they?" she asked with a hint of urgency in her voice.

  Shahid shrugged. "I think this is going to be more difficult than you thought, Aliyah. Especially with my sister on the case."

  Aliyah squinted at Shahid.

  "You saw the way she did that?" he asked. "And Azim was asking me about you."

  "He was?"

  Shahid nodded. "Let's just play along with this."

  Shahid strode down the steps toward his car and opened the passenger door. She followed him to the car and halted, examining the gleaming red man toy.

  "That's quite a machine you've got there," she said.

  "I didn't think you'd be interested in cars," he said.

  Aliyah squinted at him. "I'm not." She glanced inside the car taking in the sight of the low, leather seats and dashboard. "It's just that it looks so nice."

  She could see that Shahid was pleased as he slowly ran his gaze over the vehicle. "It's one of my less expensive cars," he said casually.

  "One of them?" She looked at him in surprise. "How many have you got?" she asked.


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